Summary of our market study

The French market for small electrical appliances is valued at 3.7 billion euros.

food processors account for only a small share of this market. The cooking and food preparation market accounts for 40%.

The global market for food processors is estimated at $2.4 billion.

Food processors are versatile and practical, enabling a multitude of culinary tasks to be performed, from chopping and slicing to kneading and cooking.

In France, demand for food processors continues to grow due to the trend towards home cooking, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, sales of food processors rose by 24%. Studies indicate that over a third of the French population has become more inclined to cook, which correlates directly with the purchase of food processors.

Online sales of small electrical appliances account for 26% of total sales in France.

People aged 42 to 57, and baby-boomers aged 57 to 76, are the main consumers. Young parents, generally in their late twenties to early forties, also account for a significant share of the market. Together, these age groups represent around 60% of the French population, highlighting a significant potential consumer base.

Nearly two-thirds of French people own a food processor. Daily use remains low. Convenience, time-saving features and automated food preparation are just some of the reasons why the French use food processors.

The French food processor market is booming, with a plethora of brands. The number of companies in the home appliance manufacturing sector in France is around 80.

Players in the food processor market in France

  • Seb: a global appliance giant
  • Moulinex is a French brand that has become synonymous with affordable, reliable kitchen appliances.
  • Simeo offers a range of specialized food processors, juicers and mixers.
  • Magimix, manufacturer of a range of high-end food processors.
  • Ezicom stands out for its innovation in intelligent household appliances.
  • Vorwerk's Thermomix dominates the market with its high-end, versatile appliances.
  • Philips and Kenwood are international players.
  • Robot Coupe is a world leader in professional robots

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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Food processors are technologically advanced appliances that perform a variety of functions to speed up and simplify work in the kitchen. A distinction is sometimes made between food processors, pastry blenders and multi-function food processors. In general, food processors can be used to weigh, mix, chop, blend, slice, grind, knead, beat egg whites, grate, slice, cook and more.

Over the next five years, the multifunctional food processor market is expected to register a CAGR of 7.1% in terms of revenue, and the global market size is expected to reach $2.37 billion by 2025. In 2019, there are 727 companies engaged in appliance wholesaling, with 80 companies active in appliance manufacturing.

The major French food processor manufacturers are Moulinex, Simeo, Magimix and Ezicom. Other major international players include Vorwerk, Philips, H.Koenig and Kenwood. The market is currently witnessing a huge rise in the popularity of food processors, which are just as suitable for real chefs as they are for beginners. They are also enormous time-savers, as they can cook and prepare a dish almost entirely independently.

We are also seeing more and more connected robots, with access to recipe databases, and the ability to control the robot and the cooking process remotely. The impact of the Covid-19 crisis is far from having had a negative effect on this market: sales of household appliances rose by 5% in 2020, with a particular craze for multifunction food processors, up 24% on 2019.

1.2 Global market

On a global scale, the food processor market is very dynamic, driven and stimulated by technological innovation, increasing household purchasing power, technological advances and the convenience factor of small domestic appliances.

It is itself part of the more global small household appliances market, examined in the chart below. According to a report published by Allied Market Research, the size of the small electrical appliances market was valued at $***,***.* million in ****, and is expected to reach $***,***.* million in ****, at a CAGR of **.*% over the period.

Global small electrical appliances market size and growth forecasts World, ****-**** Source: ****

1.3 Domestic market

To estimate the size of the French market for food processors, we refer to the sub-category "Electromechanical household appliances, with built-in electric motor", which includes the manufacture of electric food processors (***), which is itself part of the more global "Manufacture of household appliances" sector, whose data are available in the graph below.

Sales in the household appliance manufacturing sector France, ****-****, thousands of euros Source: ****

Unfortunately, official post-**** data are not yet available.

However, we note that the sector's sales, after a gradual fall from **** to **** (***).

Sales of small electrical appliances in France

The market has experienced significant growth over the past * years, accelerating since ****.this can be explained by the Covid-** pandemic and the ensuing trends, namely the "professional at home" trend, hygiene concerns and new uses driven by "homemade".

Small electrical appliances recorded **.* million sales in ****, with sales of *.* billion euros, an increase of +*.*% in value and +*.*% in volume, compared with historic growth of +**.*% in sales in ****. [***]

The data presented in the graph below show that sales trends in the breakfast, lunch and dinner cooking appliancesthe data presented in the graph below show that sales trends in the breakfast, cooking and food preparation segments have driven the small electrical ...

