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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Swimming pools are in-ground or above-ground basins. They are designed for bathing or swimming. There are many different types of pool, depending on size (Olympic or non-Olympic), shape, type (above-ground, in-ground, natural, etc.) and end-user (hotels, local authorities, private individuals, etc.).
On a global scale, the pool market has grown significantly in recent years, with the United States leading the way, followed by Europe and Asia, the latter of which is expected to experience strong growth in the coming years. In Europe, the three largest markets are France, Spain and Germany.
Spain has around 1.2 million swimming pools on its territory: some 120,000 are for public or collective use, while the rest are for private or individual use. This places Spain second in Europe in terms of the number of private swimming pools, behind France but ahead of Germany. Spain's pool industry comprises more than 2,500 companies, many of them small, employing around 70,000 people. The market is divided between new construction (40%), renovation (26.3%) and maintenance services (33.7%). The pandemic has boosted demand for swimming pools in Spain, with double-digit growth expected in 2020, followed by a 5.2% increase in 2021.
1.2 The global market and the U.S. market
The global pool market was estimated in **** at $*.** billion. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.*% between **** and ****.
Global pool market size World, ****-****, billions of dollars Source: ****
The US market: The United States is the market leader for swimming pools. In ****, there will be **.* million private pools in the country, * times more than in France, which ranks second in the world pool market. If we include the ***,*** public pools in the USA, that's * pool for every ** inhabitants. [***] However, swimming pools in the USA are far from evenly distributed across the country. Most pools are found in warmer states such as Arizona, California or Texas. In Arizona, for example, there is * pool for every ** inhabitants, while in a colder state like Wyoming, there is * pool for every *** inhabitants[***]
1.3 The domestic market
While there are some ** million swimming pools in the world, accounting for *% of the total, Spain, after the USA, Brazil and France, represents the world's *th largest pool market [***]. By ****, this would mean the construction of **,*** additional swimming pools in Spain. The following graph compares the countries with the most swimming pools in Europe in ****. After France, Spain is one of the best-equipped countries in Europe, with almost twice as many pools as its German partner.
Comparison of the number of swimming pools in selected European countries Europe, ****, in millions of pools Source: ****
From **** to ****, sales in the Spanish swimming pool sector show a general upward trend, rising from *.*** billion euros in **** to *.* billion euros in ****. This represents an absolute increase of *.*** billion euros over the period. In terms of average annual growth rate (***), this translates into an average increase of *.**% per year between **** and ****. This upward trend can be interpreted as the result of growing demand for swimming pools in Spain over this period.
Sales trends in the Spanish swimming pool sector Spain, ****-****, billions of euros Source: ****
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Individual requests
Although there will be around *,***,*** swimming pools in Spain by ****, there is an imbalance between the Autonomous Communities. Andalusia, with **.**% of all swimming pools in Spain, is the best-endowed Autonomous Community, followed by Valencia with **.**% and Catalonia with **.**%. On the other hand, apart from Melilla and Ceuta, Asturias (***) are the Autonomous Communities with the fewest swimming pools. These * Autonomous Communities are among the most northerly and least populated in the country.
Pool or beach?
The data provided indicate that **% of Spaniards prefer swimming pools to beaches. While **% of Spaniards prefer the beach, this **% figure still indicates a strong interest in swimming pools in Spain. Indeed, as a country with a long coastline and many beaches, this **% figure is indicative of the population's strong interest in this activity.
Percentage of Spaniards preferring swimming pools to beaches Spain, ****, % (***) Source: ****
Preferred pool type:
The following graph shows that the percentage of in-ground pools in Spain will represent **% of all pool types in ****, compared with **% of above-ground pools... A clear trend emerges from these figures, showing a clear preference for in-ground pools among Spaniards. This trend can be attributed to a number of factors, including aesthetics, durability and the perception of added value associated with ...
2.2 BtoB request
If between **** and ****, the number of trips made by Spaniards in Spain fell by **.*%, from **.* million to **.* million, during the same period, international tourism also dropped significantly, recording a **.*% drop from **.* million tourists to **.*. million tourists. While these figures are attributable to the Covid ** pandemic, there was a recovery in ****, with increases of **.*% and ***.*% in domestic and international tourism respectively. These figures point to a good recovery of the hotel sector in Spain, a source of growth for the swimming pool sector, which is a prized asset for hotels.
Evolution of domestic tourism in Spain Spain, ****-****, millions of trips. Source: ****
The good recovery of the Spanish hotel sector can also be seen in the *.**% increase in the number of hotels between **** and ****. This demand for new hotels potentially increases demand in the pool sector.
