Summary of our market study

The French tutoring market is estimated at €2 billion

The global tutoring market is estimated at $110 billion.

The French market is expanding steadily until 2020. A large part of this expansion is due to informal tutoring.

The market is highly concentrated, with major players like Acadomia holding a substantial market share. However, digital platforms and online tutoring are on the rise.

The sector also benefits from government support through tax credits, including for online courses from March 2020.

Overall, the market is very dynamic.

Trends and influences in the French tutoring sector

The market encompasses subject-specific tuition, homework help and preparation courses, with the greatest demand at high school level.

The demand for home tutoring concerns around one million students in France.

An impressive proportion of the French population seem to question the equality of opportunity offered by their education system, with around 60% believing that it does not guarantee equal academic success.

A majority of French parents, if they had the financial means (65%), would consider paying for tutoring for their children.

Demand for personalized tutoring services leads to an annual budget of around 900 to 1,100 euros per pupil, after application of a 50% tax credit.

The informal market, mainly facilitated by social relations and often more affordable, occupies a substantial share of the market, with some estimates suggesting that it represents between 70 and 80% of overall activity.

Key players in the sector

Established brands and digital newcomers

  • Acadomia: 50% market share, 100,000 students per year.
  • Complétude: another traditional market player
  • Superprof: a new digital entrant
  • Clevermate: has set up a platform on which tutors, usually students, can register to offer their services.
  • Anacours: franchises entrepreneurs and offers a wide range of tutoring services
  • Cours Legendre: a major player in the market
  • OpenClassroom: This platform symbolizes the era of digital learning
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction and definition of the tutoring market

The tutoring market in France, also known as "shadow education" (or shadow education occupies an increasingly important place in the French educational landscape. This market encompasses all activities aimed at supporting pupils, whether in primary or secondary school, to help them improve their academic performance. This may involve private tutoring, homework help, courses during the school vacations, or even proofreading. Although this industry has existed in various forms for decades, it has grown considerably in recent years, fueled by the increasing demands of the education system and the pressure to succeed placed on students.

Tutoring has been around since the Thirty Glorious Years. More and more families were banking on academic success to ensure that their children benefited from the economic boom and advanced socially through long studies. They want their children to have a degree, and to be able to work in a profession that will guarantee them a higher standard of living than their own. As a result, more and more of them are seeking the services of private tutors to help them fill in the gaps and improve their results.

Since then, tutoring has grown steadily in France and around the world.

It's mainly high school students who use tutoring services, with strong demand in the run-up to exams such as the baccalauréat. However, it's important to note that in the majority of cases, it's parents who initiate the process. They want to give their children the best possible chance of success, and are prepared to invest in a wide range of often expensive services to achieve this goal. This distinction between the customer, i.e. the pupil, and the demander, i.e. the parents, is essential tounderstanding the workings and dynamics of the market.

In 2008, the sector experienced a major crisis due to scandals linked to dubious hiring methods and incompetent teachers, which had a negative impact on operators' image.Faced with this crisis of credibility, a number of operators, including Anacours and Cours Legendre, embarked on Qualicert certification procedures aimed at regaining a positive, qualitative image.

The year 2020, however, put the resilience of this market to the test, with successive confinements and school closures. These circumstances changed families' expectations and forced companies to adapt quickly. School reforms and the cancellation of competitions and exams have disrupted the habits of students and parents alike. Yet by 2021, the sector had bounced back by reinventing itself, thanks in particular to the rise of EdTech (educational technology) and online platforms. These innovations now make it possible to offer flexible, accessible and often more personalized tutoring solutions, which has helped to boost the market.

The tutoring market is currently growing in France, and by 2023 will account for almost 12% of the French school-going population.the positive dynamics of the tutoring market have also encouraged new companies to enter the market, such as O2, a specialist in personal assistance.

1.2 The global tutoring market

In ****, the global private tutoring market was estimated at $***.* billion, and is expected to grow strongly at a CAGR of *.*% per year, reaching around $*** billion by ****.