1.4 Foreign trade

France imports far more than it exports in the food processor sector.

The following data refers to the category"Domestic electromechanical appliances, food grinders or mixers, fruit or vegetable juice extractors with self-contained electric motor" and comes from global customs data available on UN Comtrade.

Imports have increased significantly from **** to **** (***), reflecting a relocation of production as well as a growing supply on the market.

Foreign trade in food processors France, ****-****, millions $USD Source: ****

The chart below shows France's main export countries for the"Domestic electromechanical appliances, food grinders or mixers, fruit or vegetable juice extractors with autonomous electric motor" sector.

France's main export partners are Belgium (***).

these five countries alone account for **.**% of total exports.

Main destinations for kitchen robot exports France, ****, % Source: ****

On the import side, France's most important partners are China (***).

Main sources of food processor imports France, ****, % of total Source: ****

1.5 The impact of Covid-19 on the market

The COVID-** crisis has had the effect of changing the way the French relate to some of their eating habits.

According to a study carried out by Santé Publique France, **% of French people said they were more inclined to cook.

This tendency to cook more can be explained by confinement, curfews and teleworking. People had more time on their hands, all members of the household were potentially present at mealtimes, and in the end, cooking also proved to be a good way of coping with boredom .

French eating habits during confinement France, ****, in Santé Publique France

Naturally, the strong trend towards cooking more at home had an impact on sales of small kitchen appliances in ****.

As can be seen from the graph below, the small appliances sector has seen significant growth of +**.*%, compared with just +*.*% for large appliances. The household appliances sector, which includes both categories, grew by +*%.

When we look at the sub-categories, we see that sales of food processors have largely driven growth, with a +**.*% increase in sales.

Small cooking appliances (***) also grew, with variations of +**.*%, +**.*% and +**.*% respectively.

Growth by small electrical appliance sector France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The market's main customers

Let's focus on building the profile of the food processor consumer.

There are two main demographic groups in the food processor market: generation X , i.e. people born between **** and **** (***) and the baby-boomer generation, born between **** and **** and aged between ** and ** in ****.

Generation Xers, who earn between €**,*** and €**,*** a year, will prefer a modern kitchen, equipped with small appliances and quality cookware. Their budgets are flexible, and they are bigger spenders when it comes to living comfort. Baby-boomers, on the other hand, are close to retirement, but still likely to be working. They potentially enjoy inviting and entertaining people to their homes, and cooking for the occasion. Food processors also appeal to this audience for their convenience. [***]

Finally, a food processor is a valuable tool for young and not-so-young parents with families, whose time is limited during the day, and whose priorities are children and work. This category of customer is starting to build a home, and will tend to invest in efficient, useful machines. With French women having their first child at an average age of ** in ****[***], the age range for this latter category is betweene between ** and **, making up two-thirds of the so-called Generation Y (***).

French population by age ...

2.2 Food processors are struggling to take root in French homes

Food processors are a real hit in France, and the following graph shows the results of a survey carried out in **** by the culinary website A majority of French people own one or more food process ors (***), while those who don't own one or more would like to.

Percentage of French people who own one or more food processors France, ****, % Source: ****

Yet the food processor has not yet become a daily reflex in French households.

According to the same survey, only *% of food processor owners in France say they use it daily, compared with **% weekly, and **% say they almost never use it. The majority(***) use it only once a quarter, which is very little.

how often do you use your food processor? France, ****, % Source: ****

So, despite its appeal for practicality, the food processor is struggling to establish itself on a lasting, daily basis in French people's lives.

One of the reasons for this may be the difficulty of finding recipes suitable for food processors: this, in any case, is what the results of the Quitoque survey reveal, as can be seen in the graph below.

Do you have trouble finding recipes suitable for your food processor? France, ****, % Source: ****

2.3 Purchasing criteria

Damien Chicaud, Director of Statistics and Research at Gifam (***), analyzes the French trend for food processors: "The French are increasingly focused on homemade food and fresh produce. They want to be reassured about what they're eating. The pleasure of cooking and access to semi-professional products also explains this craze"[***].

