Summary of our market study
In France, the hardware wholesale trade, which includes locksmithing, is valued at over €4 billion.
Worldwide sales in the access control industry are estimated at $10 billion.
The French locksmithing market is growing slowly, in a landscape marked by the advance of new technologies. The sector includes the manufacture of locks and hardware, and the armoring of exterior doors and installation of fire doors.
The access control segment is growing at an annual rate of 6%. Smart connected locks, often controlled by smartphones, support the booming home automation market. Burglaries are set to rise by 11% by 2022, and consumer security concerns are boosting the market.
Industry leaders such as Assa Abloy and Gretsch-Unitas are subsidiaries of foreign companies.
Traditional locksmith production is growing at an average rate of between 3% and 4% a year.
2023 will be a difficult year due to the downturn in the real estate market, new housing construction and a decline in real estate transactions.
The locksmiths sector has a trade deficit of 250 to 350 million euros
Sector players
- Assa Abloy France SAS: Subsidiary of the Swedish locksmith giant
- Bricard subsidiary of British group Allegion
- Fichet Groupe
- Ferco (Gretsch-Unitas Group): This German group has a wealth of traditional know-how and industry-leading innovation. Its French subsidiary, Ferco, manufactures a range of hardware, door and window components.
- Minibea Access Solutions France: a subsidiary of Japanese industrial giant MinebeaMitsumi brings cutting-edge technology to the sector.
- TB Industrie (Tordo Belgrano Groupe): known by its market name Torbel, this group is a benchmark for shutter hardware, hinges and locks
- U Shin Japanese group
- Latchable
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Presentation and definition of the locksmith market
Apart from the first lock designs that appeared in Ancient Egypt over 3,000 years ago[], then by the Romans with metal locks, the first "modern" locks appeared during the reign of Louis XVI, also known as the locksmith-king. A true locksmith's enthusiast, he promoted this art, particularly in Picardy and more specifically in Vimeu, with modern locks similar to those we know today. [Igloohome] The modernization of locksmithing was both aesthetic and technical, with the advent of combination locks and padlocks.
This study will focus on two distinct activities:
- lock and hardware manufacturers;
- metalworkers and locksmiths (armoring of exterior doors, installation of fire doors, etc.).
The global access control market is expected to grow by an average of 8.4% over the next five years, driven by the development of new technologies and access control systemsnew technologies and wireless security systems. The market in the USA, the world's leading producer of metal locks and hinges, is growing, and should continue to do so over the next few years.
In France, the locks and fittings manufacturing business is set to grow by 5.88% in 2022, driven by a strong price effect. Germany is the sector's main trading partner, being the leading customer and supplier of locks and fittings products, followed by China, Spain and Italy for imports, and Spain, Belgium and Morocco for exports.
The locksmith's market is largely dependent on a number of factors, including the new construction market, windows and doors, and feelings of insecurity. Recently, the locksmith's market has seen a revival with smart connected locks .[Connected objectthese locks can be locked and unlocked remotely using a smartphone or other terminal, usually with a Bluetooth connection. The market for connected locks is booming, supported by the growing popularity of home automation.
Despite significant growth of nearly 6% in 2022, 2023 promises to be a more complex year for the sector. Faced with international crises in the real estate sector, the industry's main customers are experiencing a significant reduction in new housing construction, as well as a drop in transactions in existing property, combined with a decline in household purchasing power . This deterioration in the economic context represents a major challenge for the various players in the sector. In addition, theincrease in Chinese imports, which are taking up an ever-greater share of the market, combined with a worsening balance of trade, represents another problem facing industry players.
1.2 A booming global market
Worldwide access control market
The global market is expected to grow steadily between **** and ****, at a CAGR of +*.*%. [***]Growth in the access control market is being driven by the massive adoption of new technological solutions due to rising crime rates in some parts of the world, technological advances and the deployment of wireless solutions in security systems.
Estimated worldwide sales for the access control industry Worldwide, ****-**** Source: ****
1.3 Slow growth in the French market
This study distinguishes two distinct business segments. On the one hand, manufacturers of locks and fittings, whose main activity is to produce all types of locks, bolts, padlocks and fittings for the building and furniture markets, as well as for automobiles, for example. [***]
These two areas of activity correspond to the sectors under which all locksmith companies are registered according to nomenclature des Activités Françaises/ French Activities Nomenclature
Lock manufacturing
The production of locks and fittings in France recorded average growth of *.*% between **** and ****, reaching €*.* billion in ****.
