Summary of our market study
The French optics market is worth around 7.5 billion euros.
The global optical market, which includes eyewear, sunglasses and contact lenses, was valued at around $200 billion.
This growth is being driven by an aging population, as well as by rising disposable incomes, which are fuelling demand for high-end eyewear products.
The sunglasses segment is particularly dynamic.
Some 67% of the French population opt for prescription eyewear, with a tendency to favor glasses over contact lenses as age increases.
Independent opticians account for 47% of outlets, but only 25% of sales. Cooperative groups, branches and franchises account for 53% of outlets and 75% of sales.
With an aging population and increasing life expectancy, the need for corrective eyewear and contact lenses is on the rise.
French manufacturers, renowned for their high-end offerings, are thriving in export markets, while intense competition is seen among local retailers within the country. Over 260 companies are involved in production.
Healthcare costs related to medical optics account for around 3% of overall consumption of medical care and goods.
Key players in the global optics market
- Esilor Luxottica: an eyewear giant
- Krys: key player in the French eyewear market, distributor and manufacturer
- Optic 2000: a well-established cooperative in the French market thanks to
- Alain Afflelou: well-known network in France
- Atol: another well-known cooperative group.
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
The optics market includes items and accessories worn on the eyes. Optical equipment can be worn for a variety of reasons, but among the most common are use as an accessory, to correct visual disorders or to protect the eyes. The three largest categories in the eyewear industry are:
- Eyewear ;
- Sunglasses;
- Contact lenses.
The optical industry thus encompasses all the players and processes involved in the design, production and sale of the aforementioned items. On a global level, the market's growth prospects are very promising, with a growth rate of 8.5% between 2023 and 2030. The aging of the population and the evolution of life expectancy around the world mean that the number of people needing eyeglasses or contact lenses is set to rise. This upward trend is also reinforced by rising disposable incomes, which should continue to drive the premiumization of the eyewear industry in all segments, especially non-corrective lenses.
The market has been affected by the health crisis, with store closures and confinements. However, the optical market is a consolidated one, and despite sales declines in 2020 for many brands, there is little doubt that this vital market will recover.
While many high-end French manufacturers are performing well on the export market, many local retailers are in fierce competition with each other.
2023 was a record year for the optical sector in France (4.5% growth over 2022), and 2024 is full of challenges: rising costs, falling consumer purchasing power, the threat of the PLFSS, low wages for employees in the sector...
1.2 A fast-growing global market
Global market size
Optical market size World, ****-****, in billions of US$ CAGR (***): +*.* CAGR (***): +*.*% Source: ****
The global optical market, which includes eyewear, contact lenses, sunglasses and other eyewear products, was estimated to be worth around US$ ***.** billion in **** and is expected to reach a value of US$ ***.** billion by ****.
There are * main categories within the optical market: prescription eyewear (***) readers and contact lenses. In the North American eyewear market, sunglasses are the leading product category in terms of unit sales.
The United States was the world's largest market in ****, with revenues three times those of France, the second largest market. Vision Source: ****
Several trends account for this growth, including the aging population, which increases demand for eyewear, and rising disposable incomes, which make it possible to buy better-quality eyewear.
Sunglasses continue to be an important growth driver, as tourism continues to expand and the public becomes more aware of the health risks associated with exposure to the sun. What's more, sunglasses have always been a fashion item. From flagship models launched by the major brands to affordable eyewear marketed by the big optical chains, the sunglasses market is booming worldwide, especially in Europe.
France's high penetration rate
Proportion of population with ...
1.3 A growing national market
The optics market comprises articles, accessories and services relating to eyes and vision, and is generated mainly by the sale of pairs of prescription and sunglasses (***), contact lenses, opticians and optical stores.
Optical market value France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
By ****, optical sales have been estimated at *.* billion euros, up *.*% on **** and **% on ****. Over the period ****-****, sales in this market rose steadily, by **% over the whole period, before declining slightly inthis was made up for in ****, before the health crisis disrupted the **** figures, with an **% drop in sales between **** and ****. Thus, in **** and ****, business is up sharply on the pre-pandemic period.
