Summary of our market study
In France, the security systems market is expected to reach 3.7 billion euros by 2023. The total security sector is estimated at between 7 and 8 billion euros.
The alarm and video surveillance market includes alarm sirens, video cameras, sensors and detectors for homes, businesses and public institutions. It is driven by the adoption of advanced technologies such as IP cameras.
Worldwide, the market exceeds $125 billion, with annual growth rates of 10% for video surveillance and 5% for alarms.
The residential segment offers huge potential, given current low penetration rates, while business customers are mainly looking to rejuvenate existing systems.
Burglaries are capped at around 230,000 a year.
Regulations govern the use of these systems, including strict rules on the decibel level of external alarms, the ban on unauthorized filming of public thoroughfares, and the length of time images can be stored.
Key players in the alarm and video surveillance market
- Verisure: Specialized in the installation and maintenance of security solutions.
- Securitas: Surveillance and security specialist.
- Delta Dore: Home automation specialist for homes and businesses, integrating alarm systems
- Vinci: Vinci includes security solutions in its horizontal integration model
- Rexel and Sonepar: Two international generalist distributors of electrical systems, industrial automation, and alarm and video surveillance equipment.
- Bosch Security Systems: produces high-quality security equipment
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of study
The alarm and video surveillance market covers all technological devices and appliances used to ensure security and prevent theft or intrusion.
The market includes the following products
alarm sirens ;
video cameras ;
sensors and detectors.
These various security tools are aimed at different types of customer: private individuals, professionals, public facilities and buildings.
Prefectoral authorization, prohibition of filming on the public highway, retention period or authorization to view recorded images- the use of surveillance devices is governed by very specific legislation, depending on the context of use.
The global video surveillance market is booming, and is expected to grow at an average annual rate of almost 9.2% between 2023 and 2028. Similarly, the global alarm market is expected to grow steadily over the next few years.
Market customers include both professionals (companies of all sizes and public institutions) and private individuals.the French security market is also growing, driven by numerous technological innovations and benefiting from the feeling of insecurity shared by many French people. Private markets account for the highest proportion of the sector's sales in France.
The 2024 Olympic Games will increase demand for video surveillance systems in France, particularly from public institutions.
1.2 The global market continues to grow
According to Markets&Markets, the global video surveillance market will be worth $**.* billion in ****. This is a rapidly expanding market which, according to the same source, will grow at a CAGR (***) of *.*% over the period ****-****, to reach a size of over $** billion. One of the key drivers of this market is the growing concern for public safety and security.
According to Verifiedmarketresearch, the size of the global alarm market will be $*.* billion in ****, with a CAGR of *.**% each year until ****.
With these figures, we can estimate the global market:
Evolution of global video surveillance market size World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****
Analysis of the global alarm and video surveillance market for the period ****-**** reveals a gradual growth in sales in these sectors. In ****, sales of video surveillance amounted to $**.* billion, while those of surveillance alarms were $*.* billion, giving total sales of $**.* billion.
Over the following years, a steady increase in sales was observed in both segments. Video surveillance sales rise steadily, reaching $**.* billion in ****. Similarly, sales of surveillance alarms grow steadily, reaching $*.* billion in the same year.
1.3 French market boosted by growing demand
Growth in the size of the security systems market France, ****-****, in billions of euros Sources : Insee,Insee The trend in the size of the security systems market in France between **** and **** was characterized by gradual growth, with sales increasing steadily over the years. From **** to ****, the upward trend was relatively moderate, with consistent annual variations. However, from **** onwards, a noticeable acceleration in sales was observed, marking a significant increase in **** and continued growth through to ****.
Between **** and ****, sales of security systems rose by **.**%.
This data suggests a growing awareness of the importance of security systems, probably stimulated by factors such as technological developments and growing security concerns.
1.4 A trade deficit
French customs provide trade statistics for "electric alarms for protection against theft or fire and similar appliances" (***).
