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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The electrical installation market covers all activities related to the installation, maintenance and renovation of electrical systems in various types of buildings and infrastructures. This includes

  • Initial installation in new residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
  • Rehabilitation and renovation of existing installations.
  • Integration of home automation for equipment automation.
  • Installation of electric vehicle recharging systems(IRVE), renewable energy sources such as solar panels, and other emerging technologies.
  • Preventive and corrective maintenance of electrical systems.
  • Compliance with safety and energy efficiency standards.

In France, the electrical installation market is segmented between new-build (36%) and renovation (64%) activities. New construction has been affected by volatile property prices, leading to generally negative fluctuations in demand for new electrical installations: for example, the number of single-family homes built in January 2024 was around 10,000, compared with over 20,000 in 2022. By contrast, the energy renovation sector benefits from government incentives such as MaPrimeRénov and tax breaks, although this market is showing signs of slowing down.

The advent of home automation, electric vehicle charging infrastructure (IRVE) and solar panel installations is also influencing the market. Home automation, in particular, is transforming the way buildings are managed and consume energy, promoting more intelligent, integrated electrical installations.

On the distribution side, electrical equipment suppliers such as Rexel and Sonepar hold significant bargaining power and directly influence installation market prices, which are themselves subject to the rising cost of raw materials such as copper.

1.2 Global market

World market for electrical installations France, ****-****, in billions of USD Source: ****

The global market for electrical installations in France shows strong growth forecast from **** to ****, rising from USD ***.** billion to USD ***.** billion. Forecasts indicate a steady increase every year, underlining growing demand for electrical installations.

1.3 French market

Market for electrical installation work in all premises (***) France, ****-****, in billions of € excl. tax Source: ****

The market for electrical installation work in France showed notable growth from **** to ****, rising from €**.** billion to €**.** billion excluding VAT. Despite a slight dip in ****, probably due to the COVID-** pandemic, the sector quickly rebounded ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand divided between new installations and maintenance-renovations

Demand for electrical installations is divided into two main segments: new construction and maintenance-renovation.

New construction: This segment covers electrical installations in new residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Elements specific to this market include the installation of modern, efficient electrical systems, the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as home automation, advanced ...

2.2 The decline in the new-build market

In ****, companies in the construction sector face persistent challenges, particularly in new housing construction, affected by high prices and adjustments to government support schemes such as the end of the Pinel scheme and the refocusing of the PTZ. Non-residential construction is showing greater resilience, buoyed by the dynamism of e-commerce, growing ...

2.3 The maintenance-renovation market

Themaintenance-renovation segment is mainly underpinned by the demand for energy-efficiency improvement work. High energy prices (***). However, pressures on household purchasing power may limit their ability to pay for the remaining work.

Housing maintenance-renovation market France, ****-****, billions of euros Source: ****

The housing maintenance and renovation market recorded steady growth from **** to ...

2.4 Helping the French cope with energy renovation: the role of government incentives

What the French think and their fears about energy renovation

Energy renovation work carried out since January **** France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

**% of homeowners have already carried out energy renovation work since January ****, while **% of homeowners have not yet undertaken such work, but intend to do so in the future.

Triggers for energy ...

2.4 The smart grid in housing: the rise of the smart house

Smartgrids are "intelligent" electricity distribution networks that use information and computing technologies to optimize the production, distribution and consumption of electricity to improve energy optimize the production, distribution and consumption of electricity to improve energy efficiency.

The rise of smart grids in production facilities and homes represents a major ...

2.5 New demand trends in the electrical engineering market

Increasingly efficient solar panels

In terms of the number of installations, the French photovoltaic installed base is largely dominated by large-scale facilities (***).

France intends to accelerate the deployment of photovoltaic installations drastically in the coming years, increasing the number of new installations to * GW per year between **** and **** [***].

French photovoltaic installations ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

3.2 Volume and geographical breakdown of companies and employees

The number of establishments in the electrical installation sector in France has increased from **,*** in **** to **,*** in ****, indicating steady growth. The number of salaried employees has also risen, from ***,*** in **** to ***,*** in ****, despite a slight drop in ****.

Number of companies in the electrical installation sector (***) France, ****-****, in units Source: ****

Number ...

3.3 Trends in the electrical wholesale market

A market dominated by two electrical supplies giants: Rexel and Sonepar

The electrical supplies trading market is highly concentrated around the two groups Rexel and Sonepar, regularly resulting in more or less concerted pricing strategies.

In ****, Médiapart revealed that Schneider Electric, Legrand, Rexel and Sonepar were accused of having set ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Types of work that can be carried out

Heavy current

High-current installations encompass a wide range of services essential to the distribution and management of high-power electricity. These services include :

Low-voltage electrical installations: including the installation and maintenance of electrical systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Site installations: Provide temporary solutions to power equipment and facilities on construction ...

4.2 Electrical installation prices

New electrical installation prices by type of dwelling[***] [

Every electrical installation must include :

An electrical panel, An adequate length of cable to carry electricity to all premises, Switches, A ground connection.

Prices for individual new electrical installation work[***]

Prices for renovation work[***]

4.3 Rising raw materials costs

Copper plays a crucial role in electrical installations thanks to its superior electrical and mechanical properties. As a first-rate electrical conductor, copper offers exceptional conductivity, facilitating efficient transfer of electricity while minimizing energy losses. Its malleability makes it easy to shape and install in a variety of electrical equipment and cables. ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulatory framework

Provisions relating to the safety of electrical installations in new buildings are set out in article R ***-** of the French Construction and Housing Code. Their application is defined by thedecree of October **, ****, which requires electrical installations in new buildings to comply with standards NF C **-*** and NF C **-*** ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Positioning the players

  • Dalkia
  • SPIE
  • Bouygues Energie et Service (Equans)
  • Eiffage Énergie Systèmes
  • Snef

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Worldwide market for electrical installations
  • Contract for electrical installation work on all premises (43.21A)
  • Breakdown of electrical installation sales by type of work (private market)
  • French photovoltaic installations by farm size
  • New installations in 2022
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  • Eiffage already generates around 10% of its sales in Germany
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Bouygues Energie et Service (Equans)
Eiffage Énergie Systèmes

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the market for electrical installation work | France

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