Summary of our market study

The French flooring market is estimated at €1.6 billion.

The global flooring market is valued at $370 billion, with growth of 6%.

The French market is growing largely thanks to the dynamism of luxury vinyl tiles (LVT) and, to a lesser extent, parquet. Traditional materials such as carpets and linoleum are experiencing declines.

French production is dominated by plastic and textile coverings, which account for 83% of production by volume and 79% by value.

The main players on the French market are Tarkett S.A., Forbo Flooring and Gerflor.

Consumer choices on the French market are essentially for tiles and parquet, with tiles often preferred for living rooms/kitchens, while parquet is preferred for living rooms/bedrooms.

The BtoB market accounts for around 60-65% of flooring sales. DIY stores are the preferred distribution channel, accounting for 40% of sales.

Consumption has risen by over 10% in ten years. Demand for floor coverings is mainly linked to renovation.

French flooring market players


  • Tarkett and Gerflor are the two leaders
  • Forbo is renowned for its linoleum and commercial flooring systems.
  • Compagnie française du parquet devotes its expertise to parquet flooring
  • Balsan focuses on textile floor coverings, especially carpets


  • Leroy Merlin and Castorama are market leaders in retail distribution
  • Saint-Maclou is a specialized distributor
  • La Maison du Sol

Professional suppliers:

  • Companies like Pierre et Sol supply materials and services tailored to builders, architects and other construction professionals.


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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
  • Last update :

Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

A floor covering is a material designed to cover all or part of a floor. This study focuses on interior floor coverings.

The floor coverings market therefore encompasses all the activities involved in the production, distribution and installation of materials designed to cover a floor. It comprises four main product families : textile coverings, parquet flooring, plastic coverings (PVC or linoleum) and tiles. Other types of covering exist, such as poured concrete or paint, but are currently in the minority.

There are therefore several types of player, corresponding to the sector's different activities: floor covering manufacturers, distributors (DIY superstores, retailers, specialized distributors, etc.) and the end customer, which includes the end-user.) and end-users, who include both professional customers (flooring specialists and general contractors) and consumer customers (private individuals). Professional customers also install floor coverings for non-residential and residential buildings. A large number of players, however, carry out several types of activity, such as manufacturer, distributor and installer.

The global floor coverings market was estimated at US$266 billion in 2022, and is expected to grow at a CAGR (combined annual growth rate) of 5.2% between 2023 and 2030. Key market players include Tarkett S.A., Mohawk Industries, Inc. Forbo Flooring, RAK Ceramics, Shaw Industries, Inc. and Interface. [Grand View Research]

The French flooring market stabilized from 2016 after a period of continuous decline, before being impacted by the global pandemic that forced many economic activities to come to a halt. The building industry, which includes construction and maintenance-renovation, is a major determinant of demand for the floor coverings market, and its recovery in 2022 will have a positive impact on the flooring business.

However, this growth is due to the dynamism of certain segments to the detriment of others. In fact, theboom in the LVT (luxury vinyl tiles)segment is largely responsible for the market's growth. To a lesser extent, parquet is also on the rise. Conversely, the steepest declines were in carpets, particularly tufted, and linoleum coverings.

In addition, the market has seen a move upmarket, as well as a concentration of players, which has exerted upward pressure on prices. This concentration has been the result of numerous mergers and acquisitions and the disappearance of the most fragile companies, but also the power of the sector leaders. In October 2017, the French Competition Authority sanctioned the three main manufacturers/distributors of PVC and linoleum floor coverings for having colluded on numerous aspects of their commercial policy, notably prices, and for having exchanged information, compromising the free play of competition. The three players involved - Tarkett, Gerflor and Forbo - were fined 302 million euros. [French Competition Authority]

1.2 A growing global market

The global floor coverings market was estimated at US$***.** billion in ****, and is expected to grow at a CAGR (***) of *.*% between **** and ****, reaching around US$***.** billion in ****. This growth is mainly due to the dynamism of the construction sector, particularly in emerging countries. [***]

Global flooring market size World, ****-*****, in billions of US$ Source: Grand View Research Key market players include Tarkett S.A., Mohawk Industries, Inc. Forbo Flooring, RAK Ceramics, Shaw Industries, Inc. and Interface.