Exports and imports of electric alarms for protection against theft or fire and similar appliances (***) France, **** - ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Exports showed notable growth in ****, rising **.*% to *** million euros, after declining in ****.
By contrast, imports continued their upward trend, reaching *** million euros in ****.
The coverage rate remains below ***%, meaning that France's trade balance on this market is in deficit. This situation suggests a dependence on imports, despite the fluctuations observed in trade.
France's main customer countries France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Germany is France's leading trading partner, accounting for a significant share of French exports with a value of **.* million euros, well ahead of France's other customer countries.
The Netherlands follows with *.* million euros worth of goods purchased. Italy, Spain, Belgium and Algeria record more modest export values, reflecting the diversity of France's target markets.
This geographical distribution of exports underlines the importance of trade relations with neighboring European countries, while highlighting the potential for expansion into more diversified markets worldwide.
France's main supply customers France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Romania is France's leading supplier, with an import value of ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Typology of demand
The main customer markets for remote surveillance in France are as follows:
Corporate customers
Private companies are the main customers for alarm and remote surveillance manufacturers, and use electronic security systems that cover fire protection, intrusion detection and access control.
Public institutions
Public institutions are the second-largest customer market for security system installers. Their needs range from securing public places, such as public highways, to parks and gardens. In recent years, however, public authorities have had to contend with variations in their annual budgets, which has had an impact on their ability to invest.
The new-build market
With the addition of new regulations concerning security devices in new buildings, the momentum of new housing starts is an important factor in sales of alarm and remote surveillance systems.
Private customers
With the number of burglaries remaining constant, and even on the rise in some regions of France (***) compulsory. Finally, we can note that the feeling of insecurity at home has remained generally constant over time, with **% of French people feeling frequently insecure in ****.
Breakdown of security sales by business sector France, ****, in Source: ****
The breakdown of security sales in France in **** reflects a significant diversity of business sectors within the security industry. ...
2.2 Burglaries of principal residences
The trend in the number of burglaries of main residences recorded by police and gendarmerie services in France from **** to **** shows significant variations over the years. In****, there is a noticeable drop, with only ***,*** burglaries recorded, perhaps due to travel restrictions linked to the COVID-** pandemic. by ****, more than ***,*** burglaries of principal residences were recorded, an increase of **.**% compared with ****.
In ****, in mainland France, around one person in fifty-five reported that their household had been the victim of a burglary or attempted burglary. [***]
2.3 French people's sense of insecurity
Change in feeling of insecurity France, ****-****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****
The evolution of feelings of insecurity in France between **** and **** reveals significant variations over this period. In January ****, the percentage of respondents expressing a feeling of insecurity was **%, then rose to **% in July ****, marking a notable increase in the space of a few months.
However, this upward trend was not constant, as the percentage fell by one point in October ****, only to drop back to **% in January ****. Over the course of ****, the percentage of respondents expressing a feeling of insecurity remained relatively stable, hovering around **%, with figures varying between **% in April **** and **% in October ****. However, an increase of ** points was observed in January ****, when the percentage rose to **%. from there, a gradual downward trend was observed until January ****, when the percentage returned to **%. This decrease may indicate a revival of confidence or a perceived improvement in safety conditions over time.
Sense of insecurity France, ****, % (***) Source: ****
Analysis of the feeling of insecurity in France in **** reveals a diverse distribution of responses among respondents. The data show that **% of respondents say they often feel insecure, while the majority, **%, say they feel insecure from time to time. This suggests that while part of the French population ...
2.4 Typology of consumer demand
Rate of people with the following protection systems France, ****, in Source: ****
**% of respondents have at least one piece of protective equipment (***) are the most widespread equipment. Only **% of French people own an armored door.
Feeling of effectiveness of current equipment to prevent burglary France, ****, % (***) Source: ****
Perceived effectiveness of security systems France, ****, in Source: ****
Only **% of French people feel that their equipment is very effective in preventing a burglary. Armored doors and siren alarms are perceived as the most effective, with **% and **% of respondents respectively rating them as very effective. Intercoms and digicodes are the least well perceived in terms of very good effectiveness.