Number of hotels in Spain Spain, ****-****, thousands of hotels source : INE
The graph shows the most popular services for rural tourism in Spain, and several trends emerge from the data. Firstly, the most requested services include the possibility of bringing pets (***) are the least requested, perhaps indicating a desire to disconnect and enjoy an authentic rural retreat away from technology. To sum up, we can ...
2.3 Spanish urbanization leaves little room for private pools
Spain, a highly urbanized country:
The data provided tracks the percentage change in Spain's urbanization rate over a six-decade period, from **** to ****. The urbanization rate, which represents the proportion of the population living in urban areas in relation to the total population, has grown steadily over the years. In the ****s, the urbanization rate was **%, and has risen steadily to reach **% in ****.
Spanish urban population Spain, ****-****, % of total population Source: ****
The following graph shows the percentage of residents living in apartments in the ten most populous European countries in ****, as well as the European Union (***) average. Spain tops the list with **.*% of its population living in apartments, closely followed by Latvia with **.*% and Estonia with **.*%. Other countries in the top ten include Lithuania, Greece, Malta, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic and Sweden, with percentages ranging from **.*% to **.*%. The EU average for this measure is **.*%. This high proportion of residents living in apartments shows that Spain's urban fabric is not ideal for the installation of private swimming pools, since individual homes with gardens make it easier to install private pools.
The ** European countries with the most apartment dwellers Europe, ****, % of total Source: ****
But also a country with a lot of sun, ...
2.4 The pool-buying process
A product dependent on seasonality:
The following graph represents the average Google Trends indexes for searches for the term "piscina" (***) over different periods from March **** to January ****. These indices indicate the relative interest in swimming pools over time. Several trends emerge from the data. Firstly, there isseasonality in search trends, with higher peaks of activity during the summer months, such as June ****, June ****, and June ****. These peaks coincide with the summer season, when demand for swimming pools is highest. Conversely, there is less interest in searching for swimming pools in winter.
Evolution of "Piscina" search interest in Spain Spain, ****-****, Average index Source: ****
Pool purchase decision process:
The data provided illustrates how Spaniards carry out each stage of the pool purchase process via the different channels; online, face-to-face or through a combination of the two. In the awareness phase, the face-to-face channel dominates with **.*%, closely followed by the face-to-face and online channel with **.*%, while the online channel has the lowest percentage with **.*%. During the consideration phase, the face-to-face channel maintains its leading position with **.*%, while the face-to-face and online channel shows a significant drop to **.*%. As far as the actual purchase is concerned, the face-to-face channel remains in the lead with ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Value chain
3.2 Magnitudes and market players
In ****, the swimming pool sectorconsisted of *,*** companies and some **,*** employees. A comparison with the figures for **** reveals a concentration of the pool sector. Between **** and ****, the number of employees fell by **% and the number of companies by **%, while sales rose by *.**%.
Structure of the pool market in Spain Spain, ****, Source: ****
There are different types of players in the pool market, depending on the work required, amplifying the diversity of players in the market. On this market, we find services such as (***):
Pool design Pool construction Pool renovation Pool deck design and layout Pool liner replacement Sauna installation Spa/jacuzzi installation Pool covers Pool lighting installation Above-ground pools Sauna repair Custom sauna Etc.
3.3 Distribution
When it comes to pool distribution channels, we can see the following breakdown: firstly, specialist distributors represent the dominant distribution channel, with a significant share of **%. Supermarkets also account for a significant share of the market, with **% of distribution channels. The Internet is emerging as a new distribution channel, with a **% market share. Finally, independents account for a marginal share of just *%, suggesting a limited role in the Spanish pool distribution market.
New pool distribution channels Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****
4 Offer analysis
4.1 offer typology
The * main types of swimming pools :
While swimming pools can be made from a variety of materials, there are * main types:
In-ground pools. These are the most traditional type of pool, offering the greatest comfort and durability. They are built by digging a hole in the ground and filling it with concrete, or by placing a prefabricated polyester or fiberglass pool. They can be customized to any shape and size, blending perfectly into the landscape and enhancing the value of the property. However, they are also the most expensive, requiring more work and maintenance. Semi-underground pools. These are a good solution for sloping terrain, as they exploit the height of the ground to reduce excavation and costs. They can be made of concrete or prefabricated material, offering good resistance and pleasing aesthetics. However, they also require certain administrative procedures and regular maintenance. Above-ground pools. These are the most economical and easiest to install, as they require no work or permits. They are simply placed on a firm, level surface and can be made from a variety of materials, including steel, wood, plastic or canvas. Ideal for small spaces or rental purposes, they can be dismantled and transported. However, they are generally ...