1.4 Optical foreign trade
Here we consider the data provided by UN Comtrade for the following product categories:
**** **** **** And their sub-categories
These three codes include eyeglasses, contact lenses, sunglasses and frames.
Foreign trade in optics France, ****-****, in millions of US$ Source: ****
The chart above illustrates France's trade in eyewear. It shows that France imports more eyewear than it produces and exports. Indeed, the coverage rate (***) was **% in ****, implying that imports are almost twice as important in value terms as exports. However, the trade balance will improve by ****.
Main optical supplier countries France, ****, % of total Source: ****
The chart above shows France's main trading partners for eyewear. In first place is Italy with **% of imports, followed by China with **% and Germany with **% of imports.
Main optical customer countries France, ****, in Source: ****
France's main optical customers are predominantly European, with Germany in first place (***).
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Incompressible demand and rising healthcare costs
A large proportion of demand still unaddressed
Figures provided by Santé.gouv show that a significant proportion of the population suffers from uncorrected or poorly corrected vision disorders. This proportion increases with the age of the population: for example, it is estimated that almost **% of women between the ages of ** and ** have uncorrected or poorly corrected vision problems, but this proportion can rise to over **% for women over **.
Vision disorders by age category France, ****, in Source: ****
What's more, it's estimated that the number of people with visual disorders will rise in the coming years, which means that demand for medical optics will increase just as much. The rate of myopia, in particular, has been rising steadily for several years, the result of a number of factors: working in front of computers, increasing exposure to screens, less time spent outdoors... As a result, projections predict that **% of the world's population will be myopic by ****, compared with less than **% today[***]
In ****, **% of French people will suffer from myopia, and **% of French people (***) will be concerned about their visual health. [***]
Healthcare spending on the rise in France, including that on medical optics
Consumption of medical care and goods, including glasses and contact lenses, has ...
2.2 A French preference for glasses
A strong preference for glasses, and age has a major influence
The French and optical equipment France, ****, in percent Source: ****
In ****, **% of French people wear only prescription glasses, and this varies by age:
**% of those aged ** and over **% of **-** year-olds
What drives the use of prescription eyewear?
Occasions requiring the use of prescription eyewear France, ****, in Source: ****
According to an earlier YouGov survey, not all spectacle wearers wore them all the time, with only half keeping their glasses on permanently for everyday life (***). Around a third of spectacle wearers put their glasses on when working or driving. These figures reveal the visual dysfunctions from which the French suffer: myopia prevents good distance vision, while hyperopia distorts close-up vision. Reading, using screens and working are tasks that require good close-up vision. We can therefore assume that more French people suffer from hyperopia than myopia.
Transforming a necessity into a fashion accessory
Eyewear selection criteria France, ****, in % Source: ****
While glasses are above all a necessity, they can also be transformed into a fashion accessory: in ****, for **% of spectacle wearers, the design of the frame is a factor in choosing a pair. However, the primary criterion for choosing a pair of ...
2.3 Sunglasses
In ****, the global sunglasses market will reach ** billion, with ** pairs of sunglasses sold every second. This market is estimated to reach ** billion in ****. [***]
What type of sunglasses?
Do you wear corrected sunglasses for your eyesight? France, ****, in % Source: ****
In ****, nearly one in seven French people (***) wore corrected sunglasses for their eyesight, and generally speaking, women wore more sunglasses than men: **% of men never wore sunglasses compared with *% of women. [***]
The purchase of corrective sunglasses was encouraged by the second pair free or second pair for * euro offers from opticians.
On average, the French own * pairs of sunglasses, and **% renew them every two years. **% of French people buy sunglasses at least once a year. [***]
How are sunglasses chosen?
Criteria for choosing sunglasses France, ****, in % Source: ****
Interestingly, the criteria for choosing sunglasses differed between young people and the rest of the population in ****. While **% of the population cited the sunglasses' protection index as a major choice criterion, only **% of young people (***).
Where are sunglasses chosen?
