Summary of our market study
The French corporate market for meal trays is estimated at €170 million.
The global market for meal trays is estimated at $2 billion.
The meal tray market in France comprises two segments: corporate deliveries and home-delivered meals for the elderly.
In the corporate world, the meal tray sector is growing at an annual rate of 2%. Avekapeti, Tout & Bon and L'Affiche focus on corporate meal delivery. Upscale companies such as Room Saveurs and Lenôtre have adopted "economical" offers to keep up with the competition, with prices for meal trays ranging from €15 to €30 excluding VAT.
In the segment of meal trays for the elderly, players such as Les Menus Services and Saveurs et Vie are seeing demand linked to the aging of the population and the increasing number of people losing their independence. Prices for these services range from 13 to 19 euros.
The meal tray market faces competition from Foodtech companies such as Deliveroo for Business, Just Eat for Business, and Uber for Business.
The French market is particularly concentrated, with leaders such as Room Saveurs, Class'Croûte and Riem Becker.
Traditional market players take advantage of economies of scale, while new entrants focus on differentiation through partnerships with gourmet brands.
This market benefits from government regulations that encourage personal assistance services, with tax assistance amounting to 50% of expenses incurred.
Main competitors in the meal trays market
- Room Saveurs: A subsidiary of the Fleury Michon group, Room Saveurs has forged partnerships with luxury gastronomy brands such as Fauchon.
- Class'Crôute: Known for its extensive network of franchises
- Riem Becker acquired L'Affiche from the Sodexo group, and has become the third-largest provider of meal trays.
- Les Menus Service focuses on the elderly with a network of franchised stores.
- Saveurs & vie: Another player in the meal tray delivery sector for the elderly.
- Foodtech startups such as Popchef and Foodchéri focus on home-cooked meal delivery services.
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Market overview and definition
The meal tray market covers all companies that make, prepare and deliver complete meals. There are two sub-segments in this market, depending on the consumers they cater to:
- Delivery of meal trays to companies: for meetings, events, seminars, etc., where volumes justify the use of specialized companies that can deliver these trays very quickly, unlike traditional caterers. These players also deliver to employees as a more regular alternative to the canteen, even if this activity represents a lower margin:
- Delivery of meal trays for individuals, and more specifically for the frail: a number of companies have specialized in the delivery of well-balanced and adapted meal trays for the frail who can no longer cook for themselves. Genuine personal assistance services, these brands also rely on personalization.
This study does not deal with mass catering meals, often referred to as meal trays, but which fall within the specific mass catering market (companies, schools, retirement homes or even air and rail transport), for which a study is available here. Lome delivery services such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats do not fall within the scope of this study either, as they are delivery services only (a study on this subject is available here)
The market is growing in both segments. Corporate meal trays are driven by employees' quest for efficiency at work during their lunch break, and their desire to combine it with a healthy diet. Home-delivered meals are benefiting from an ageing population and an increasing number of people losing their independence. Here again, the awareness that a healthy diet is the key to a balanced life is driving growth. This segment is expected to grow by 2% a year between 2019 and 2023.
The trend today is for personalized offerings, but also for eco-responsible criteria to be taken into account. In addition, competition from food techs, who offer delivery of restaurant dishes for often lower prices, is pushing down prices in the sector. However, meal tray companies can rely on their image of quality and flexibility.
1.2 Global market
The global market for meal trays is expected to grow at a CAGR of +*.*% over the decade, reaching US$*.* billion in ****.
sales trend for meal trays World, ****-****, € billion Source: ****
The market should be boosted by the post-Covid trend towardsready-made meals. The sector should also see a diversification of offerings, with the development of kosher, halal, vegetarian and therapeutic niche markets, as well as local and seasonal foods.
1.3 Domestic market
The corporate meal tray market
The corporate meal tray and catering market represented nearly ***.* million euros in ****, compared with ***.* million in ****, representing an average annual increase of *% according to Xerfi figures given by Challenges. It has grown steadily since **** (***). To propose an order of magnitude for sales in this segment in ****, we assume that the growth rate remains unchanged, resulting in a total of ***.* million euros in ****. However, we consider this figure to be a high range, as the sector has been hit hard by the health crisis and the ensuing spread of telecommuting, although companies have adapted their offerings.
Sales growth for corporate meal tray delivery specialists France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
The market for meal trays for the elderly
The market for meal trays for the elderly is growing. The aging of the population and the increase in the number of seniors losing their independence are helping to drive the market. The market is expected to grow by *% a year between **** and ****.
Meals-on-wheels market France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
The market was relatively unaffected by Covid-**, and continuity of delivery was ensured. For home-delivered meals, health precautions were put in place to protect at-risk populations, ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Employee and company demand
Companies and their employees are a central component of meal tray demand. Indicators such as the working population and the number of business start-ups all point to the demand for meal trays.
In ****, the working population stood at **.* million in France, up +*.* million on ****. According to INSEE forecasts, this upward trend is set to continue over the long term, with a projected **.* million active individuals in ****.