4.2 Production cost analysis
In its **** report, ASEPPI (***) highlights two main types of cost impacting the production of swimming pools. These costs are related to energy and raw materials[***].
While between **** and **** the price of electricity was relatively stable in Spain, the economic context from the Covid ** Pandemic onwards in **** brought about a considerable increase in the price per Kilowatt-hour. Between **** and ****, the price rose by ***.**% following the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Although the price fell in **** compared to ****, the price of electrcity is weighing more heavily on producers' costs.
Average electricity price trend in Spain Spain, ****-****, € Source: ****
Raw materials:
The price of raw materials has risen in recent years. In order to obtain an estimate of prices, we have based ourselves on the price analysis carried out by theINE according to the different product groups:
Code ***: manufacture of cement, concrete and stoneware products. Code ***: manufacture of tanks, large metal containers Code ***: manufacture of basic chemicals and nitrogen compounds Code ***: manufacture of wood, cork and baskets;
Between **** and ****, raw material prices in Spain increased overall, with the most significant rise observed in the chemicals category, with an increase of **.**%. The other categories also saw moderate increases: wood rose by *.**%, metal container manufacturing ...
4.3 Pool market trends
The newspaper: La Web de las piscinas, highlights a few pool-related trends for the year ****:
Cordless cleaning robots: This season, electric cleaning robots, probably already the most purchased pool equipment, will see a big boom. Cordless cleaning robots offer the same efficiency with added convenience, which is sure to boost their popularity. Salt chlorinators: Salt chlorination, as an alternative to traditional chlorine-based pool water treatment, has been gaining ground for years. This system, once reserved for private pools, is now being extended to schools, condominiums, sports centers and more. This year, we can expect an even more massive adoption of this technology. Pools with integrated spas: The craze for well-being and personal care, particularly through water, is reflected in the growing number of pool owners opting to integrate a spa area into their pool. This practice, already common in other markets, is set to grow in popularity this year. Pools with decks and movable floors: To maximize the use of their pool, owners are now looking for options such as movable pool floors, transitable covers or movable decks. These alternatives, which facilitate pool maintenance and safety while optimizing pool space when not in use, are becoming increasingly popular, especially in tight ...
4.4 Seawater pools: a solution to climate change?
In February ****, in response to the drought in Catalonia, the government of the Autonomous Community declared a state of drought emergency. This state of emergency comprises * sub-levels impacting water consumption. The measures affecting swimming pools are detailed below:
Level *: water consumption limited to *** liters per inhabitant per day. Filling of swimming pools prohibited, except for indoor pools affiliated to a sports club within the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. Partial closure of showers in these facilities. Level *: water consumption limited to *** liters per inhabitant per day. Filling of swimming pools prohibited, except for indoor pools affiliated to a sports club within the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. Total closure of showers in these facilities. Level * : water consumption limited to *** liters per inhabitant per day. Filling of swimming pools prohibited.
At the Piscina & Wellness **** trade show at Fira de Barcelona, exhibitors had already presented solutions for the risk of drought already experienced by Spanish companies, involving the use of seawater to fill swimming pools. So, is seawater the future of the pool industry in the face of drought?
The advantages and disadvantages of seawater pools are as follows:
Advantages :
Abundant resource : Seawater is an abundant resource available in coastal regions, making it an ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulations
Construction standards :
Swimming pools must comply with the construction standards set out in Royal Decrees ***/**** and ****/****. They must be equipped with safety devices that comply with the technical and health criteria set out in Royal Decree ***/****.
Water quality:
Water quality must be optimal, filtered and disinfected to eliminate any pathogens. Chemical treatments must be carried out outside the pool or when it is closed to bathers. Chemicals used should be disinfectants and biocides, and dosing should be automated or semi-automated where possible.
Incident management :
In the event of an accident, serious injury, drowning or any other incident, the community must report the incident to the appropriate authorities and take the necessary measures to prevent it from happening again.
Information to bathers:
Bathers must be informed of the chemical substances used for water treatment. The presence of a lifeguard, as well as contact details for medical centers and emergency services, must be communicated. Rules governing the use of the pool, as well as the rights and duties of bathers, must be clearly displayed and accessible to all users.
Regulations for single-family pools :
Single-family pools are not subject to strict safety and cleanliness regulations, but owners must report any serious incidents to the ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Desjoyaux Piscines
- Fluidra
- indalpool
- Innowater
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The swimming pool market | Spain
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