Metalwork and locksmithing
Service activities related to locksmithing, in particular city locksmithing, are generally grouped under the nomenclature "metal joinery and locksmithing work activities". [***] This sector accounted for around **.* billion euros in ****, but includes activities other than those of locksmiths.
This sales figure increased with an average growth of *% between **** and ****.
Sales of lock manufacturers, metalworkers and locksmiths France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
1.4 Dynamic French foreign trade
In ****, France exported a total of *** million euros worth of base metal locks and other clasps. This figure is down *.*% on ****.
Exports remained very stable between **** and **** (***)
Export figures (***) France, ****-****, Million€ Source: ****
Imports increased by *.*% on average over the ****-**** period, peaking in **** at $*** million. By ****, imports had nevertheless fallen by *.**% .
Amount of imports (***) France, **** - ****, in million euros Source: ****
the trade balance has deteriorated since ****, almost reaching a foreign trade deficit on this sector of $*** million in ****.
Balance of trade (***) France, ****-****, Million € Source: ****
Germany takes first place as the main supplier of locksmith products to France, closely followed by China and Italy. It's worth noting that as of ****, China's market share increased from **% to **%, while Germany's decreased from **% to **.*%.
Main countries supplying locksmith products France, ****, % of total Source: ****
Germany also holds the top position among French lock manufacturers' customer countries, followed by Spain and Belgium. In ****, Spain led the way with a market share of **%. Today, Germany has become France's leading customer country, accounting for **% of French exports in this field.
Main customer countries for locksmith products France, ****, % of total Source: ****
2 Demand analysis
2.1 A sluggish new construction market
The volume of activity in the locksmithing sector is strongly correlated withew housing construction
New housing market :
In terms of new housing sales, we have seen a significant drop in the number of sales orders and reservations since the beginning of ****, coinciding with the arrival of the pandemic.
from the first quarter of **** through to the second quarter of ****, housing marketing (***) continued to decline significantly, reaching levels lower than those recorded during the COVID crisis.
Between the first quarter (***) of ****, we observed a significant **.*% reduction in new housing reservations, a trend that appears to be continuing in the first two quarters of ****. This points toa sharp decline in future revenues for real estate agencies in the new housing sector over the next few years.
Against this backdrop, the stock of available homes at the end of the quarter rose once again (***), reaching a historically high level of ***,*** new homes.
Marketing of new housing (***) France, **** - ****, in thousands Source: ****
over the period from July **** to July ****, we have observed a clear decline in the number of authorized housing units in France. In July ****, the cumulative total of authorized housing units over a **-month period stood at ***,***, while by July ****, this figure had ...
2.2 The window and door market: A market that's weathering the economic storm
Window and door manufacturers need locksmithing products to design their own products. This market is strongly linked to the favorable regulations governing the energy renovation of buildings.
A study by TBC Innovations reveals that around ***,*** entrance doors were sold in ****.
According to the same study, the typology of doors sold shows a positive trend towards contemporary designs (***) in aluminum and steel, with modern, smooth products.
Despite difficult economic conditions, the window market proved remarkably resilient, recording growth of **% in value terms and surpassing the ** million windows sold threshold for the second time since ****. Nevertheless, by ****, this trend is showing signs of slowing, with **% of executives surveyed anticipating a decrease in activity for the year, while only **% expect an increase. [***]
The window market France, ****-****, Thousands of windows Source: ****
2.3 The furniture market: growth in the dark
Locksmiths and lock manufacturers generally include in their range of models hinges, clasps and padlocks, generally used in furniture manufacture. The French furniture market is primarily a renewal market, with low annual variations. In ****, market sales will total €**.** billion . This represents *% growth in value compared to ****.
In ****, thanks to the growing enthusiasm of households for improving their interiors and the postponement of consumption from **** due to the COVID-** pandemic, sales in the sector had risen by a remarkable **%, reaching an all-time high of **.** billion euros.
Furniture market sales in France ****-**** Source: ****
However, much of the observed growth seems to be the fruit of an illusion, fuelled in particular by the effects of inflation, which reached +*.*% in the home furnishings sector alone. With inflation expected to persist into ****, leading to purchasing power problems and consumer choices unfavorable to the home furnishings sector, there is little cause for celebration in the year ahead. The experts at IPEA anticipate a decline in the market, probably not on a large scale, but significant nonetheless, estimated at around -*%. [***]
2.4 The automotive industry in decline
the number of new cars sold in France will fall sharply between **** and ****, with an average drop of almost *%. This drop in the number of cars sold is due to the delivery crisis in the sector.