Level of knowledge of burglary protection systems France, ****, % of A*P
Sources of information on protection systems France, ****, % of total Source : A*P In **** in France, the majority of respondents(***)classified themselves as having an average level of knowledge of burglary protection systems. This figure suggests a certain familiarity with these devices, albeit without in-depth expertise. On the other hand,**%of participants were categorized as unfamiliar, indicating a lack of information or awareness in this area. Last but not least,**%were identified as very knowledgeable, demonstrating advanced expertise. These results underline the potential need for further information ...
2.5 Business demand
Business demand for alarms and video surveillance is growing, fueled by the need to protect property and people against burglary and intrusion. In France, the average cost of a burglary to a business is estimated at €**,*** [***], representing a significant financial loss for many companies, in addition to the material and immaterial damage caused. In ****, there were an estimated ***,*** burglaries or attempted burglaries of business premises in France[***], underlining the scale of the problem and the need for businesses to strengthen their security. Faced with this growing threat, more and more companies are turning to alarm and video surveillance solutions to protect their premises, equipment and employees.
Burglaries by type of premises France, ****, % of total Source: ****
Main dwellings represent the category most affected by burglaries, with **% of burglaries, followed by business premises with **%, and second homes with *%.
These figures highlight the importance of burglaries in primary residences, underlining the need for owners and occupants to reinforce the security of their homes. At the same time, business premises also account for a significant proportion of burglaries, highlighting the importance for companies of implementing adequate security measures to protect their assets and employees .
Percentage of employees teleworking occasionally or regularly France, ****-****, % (***) Source: ****
In ...
2.6 New construction market
The number of new housing starts has an impact on the security and surveillance equipment segment. Between **** and ****, the number of new housing units will fall by -**. *%, from ***,*** to ***,***. Then, between **** and ****, the number of housing starts rose by *.*%, with a total of ***.* new housing starts in ****. This increase can be explained by the recovery of construction activity after the **** confinement. However, between **** and ****, the number of housing starts fell by almost *%, which may be linked to difficulties in obtaining mortgages or to the sharp rise in the cost of the raw materials needed to manufacture buildings.
We can also see from the following graph that the trend has been the same since **** for both single-family homes (***).
Housing starts France, **** - ****, in thousands Source: ****
3 Market structure
3.1 Market organization and dynamics
In the alarm and video surveillance market, it's important to distinguish between the different companies that provide the services in question, as well as the customers for whom there is genuine diversity.
However, it may be interesting to distinguish several categories within the alarm and video surveillance equipment manufacturers and installers themselves. A number of business sectors have taken an interest in this market, often for different reasons. Some companies are already active in a parallel market (***), while others, such as construction companies like Vinci, have integrated the process.
3.2 Production: an increase in the number of companies and employees in the sector
Companies operating in the alarm and video surveillance sector in France are registered under NAF code **.**Z: "Activities related to security systems". This category includes :
surveillance and remote monitoring of electronic security and alarm systems such as burglar and fire alarms, including installation and maintenance the installation, repair, refurbishment and adaptation of mechanical or electronic locking devices, safes and vaults, including their subsequent monitoring or remote surveillance
Establishments registered under activity ****Z "Activities related to security systems" France, ****-****, in headcount Source: ****
Analysis of the number of establishments registered under activity ****Z "Activities related to security systems" in France between **** and **** reveals a steady growth trend over this period. The data show a steady increase in the number of establishments, with a **. *% rise from *** in **** to *,*** in ****. This sustained growth in the number of establishments in the security systems activities sector indicates a dynamism and growing interest in this industry in France. This trend can be attributed to a number of factors, including growing demand for security services in various sectors.
Number of employees in "****Z, security systems activities France, ****-****, in headcount Source : URSSAF Analysis of the number of employees registered under activity ****Z "Security systems activities" in France between ...