To increase their competitiveness, market players rely mainly on mergers and acquisitions, the development of more sophisticated and environmentally-friendly products, aggressive pricing strategies and a well-thought-out marketing strategy. For example, the introduction of interlocking and self-adhesive flooring materials and the ability to customize floors have given some players a competitive edge[***]

1.3 An economically recovering French market

From **** to ****, the market for floor and wall coverings in France will more than double, rising from *.*** to **.*** billion euros. This accelerated growth, particularly after ****, reflects strong post-pandemic demand and rising material and labor costs. However, this rapid expansion masks vulnerabilities linked to increased dependence on favorable economic conditions and government incentives in the renovation sector.

Floor and wall covering market France, ****-****, in billions of € ex VAT Source: ****

Until ****, the crisis in the construction sector severely penalized and affected the flooring market. Construction volumes picked up again in ****, boosting the flooring sector. Today, the market is benefiting from a buoyant new housing construction market, but is penalized by supply difficulties and inflation, which is putting pressure on company margins. [***]

More specifically, it is the LVT (***). [***]

1.4 International trade

The figures in this section are obtained from the following UN Comtrade codes: Plastic floor and wall coverings: **** Rubber floor coverings: ****** Carpets, rugs and other textile floor coverings: ** Wood floor coverings (***): ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ****** and ****** Linoleum floor coverings: **** Ceramic floor and wall coverings: **** Some of the products taken into account are therefore outside the scope of the study (***), but the codes used provide an accurate overview of trends in the floor coverings market alone. The coverage rate, which corresponds to the ratio between exports and imports (***), reveals France's economic dependence on the floor coverings market. France's coverage rate on this market was equal to **.**% in ****, which means that its trade balance is in deficit. This coverage rate is partly explained by France's heavy dependence on foreign trade for tiles. Indeed, excluding ceramic coverings, France's coverage rate for floor coverings was **.**% in ****. Imports In ****, France imported *.*** billion US dollars worth of floor coverings, or almost *.* billion euros. The value of its imports has increased in recent years: Floor coverings imports France, ****-****, in US$ billion Source: UN Comtrade In this market, France is largely dependent on * countries for its flooring imports, namely Italy with **.*%, which owes its top position to its tile production, Spain (***). These ...

1.5 The Covid-19 effect

The graph below highlights the fall in activity for floor covering manufacturers, comparing the January-June periods in **** and ****.

Floor covering manufacturers were particularly hard hit by the crisis, with a peak in April, the month when production was at its lowest. Containment led to a slowdown or even a halt in worksites, bringing the sector to a standstill.

Monthly sales index for floor covering manufacturers France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

Similarly on the retail side, the graph below highlights the effect of containment on the flooring trade in specialist stores, namely the fall in sales, whose index fell from ***.** in April **** to **.** in April ****. This **.**% drop in sales corresponds to the collapse in sales volume, whose index follows the same trend, falling from **.** in April **** to **.** in April ****. [***]

Monthly sales index for the retail sale of carpets, rugs and wall and floor coverings in specialized stores (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source : Insee The Covid-** crisis is expected to have a deflationary effect on prices in the flooring industry due to an imbalance between supply and demand. This deflationary effect will be reinforced by falling prices for raw materials, notably oil for the production of plastic floor coverings and cotton for carpets. In ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The BtoB market: construction activity at the heart of demand

The BtoB market accounts for ** to **% of floor covering sales. [***]

After several years of difficulties, the building sector began to recover in ****. Production in the building sector is thus growing, even if this growth is slowing. The annual rate of change in production was +*.*% in ****, compared with +*.*% in ****. While it fell in **** in the context of the epidemic and the shutdown of many activities, it again saw growth, albeit slight, from ****-**** onwards.

Annual variation in construction output (***) France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

However, these positive statistics plummeted during ****. In ****, the crisis in the credit market and negative announcements on new-build grants worsened the situation in the construction sector. Despite initiatives such as the increase in the MaPrimeRénov' budget, construction could stagnate at *% growth in ****. New housing starts have fallen by **% and permits by **%. The non-residential sector and construction employment are also deteriorating, foreshadowing a deep crisis if corrective measures are not taken[***].

