Summary of our market study

The French market for waste compactors is estimated at 40 million euros

The global market for waste compactors is worth around $600 million and growing at an annual rate of 5%. The market is faced with the challenges of alternative waste treatment equipment such as shredders and incinerators.

The French market for waste compactors can be roughly estimated at 40 million euros, based on company sales and import-export figures.

The French construction sector is a major end-user of waste compactors for the treatment of inert and non-hazardous waste.

The facilities management market in France is a related sector that is expected to grow by 5% a year. Local authorities and waste collection service providers are vital segments of the compactor market, with continuing pressure to manage waste efficiently, not least due to the general tax on polluting activities (TGAP).

The waste chain includes production, pre-collection, collection, treatment and recovery.

Demand for waste compactors on the French market

These machines are essential for reducing the volume of waste. There are different types of compactor: balers, which transform waste into bales for immediate sorting, and conventional compactors, used to compress large waste generated by industry or public authorities.

The waste industry is made up of various players: construction sites, treatment plant managers, local authorities and waste collection service providers.

Construction sites produce over 250 million tonnes of waste a year, much of which can be managed using compaction techniques.

The facility management¨ sector, which is worth between 40 and 50 billion euros globally, makes waste management one of its main activities.

Local authorities, responsible for household waste management, represent an important market segment for waste compactors. Every French person produces 354 kg of household waste per year, which needs to be treated.

The high cost of waste management services, estimated at between 15 and 20 euros per inhabitant per year, is one of the driving forces behind investment in compaction technologies.

The French market for waste collection services is estimated to be worth around €5 billion in 2021. A few large companies dominate the sector.

Events such as festivals and trade shows generate large quantities of waste, often handled by rental companies supplying compaction equipment.

Players in the waste compaction market

  • Vinci Environnement, Suez Environnement and Paprec are the most versatile companies in the waste management market.
  • AJK France contributes its expertise with specialized waste compactors.
  • Bergmann: produces high-quality compactors.
  • Decoval Servipack: focuses on the design and manufacture of compaction equipment.
  • G Gillard: Distribution player offering a range of compactors for industrial and municipal needs.
  • Galicier: Compactor manufacturer.
  • Mil-tek: Specializes in the manufacture of balers.
  • Pressor: Offers a range of waste compaction solutions.
  • Sacria Industries: Leading manufacturer of waste compactors
  • Caterpillar, Komatsu and other public works equipment manufacturers adapt their machines to compact waste in open dumps.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Waste compactors are machines used to simplify the dynamics of waste management. There are a number of different machines to choose from, depending on factors such as waste type, size, available space and work process dynamics.

The best-known machines are

  • The baler: transforms waste into bales, facilitating storage. The advantage is immediate sorting. There are horizontal balers, such as conveyor belts, and vertical balers, which are more versatile and adaptable in terms of space.
  • Compactors: used to compress large, mixed waste, generally from industrial activities or municipal waste.

Horizontal balers are generally used in large companies producing large quantities of waste, while smaller companies generally have a vertical baler to optimize available space.

As for the global waste compactor market, it was valued at $466 million in 2019 and is expected to reach $609 million by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.56%.

1.2 The global market in turmoil

The market for waste compactors is growing at an annual rate of *.**% to reach $*** million by ****.

The threat of substitution towards other waste processing equipment (***) is one of the main uncertainties in this market. The main customers are grocery stores, airports, distribution centers, retail stores and hospitals.

Waste compactors market size World, ****-****, Millions of dollars CAGR (***): +*.**% Source: ****

1.3 French market

No figures are available for the French waste compactor market, so we have to estimate it using the information available. To this end, we have established a two-stage approach: firstly, a top-downfirst, using general information as a starting point, we deduce figures for the specific waste compactor segment. Another approach, called bottom-up completes the top-down approach, by determining the demand and supply of waste compactors at the finest level, in order to extract a synthesis and therefore a national market size. Top-down approach According to a Market Study Report, the global market is estimated to be worth around $*** million in ****, with France accounting for less than *.*% of the total volume of waste compactors produced, i.e. less than $** million (***). Added to this is the fact that France is a major importer in this field, with companies such as Mil-tek, Presto and Bergmann having a strong presence in the domestic market despite their foreign origins. Using this top-down approach, the market size for France is estimated at around ** million euros for ****, with an expected growth rate similar to that of the world market (***). Bottom-up approach Gillard, one of France's market leaders, reported total sales of ** million euros in ****, including : *,*** Removable Tippers *** Waste ...

1.4 International trade

HS code ****** is used to analyze the flow of "Machines and appliances for tamping or compacting". Germany accounts for almost **% of French compactor imports, followed by Japan. This is hardly surprising, given that these two countries are the world's biggest suppliers of machines for all purposes.

