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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Generating sets are self-contained devices that produce electricity by means of an internal combustion engine driving an alternator. In 2024, their market will undergo a major transformation, driven by rising electricity prices, the growing importance of renewable energies and the expansion of critical infrastructures such as data centers. Available models range from a few kilograms to several tens of tons, with power expressed in volt-amperes (VA), kilovolt-amperes (kVA) or megavolt-amperes (MVA). Diesel engines and gas turbines generally equip the most powerful models.
The genset market in 2024 is structured around several criteria:
- Electrical capacity: < 75 kVA, 75 - 350 kVA and > 350 kVA
- Use: commercial, residential or industrial
- Fuel used: gasoline, diesel, gas, hydrogen
- End application: emergency power, continuous power generation or peak load smoothing
There are three main categories:
- High-power generators, custom-built by players such as Caterpillar and Jenbacher, for industries, hospitals, local authorities and data centers. The rise of digital technology and the need to guarantee a continuous power supply are driving this segment to grow strongly by 2024.
- Medium-power generators, mass-produced by manufacturers such as Pramac, are widely used in construction, events and public works. They are increasingly used on a rental basis, not least because of the rising costs of acquisition and maintenance.
- Small generators, mass-produced and often imported from China, distributed via DIY superstores. By 2024, hybrid and hydrogen-powered models are beginning to emerge, in response to new environmental standards and consumer concerns.
In 2024, French production remains concentrated in a few industrial hubs, notably Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (31 plants) and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (26 plants), while other regions are clearly under-industrialized. France remains heavily dependent on imports, mainly from China (7.08 billion euros of exports to France), well ahead of the United States and Spain. This growing dependence raises strategic issues, particularly in terms of energy sovereignty and diversification of supply sources.
Since 2022, the market has experienced a spectacular recovery after a period of stagnation. french exports jumped from €477.3 million in 2022 to €1,145 million in 2023, before declining slightly in 2024 to €972.9 million, confirming a level still well above pre-pandemic trends. At the same time, electricity consumption in France is set to pick up slightly in 2024 (+0.7% on 2023), which could bolster demand for generator sets, particularly for industrial applications.this could boost demand for generator sets, particularly from businesses and local authorities seeking to secure their power supply in the event of grid tensions.
1.2 Global market on the rise
The global genset market is enjoying sustained growth, driven by rising demand for backup power and the expansion of critical infrastructures. In ****, it represented sales of $*.* billion, and is expected to reach $*.* billion in ****, representing a CAGR of *.*% over the period ****-****.
Global generator market size World, **** - **** Source: Precedence Research * forecasts
Demand is particularly strong for * to * kW gensets, a segment that will exceed $* billion by ****. This trend can be explained by the growing need for backup power for homes and small businesses, particularly in the face of extreme weather events or more frequent power cuts. The commercial segment is also set to record significant growth, with an annual rate in excess of *.*%.
North America remains a key market, with an estimated size of over $*.* billion in ****, driven by investments in energy resilience and infrastructure modernization. More developed regions continue to invest in more efficient, environmentally-friendly gensets, while emerging markets show growing demand for affordable, flexible solutions.
The rise of hybrid and hydrogen-powered gensets could play a central role in the market's evolution. Companies in the sector are increasingly focusing on low-emission technologies in response to new environmental regulations and growing sustainability concerns.
1.3 The domestic market
In order to study the size of the genset market, we will look at the market for the manufacture of motors, generators and electrical transformers (***), of which it is a part.
sales trends in the market for the manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers France, ****- Jan-Sept ****, in billions of euros Source: ****
The market for the manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers has been relatively stable over the period ****-****. However, there will be a significant drop in ****, with market sales falling by around **%. However, the data show a positive trend in subsequent years. The year ****, up to November, shows a continuation of this growth, with sales reaching *.*** billion euros. This performance indicates a marked upward trend, suggesting a strong post-pandemic recovery and possible market consolidation.
Focus on sales index trends in the manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers France, Jan-Sept ****, base *** in **** Source: ****
Looking more intensively at the first ** months of ****, it appears that the monthly indices intermittently reach peaks of over *** (***), indicating that there has been some tension at several points in the year on demand for electric motors, generators and transformers. However, a more steady progressionseems to be taking shape towards the end of ****, probably ...
