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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

A swimming pool refers to a pool or large man-made basin intended to hold water to allow swimming or other recreational activities. It is equipped with filtration systems (pump, filter...) that allow the user to keep the water clean, as well as accessories (heating, canopies, cleaning equipment, etc.)

The swimming pool market thus covers all industry players in terms of the manufacture, installation, and distribution of new products as well as the maintenance and refurbishment of existing products.

There are different types of pools depending on the users (private, public) and their use (family, hotel, leisure, therapeutic, sports training, Olympic, diving, etc.) . In addition, the shapes and materials of swimming pools can vary: above-ground pools, in-ground or semi-in-ground pools, pools made of wood, concrete, steel, kit pools, etc.

The global swimming pool market is booming. Starting from a value of $7.58 billion in 2023, the market is expected to reach $13.9 billion by 2030, representing a very significant compound annual growth rate(CAGR). This83 percent increase reflects a growing demand, both for residential and commercial pools, fueled by global interest in improving quality of life and enhancing outdoor spaces. The main factors contributing to this expansion include the increase in luxury tourism and the growing popularity of private pools, particularly in countries with more favorable climates.

The pool market in Europe shows a slower growth rate than the global market. Between 2023 and 2030, the value of the European market will increase from $4.14 billion to $5.17 billion, an increase of 24.9 percent. This rate, although positive, is significantly lower than the 83% growth of the global market over the same period. The reasons for this moderate growth include economic and climatic factors, which influence the demand for swimming pools in different regions of the continent. However, Europe continues to be an important market, with countries such as France, Spain and Germany among the major players.

In Italy, the market is showing steady and promising growth; in fact, it ranks as the fourth largest market in Europe by value, behind France, which dominates with a market of 2.5 billion euros.

The number of pools in Italy continues to grow: in 2023, the estimated number of pools is 156,000, with a forecast to reach 168,832 pools by 2026, marking an overall growth of8.2 percent in four years.

Italy is thus a key market in the European landscape, with demand fueled by the desire for improved living spaces and favorable climate. Growth in the sector is driven not only by new residential installations, but also by the expansion of public and commercial pools, with a focus on sustainability and efficient use of water resources.

1.2 The world market

the global swimming pool market is showing steady and promising growth, fueled by increasing demand in both the residential and commercial sectors. The market is expected to reach $**.* billion by ****, up from $*.** billion in ****, with a significant compound annual growth rate (***). This represents an ** percent increase from ****. Key drivers include the growing preference for private recreational spaces such as in-ground and above-ground pools, especially in the residential sector, which is seeing increased investment, especially in regions such as North America, which accounts for nearly ** percent of the global market. In the commercial sector, the expansion of pools in hotels, resorts, and theme parks is contributing greatly to this growth, with strong demand for innovative and customized designs. Value of the Global Pool Market Mondo,****-****,Miliardi Market Intelligence ; Tech Navio

The U.S. Market The United States is a leader in the swimming pool market. In ****, there are **.* million private swimming pools in the country, * times more than France, which ranks second in the world swimming pool market. If you include the ***,*** public pools in the United States, that comes to * pool for every ** inhabitants.[***] However, swimming pools in the United States are far from evenly distributed across the country. Most ...

1.3 The European market

the European swimming pool market shows slower growth than the global market. Over the period ****-****, the value of the European swimming pool market grows from $*.** billion to $*.** billion, an increase of **.* percent. This pace is considerably lower than the **% growth expected for the global market over the same period.

While Europe is experiencing a gradual increase, the global market is being driven by more aggressive expansion, especially in North America and Asia-Pacific. In Europe, growth is more moderate, with demand coming mainly from the residential and tourism sectors, but less dynamic than in developing markets such as Asia, which is experiencing a higher growth rate

European Swimming Pool Market Value Europe,****-****,Billion dollars GMI; MWR

1.4 The Italian market

The value of the Italian market has been estimated to be * billion euros in ****, a. figure that despite the pandemic, turns out to be up by +**% rsince ****. Italy, however, is only * in Europe by market value, dominated by France with a value of *.* billion euros.