Trend in the number of cars sold in France France, ****-**** Source: ****
In ****, we see an upturn in activity, but even with expected double-digit growth, figures remain well below those recorded in ****. In addition, the lingering effects of the COVID-** crisis and supply chain disruptions continue to have a notable impact.
When we look at French automakers' automotive production over the period, we see a sharp drop in **** of almost **%, which has been maintained in **** due to the supply chain crisis, which has led to a reduction in the number of vehicles produced. It's important to note that the automotive industry has a direct impact on demand for locks and fittings, which influences activity in our sector. Production by French automakers France, ****-****, Thousands of cars Source: ****
2.5 Burglary and feelings of insecurity
The need for locksmithing and ironmongery products is strongly influenced by feelings of insecurity and the incidence of burglaries. Demand for these products is directly impacted by changes in these two factors.
Lhe insecurity factor
According to the study published each year by Insee (***), people's feeling of insecurity at home varies between men and women. In ****,
These figures have fallen slightly since ****, in particular, as the number of burglaries fell sharply with the Covid-** crisis.
It should also be noted that the feeling of insecurity experienced by the French is, on the other hand, stronger when it comes to the "neighborhood" or "village " and not the home.
Percentage of people who say they "often", "sometimes" or "rarely" feel unsafe at home France, ****-****, by gender Source: ****
Residential burglaries in France :
In ****, the number of burglaries in France increased considerably, following two years of confinement during which it was abnormally low. In ****, the number of burglaries reached ***,***, an increase of **%. However, it has still not returned to **** levels, recording an **% drop on that year.
Trend in the number of burglaries in France France, ****-****, Source: ****
3 Market structure
3.1 Erosion of the industrial fabric, highly concentrated in northern and northeastern France
Since ****, the number of establishments has fallen steadily, from *** to ***, equivalent to a drop of more than * establishments per year on average.
Number of establishments (***)
The number of employees has also fallen sharply between **** and ****, by almost *% per year (***). This was accentuated by the covid crisis in ****. The sector has been unable to hire back to pre-crisis levels.
Change in number of employees (manufacture of locks and fittings: Naf Code: **.**Z France, ****-****, Number of employees Source: ****
As is often the case in industry, activity is mainly concentrated in the Haut-de-France and Grand Est regions. This trend is even more marked when we examine the distribution of employees, where more than **% of employees are located in these two regions, Grand Est and Haut-de-France.
3.3 Hardware wholesaling, a growing distribution channel
In the value chain, hardware wholesalers are positioned between hardware and DIY suppliers and manufacturers, and industrial building and civil engineering professionals. They are therefore clearly dependent on the economic performance of the latter sector, which in turn depends heavily on the housing construction and renovation market (***)
The retail hardware market has recorded significant growth since ****, mainly attributable to the price effect and postponement of consumption observed during the COVID-** crisis. In ****, the sector posted growth of *.**%. However, this trend shows signs of slowing down in the first months of ****, with a projected decline of *.*% for the first half of the year.
Change in market size (***) France, ****-****, € million Source: ****
3.4 A relatively concentrated sector
The main lock manufacturers in France are in fact subsidiaries of foreign groups; the top four companies together accounted for around ***.* million euros in **** on French territory. [***]
Assa Abloy
With sales of **.* billion euros in ****, the Swedish group Assa Abloy is the world's leading manufacturer of locks and door opening solutions for the building industry. The group sells mechanical products, automatic access systems, electromechanical products and security doors.
The German company will generate sales of around *** million euros in ****, mainly in Europe [***]. Its main brands are G-U, BKS and Ferco. The latter is based in France, in Reding (***), and manufactures door and window hardware, as well as locks for buildings.
Tordo Belgrano:also known as Torbel in French, takes third place on the podium. This family-owned company is emerging as a key player in the field of hardware solutions, both for the interior and exterior of homes. The group has ** production sites in Europe, ** of which are based in France through its subsidiary TB Industrie. The latter specializes mainly in the manufacture of shutter hardware, hinges, hinges and locks.