3.3 Distribution
There are three types of distribution in the alarm and video surveillance market:
Distribution to businesses; Distribution to public bodies; Distribution to private individuals.
Distribution to each customer segment is carried out according to specific procedures, requiring further development.
Distribution to companies
The means used by companies to monitor their warehouses and buildings require substantial investment, which differs radically from that reserved for private individuals. The installation of alarms and video surveillance systems is generally accompanied by physical surveillance on site and **/* support by central station staff.
For this customer segment, product installation is often the responsibility of suppliers, who charge for installation and maintenance services.
A survey conducted by Kiwatch survey, for example, shows what equipment companies install: on average, they install * cameras, **% of which are indoors, but only **% of these companies can intervene in the event of burglary or intrusion.
The survey also notes that there are major differences between companies. Some see remote surveillance as a necessity - construction sites or businesses directly impacted by theft - while others do not yet see the point.
Distribution to public bodies
In the case of large-scale expenditure(***), public bodies are required to issue a call for tenders. Below this level, ...
3.4 France, a country equipped with video protection
Since ****, the term"video protection" has encompassed both surveillance devices installed in public places by the relevant authorities and those present in areas open to the public, such as stations, airports and shops. Video surveillance, on the other hand, refers specifically to camera systems installed in strictly private spaces .
Although the distinction between these two fields can sometimes be tricky, jurisprudence has established certain criteria to differentiate them, such as access control or reception capacity. From a technological point of view, the two concepts are similar: a camera captures images, which are then transmitted via a communications network to a remote point for real-time surveillance and possible storage for future use.
There is no precise figure for the number of surveillance cameras in France, as there is no centralized register or national database listing them. Nevertheless, various estimates suggest that by ****, there could be between *.* and * million surveillance cameras in the country. These cameras are mainly deployed in public places such as streets, railway stations, airports, shopping malls, schools and similar locations[***].
Number of surveillance cameras per ***,*** inhabitants France, ****, in number of cameras Source: ****
The above data reveals a significant variation in the deployment of surveillance cameras in French cities, with ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 The main anti-intrusion solutions
Intrusion detection systems are generally used to protect and prevent the risk of theft and intrusion into homes and business premises.
Intrusion prevention involves three distinct levels of surveillance:
Protection of the building perimeter, also known as perimeter protection Perimeter protection , aimed at securing the building envelope Protection inside the building, known as volumetric protection.
Focus on perimeter detection :
To minimize the risk of break-ins and burglaries, it's essential to act upstream, even before an intrusion occurs. Peripheral detection" encompasses all security technologies that monitor the surroundings of buildings and provide prevention by signalling any suspicious presence. The aim is to deter anyone planning to break in with the intention of committing theft or causing damage to a home or business premises. Different technologies are available for perimeter protection:
Focus on perimeter protection :Perimeter" protection aims to secure the building envelope. This means, for example, detecting or preventing any intrusion attempts at the building's doors and windows.
Focus on volumetric protection:
If intruders manage to get inside your home or premises, it's essential to be able to deter them or, failing that, to limit their movement or actions as much as possible. To achieve this, it is necessary to reinforce what ...
4.2 A multitude of products in the alarm and video surveillance segments
The alarm and surveillance camera segments are made up of a multitude of products. These products are identical in terms of purpose (***), but differ in terms of quality and functionality.
Alarm and video surveillance devices may vary in design or technical characteristics, whether generic or customized - in the case of installation of specific surveillance equipment for customers. [***]
there are * main categories of video surveillance systems in France:
The different types of alarm systems
The choice of the most appropriate system depends on many factors, and the price is calculated according to the features chosen: the size of the surveillance area (***), and the quality and coverage of the cameras. Thus, the cost of an alarm system can fluctuate by several hundred euros, depending on :
The size of the area to be protected; Accessories and sensors on doors and windows; The type of sensors: infrared or microwave volumetric sensors (***), fire sensors, Installing sensors..; Installation of CCTV or IP cameras; Smart options (***); Additional security controls; Installation personnel costs; Maintenance costs.