Value of the swimming pool market Europe, ****, in billions Source: ****

The projected growth in the number of swimming pools in Italy between **** and **** is shown. In ****, the estimated number of pools is ***,***, with an increase that will bring this value to ***,*** in ****. This represents an overall growth of *.* percent in four years. A moderate but steady increase is observed each year: ***,*** pools projected in **** and ***,*** in ****, a sign of continued expansion of the industry. The swimming pool market in Italy thus reflects a progressive growth dynamic, similar to what is observed in other European regions, but at a slightly faster pace than market value growth in Europe. Forecast Growth in the Number of Swimming Pools in Italy Italia,****-****,Migliaia Vannini Water and Pools

Despite these positive growth figures, Italy lags behind its other European neighbors in terms of pool diffusion in absolute numbers but also in proportion to population. As mentioned earlier, the European leaders ...

1.5 Imports and Exports

The United Nations Comtrade database allows tracking of global trade flows of many goods.

Pool trade is recorded under the following code :

**** : Articles and equipment for general exercise, gymnastics, athletics, other sports (***) or outdoor games, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; swimming pools and paddling pools

The data therefore include other items and equipment, but give an overview of the swimming pool trade.

Italy is a historical exporter of these types of goods, as shown in the chart below :

Imports and exports recorded under code '****' Italy, ****-****, in millions of dollars UN Comtrade

The United States and France are the main suppliers, with a value of $**.** million each, followed by Germany at $**.** million. Spain and the United Kingdom stand at $**.** million and $**.** million, respectively, while the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates provide imports ranging from $**.** million to $**.** million. Japan, with **.** million, closes the ranking of the main countries of origin of imports in this sector. These figures highlight Italy's heavy dependence on European countries and the U.S. for the supply of theseproducts.

Origin of imports of products under code '****' Italy, ****, in % Source: ****

China is the main destination market, with a ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Determinants of demand for private swimming pools

**% of Italians own at least one cacsa. Outdoor living spaces are quite common in Italy, even in cities. In fact, **.*% of households have a garden, terrace or balcony. This phenomenon is fairly evenly distributed geographically ; Piedmont has the highest prevalence of outdoor residential spaces (***)

Residences with outdoor living space by region Italy, ****, in % ISTAT

A significant though not exorbitant portion of the population in Italy knows how to swim, which means that the potential use of swimming pools in Italy is high.

Percentage of Italians who can swim Italy, ****, in % Science Journalism Agency Italy is a nation that loves and practices physical activity and sports. Activities such as running and working out in the gym are practiced by ** percent and ** percent of Italian athletes, respectively. Water sports are preferred by **% of those who practice them, with swimming being the main water sport. Most Widespread Sports Practices Italy, ****, in percent UISP

2.2 Seasonal demand

In October ****, the index was at **.*, followed by an increase to **.** in November and a decline to **.** in December. Searches increased again in the first quarter of ****, with values ranging from **.* to **, touching a low of **.* in April. After a slight increase in the summer, the index registered a significant peak of **.** in October ****.

In ****, a similar trend is observed, with a slight decline in January and February, and a new rise to **.** in October ****. This trend suggests a seasonal trend in searches, with peaks in the fall and slight declines during the winter months, probably coinciding with interest in pool maintenance or installation ahead of the warmer seasons

Google searches for "backyard pool" Italy, ****-****, Google Trends Index Google Trends

2.3 Rising temperatures as a positive factor for demand

Analyzing the average monthly temperatures between **** and ****, it is possible to see a long-term growth in the value of anomalies compared to the ****-**** average. In particular, excluding ****, in the last ** years the average temperature in Italy has been increasing anomaly with respect to climate normals, with the record recorded in **** of +*.** degrees on an annual basis with respect to the average. Rising average temperatures, particularly in the summer months, can be a positive factor for pool demand.

Average temperature anomaly compared to climate normals ****-**** Italy, ****-****, C° Inspire

2.4 Latest demand trends

The picture emerging from the Italian private swimming pool sector offers many perspectives. Among the innovations that have revolutionized the sector in recent years are : prefabricated pools, which are more affordable and just as high-performing in terms of quality; cantilever/suspended pools, which are impressive constructions from a structural point of view, as they are made with the illusion of swimming in an unlimited expanse of water; easier to build and equally popular are in-house pools, which can be customized in every detail. These are structures that fit perfectly into various home environments, even when space is limited.

