Summary of our market study

The French machine tool market is estimated at €1.3 billion in 2022.

In 2020, the world market for machine tools fell from €75.3 billion to €60.1 billion due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Europe holds 34% of the world market. China and Japan have a strong market presence.

The machine tool sector is undergoing a transformation propelled by Industry 4.0.

Demand dynamics in the machine tool sector

The machine tool sector was characterized by relatively stable demand at national level. The French market, in particular, saw a growth in sales, especially for metalworking machine tools. The market size for this sector alone is around 1 billion euros.

The aerospace and automotive markets are major consumers of machine tools. The aerospace sector is valued at around €65 billion and growing. French automotive production has been declining for several years.

The average age of machine tools in France is getting younger, hovering around 17 years, which is similar to that observed in Germany.

France imports more machine tools than it exports, with a trade deficit of over 824 million euros.

Manufacturers and players in the machine tool market

  • Fives is a French engineering group that has secured a strong market position through strategic acquisitions, such as the incorporation of certain machining activities of the Dufieux group.
  • Numalliance is renowned for its specialization in the cold forming of wires and tubes
  • Realmeca is renowned for high-precision machine tools
  • Redex offers precise and robust metalworking solutions.
  • Mécanuméric
  • RGI France focuses on hard metal machining.
  • Somab offers a diversified portfolio in the metal-cutting machine tool segment.
  • Mecanic Worker specializes in machine tools for woodworking.
  • Suteau stands out for its specialized machine tools for working with flexible materials
  • MFLS focuses on wood cutting.
  • Thibaut is a specialist in the manufacture of machine tools for stone working.
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
  • Last update :

Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Machine tools are mechanical equipment mainly intended for machining or repetitive tasks requiring precision and variable power.

This is the Cecimo (the European association of the machine tool industry) which has the largest market share in the world (about one third) (about one third) with major players in Germany and Italy (e.g. Trumpf, Comau, Schuler and SCM). Asian countries also have a strong presence in the global market, particularly Japan and China.

Whilethe global market has been declining in recent years (down 6% in 2019), the French market is experiencing slight growth in sales, driven by the sale of metalworking machine tools. The French market is characterized by a strong the French market is characterized by a strong trade balance deficit, which has tended to increase over the past decade.

Althoughthe final customers in the sector are industrialists, machine tool manufacturers often use intermediaries for distribution.

Finally, the emergence of Industry 4.0 will change the offer of machine tool manufacturers, who will have to enrich their offers and propose innovative products with high technological added value, such as connected machine tools.


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