Working population France, ****-****, in millions Source: ****
We are considering here the number of business start-ups excluding micro-entrepreneurs: indeed, a micro-entrepreneur may not be considered to contribute to the demand for meal trays in the same way as another form of business with employees. Business start-ups have accelerated sharply over the past ** years: in Q* ****, the number of business start-ups stood at ***,*** (***). Business start-ups thus increased by +**% between these two periods.
Business start-ups (***) France, ****-****, over * sliding quarters in thousands Source: ****
The increase in the number of companies and employees should naturally lead to a rise in demand for meal trays, for which they are the main customers.
2.2 Changing eating habits in the workplace
Finding a balance between efficiency and a healthy lunch
**% of French people eat directly at their workplace (***) without taking a real lunch break. This figure rises to **% among women and the under-**s. A further **% eat at home or at a relative's place, compared with just **% who eat in the company canteen.
Places where employees eat lunch most often during the working day France, ****, in percent Source: ****
These figures show a real opportunity for lunch trays. Indeed, lunch at the workplace is indicative of a lack of time, and meal trays can be an interesting offer in this context, in the same way as deliveries of classic dishes.
However, where meal trays could have an advantage is in their healthy and balanced nature, since **% of French people would want their meal to be good for their health if it were provided by their employer. Taste only comes into play in *ᵉ position with **% of French people favoring it.
If your meal was paid for by your employer what characteristics would you expect from it? France, ****, in percent Source: ****
Telecommuting could turn these habits upside down
If telecommuting was still underdeveloped in ****, it mainly concerned executives, who were **.*% to benefit from it ...
2.3 The expected dynamism of meal delivery for the elderly
Meals-on-wheels services enable elderly people who are losing their independence to continue eating properly by receiving healthy meals directly, adapted to their dietary requirements.
Demand for this segment is set to grow significantly as the population ages. The over-**s will make up **.*% of the population in ****, compared with just **% in ****. The over **s are expected to represent *.* million people in ****, a *.*-fold increase on ****. [***]
Aging of the French population France, ****-****, in % Source: ****
Following this trend, the number of people suffering loss of autonomy is set to rise mechanically: according to INSEE projections, *.** million seniors could be affected by loss of autonomy.
Number of people aged ** and over suffering loss of autonomy France, ****, in millions Source: ****
With this figure, the number of people living in EPHAD or independent living residences is also set to rise. These people will need to be monitored on a daily basis by healthcare professionals, but also for their diet. Meal trays are therefore an appropriate service for these people.
Number of senior citizens by type of residence - intermediate dependency assumption France, ****-****, unit Source: ****
3 Market structure
3.1 Production and distribution
The traditional model: value chain integration, from formula design to production and distribution
Traditional players in the meal tray sector are active at all stages of the value chain, from sourcing to distribution, including the development of new formulas and their industrial production.
Companies such as Room Saveurs and Class'croute have their own kitchens (***), where all their own meal trays are produced. The value chain is thus completely integrated, and unlike foodtechs or restaurants, neither the preparation of dishes nor delivery is outsourced. Preparation may be entrusted to external players, but with whom long-term partnerships are forged, such as Room Saveurs, which offers dishes prepared by the Fauchon caterer.
These companies are often active in several segments: both the organization of professional events (***) that may require meal trays to feed guests, and the delivery of meal trays directly to employees for lunch breaks.
To stand out from the crowd, they focus not only on the quality and balance of the dishes on offer (***), but also on flexibility with same-morning call-out for delivery for a business lunch, for example - a significant advantage over caterers who require several weeks' lead time.
When it comes to lunchtime deliveries to employees, these players are ...
3.2 The main players in the sector
The players in the corporate meal tray market
While the sector seems fragmented, with a multiplicity of local and fragmented brands (***), the French market is highly concentrated around historic leaders such as Room Saveurs, Class'Croûte and Riem Becker, which acquired L'Affiche in ****.
In ****, Room Saveurs posted sales of €**.* million and earnings of €*.** million. [***]
These players in the meal tray sector have different strategies depending on their business model. While Room Saveurs has enlisted the services of big names in gastronomy such as Fauchon, but has no physical outlets, Class'Croûte opts to develop its outlets through a network of franchises.
Historically, traditional groups have entered the market by capitalizing on two key advantages: pre-existing production facilities and their status as long-standing partners of companies. Caterers such as Riem Becker have also positioned themselves in this segment to create a seasonal balance in their business volume. These players are consolidating the market through both partnerships and mergers & acquisitions.
On the partnership front, foodservice groups have joined forces with some of the big names in luxury gastronomy. For example, Room Saveurs (***) is working with Fauchon, while Sodexo has joined forces with Lenôtre[***]
On the mergers and acquisitions front, major deals have ...
3.3 Competition from Food Techs
The Foodtech model: outsourcing production to local restaurateurs to compete with foodservice professionals
Faced with the vertical integration of the food chain by the major groups, local restaurateurs have chosen Foodtech to enter the meal tray market. The Foodtech business model consists of listing restaurateurs on an online portal and taking charge of ordering and payment services, in exchange for a membership fee and commission.