Italians' attention is also turning to green solutions, which save on energy consumption while preserving the environment. the introduction of environmentally sustainable pools is on the rise, which has led to a reduction in consumption and pollution. When it comes to sustainability in swimming pools, the main innovation is the chlorine-free pool, which is good for both the environment and the people swimming. Designed with advanced technology, this type of pool uses hydrolysis and ionization processes to make the water healthy and clean, avoiding the contamination of disinfectant chemicals.

Custom pools are also very successful. This is mainly due to the lower operating ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market value chain overview

The diagram below illustrates the chain of actors involved in the pool installation process in Italy.

3.2 Services offered and market players

There are different types of actors depending on the work required in the pool market. In this market, we find the following services (***):

Pool design Pool construction Pool renovation Pool deck design and construction Pool liner replacement Sauna installation Spa/jacuzzi installation Pool covers Pool lighting installation Installation of above ground pools Sauna repair

The market is quite segmented ; there are companies that design pools, others that build them, and others that install them. There are also players who customize pools, and who sell and install various types of equipment (***).

The aforementioned Piscine Castiglione which is part of the A&T Europe Group is among the leading companies in termi of design, constructio, and installation of swimming pools in Italy. Piscine Laghetto, bought by Fluidra, one of the world's leading manufacturers of swimming pool equipment, is also one of the largest manufacturers and sellers of swimming pools in Italy (***).

There are niche players such as CentroItalia, which specializes in indoor pool design, or the P&C Group, which exclusively manufactures solar pool covers.

Below is a chart of some of the largest pool manufacturers in Italy.

Turnover of swimming pool suppliers Italy, ****, in millions of euros Companies Report

3.3 The market structure

In order to analyze the structure of the Italian market, activities dedicated to swimming pool management (***) are considered.

Number of enterprises

In **** there were *** enterprises, a number that has grown steadily to *** in ****. After a slight decline in **** (***) probably due to the effects of the COVID-** pandemic, the sector started growing again, reaching *** in ****.

Enterprises active in pool management Italy, ****-****, in number ISTAT

in ****, there were *,*** employees, a number that saw a peak in ****, with *,*** employees. Thereafter, there was a decline to *,*** in ****, probably due to the COVID-** pandemic. However, the number increased slightly in the following years, reaching *,*** in **** and *,*** in ****. Number of employees of enterprises by pool management Italia,****-****,migliaia ISTAT


The dynamics of the number of employed people closely follows that of the number of enterprises. Between **** and **** it is possible to see an increase in the number of employed people, amounting to +*.*%, while compared to **** the decline is evident and stands at -**.*%. Again, the pandemic appears to be the main cause of the decline, with a decrease in employment between **** and **** of **.*%.

Employment in pool management activities Italy, ****-****, in numbers ISTAT

legal Form

finally, in terms of the legal form of business, ...

3.4 Geographical distribution of public swimming pools

Now analyzing the geographic distribution of facilities with swimming pools identified overall, we identify Tuscany and Sicily as the top two regions in terms of the number of these types of facilities, followed by Apulia and Lombardy. In particular: In Northern Italy, Lombardy boasts the highest number of facilities with swimming pools, with a total of ***. This is followed by Veneto with *** facilities and Trentino-Alto Adige with ***. The total number of facilities with swimming pools in Northern Italy thus reaches *,***. In Central Italy, Tuscany stands out with the highest number of facilities with swimming pools, with a total of ****. This is followed by Emilia-Romagna with *** facilities and Umbria with ***. The total number of facilities with swimming pools in Central Italy amounts to *,***. In Southern Italy and the Islands, Sicily has the largest number of facilities with swimming pools, with a total of *,***, followed by Puglia with *,*** facilities and Campania with ***. The total number of facilities with swimming pools in Southern Italy and the Islands reaches *,***. Region Value Piedmont *** Latium *** Abruzzo *** Molise ** Campania *** Apulia **** Basilicata ** Calabria *** Sicily **** Sardinia **** Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol *** Lombardy *** Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste ** Veneto *** Friuli-Venezia Giulia *** Liguria *** Emilia-Romagna *** Tuscany **** Umbria *** Marche ***