1.4 Foreign trade
In order to study the foreign trade data for generating sets, we have examined the data relating to customs code ****, which defines: "Generating sets and electric rotary converters."
trend in the level of exports of generating sets and electric rotary converters France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Exports of gensets and electric rotary converters remained relatively stable between **** and ****, fluctuating between *** and *** million euros. A significant drop was recorded in **** (***), but exports remain well above pre-pandemic levels, indicating a positive long-term dynamic.
Main importing countries for electric generators and rotary converters France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
The United States stands out as the main importer, with purchases worth €*.** billion, followed by the UK (***). This breakdown suggests strong demand in North America and Europe, with a breakthrough in Asia, particularly China.
import trends for electric generators and rotary converters France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
French imports have been rising steadily since ****, reaching a peak in **** (***). These fluctuations reveal a variable dependence on imports, potentially linked to industrial cycles and the need to renew machinery.
Main countries exporting electric generator sets and rotary converters to France France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
China dominates exports to France with €*.** billion, ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Demand for electricity determines demand for gensets
After several years of decline, electricity consumption in France rose slightly in ****, reaching ***.* TWh, up *.*% on **** (***). This trend reversal was mainly driven by the recovery in consumption by large industrial and tertiary consumers, which recorded growth of +*.*%.
However, despite this recovery, overall consumption remains -*% lower than the average for the ****-**** period, and -**.*% lower for large consumers connected to the RTE network. This situation can be largely explained by ongoing energy efficiency efforts, the growing adoption of renewable energies and changes in consumption behavior in a context of rising energy prices.this situation is largely due to ongoing energy efficiency efforts, the growing adoption of renewable energies, and changes in consumption behavior in a context of energy transition and sobriety imposed by the recent energy crises.
The evolution of electricity consumption is a determining factor in the demand for gensets. An increase in consumption can mean greater dependence on the power grid, implying a greater need for back-up solutions in the event of disruptions. conversely, a stabilization or fall in consumption, coupled with better integration of renewable energies, could reduce this need.
development of gross electricity consumption France, ****, in TWh Source: ****
In ****, the breakdown of electricity consumption by sector ...
2.2 Demand explodes with rising energy prices and fears of power cuts
In the past, the use of generators was much more common. This was the era of the EJP "peak-shaving" scheme. Since ****, EDF had been encouraging businesses to buy powerful generators to produce electricity and sell it at low prices on winter days, when peaks in electricity demand could destabilize the grid. This offer (***) is no longer available on a subscription basis.
Subsequently, the development of nuclear power, stricter environmental standards for diesel and the liberalization of the electricity market meant that businesses could no longer rely on the EJP. However, these powerful ground-mounted devices can still be found in factories, stores and offices, or in parking lots, although their role is limited to a back-up solution in the event of grid failure. So there is still a demand for this type of installation. There are over *,*** installations of this type in France (***).
Whereas the market for generator sets was driven mainly by demand from computer data centers and retirement homes, which are now equipped in the same way as hospitals, the market for generator sets is now expanding.this year, the market has been boosted by both the fear of power cuts and the rise in electricity prices - sometimes by ...
2.3 Focus on residential demand
Electricity use
The first screen provides a macro view of France's energy mix, with the residential sector accounting for **% of total consumption. This figure takes on its full meaning when we analyze how this electricity is used within households, as the second screen illustrates. It shows that heating (***) are the main areas of electricity consumption in the residential sector. This link between overall consumption and specific uses enables us to better understand which sectors of residential demand are the most structuring and therefore the most sensitive to energy trends and the need for continuity of supply.
Final energy consumption by sector France, ****, in Source: ****
Electricity is used by households to power several appliances. The average breakdown of consumption in France is shown below. It shows that heating, cooling, washing, information and communication technologies and domestic hot water account for the majority of electricity consumption.
Average breakdown of residential electricity consumption volume by use France, ****, % (***) Source: ****
French concern about electricity prices in ****
According to the Baromètre énergie-info **** of the Médiateur national de l'énergie, consumers' concerns about their energy bills energy bill remain high, although slightly down on previous years.
**% of French people consider their energy expenses to be ...
2.4 More expensive electricity despite subsidies: are generators a sustainable solution for businesses?
State intervention has limited the surge in electricity prices for businesses. In the absence of aid, prices would have risen by an average of **% between **** and **** (***). These measures have reduced the expected price rises in ****, particularly for the most vulnerable sectors.