4.3 Prices to suit all budgets
Thanks to the development of new technologies, video surveillance equipment is no longer reserved for the big bucks and professionals. There are devices at every price point, depending on use and budget. The following price ranges have been provided by the website Oorekaa specialist in online price comparisons.
Source: ****
4.4 Modernizing the offering with biometrics and algorithmic video surveillance
Faced with the challenges posed by document fraud, identity theft, the threats of terrorism and cybercrime, and changing international regulations, new technological solutions are gradually emerging. Among these, biometrics is rapidly emerging as a relevant approach to identifying and authenticating individuals reliably and quickly, based on unique biological characteristics.
Biometrics focuses on the study ofphysical or behavioral characteristics unique to each individual, enabling authentication of identity. Simply put, biometrics involves "measuring the human body". These biometric technologies fall into two categories:physiological measurements and behavioral measurements. Physiological measurements include morphological or biological characteristics such as fingerprints, hand and finger shape, venous network, eye characteristics (***), and facial morphology.
Algorithmic video surveillance :
Algorithmic video surveillance, also known as automated video surveillance (***), is described by industry and institutions as aform of intelligent or augmented video protection. It involves the use of software-based algorithmic processing to automatically analyze images recorded by surveillance cameras in real time.
This technology represents an evolution from the traditional method of analyzing images captured by cameras, which required human intervention or that of video operators. By integrating an algorithm overlay into video surveillance cameras, video analysis can now be automated.
The main objective of this algorithmic overlay is to ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Alarm regulation
Regulations for outdoor alarms and sirens
Before installing an intruder alarm system, you need to make a declaration to the local council. This enables the mayor to issue guidelines concerning the maximum sound level authorized in your commune. In accordance with article R****-* d of the French Public Health Code, no particular sound may, by its duration, repetition or intensity, disturb the peace or health of neighbors, whether in a private or public place. These regulations are designed to prevent noise nuisance and protect the well-being of residents, underlining the importance of complying with established standards to guarantee a serene and safe environment for all.
Local authority alarm systems are generally capped by municipal by-laws at *** decibels for a duration of * minutes, characteristics that can also be found in alarms marketed to private individuals.
In some cases, condominium bylaws may stipulate the use of alarms. Some by-laws lay down usage criteria (***).
Local regulations may also require that an external luminous device for locating protected premises be coupled to the audible alarm
Legislation currently prohibits connecting an alarm directly to the police station. This means that the company in charge of surveillance, owners or third parties must contact the authorities. Any ...
5.2 Video surveillance regulations
However, the installation of video surveillance systems is more strictly regulated, since it also concerns the privacy of those filmed. It should be pointed out that this legislation applies to all video surveillance systems filming on or in the public highway.
A distinction must first be made between :
Private places: any public or private place to which the public does not have access (***); Public places or places open to the public: any place in the public or private sector that is accessible to the public (***).
Source: ****
Le site Déclaration Vidéosurveillance explains that there are, however, specific rules concerning the installation of video surveillance systems on public highways by businesses.
In accordance with article L***-* of the French Internal Security Code, retailers are entitled to install video surveillance systems on public highways.osurveillance systems on the public highway in order to ensure the security of businesses in areas particularly exposed to the risk of assault or theft.
The places concerned are :
Places open to the public where goods or services are sold ; Where goods or merchandise are stored for sale.
However, the system must be disconnected from indoor cameras. Only public officials are authorized to view the images collected. ...
6 Positioning the players
6. Segmentation
- Artel Télésurveillance
- Excellium
- Hager
- Honeywell
- Prosegur
- Securitas
- Séris (Amarante)
- Somfy
- Stanley Security
- Carrier Global Fire & Security
- Thales
- Homiris
- Tike Securité
- Verisure
- CFP Sécurité
- Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
- Genetec
- SERIS Security
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