Place of purchase of sunglasses France, ****, in % Source: ****
Unlike prescription glasses, which are almost always purchased from an optician authorized to adjust glasses to the customer's sight, opticians accounted for only */* of sunglasses sales in ****. The rest of ...
2.4 Lenses, increasingly popular
French contact lens market to reach around *** million euros in **** [***]. The French contact lens market grew by +**% between **** and ****, representing very intense growth over the period. What's more, it has grown faster than the French optical market, accounting for an ever-increasing share of that market : it represented *% of the market in ****, while by **** it would account for *.*%. Here are the reasons for using contact lenses:
Reasons for wearing lenses France, ****, in Source: ****
In ****, the main factor for buying lenses was the aesthetic appeal they brought, at least for **% of consumers who used lenses, as they were more aesthetically pleasing than glasses. In second place, lens practicality was a buying argument for **%, followed by comfort for **% of those surveyed.
In September ****, BFMtv conducted an interview with Anne Falcotet, Corporate Planning Marketing Director for a branch of Menicon, Japan's leading contact lens manufacturer. In this interview, she talks about the "backwardness" of the French with regard to contact lenses; the interview is available here. She points out, for example, that few people actually decide to wear contact lenses, that it can be tedious to obtain them, that the market for children's lenses is little-known and little-exploited, and that the same is true of ...
2.5 Where to buy, online sales: a new distribution channel with advantages and disadvantages
Here are the results of a **** survey about where to buy eyewear:
Eyewear purchase location France, ****, in % Source: ****
Traditional opticians were far behind, with **% of respondents buying their glasses at home, far ahead of low-cost chains (***). In ****, **% of lens wearers said they regularly bought online, and **% of those who didn't declared an intention to buy online. The main reason given was price: indeed, * out of * lens wearers said that prices are lower than in physical stores[***].it is possible to assume that the low level of interest in online eyewear sales is correlated with the desire to test the product before buying it.
However, here's what the French thought about buying eyewear online in ****:
The pros and cons of buying eyewear online France, ****, in percent Source: ****
3 Market structure
3.1 The care pathway and the various healthcare professionals involved
Here's a diagram showing the market structure:
Only an ophthalmologist (***). During the appointment, the specialist examines the eyes through various tests, then draws up the prescription according to the person's specific needs. The first prescription is valid for one year, and once renewed, lenses can be purchased for a further * years. Patients can then purchase their lenses through a variety of distribution channels, mainly opticians or the Internet.
The various healthcare professionals involved in the treatment process are :
Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who can issue prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses. The optician is usually the person who delivers the glasses or contact lenses, and can provide advice on how to use them. Orthoptists can carry out re-education or visual assessments, and often work in collaboration with an ophthalmologist.
And let's not forget optical equipment manufacturers, wholesalers and central purchasing agencies, who are the hidden part of the iceberg.
3.2 Optical equipment production in France
The eyewear and contact lens production process
The production sites of the optical market are diverse, from the big leaders established in France to the historic houses and the new brands and start-ups that are emerging. Depending on the range, spectacles and lenses are not all manufactured in the same place.
Here's what a production cycle looks like for Ray-Ban eyewear (***), with production separated into frames and lenses:
Frame: Eyeglass frames are generally made of metal or a type of plastic called cellulose acetate.
Source: ****
Source: ****
Production organization
To understand the organization of eyewear and contact lens production in France, we can look at NAF code **.**B "Manufacture of eyewear". It should be noted, however, that this category includes manufacturers of eyeglasses, sunglasses and contact lenses, given that many eyewear manufacturers are also manufacturers of other optical equipment such as contact lenses. [***]
Number of establishments under code **.**B France, ****-****, in units Source: ****
Workforce under code **.**B France, ****-**** Source: ****
In ****, there would be *** establishments registered under this NAF code in France, compared with *** in ****, a contraction of -**% in ** years. The number of employees fell by an even greater -**% over the same period, from **** in **** to **** in ****.
Production ...
3.3 Distribution in the optical market
Overview of the optical retailing
Here, we consider the data provided by NAF code **.**A "Optical retailing", which includes the activities of opticians.