Minibea access solutions
Minibea Access Solutions has its origins in Japan. It is part of the MinebeaMitsumi group, a global giant ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Lock operating principles and types
In spite of the different lock mechanisms, the following components are generally found in all locks:
The bolt, a moving part that locks the bolt to the jamb to keep the door closed. It is indirectly activated by the cylinder or handle to lock or unlock access; The striker plate, the metal part screwed to the doorframe, which consolidates the closure; The cylinder, consisting of a fixed part (***). When the key is inserted all the way into the cylinder, its teeth align perfectly with the pins, and rotation can take place. Depending on the direction of rotation, the cylinder compresses or relaxes the springs that control the bolt; The cylinder protector, placed in front of the lock cylinder to protect it from common break-in attempts; The faceplate, afinishing piece with one or two spaces to allow the bolts to pass through; it is located on the side of the door, opposite the strike plate.
For the classification of its data for France in ****, Eurostat proposes the following typology of locks, closures and padlocks:
Source: ****
4.2 Production prices for locks and fittings
From **** to ****, production prices in the locks and fittings industry rose by a very modest *% per year on average. However, in ****, due to the economic recovery, supply problems and inflation (***), prices rose significantly. In ****,prices rose by *.*%, and this trend continued in **** with a further increase of *.*% compared to ****.
French industry production price index for the French market: Locks and fittings France, ****-****, base ***:**** Source: ****
4.3 Pricing by lock type
Locksmith service prices are based on lock replacement or installation services.
In the event of lost or stolen keys, the locksmith can change the lock without damaging the door.Replacement can cost from *** euros to *** euros before tax, depending on the complexity of the new lock
Here are price estimates for different types of installation[***]
Classic lock change :
The price of a classic lock change ranges from €*** to €*** all-inclusive. If you don't include the locksmith's intervention, the price of a classic lock change ranges from €** to €***.
Classic locks are undoubtedly the most popular and least expensive. They can be adapted to all types of front door, and are very easy to install.
This is a classic pin lock, with the flat, toothed key being the most popular today. This system offers reasonable security, which can be improved by increasing the number of pins or changing their arrangement.
Changing a high-security lock :
The cost of changing a high-security lock varies from €*** to €*,***, depending on the scope of the work and the level of security required. In the quote for replacing your high-security lock, the cost of supplies will vary from €*** to €*,***.
These locks are all fitted with a high-grade cylinder and high-quality ...
4.4 The rise of a more technological offering
Whether directly on locks or on substitute products, the market for door and window security, and more generally for home and building security, is being turned upside down by recent technological innovations promising improved security.the market for door and window security, and more generally for home and building security, is being shaken up by recent technological innovations in home automation, which promise improved security. This technological craze is both a threat and an opportunity for traditional and historic players in the locksmithing market.
The rise of connected locks
A connected lock enables you to open a door using your cell phone and Internet access, either by using a mobile application, by bringing your smartphone close to the lock, or remotely via Internet access. The connected lock makes it possible to do without a physical key.
Worldwide, the size of the connected lock market is expected to reach *.** billion by ****, according to [***], representing an average annual growth rate of **.*%.
Estimated size of the global smart lock market World, ****-**** Source: ****
The boom in mobile devices is accompanied by a real upsurge in home automation. With this in mind, cumulative sales of connected objects in France are expected to reach *.* billion euros ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulations
In France, the locksmith and hardware market is governed by various laws and regulations, particularly those relating to the safety of goods and people. Here are some of the main laws and regulations that apply to this sector:
Activity in this sector is reserved for individuals who hold a professional qualification, or who work under the constant and effective supervision of a qualified person. The professional must hold a diploma or title attesting to his or her skills in the field of activity or in a specific part of it, such as a certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (***), or a diploma or qualification of equivalent or higher level, recognized at the time of issue and registered in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles.
In the absence of diplomas or qualifications, proof of at least three years' professional experience, acquired as an employee, company director or self-employed worker, is required. This is in line with the provisions of articles L***-*, L***-*, R***-* and R***-* of the Code de l'Artisanat.
What's more, a person qualified to practise a trade is authorized to carry out, without the need for additional qualifications, tasks related to related trades belonging to the same group ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
The following segmentation is used for locksmith market players:
- Assa Abloy
- Gretsch-Unitas
- U-Shin
- Tordo Belgrano
- Atrya
- FPEE Industries
- Descours et Cabaud
- Rubix Europe
- Würth
- Havr
- Latchable
- Bricard (Allegion plc Groupe)
- Allegion
- Fichet Groupe
- Pollux
- Pinet Industrie
- Netatmo
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