Change in housing starts France, ****-****, in millions of m² and in thousands Source: ****

Non-residential premises

Non-residential floor area under construction (***) France, **** - ****, in millions of square meters Source: Insee, Insee *first * months of ****, over ** sliding months

Non-residential floor area under construction (***) France, **** - ****, in millions of square ...

2.2 The BtoC market: consumer profile

The BtoC market accounts for ** to **% of floor covering sales. [***]

Household consumption trends

The graph below shows trends in actual final household consumption (***) at current prices. Household consumption of floor coverings in value terms is rising steadily. In ****, households consumed *.** billion euros worth of carpets and floor coverings, compared with *.** billion in ****, an increase of **.*% in ten years.

Household consumption of carpets and floor coverings France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

Demand drivers

Households draw inspiration for their decorating purchases from two main sources, which include floor coverings: magazines and journals, and stores and window displays. Indeed, these two elements are cited by over **% of respondents.

Consumers are also influenced by TV shows (***).

Source of inspiration for decorating ideas France, ****, in Source : Odoxa In addition, the main purchasing criteria are price, quality and design. The majority of those surveyed rank price as the first purchase criterion, quality second and design third.

Purchasing criteria for floor coverings France, ****, in Source: ****

While these three criteria are the most important, the list is not exhaustive. Ease of maintenance and use is also considered very important or important by **% of respondents, as is the possibility of home was the possibility of home ...

2.3 Demand for plastic coatings: the success of LVT

The popularity of resilient flooring

Resilient floors are growing in popularity, offering an economical and durable alternative. Available in a variety of materials such as vinyl, PVC, linoleum or natural fibers, these coverings offer not only diverse aesthetics, but also practical benefits such as sound and heat insulation, walking comfort and compatibility with wet rooms. The trend is towards glueless loose-laid options, offering ecological and practical benefits. Manufacturers are also focusing on eco-responsibility and the circular economy, with initiatives such as material recycling. For example, among sales by Udirev distributor-members, the market share of resilient flooring reached **% in ****, largely dominating parquet and laminate flooring.

Market share breakdown by floor type France, ****, in Source: ****

The success of designer and LVT flooring

LVT flooring is the name given to "luxury vinyl tiles", which refer to vinyl, PVC or linoleum floor coverings presented in the form of easy-to-handle strips or tiles, rather than in rolls. [***]

This is the fastest-growing segment, thanks to its many advantages, including resistance to moisture, scratches and stains, ease of cleaning, thickness especially suited to renovations, and ease of installation. Simplified installation and advanced environmental features make LVT a growing choice. With recyclable products and glueless installation promoting recyclability, the ...

2.4 Parquet request

Flooring consumption in Europe has recorded a moderate decline of *.*% in ****, despite expectations of a larger decrease. This follows a buoyant ****, with growth of *%. Most European countries have seen their parquet consumption decline, with the notable exception of Germany. This trend is partly explained by low consumer confidence, induced by inflation and high energy costs, which have prompted a reduction in spending, concentrating on essential needs such as insulation.

Parquet production in EU countries has also seen a decline, falling by *.**% in ****, to ** million square meters. In Europe as a whole, total parquet production fell by around *% to ** million m².

The European parquet market continued to show signs of weakness in the first quarter of ****, with consumption down an estimated **-**% on the same period last year. This trend is likely to persist in ****-****, due in particular to the end of the renovation impetus and the decline in new building construction.

These challenges also persist in France, where parquet sales are down **.*% in **** compared with the previous year.

In ****, the total volume of parquet sold was *.*** million m², split between mosaic parquet (***). In ****, this total volume fell by **.*% to *.*** million m². Sales of mosaic parquet fell to *.*** million m², solid ...

2.5 Carpet request

Volume of floor coverings sold in France France, ****, in millions of m² Source: ****

In ****, the French market for textile floor coverings showed a moderate recovery after a notable decline in **** due to the pandemic. Total volume reached **.* million m², marking an increase on **** (***). Tufted tiles saw a notable increase, rising from *.* million m² in **** to *.* million m² in ****, indicating a growing preference for this format, which is more convenient to lay and replace.