Global tutoring market World, ****-****, in billion dollars Source: ****

The global tutoring market is highly dynamic and promising. It is expected to grow by nearly *.*% per year until ****. This growth is particularly strong in emerging countries, thanks in particular to advances in technology. [***]

Geographic zones: a booming market

In Europe, France is one of thefastest-growing markets. In northern European countries, families rarely use tutoring services, as the education system seems to provide better support for pupils in difficulty, with refresher courses for those in need, for example. In Eastern Europe, demand is similar to that in Western Europe. However, they have fewer resources at their disposal, which explains why there is virtually no demand for tutoring.

In North America, tutoring is extremely widespread. In the United States, the federal government has been encouraging teachers to diversify their income over the past ** years, in particular by offering private tutoring to students with learning difficulties.

In South America and Africa, access to education for all is not yet a given. So tutoring remains a luxury that only ...

1.3 The national market, dominated by the informal sector

The national tutoring market in France is rather difficult to estimate, not least because of the importance ofinformal activity. Indeed, the vast majority of students who use tutoring services (***) do so through acquaintances or students who are not part of a company or organization. This undeclared activity would therefore constitute the majority of the market. The following figures therefore give a low estimate of the market, based on organizations in the sector.

The French tutoring industry experienced a major crisis between **** and ****, during the economic downturn. This market is indeed highly dependent on the economic situation and household purchasing power, since it represents a non-necessary expense. The market then resumed its growth until ****(***), before being disrupted by the global pandemic.

In ****, the world of tutoring and private tutoring will see a drop in activity of around **.*%.

Today, it is estimated at nearly two billion euros, involving almostone million students. In France, growth is running at around *.*% a year.

Below, we look at the school population in France , segmented by kindergarten, primary school, middle school, vocational high school and general high school.

school population trends in France since **** France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****

In ****, nearly **.* million students will be enrolled in France' ...

1.5 Interview with Shannon Picardo, founder of SchoolMouv

Marine: Welcome to the Niche, the podcast that analyzes the niche market with the entrepreneurs who are shaking things up. I'm Marine and I work at Businesscoot, the start-up that's dusting off market research. Before you start, subscribe to our podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcast. And now for today's niche: the tutoring market. For this, I welcome Shannon Picardo, founder of SchoolMouv. Hello Shannon.

Shannon: Hello Marine.

Marine: So, Shannon, to start with, I'll let you tell us a bit about SchoolMouv.

Shannon: Yes, of course, SchoolMouv is an online tutoring platform that enables students from CP to Terminale to review all their lessons through videos, lesson sheets, quizzes and exercises. We offer content for all these students, covering all subjects: history, geography, French and mathematics, so that they can take their lessons at home and succeed in school.

Marine: OK, fine. let's start by looking at the tutoring market as a whole. What we've seen is thatin ****, the market was worth an average of * billion euros, with an average annual growth rate of **% since ****. France is the country that has made its mark in Europe. In the tutoring market, it's estimated that there are around a million students who ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Factors driving demand for tutoring

Education: a priority

According to IFOP, education is seen as the *ᵉ priority for the French in ****.

Priority themes for the French in **** France, ****, in % Source: ****

Indeed, this priority given to education and the desire of parents to give the best possible education to their children as shown by the high percentage (***) for student monitoring.

Criteria for choosing a school for your child France, ****, in Source: ****

A drop in academic standards

Education is becoming even more of a priority for the French, especially as the level of schooling in France is falling.

Over the past ten years, the educational level of students has been on a downward trend France, ****, in Source: ****

Nearly **% of parents believe that the academic level of students in France has deteriorated over the past ten years.

This decline can also be quantified through the PISA test, which shows that France has shortcomings in certain subjects in particular.

What's more, parents ' distrust of schools continues to rise, as the graph below shows.

trend in the rate of mistrust in schools France, ****, in Source: ****

No confidence in schooling

change in satisfaction with education in France France, ****, in Source: ****

We can see that the satisfaction rate among parents has been ...

2.2 Profile of students/parents who use tutoring services

Student profiles

Students taking tutoring courses all have different profiles. They can be divided into different categories.

