Summary of our market study

The French fish farming market is estimated at €260 million.

Fish farming is a fast-growing global industry, with farmed fish accounting for 52% of the fish consumed by humans, a figure set to rise to 62% by 2030.

Global fish production, largely dominated by Asia and China in particular, has increased, particularly in terms of value, with an annual average of 8%.

Most of Asia's production takes place in freshwater, while Europe concentrates on marine species and Africa on brackish water species.

France's imports of fish and aquaculture products far exceed its exports, resulting in a coverage rate of just 27.9%.

Trends in the French fish farming market

Fish farming accounts for 11% of French fish consumption. There are around 700 fish farms in France, focusing on fish such as trout and sea bass. French fish farming produces around 45,000 tons of fish.

French households have a penchant for salmon and cod, which account for almost half of the country's fresh fish consumption.

The fish produced by French fish farms, rainbow trout and sea bass, account for a small share of consumption, at around 4.5% and 3.2% respectively.

French fish farmers are moving towards sustainable and organic farming practices, and alternative methods such as aquaponics, and are present in high value-added niches such as smoked trout and caviar production.

Supermarkets and hypermarkets account for 68% of fresh fish sales, with even larger shares of chilled and canned products.

The sector is made up of a mix of large groups and individual farms, with entities such as Gloria Maris Group and Aqualande committed to market consolidation.

Global fish farming market players

  • The Gloria Maris Group has positioned itself as a notable entity in the fish farming sector. Through strategic acquisitions, such as the purchase of the Palma d'Oro fish farm in Sardinia in 2013, the Group has expanded its operational capabilities and market reach. It is focusing on high value-added species such as umbra.
  • Aqualande, France's leading fish farm, has been at the forefront of consolidation in the sector. Acquiring several fish farms, including five from Norway Seafood Group in 2013, Eurotrucha in 2017 and Piszolla in 2018.
  • Breton fish farms are a testament to regional specialization in France, helping to steer the French fish farming sector towards high-quality products such as sea bass, which is extensively farmed along Brittany's coastal waters.
  • Pisciculture Vasseur: Although not as extensive as some of its competitors, Pisciculture Vasseur plays an important role in the French market, supplying locally farmed fish such as trout.
  • Bellet Trout illustrates the importance of niche specialization in the fish farming sector, and focuses on the production of freshwater trout
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The fish farming is one of the branches of aquaculture that refers to the farming of fish in fresh water (pond fish farming), in brackish water (salmon farming) or in saline water (marine fish farming). There are two main types of fish farming: production in pond and production intensive at artificial pool or in cages . Fish farming marine and new is developing mainly in the Mediterranean basin, in sea waters.

More than 500 production sites in France are listed for nearly 300 commercial companies. Production activity is concentrated in 3 major regional basins : New Aquitaine, the Hauts de France and Brittany concentrate more than ¾ of the national production. France is a large producer and breeder of fish in Europe France, for example, produces nearly 40,000 tonnes of trout in 2016, making it the third largest producer of freshwater trout in Europe.

France is pioneer in marine fish farming but only produces about 5,000 tonnes of marine fish, compared to more than a million salmon in Norway, for example. In addition, France is now one of the world's leading producers of major consumer markets of aquatic products in the European Union: the tuna is the first species consumed, followed by salmon, cod, trout and tropical fish


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