Number of establishments under code **.**A France, ****-****, in units Source : URSSAF Workforce under code **.**A France, ****-****, in units Source: ****
In contrast to thelens and eyewear manufacturing activity, the number of establishments and the number of employees have increased between **** and ****, reaching **,*** optical retailers, employing **,*** people in France. It was estimated that France would have ***,*** m* of optical stores in ****[***].
Optician activity is particularly concentrated in the Île-de-France region, but also in the Rhône-Alpes region.
Distribution channels
Market distributors
Optical retail market share: in stores and in sales France, ****, in percent Source: ****
Unsurprisingly, in ****, the number of independents is high (***). Conversely, cooperatives, branches and franchises have fewer stores, but generate a higher share of sales. Mutualist centers and microchains have the same share of both stores and sales.
3.4 Market players
Lens manufacturers
EssilorLuxottica (***), world leader with its subsidiaries BBGR and Shamir, Hoya (***) Carl Zeiss (***) Rodenstock (***) Seiko (***) Ophtalmic (***) Novacel (***)
This handful of players would account for over **% of the market for spectacle lenses sold in France in ****.
Source: ****
A OpinionWay survey in February **** for MPF Conseil revealed the following ranking of awareness of French opticians:
Optic **** Krys Aflain Afflelou Optical Center Atol Général d'optique Grand Optical
Eyewear brands
There are many brands of eyewear, from opticians' own brands, to specialist brands and non-specialist brands (***). These include: Hugo Boss, ba&sh, Carrera, Dolce Gabbana, Guess, Nike, RayBan, Zadig&Voltaire, Oakley, Persol...
The ** sunglasses brands preferred by the French in **** according to an Idealo survey are : RayBan, Bakley, Carrera, Persol, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, Maui Jim and Hugo Boss.
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Market products
General overview
Broadly speaking, the three main sectors of the eyewear industry include :
Eyewear (***) Sunglasses Contact lenses
The product range is broad, and is measured according to the different needs of the eye. Glasses with different types of lenses, contact lenses, sunglasses with polarized lenses or different colors for a specific need, the optical market offer is divided into several media. What's more, the product range also includes a wide price range, where premiumization is an integral part of the market.
Below is a more detailed breakdown of each of the components in the three categories.
Glasses and lens types
There are three main types of lenses available from an optician
single vision lenses : these correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. These lenses are either spherical or aspherical. progressive lenses : these correct presbyopia. They can be used for both near and far vision, and are divided into three vision zones: the upper part of the lens to correct distance vision, the lower part to correct near vision, and the middle part to correct medium-distance vision. There are three categories for this type of lens: General lenses, suitable for most people Customized products that offer more options and a better fit Individualized, high-end, ...
4.2 Eyeglass and contact lens prices
In the optical sector, price variations are significant and depend on various parameters such as lens type, quality, production location and production chain. The distribution channel also plays a role; glasses can be sold in pharmacies, opticians, supermarkets, etc.
Looking at the data provided by INSEE for the "medical optics" category, we can see that the consumer price index for medical optics has been rising for at least ** years:
Consumer price index for medical optics France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****
Price of prescription eyewear
Average price paid for prescription eyewear France, ****, in Source: ****
Price of sunglasses
Average price spent on sunglasses France, ****, in Source: ****
Indicative lens purchase prices
By type
Source: ****
According to correction
Source: ****
Annual budget of a contact lens wearer vs. a spectacle wearer
Contact lens wearers and spectacle wearers do not follow the same economic model: in fact, for the majority of lenses (***). Nevertheless, it is estimated that the average annual budget spent by a contact lens wearer is higher than that of a spectacle wearer: according to a study published in the Observatoire de l'Optique, it is estimated that annual sales generated by a contact lens wearer can reach * to *.* times those generated by a consumer who ...
4.3 New concepts and new products
New concepts
Relying on digital and "cross channel" devices , brands are developing new store concepts.
Atol, for example, introduced a point-of-sale concept in June **** that relies on digital applications from its Atol Pro to attract new franchisees and strengthen its network.