Students with learning difficulties: some take private lessons to fill gaps in certain subjects. They often have specific needs and want personalized help. Students preparing for exams: some students take courses to prepare for exams such as the baccalauréat, brevet or entrance examinations to grandes écoles. They want to maximize their chances of success. Students aiming for excellence: some students want to go beyond the standard curriculum and deepen their knowledge in certain areas. Students with special needs: students with disabilities or high potential have individual needs.

Nearly **% of students have already used tutoring services , according to the graph below.

French people's use of tutoring France, ****, in Source: ****

What's more, we can see that children enrolled in REP schools (***) are the most likely to use tutoring.

Children's schooling in REP and use of tutoring services France, ****, in Source: ****

Profile of parents who have already used tutoring for their children

First of all, we can observe a gap between mothers and fathers when it comes to using tutoring for their children, as shown in the graph below.

Parents of tutored pupils: a gendered profile France, ...

2.3 Typology of demand

We can segment the demand according to the subjects requested for tutoring.

Below, we can see the graph that represents the subjects where academic difficulties are encountered.

Subjects with academic difficulties France, ****, in Source: ****

At the same time, we can analyze the subjects in which children and parents wish to use tutoring.

Children's desire for tutoring in different subjects France, ****, in Source: ****

Focus on foreign languages

Nearly **% of French people give their children weekly foreign language lessons outside school, spending an average of nearly €*** per year.

Annual amount spent on private foreign language lessons France, ****, in Source: ****

Frequency of demand

Every year, demand for tutoring rises again, peaking at the start of the new school year , as shown in the graph below, with a peak in September.

evolution of interest in "private tutoring" research France, **** - ****, Google Trends index Source: ****

3 Market structure

3.1 Market overview

The following diagram shows the value chain of the tutoring market in France

Source: ****

The tutoring market is a dynamic sector. This can be seen in the graph below, which shows a steady increase in the number of employees in the sector. In particular, the number of employees rose by more than *,*** just after the Covid crisis.

To obtain these different graphs, we are interested in companies registered under NAF code ****B. This code corresponds to "Other teaching" activities. The category therefore covers : other educational activities that cannot be grouped by level, university tutoring, training centers offering remedial courses, revision courses for professional examinations, tutoring activities generally provided at home by independent organizations or teachers, language and cultural courses, etc.tutors, language and conversational skills courses outside continuing vocational training, computer training (***), religious instruction, lifeguard and ski instructor training, survival skills, public speaking and speed reading.

number of employees in the tutoring market France, ****-****, in number of people Source: ****

This growth during Covid can also be seen in the number of companies created between **** and ****.

number of businesses in the tutoring sector France, ****-****, in number of companies Source: ****

In addition, the number of tutoring companies in France varies geographically ...

3.2 A distribution system often based on franchises

The tutoring market is distributed either physically or digitally.

Today, most tutoring is done face-to-face, but the digital channel is gradually gaining in importance in the market. Most often, teachers go to their students' place of work to teach. In some cases, group sessions are organized in a public space.

School support and franchises

A significant number of players in the tutoring market operate through a franchise model. There are two categories of franchises:

Franchisesoffering homework help for younger children: the brands offering these services are essentially multi-specialists in personal services. Franchise brands offer more after-school childcare services than tutoring. In this case, tutoring is a complementary service. In general, these services are provided by smaller brands, as initial investments are low. Examples of franchised players include A*micile, Domi dom and Familife. School support franchises for middle and high school students. Services here tend to be based on excellence, and require the intervention of more highly qualified personnel. The premises required are more spacious and better located, necessitating higher capital expenditure. These include Anacours, Cours Ado and Cours Legendre. To join the Anacours network, for example, the entrepreneur must make a minimum contribution of **,*** euros, with an entry fee of ...

3.3. State expenditure on tutoring

We can analyze the structure of spending per child on education between the various players.

Structure of domestic education expenditure by initial financer France, ****, as % of GDP Source: ****

We can therefore see that the State plays an important role in financing education in France.

Below is a quantitative analysis of average expenditure per pupil or student by level of education in ****.

Average expenditure per pupil or student by level of education France, ****, in euros Source: ****

For primary education, spending averages €**** per year , while for secondary education, it amounts to almost €***** per year.