Origin of compactor imports by country France, ****, % of total Source: ****

Exports, on the other hand, are lower and the destinations more diversified. with the exception of Thailand and the UK, each country's share is less than **%.

Destination of compactor exports by country France, ****, % of total Source: ****

It should be noted, however, that the coverage rate has improved, thanks to a gradual balancing of the trade balance. The rate has risen from **% in **** to **% in ****.

evolution of the trade balance France, ****-****, US$ million Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Construction sites

France's construction industry produces over *** million tonnes of waste per year, including ** million tonnes for the building industry and over *** million tonnes for public works.

These include

Inert waste (***) Non-hazardous waste (***) is sent to various recycling facilities for recovery. Non-hazardous waste is most likely to be compacted. Hazardous waste (***) can be recovered, even if this involves more complex and costly processes.

2.2 Facilities management

The French facilities management market is expected to grow by *% a year between **** and ****, reaching ** billion euros. [***] This market, also known as general services, covers all the services required for a company's normal operations, such as mail management, supplies purchasing, building maintenance and cleaning, and green space maintenance.

growth in facility management sales France, ****-****, € billion Source: ****

Waste management is a priority for this market, as it is one of its core activities. In this field, the French market is lagging behind Anglo-Saxon countries, for example, but recent regulations and societal changes are driving companies in the sector, which are now seeking to differentiate themselves by offering services that are increasingly tailored to customer needs.

Their expansion will necessarily lead to the purchase and rental of new waste management, collection and treatment equipment, providing good opportunities for manufacturers of balers and waste compactors.

For the time being, it's the giants of the construction industry (***) share the bulk of the French Facilities Management market. All are multi-skilled operators. New specialized players have emerged in France, such as Groupe Armonia, Advenis, Nexity and Icade, all of which are companies commissioned by a customer to run its Facilities Management services, subcontracting to a global ...

2.3 Local authorities

Within the framework of public service and the General Code of Territorial Collectivities (***). This responsibility is compulsorily transferred to the communities of communes, communities of agglos or urban communities to which the commune belongs.

In practice, local authorities carry out waste collection and treatment:

On their own: in this case, staff are members of the local civil service; By calling on a private company, usually through a contract or public service delegation,

The public waste service is financed by taxes or fees. These charges can be used to encourage waste reduction and sorting.

The cost of this service is significant. In ****, it represented €***.*/capita[***], or nearly €* billion for local authorities. In addition, the rise in the general tax on polluting activities (***) should mechanically increase the cost of managing all waste that is not recovered, i.e. that which is incinerated or landfilled.

tGAP cost trends by treatment method France, ****-****, €/T Source: ****

In France, the average production of household waste is *** kilos per inhabitant per year. [***]

In this respect, manufacturers of waste compactors find themselves in direct demand from local authorities, which require this type of equipment to limit the number of rotations of their waste collectors.

2.4 Waste collection service providers

There were *** non-hazardous waste collection companies present on the French market in ****, together generating sales of *.* billion euros. This figure has grown by **% in * years, taking the market to a value created of *.* billion euros in ****.

The data can be analyzed on the Insee website using NAF code **.**Z: "Collection of non-hazardous waste"

Sales and number of waste collection companies France, ****-****, € billions and in units Source: ****

Nevertheless, we can expect a structural decline in the activities of waste collectors, due to declining production of household waste per capita. This market is by its very nature highly concentrated, with two market leaders, Veolia and Suez, occupying a very important place. [***]. It was bought out in **** by Paprec, which wants to weigh in against Veolia after its takeover of Suez.

List of a selection of companies operating in the waste management and sorting market for temporary events in France:

2.5 Events, for equipment rental companies

A sporting event attended by *,*** people generates up to *.* tonnes of waste, *,*** kWh of energy and *** kilos of paper, according to figures from Zero Waste France. A number of players are involved in waste management at temporary events, as are local authorities such as Grand Annecy, which offers a practical guide for event organizers and the management of waste produced within the city.

On the corporate side, EasyTri in Toulouse, AREMACS in Marseille and Lyon and Triethic in the Paris region offer waste collection and management services for one-off events. A more exhaustive list of providers of this kind of service is given below.

In the specific case of waste management and collection equipment rental companies, they can consider partnerships with the above-mentioned companies. They can also count on the prevention campaigns of Zéro Waste France, an association under the law of **** that promotes a zero-waste philosophy and boasts a permanent team of ** members, an **-member board of directors and, above all, an army of volunteers numbering several hundred.

estimating the amount of waste to be managed for each event France, ****, in tonnes Source: ****

A festival is also an event that generates a large quantity of waste (***), of which around ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Overview of waste compactor manufacturers

We have isolated a list of ** French and foreign companies present on the French waste compactor market, the list and construction of which is given later in this section. From this list, we have drawn up some sales and employee statistics, in order to establish the concentration of this market.