The graph below shows the main advantages of food processors, according to French owners of this type of machine: **% of them are satisfied with the time they save preparing meals, **% believe that the robot cooks on its own and that the consumer therefore has much less, if any, effort to make, **% believe that recipes made using a food processor are foolproof, and finally only *% say that the major advantage is that it produces fewer dishes to wash.

What major advantage do you find in cooking with your food processor? France, ****, % Source: ****

2.4 Demand driven by foodservice

Although the food processor market is essentially based on household consumption, the positive trend in the foodservice sector is helping this market to evolve, particularly with B*B trade, which accounts for almost **% of the sector's sales

In France, the foodservice sector (***) represented **.* billion euros in ****, with over *.* billion meals served in the year. [***] This figure rose by *.*% in **** and *.*% in ****, with a forecast of +*% in ****, representing a market estimated at **.* billion euros by the end of ****.

Annual foodservice sales France, ****-****, in € millions INSEE

In ****, contract catering accounted for **.*% of total out-of-home catering sales, with the remaining **.*% coming from restaurants, hotels, alternative circuits, caterers, etc. Contract catering accounts for **% of the foodservice market by value, and **% by volume. It is therefore estimated to be worth around * billion euros in ****.

French group Elior leads the way in this sector, with sales of *.* billion euros in **** in France. Its closest competitor is Sodexo, whose activities in France are almost equivalent in value (***), followed by Compass group. Within Foodservices, concession management services, which account for a third in sales of the latter, is present in **,*** restaurants throughout France, and a total of **,*** employees in the sector.[***].

These companies make extensive use of kitchen ...

3 Market structure

3.1 French companies in the sector

The following data refer to the "Manufacture of household appliances" sector.

We use them to estimate the size of the French market for food processors, referring to the sub-category "Electromechanical household appliances, with built-in electric motor", which includes the manufacture of electric food processors (***).

Number of companies in the Household appliance manufacturing sector France, ****-****, units Source: ****

gradually declining

The map below, based on officialURSSAF data, shows the geographical concentration of the number of companies in the sector by region in France in ****.

The champion region is Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes, with ** companies in the sector (***).

3.2 Market value chain

3.3 Distribution channels

The main distribution channel for small electrical appliances remains specialized superstores, with **% of total sales, followed by food superstores (***).

Weight of small electrical appliance distribution channels and sales trends France, ****-****, % sales Source: ****

the chart below shows an explosion in Internet sales between **** and ****.

They have risen by +**% in just one year, and account for **% of total sales in the small electrical appliance sector, while in-store sales remain stable at just +*% and **% of total sales.

Weight of small electrical appliance distribution channels and trends in their figures France, ****-****, % of total sales Source: ****

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Product overview

Here's an overview of the machines on offer in the small kitchen appliances sector, accompanied by a product description.

4.2 Market prices

The average price of a food processor varies enormously (***), and depends on a number of factors: the processor's main function, the number of functions and options it offers, the number of accessories it comes with, the manufacturer and the processor's wattage, for example.

The different types of food processor and their average price [***]

5 Regulations

5.1 Standards and certifications in the household appliances sector

GIFAM, Groupement Interprofessionnel des Fabricants d'Appareils et d'équipement Ménager, is the trade association for the household appliance manufacturing sector. Created in ****, its aim is to unite the major manufacturers and support consumers in their purchases. It brings together over fifty companies.

Several standards and certifications apply to products on the household electrical appliance market (***).

The EC ROHS directive (***).

The Eco-label, Europe's only official eco-label, distinguishes products that are more respectful of the environment thanks to criteria that guarantee the products' fitness for use and a reduction in their environmental impact (***) throughout their life cycle. The eco-label responds to the need for reliable information on the ecological quality of products or services, and to the desire of companies to highlight their efforts to protect the environment through labelled products or services.

The NF Environnement standard certifies that the products on which it is affixed have a lesser negative impact on the environment and a satisfactory quality of use compared to other similar products or services on the market.

The GIFAM "cold door" logo is an anti-burn label for ovens, guaranteeing compliance with certain door temperature specifications (***).

The energy label is a sheet intended for European consumers that evaluates a product's ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • SEB Groupe
  • Vorwerk Thermomix
  • Darty
  • Magimix
  • Moulinex (Seb Groupe)
  • Kenwood (De Longhi Group)
  • Russel Hobbs
  • Robot-Coupe

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