The delivery service is also offered to restaurants that don't have their own fleet of couriers, giving them greater visibility and boosting sales by an average of ** to **%. [***].
Recently, the majority of foodtechs have set up solutions enabling companies to open a collective account for their employees, thereby gaining access to the BtoB market and competing directly with traditional players in the corporate meal tray sector.
Foodtech pioneer Just Eat (***) but also delivering meals thanks to its own national fleet of *,*** couriers, in ****.[***].
These new players generate deflationary pressure
These new entrants have established alternative business models where production is handled by partner restaurateurs, ultimately translating into lower prices for consumers.
The arrival of foodtech has heightened competitive pressure by offering competitive prices, fuelling a deflationary trend in this growing market.
In addition, the market is ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Falling prices
A deflationary trend driven by the rise of "low-cost" offerings and competition from Foodtech
The intensification of competitive pressure is leading to a generalized reduction in prices across the entire meal tray sector. Foodtechs are contributing to this deflationary trend by offering prices in line with those of their partner restaurants. The traditional players in the meal tray sector have adapted to these new demands by developing "economical" offers. By way of example, here are the cheapest prices found for a few players:
Room Saveurs offers a "Pause-Déjeuner" boxed set at less than€** excluding VAT(***); Lenôtre offers platters starting at €**.** ex VAT; St Once starts its range at €**.** ex VAT; Class'croute offers a trayat €**.** ex VAT.
As for the home delivery specialists, prices vary according to the formula chosen.
For Les Menus Services, at the André Citroën branch in Paris, you can choose between a full à la carte lunch (***), and so on. Prices may also vary according to location - for example, they are lower in Lyon. [***] Saveurs et Vie charges €**.** for a full lunch in Paris, and €**.** for a full lunch + dinner package. In the company's other region, Vendée, you'll pay €**.** for a full lunch and ...
4.2 Offer diversification
Menu diversification
Meal tray manufacturers are multiplying their models and formulas around the themes of nutrition and eco-responsibility:
In the range of products offered, "well-being" formulas represent a growing volume of total sales. These formulas emphasize the choice of fresh, balanced products with high nutritional value; In a similar vein, consumers are turning to seasonal products, leading to the development of new offers such as Room Saveurs' "Saison" range; In addition, meal tray manufacturers are placing increasing emphasis on eco-responsible packaging and waste management.
Room Saveurs, for example, promotes an additive-free offer, with a majority of French products (***), and minimal waste. The brand even sets a target of zero plastic by ****. [***] Vegetarian menus are also offered, to meet consumer expectations as closely as possible.
The trend can also be observed among those involved in meal trays for isolated people. Les Menus Services is committed to delivering in recycled food trays with kraft or biosourced paper bags. Electric vehicles have also joined the company's fleet to minimize CO* emissions during deliveries.
An expanded product range in line with consumer trends
The products offered by players in the meal tray sector are characterized by a twofold movement towards greater breadth and upmarket positioning. ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Government-recommended hygiene practices
Home delivery regulations have been particularly developed in recent years, as the practice gains in popularity and the associated players and business models multiply.
Best practices are defined by the Direction de l'Information Légale et Administrative(***), which emphasizes the treatment of products according to their sensitivity:
Source: ****
When it comes to the delivery of meal trays, health safety is an important issue. The government regularly publishes informative documents to provide a framework of practices to be respected throughout the food delivery process. The following table summarizes the various temperature and/or packaging requirements.
Source: ****
5.2 Regulations governing the delivery of meal trays
The French government regulates meal delivery for health and commercial reasons. A number of issues are involved, and here are the main ones.
Declaring your activity
According to thedecree of June **, ****, the person in charge of the meal delivery service must declare his activity to the Direction Départementale de la Protection des Populations of the département where the establishment is located.
Ensuring supplier compliance with hygiene standards
Meal delivery companies must ensure that their suppliers comply with the health and safety requirements imposed by law, in particular with regard to the following points:
The supplier must be registered with the relevant authorities; The supplier undertakes to comply with procedures based on HACCP (***) principles; The supplier's premises must appear to be in a perfect state of cleanliness, and staff must comply with basic hygiene rules (***); The foodstuffs supplied by the establishment must be perfectly fresh, delivered at a temperature higher than that required for hot food and lower than that required for cold food; The packaging and labeling (***) of meal trays must comply with current standards; The supplier must put in place procedures to ensure the traceability of foodstuffs.
Ensure that end customers are properly informed
End customers must be ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Room Saveurs
- Apagor -Class'croute
- Riem Becker Groupe
- Les Menus Services
- Saveurs et Vie
- La Brigade de Vero
- Chef Cheffe
- Crior
- Foodles
- Instant B
- Instant Lunch
- LB La Boite
- Le Bon Bocal
- Le Cercle Traiteur
- Maison Alexandre Traiteur Paris
- Serenest
- Tout & Bon
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