Differences between sectors and types of consumption:
Businesses in the commercial services sector will see their prices rise by **% between **** and **** after aid. Shops, hotels and offices are the hardest hit. Industry and agriculture are slightly more protected, with an increase of **%. This probably reflects public policies aimed at preserving the competitiveness of key industrial sectors. The non-market sector (***) saw a contained rise to **%, underlining a desire to limit the budgetary impact on public services.
average electricity prices without subsidies, by customer and sector of activity France, ****-****, in Source: ****
Segments C* to C* correspond to the different categories of business customers, defined according to their level of consumption and subscribed power. These categories determine the tariff conditions and price variations applied to businesses. Here's what they mean:
C*: This segment groups together very large industrial and tertiary sites benefiting from a high-voltage contract. These companies consume very large volumes of electricity and generally benefit from the most advantageous tariffs. ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Value chain
3.2 Industry players and organization
In order to study the forces at work in the genset market, data relating to NAF code **.**Z, which defines the"manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers". This aggregate includes the following activities:
The manufacture of electric motors (***) Manufacture of electrical distribution transformers Manufacture of arc-welding transformers Manufacture of fluorescent ballasts (***) Manufacture of substation transformers for electricity distribution Manufacture of voltage, transmission and distribution regulators Manufacture of generators (***) Manufacture of motor-driven generator sets (***) In-plant rewinding of armatures
change in workforce in the manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers France, ****-****, in thousands of units Source: ****
The sector's salaried workforce has been steadily declining since ****, recording a **% drop over the ****-**** period.
number of companies manufacturing electric motors, generators and transformers France, ****-****, in units Source: ****
The number of companies has also fallen over the ****-**** period, with a **% drop in the total number of companies.
This graph highlights the concentration of electrical equipment manufacturers in France in ****. auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (***), also have a significant presence.
On the other hand, some areas, such as Corsica (***), are far less industrialized. This distribution reflects regional disparities in the electrical industry, influenced by the location of major groups, the local ecosystem and industrial ...
3.3 Type of generator depending on use
The type of genset required depends on its intended use. The table below summarizes the different options according to the desired use:
Source: ****
3.4 French players
According to Europage, a sourcing platform for companies in the BtoB business sectors, there are ** players positioned in the generator set segment in France. They are divided into several categories. The four main categories (***) are listed in the table below:
note the presence in the above table of several French generator manufacturers, such as Dugelet, Gelec, Alsafix, Lepron and *Gareni.
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Offer typology
Not all generators have the same capacities or the same technologies. There are three main types on the market: gasoline-powered generators, diesel-powered generators and soundproof generators.
Gasoline-powered generators
Gasoline-powered generators are appreciated for their versatility. They are suitable for domestic use, for DIY enthusiasts for example. They are available with electric or manual engine starting. Power output depends mainly on the size of the machine, and can range from *.* kW to * kW. This model is compact, generally has a single-phase power supply and is very quiet.
Diesel generator
Diesel generators are more suited to construction sites or intensive use. These generators have the advantage of a wide power range, from a few kilowatts to several thousand kilowatts. These models are equipped with an electric starter and are available in single-phase, three-phase or combined versions.
Soundproof generator
Last but not least, a soundproof generator is important for acoustic comfort. Noise is not a problem, as the insulated housing prevents sound dispersion. Other generators can generate sound levels of *** dB or more, while soundproof models have sound levels of no more than ** dB. This soundproofing device is fast, lightweight and space-saving, making it ideal for domestic use. Because of their limited power, they ...
4.2 Production price trends
French industry output price index trends for all markets for NAF code **.** France, ****-*****, index base *** in **** Source: ****
The price of electric motors, generators and transformers naturally varies enormously according to the technology used and the power required. However, INSEE indices show that the production price of electric motors, generators and transformers in France will have risen by more than ** percentage points in **** compared with ****.
Focus on the evolution of the production price index for electric motors, generators and transformers France, August ****-October ****, base *** in **** Source: ****
Moreover, prices have exploded since the end of ****, as shown in the graph below. In fact, in two years, between October **** and October ****, production prices for motors, generators and electrical transformers rose by **%, three quarters of the increase recorded over the entire decade, which can have a considerable impact on market supply.