However, some categories stagnated or declined slightly. Tufted rolls remained stable at *.* million m², returning to their **** level after a decline in ****. Coir, sisal and sea rush coverings fell slightly, reflecting a trend towards materials that are easier to maintain or aesthetically varied.

The needlepunched category showed a strong recovery, reaching ** million m² in **** after a significant decline in ****. This suggests resilience in sectors where these coverings are popular, such as offices and commercial spaces.

Breakdown of carpet production France, ****, in Source: ****

In ****, needlepunched carpets dominate the French market for textile floor coverings with **.*% of total volume, while tufted in rolls and tiles together account for **.*%, indicating a preference for practical, versatile options. Natural materials such as coir, sisal and sea rush, as well as woven and other ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain and market organization

The floor coverings market can be divided into several types of activity and therefore players.

Firstly, material producers supply the products needed to manufacture floor coverings. Floor covering manufacturers then sell the finished products, either directly to end-consumers through their own sales forces, or to independent distributors who take care of selling them to end-consumers. Other distributors import the products they distribute to end consumers. End customers fall into two categories. They are either professional customers, i.e. companies or craftsmen who carry out flooring work for third parties (***), or general public customers, i.e. households.

The diagram below illustrates these different stages.

3.2 Floor covering production

The two graphs below describe French production sales, both domestic and export, and highlight the main flooring categories sold.

The two best-selling floor coverings are textiles and plastics, PVC in particular. In fact, in ****, France produced and sold around ** million m² of textile floor coverings for just under *** million euros, and ** million m² of plastic coverings for almost *** million euros. This also means that PVC coverings are on average more expensive than textile coverings.

Floor covering sales production by category France, ****, in million m² and € million Source: ****

French floor covering production is mainly made up of plastic and textile coverings, which account for almost **% of production.

Ceramic tile production is much lower, despite the high level of French tile consumption, which is consistent with the high import rate for this product.

Breakdown of floor covering production by category France, ****, in Source : Eurostat The graph shows the breakdown by value. The breakdown presented here is not strictly accurate, as some data date back to **** or ****

Carpet and rug production

Sales index for the manufacture of carpets and rugs (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

The sales index for the manufacture of carpets and rugs in France has fallen significantly, from ***.* in **** to **.** in ...

3.3 Floor covering distribution

There are * main distribution channels for floor coverings: specialized retailers traders (***) dIY superstores food superstores véadistes (***) Floor covering distribution is divided between the BtoC circuit (***). [***]

Distribution breakdown in the BtoC market

On the BtoC market, three-quarters of distribution takes place in DIY superstores. The chart below highlights the preference of households for DIY stores. However, with a market share of **%, it is the DIY outlets that are growing fastest, with a *.*% increase in sales in this channel, compared with *.*% for the DIY superstores.

Breakdown of DIY sales by distribution channel France, ****, in Source: ****

The chart below highlights the main players in the sector, describing the market shares of DIY superstores.

DIY store market share France, ****, in Source: ****

The specialist circuit

Faced with the growth of DIY stores in the floor coverings market, specialist retailers are seeking to stand out from the crowd, and many of them are banking on the services they offer, like Saint Maclou. The French leader has developed its customer experience in recent years, offering complete project management and more personalized service. One example of this strategy is the opening of a concept store in Paris, which stands out for its ***m² surface area, compared with the ...

3.4 Flooring work

Flooring work can be carried out by three different types of player, depending on their degree of specialization:

Companies specializing in floor and wall coverings (***). Specialized superstores and DIY stores are more likely to offer flooring installation and after-sales services. Craftsmen from related activities that are diversifying (***). [***]

Sales index for floor and wall coverings (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

The graph below shows a gradual concentration of the market between **** and ****, followed by an increase in the number of establishments from **** onwards. This trend can be explained by the market's difficulties until ****, which led to the disappearance of the most fragile players.

Number of floor and wall covering establishments (***) France, ****-****, in units Source: ****

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Products

The French floor covering market includes the following product categories[***]

Ceramic floors (***) PVC flooring on rolls Laminate flooring LVT floors Textile floors (***), excluding needlepunched Parquet Linoleum floors Needle-punched floors

To revitalize their offering and encourage customers to renew their floor coverings, manufacturers are increasingly turning to the design of ecological and sustainable products: ecological flooring or tiling, natural linoleum or cork flooring, the natural alternatives to traditional coverings are numerous. From production to disposal, including treatment and installation, manufacturers ensure environmentally-friendly production and use stages, and promote their low ecological footprint or the improved indoor air quality that this type of product enables(***).