Government incentives

**% tax credit

Since ****, the French government has been subsidizing tutoring by introducing an additional incentive for households to maximize children's success. This incentive is characterized by a tax credit of **% of the amount of salaries and social charges paid to the tutor for services carried out at home.

In other words, instead of paying €** for a lesson, parents will pay half and benefit from a **% credit without having to pay in advance!

This credit makes the services more accessible to the middle classes, who don't necessarily have the means to advance the money. In addition, the immediate tax credit helps to combat the informal tutoring market ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Market overview

The tutoring on offer is relatively standardized: generally speaking, lessons last around an hour and take place every week, mostly at the student's home. Support lasts up to several months, with a greater focus on the period leading up to exams.

the different options available on the tutoring market are as follows:

One-to-one support: In this category, the teacher most often comes to the student's home to give a lesson or help with homework. This is the most expensive option, and the one recommended when the student is experiencing particular academic difficulties. This type of support is effective for students with methodological and/or organizational shortcomings, or for those who wish to improve their knowledge in a calm, focused environment. Online support: This category also essentially comprises one-to-one support, but without the physical presence of the teacher. This is a less expensive option than the first, but it is more difficult to establish a relationship of trust between student and teacher. This option is mainly used by students who want to consolidate what they've learned without any real organizational or methodological difficulties. Group lessons: Finally, this type of private tuition is less widespread than the previous ones. The teacher is physically ...

4.2 Market prices

In France, tutoring teachers generally earn between €** and €** per hour.

Private tuition provided by students is charged around €** to €** on average, but the range is wide, making it difficult to estimate a reference price. Acadomia, for example, charges around €** per hour. New players such as Kartable are determined to gain market share by offering more affordable subscriptions (***) for online lessons [***].

Below is an overview of prices charged by French players. The first table illustrates general tutoring prices for a few selected companies, and the second and third tables analyze prices for franchises and franchisees, based on the model described in section *.* Distribution.

As explained above, many companies in the tutoring sector operate on the franchise principle. Here's an overview of the franchises available in the homework help and tutoring sector.


Source: ****

School support franchises

Source: ****

4.3 An evolving offering

Challenges in the tutoring market

High school reform

The reform of the lycée and baccalauréat could result in a loss of revenue for the tutoring industry, as the changes could render certain tutoring methods obsolete. Indeed, the reform aims to better prepare students for the professional world by directing them towards more targeted specialties, and by doing away with the L, ES and S streams of the general baccalauréat. As a result, students may be less inclined to seek private tutoring for subjects they have chosen to no longer study.

A return to tutoring

A return to tutoring, often shared, seems to prevail: by moving away from learning platforms providing simple, unguided access to content, students would find learning more human, more "active" and more effective. Many players in the tutoring market are moving towards a distance learning format, using videoconferencing and small groups: Acadomia, Meet in Class, Complétude, and many others.

Mass tutoring

In France, nearly **% of children have no one at home to help them with their homework.

With the digitization of tutoring, a new form of learning has gradually been democratized on the Internet: online revision, autonomous from online course sheets. Quizzes punctuate each ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Tax credits and benefits

First of all, the **** Borloo law authorized private tuition providers to deduct from their income tax **% of the sums spent on certain home services, including tutoring. This measure was intended to reduce informal work in this sector. In March ****, the tax credit was extended to online courses.

Finally, families who use a tutoring company like Acadomia benefit from a reduced VAT rate of **%.

Professionalization of the sector

In ****, the French government launched the Chèque Emploi Service Universel (***) to directly pay a person employed in his or her own home.

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Domia Group (Acadomia)
  • Superprof
  • Clevermate
  • Anacours
  • OpenClassrooms
  • Complétude Groupe
  • Pythagore Education
  • Knowunity
  • EvidenceB
  • Sherpas
  • Octonum
  • Trouvtonprof
  • Study Success
  • Soft Kids
  • AlphaAcadémie
  • Holy Owly (Albert group)
  • Stewdy
  • MyMentor
  • KeepSchool
  • ClassGap
  • Domicours
  • Cours Legendre (Alma learning group)
  • Alma Learning Group
  • Profadom
  • Cours Ado

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