4.3 Best-selling model prices
The Amazon marketplace lists the best-selling products in the "generators and energy" category. The top ** products are listed in the table below (***):
Source: ****
*Prices "from
So, we can notice in the previous table the presence of several generators that recharge electrically. Indeed, with growing concerns about carbon impact, the offer is diversifying towards more ecological products (***), and demand seems to be in line with their position in the best-seller rankings.
4.4 Supply trends
A greener offering
In view of the climatic and noise nuisances associated with conventional generators, many players are looking for solutions to provide reliable, non-polluting and quiet sources of electricity when power is needed.
on the occasion of the Alès international conference on green vehicles, Enedis, in partnership with Schneider Electric, presented the first mobile generator with zero C** emissions, an innovation for the ecological transition. This alternative solution to conventional generators can supply consumers during power cuts caused by work on the public distribution network, while reducing environmental impact.
In partnership with Schneider Electric, which developed the solution, SMEG **, the association for the electrification of the Gard region, and CleanTech Valley, this zero-emission mobile generator is designed to reduce emissions of particulate matter. mission is designed to reduce particle and decibel emissions from diesel generators used for maintenance work (***). This zero-emission, zero-noise mobile battery prototype, which can be moved from place to place, can be charged by solar energy connected to the public grid. at ** kW, it can supply *** kWh of electricity, equivalent to over * hours of autonomous operation at full power.
With this new generation of zero-emission mobile batteries, locally-produced renewable energy can be stored and recycled. The ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Hours-of-use regulations
The use of generators in urban areas or close to neighborhoods is subject to noise regulations, as is the case for any engine-powered machine.
The law prohibits the use of noisy engine-powered tools outside the following time slots:
on working days: from *:** a.m. to ** p.m. and from *:** p.m. to *:** p.m. ; saturday: *am to **pm and *pm to *pm; sunday: from ** a.m. to noon.
In some communes, municipal by-laws prohibit the use of heat-powered tools on Sundays; check with your local council. A soundproof generator may be the only solution in town or near neighbors.
Source: ****
5.2 Generator location regulations
Under ERP (***).
The genset must be located in an approved room:
Access to the room is restricted to qualified personnel. The room is identified and easily accessible to the emergency services. The walls and high floor of the room are not in direct communication with rooms accessible to the public. Installation of a Class B fire extinguisher, compatible with the electrical risk and identified as such + ***-liter sandbox with shovel near access. equipped with an autonomous emergency lighting unit. The room must be well ventilated to the outside. The floor of the room must be impermeable and watertight, forming a retention basin of at least ** cm. If the generator is located in a basement, a ventilation duct must be installed for firefighters. Fuel lines must be fixed and watertight. If there is an integrated fuel tank, it must have an overflow drain, vents and a gauge. No more than *** l of fuel oil in the generator room (***). Installation of a fuel police valve outside the premises. Mandatory maintenance and testing : every ** days, check ; every month, **' load test (***).
Source: ****
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
Source: ****
6.2 The analyst's eye
The market for electric generator sets and rotary converters is based on a dynamic industrial structure, with a strong dichotomy between massive imports and fast-growing exports.
An industry driven by a few regional clusters: Production in France is concentrated in regions such as Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (***), while other areas remain relatively unindustrialized. Dependence on Chinese imports: China is France's leading supplier, with *.** billion euros worth of exports to France, well ahead of the United States and Spain. A market in tension between innovation and rising costs: The transition to hybrid and low-environmental-impact solutions is stimulating innovation, but rising production costs (***) are weighing on the competitiveness of French players. Demand sustained by energy volatility: Rising electricity prices (***) are driving businesses and local authorities to secure their power supply with backup solutions, contributing to the boom in the genset market.
Faced with these challenges, the sector is moving towards diversification of supply sources, modernization of equipment and increasing integration of renewable energies to meet new economic and environmental requirements.
Major trends:
*st trend: Rising electricity prices are boosting the genset market.between **** and ****, the price of electricity for French households rose from €***.*/MWh to €***.*/MWh, an increase of **.*%. With the end of ...
- SDMO (Groupe Kohler)
- FG Wilson (Caterpillar Groupe)
- Eneria (Bergerat Monnoyeur)
- Jenbacher (GE Group)
- Pramac
- Delta Service Location
- 2AST
- Clarke Energy France
- Eodev
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