There has been an evolution from roll products to modular products, offered in tile form (***). This is the fastest-growing category among manufacturers. [***]

4.2 Prices

Up until ****, increasing competitive pressures exerted pressure on prices, resulting in a tendency for prices to stabilize. In ****, however, against a backdrop of general inflation in energy and transport prices, consumer goods, etc., prices in the floor coverings sector also saw an increase, which continued in ****.

Consumer price index for carpets and miscellaneous floor coverings (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source : Insee Consumer price index for carpet and floor covering installation services (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

Site Prix Travaux m* website gives indicative price ranges for the different flooring categories in France in ****. These price ranges are summarized in the table below.

4.3 Innovation and sustainable development

Innovation allows market players to differentiate themselves, which is why flooring manufacturers are constantly coming up with new products thanks to a sustained innovation effort.

Some of the hottest innovations include :

Modular vinyl flooring (***) Custom flooring thanks to digital printing Patterned parquet Tiles that change color Floor paint Stain-resistant floors Connected floors, especially for the elderly

In particular, theenvironmental aspect represents a major challenge for the floor coverings market, as many components are chemical and have a high environmental impact during production and degradation.

Examples of innovation include Tarkett's phthalate-free PVC flooring, Desso's carpet which retains dust and fibers for improved air quality, and Wicanders' ***% natural cork flooring. [***]

Recycled products are also gaining ground, with most manufacturers now having recycling programs, like Forbo's Tournesol, Tarkett's Restart or the recycling joint venture created by Gerflor and Paprec. [***]

Labels such as Natureplus, GUT, Nordic Swan and European Ecolabel identify floor coverings that meet precise specifications based on environmental and health criteria. [***]

Optimum works hand in hand with UFTM and numerous private sector players. The OPTIMUM program offers a complete logistics and technical processing solution for the recycling of end-of-life textile floor coverings from renovation, rehabilitation or de-construction sites.the OPTIMUM program offers a ...

5 Regulations

5. Regulations

The UPEC standard

In France, the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (***) is the organization that evaluates and guarantees the quality and safety of buildings. UPEC classification applies to the following floor coverings:

QB UPEC "Ceramic tiles for floor coverings". QB UPEC "Textile floor coverings". QB UPEC "Tufted and woven carpets in strips". QB UPEC "Resilient floor coverings". QB UPEC "Laminate flooring systems".

Floor coverings are evaluated according to various criteria relating to * concepts:

Wear (***) Punching (***) Water (***) Chemistry (***).

This classification makes it easier for users to find a floor that meets their specific building requirements. [***]

the EN ISO ***** standard

This European standard establishes a classification system for resilient (***), textile and laminate floor coverings. The classification is based on levels of requirement according to areas of use and intensity of use.

Criteria tested include :

Dimension ISO ***** Thickness ISO ***** Wear layer ISO ***** Stability ISO ***** Flexibility ISO ***** Indentation ISO ***** Chair with castors ISO **** Light resistance ISO ***-B**


These standards determine a product's level of performance in relation to a location. Matching the * guarantees the durability of a floor covering for its intended use.

NF DTU **.** standard

NF DTU **.**, published in December ****, concerns substrate preparation and installation of traditional resilient floor coverings, covering ...

6 Positioning the players

6. Segmentation

  • Tarkett Groupe
  • Forbo Flooring System
  • Gerflor Groupe
  • Compagnie Française du Parquet
  • Balsan (Belgotex International)
  • Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
  • Castorama France (Kingfisher)
  • Saint Maclou
  • Espace Revêtements
  • La maison du Sol
  • Justeau
  • Aleluia Cerâmicas France
  • Lapeyre
  • Brico Dépôt
  • Le Monde du Carrelage
  • TLM Groupe
  • Extruflex
  • Boulenger (Cerutti Groupe)
  • Sommer Needlepunch
  • UTD Décorial
  • Grassin Décors
  • Delzongle Couleurs & décoration

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