Sales figures

Only one company in this market has sales in excess of *** million euros in France(***), although it is present in many sectors other than the simple manufacture and/or distribution of waste compactors. The rest of our panel is fairly balanced, with the same proportion of companies in the sector with sales between €* and €* million, €* and €** million and €** and €** million.

Breakdown of companies in the waste compactors sector by sales figure France, ****, in Source: ****

Number of employees

Similarly, we are able to segment companies in this market according to the number of employees. This statistic provides us with information on company size, and we note that the vast majority of companies (***) employ fewer than ** employees, with **.*% employing fewer than **. Only two companies stand out with over *** employees: Carrosserie Vincent and Vinci Environnement, whose activities are not specific to construction or waste distribution.

Distribution of companies in the waste compactors ...

3.2 The specific case of short-term rental

Waste compactor rental is primarily intended for temporary events, such as

Trade shows, Event gatherings Temporary evacuation of industrial waste Itinerant construction site waste

While many waste compactor manufacturers are active in the long-term rental market, generally for ** months or more, few are active in the short-term rental market. This involves more services, such as :

Transportation of machines, which is much more frequent because they are rented for shorter periods of time Rapid machine training for novices

Nevertheless, many services are common to both the purchase and rental markets, such as :

Machine inspection (***) Troubleshooting and assistance in the event of malfunctions (***) Advice on the type of machine best suited to the intended use.

In practice, we have identified only three companies that explicitly offer short-term rentals, although it is conceivable that other players are present in this market where demand is growing (***). These companies are

Prime Location SOLEN Atelier-pro

3.3 Panel companies

We have compiled a panel of companies involved in the manufacture or sale of waste compactors and balers. This panel is drawn in part from France Environnement, a national platform for news and information about environmental companies, products and technical know-how. Created in **** as a paper directory, since **** France Environnement lists over **,*** products in ** distinct environmental sectors.

By observing their sales and their direct impact on the market, we have sorted these players according to their position as leaders, challengers or small players. We also distinguished between French and foreign players and, where possible, their role in the value chain (***).

a total of ** companies were included in this panel, to which we can add leader Vinci Environnement, a special case due to its much larger size than all the other players and its more versatile activities.

3.4 Overview of the waste industry in France

Waste compactor manufacturing, distribution and maintenance activities areallpart of the growing market for waste recovery, collection, recycling and reclamation. To begin with, the waste industry can be summarized according to the production and value diagram below:

Manufacturers and distributors of waste compactors have a key role to play in this production chain between the pre-collection and collection phases. The main argument put forward by the vendors of this type of equipment to their customers is, of course, the rate at which waste can be compressed, thus saving space and, above all, reducing turnover (***).

Waste collectors are therefore particularly popular with waste collection service providers.

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Product benchmark


Balers come in two different families of models, horizontal or vertical. They can be used to compress lightweight materials such as cardboard, plastic, PET, etc.

They come in a range of sizes and pressures, with the average compression ratio being around **, i.e. * cubic meter of compressed cardboard represents ** cubic meters of uncompressed cardboard.

Prices also vary according to the size of the machine: Djumbo Presse offers a model at €*,*** for bales weighing around *** kilos.

Monobloc compactor

This type of equipment is more suited to construction sites and other industries producing waste such as scrap metal or bulky items. A monoblock compactor is therefore the ideal solution for compacting large volumes of waste, without the need for any specific layout prior to installation.

A monoblock compactor consists of a press section and a container in different volumes. For example, the PRESTO Group offers models with a filling volume of *.* or *.* cubic meters, for compression forces of *** kN/m².

Stationary compactors

Fixed-station compactors prove their worth when it comes to integrating this equipment directly into a production line, for large volumes of waste. They are suitable for non-hazardous industrial waste, with compression forces of around *** kN/m².

For example, Sacria Industries ...

4.2 Summary diagram

All waste compaction solutions can be represented in a two-axis matrix as a function of the volume of waste to be processed and the weight transported.

This matrix should be read with caution, however, as certain types of compactor can vary greatly depending on the model and user expectations.

The conseil-expertise website lists and comments on the different waste compaction products according to their intended use.

4.3 Other services

A range of peripheral equipment is available to ensure the smooth operation of compactors (***). This equipment is designed to facilitate operators' work. [***]

The container lifter, designed to tilt bins to facilitate operators' work; The hopper cover, designed to enhance safety and prevent intrusion into the waste compactor hopper during operation; Ozone generator: specially designed to eliminate odors and bacteria emanating from waste, this elimination is achieved by means of a metal enclosure that attaches to the waste compactor.