Atol stores are equipped with an "Atol Pro" digital solution that comes in different types of support:
Atol Diag : the optician asks the customer a series of questions about his or her activities in order to adapt the product and its explanations to enable the customer to fully understand the product that suits him or her. Atol Fit : this system enables virtual fittings of all Atol and partner frames. MyAdriana: Atol's latest service, launched in January ****, enables the personalization of frames from the Adriana collection. "We're off to a good start, with **,*** frames sold," explains Xavier Buchet, vice-president of Atol.
For its part, Krys has been offering a subscription package since January **** that integrates optical services, insurance and discounts on the purchase of glasses.
Faced with competition from discount chains, and in partnership with French start-up Abeye, Atol has also invested in product innovation with "Atol Zen" connected glasses for seniors. Based on the observation that **% of falls among senior ...
5 Regulations
5.1 The importance of the regulatory environment
Prior to ****, Internet sales of healthcare products (***) were prohibited in France. The European Commission then obliged France to open up the market to online opticians, but the market remained without a legislative framework for several years following this decision. The online sale of optical products was then gradually regulated by a succession of laws:
Hamon law of ****
Law no. ****-*** of March **, **** on consumer affairs, also known as the Hamon Law, aims to rebalance relations between consumers and businesses. The main provisions relating to the optical sector are as follows:
It is no longer necessary to be a qualified optician to open and manage a sales outlet for corrective lenses and glasses, but the presence of a qualified optician is mandatory On the other hand, only a qualified optician is authorized to dispense corrective lenses Opticians and pharmacists no longer have a monopoly on the sale of lens care products: the possibility of selling these products is also open to online sites and supermarkets in particular
Decree n°****-**** of ****
This decree n°****-**** establishes a list of compulsory information to be included on sites selling optical products online, including :
Link to current optical regulations Link to the Agence nationale de ...
5.2 Reimbursement amounts and coverage
The regulatory environment is of paramount importance in France, and new regulations can alter the structure of demand. The new **** regulations capping the reimbursement of glasses and limiting the renewal of glasses to once every two years are thus said to be responsible for the slower growth in the market since their implementation.
Article * of the decree of November **, **** , introducing the reform of responsible contracts for mutual insurance companies, limits to :
*** € for single-lens spectacles, including frames ; *** € for glasses with complex lenses; *** for glasses with very complex lenses.
Mutuelles will also have to offer a minimum reimbursement of €** for single lenses, rising to €*** for complex lenses.
Within this equipment, reimbursement for frames will be limited to :
*** € for individual mutual insurers ; *** € for company mutuals.
5.3 A new stage in zero out-of-pocket expenses in 2020
From January *, ****, entry-level "no out-of-pocket expenses" offers (***) or CMU-c.
The ***% health care reform offers services and equipment in a specific basket comprising * care categories: optical, dental and audiology. The equipment and services contained in these baskets will be fully covered. The optical and dental baskets in the ***% offer will be available from January *, ****, while the "hearing aids" basket will be available from January *, ****.
For optics:
Opticians must offer a range containing at least ** adult frames and ** children's frames in different colors, at a price of less than €**; The lenses offered must be able tocorrect all visual problems (***); Consumers are free to choose other equipment, at an unrestricted price , and to "mix and match" the offer: they can choose lenses with no out-of-pocket expenses and frames sold at an unrestricted price; Glasses are guaranteed for * years in the event of breakage.
Source: ****
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Optical market segmentation
- Polette
- Optique E.Leclerc
- Lunettes pour tous
- Otiko
- Mister Spex
- GrandVision
- Optic 2000
- MB production
- Optical Center
- Coffignon
- Marcolin (LVMH Groupe)
- Essilor Luxottica groupe
- Afflelou
- Krys Group
- Kering Eyewear
- Générale d'optique (GrandVision)
- Direct Optic (Acuitis Groupe)
- Easy Verres
- Easy Lunettes
- MyMonture
- L'Opticien qui bouge
- Optique Lafayette (Laf Santé Groupe)
- Optical Discount
- Lissac (Optic 2000)
- Thélios (LVMH Groupe)
- Fittingbox
- Evioo
- Experoptic
- Jimmy Fairly
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