In addition to &peripheral equipment, waste compactor manufacturers also provide additional services, such as Planning & Consulting, Installation and Commissioning, Training in the use of the machine, and finally Maintenance and Service. With regard to the latter, the law requires periodic product inspection visits (***).

Finally, many waste compactor manufacturers offer used equipment, such as Gillard or Presto. Finally, the rental of waste compactor equipment is the subject of the next section.

4.4 Waste compactor rental service

Long-term rental (***)

Long-term leasing of waste compactors is generally valid for ** months and is offered directly by the manufacturers. Leasing may include machine maintenance, although this is not always the case.

Solen, for example, has been offering the following leasing services since ****:

Standard leasing terms of three to five years, Long-term leasing for * years or deconsolidation solutions.

AJK and its equipment rental service AJK Renting offers equipment rental solutions for short or long periods. However, its offer is more oriented towards long-term leasing.

Short-term rental (***)

Short-term rental services, ranging from a few days to a few weeks, are also offered by some manufacturers and other service providers. These services are designed to meet temporary or even exceptional waste flow management requirements (***).

In ****,SOLEN marked the operational debut of short-term rental, with adapted equipment made available for periods ranging from * week to ** months. This solution has evolved and, in ****, enabled us to expand the range of products available for rental, and now covers almost all the equipment offered by SOLEN.

The company Atelier Avenir Pro, located in the Tarn-et-Garonne region, also offers Soleil-Pac solar compactors for rental for one day or more, with prices starting from €*** per day (***).

Prime Location is also ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Main machine standards and directives

European directive

The European Machinery Directive ****/**/EC of May **, **** specifies the safety requirements applicable to the design, construction and information for the safe use of horizontal balers used to compact waste or recyclable materials (***), hereinafter referred to as "materials". It applies only to machines fed by conveyors or feed hoppers on which bales are bound manually or automatically.

French regulations

According to article R.****-** of the French Labor Code and the decree of March *, ****, waste compactor machines must be checked every * months. The inspection covers maintenance, operation and safety.

French standards

NF EN ***** is a "type C" standard. It therefore specifies particular safety aspects that take precedence over other, more generic, type A or B standards. NF EN ***** is entitled "Compaction machinery for waste or recyclable materials - Horizontal baling presses - Safety requirements".

This standard "specifies the safety requirements applicable to the design, construction and information for the safe use of horizontal baling presses which are used to compact waste or recyclable materials".

Lastly, NF EN ***** of October **** on "Compacting machines for waste or recyclable materials - Vertical baling presses - Safety requirements - Compacting machines for waste or recyclable materials".for waste or recyclable materials, specifies the safety ...

5.2 Waste recovery

The law of August *, **** on the New Territorial Organization of the Republic (***). It also gives responsibility for waste to EPCIs, and strengthens them by instituting a minimum population of **,*** inhabitants

There is also a waste reduction and recovery plan for ****/****, based on the work of the National Waste Council. Accompanying measures, carried out in part by ADEME, are implemented to support the various players involved.

Finally, the Order of December **, **** transposes the **** Waste Framework Directive into French law (***). It defines what constitutes waste, promotes waste prevention and introduces a hierarchy of treatment methods, with priority given to reuse, recycling and recovery.

In addition, any producer or holder of waste is responsible for its management. This responsibility extends to the final disposal or recovery of the waste. This means that, in the event of damage to the environment or human health during any of the waste management stages, the initial producer and successive holders may be required to take the necessary take the necessary steps to direct the waste towards an appropriate channel and repair the damage caused by faulty management.

This is a key principle of waste regulations: in the vast majority of cases, it identifies the person (***) responsible ...

5.3 Future regulations and the anti-waste law

The construction sector produces around *.* tonnes of waste per inhabitant per year, i.e. around **% of all waste in France. As a result, the government wants to aim for ***% plastic recycling by ****, and thus promote the circular economy, which consists of limiting waste as much as possible in order to reintroduce it into the production chain.

The anti-waste bill for a circular economy, presented to the Council of Ministers on July **, ****, is structured around four axes:

Stop waste to preserve our resources Mobilizing manufacturers to transform our production methods Inform to consume better Improving waste collection to combat illegal dumping

In concrete terms, these new regulations should put an end to the destruction of unsold goods, while encouraging repair and the use of spare parts.

Lastly, since ****, the construction sector has been required to carry out a waste diagnosis prior to construction. The bill provides for this diagnosis to be extended to major renovations, as these generate a significant amount of secondary construction waste. This measure should finally come into force by ****.

All these proposals presented to the Council of Ministers now need to be implemented in future decrees and regulations, and a lobbying battle between industry and NGOs is in ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Bergmann
  • Paprec Groupe
  • Sulo
  • Mil-Tek 2
  • Aktid
  • V2V Groupe

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