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Type of the offer

There are many different types of swimming pools that can be classified according to their shape, technology, structure, materials used, etc. Below is a non-exhaustive list that includes the most common swimming pools in Italy. Types of swimming pools Semi-inground pool In-ground pool Outdoor swimming pool Indoor swimming pool Fiberglass pool Concrete swimming pool Square/rectangular/circular pool etc Customized swimming pool Indoor swimming pool Infinity pool Mirror pool Steel pool Natural pool (***)

The Agreement between the State and the Regions on "Sanitary and Hygienic Aspects for the Construction, Maintenance and Supervision of Swimming Pools for Swimming Use," dated January **, ****, classifies swimming pools for sanitary use based on *) purpose *) environmental and structural characteristics *) use. Based on their intended use, swimming pools are in turn divided into:

A) swimming pools owned by the public or private sector and intended for public use

B) swimming pools intended exclusively for the residents of a residence, condominium, and their guests

(***) pools for special uses, including those located in health, rehabilitation, and spa facilities.

Type A

public swimming pools (***) community use pools included in facilities used primarily for other activities (***) installations for water games

Type B

uncovered, one or more unconfined pools within permanently enclosed ...

4.2 Prices

As we have seen above there is a very diverse supply of swimming pools, so prices vary not only by geographic location but also by some of the factors mentioned above. In addition, costs increase with size. According to Assopiscine, the average size of a swimming pool is *x*x*.* meters. The table below shows the average price of different types of pools of this size.


There may be other costs associated with pools such as covers, cleaning materials, equipment and supplies, tiling work, adding diving boards or slides, lighting, filtration, heating, waves, etc. This can increase the cost of the final product to more than ***% of the initial price of the pool.

4.3 Pool maintenance and enclosures

The need for frequent pool maintenance

The maintenance of a swimming pool represents a cost and this sometimes hinders its purchase, especially for individuals who wish to install a pool in their backyard. Water quality should be checked two or three times a week, depending on the outdoor temperature, solar radiation, location, and frequency of pool use. For example, the pH of the water (***) should be between *.* and *.*. If the pH is too high, it can prevent chlorine from diffusing properly into the pool and cause skin intolerances. On the other hand, too low a pH can damage the metal parts of the pool through corrosion.

Disinfection of a pool, especially in private pools, by the use of chlorine remains the most common. Chlorine content should be between *.* and *.* milligrams per liter. If the chlorine content in a pool is too high, it can cause irritation to mucous membranes and eyes; an alternative solution can be found in bromine, although it is suspected of causing almost the same effects. The use of oxygen-based active agents (***), considered less polluting, is possible but their effect is slower.


High maintenance costs

A swimming pool represents a major expense for electricity (***). It is considered ...

4.4 Greener pools and pool sharing

Greener swimming pools

To meet customer expectations about the ecological impact of swimming pools, the offerings are adapting. In fact, swimming pools have a negative image in this respect, in terms of water and energy consumption. Also, by making their offerings more eco-responsible, the cost of maintaining a pool decreases. Thus, since **** and the creation of FPP's Sustainable Development Commission, which works on the carbon footprint and water and energy consumption of swimming pools, the French market is much more environmentally friendly, as detailed by the organization during the **** press conference .

Pools no longer need to be drained every year thanks to the techniques and materials used (***). Current renewal is estimated today at one-third of the total volume of water, which for a *x*-meter family pool represents **m * of water year-round. For comparison, annual water consumption related to a tap leak corresponds to **m * water and toilet use to **m * .

Advances in filtration systems have reduced their energy consumption by a factor of *.* over the past ** years. A filtration system that required **** watts of power and consumed **** Kwh per year in the ****s now requires only *** watts thanks to these advances, and thus consumes only *** Kwh per year.

In addition, ...

4.5 New and alternative services offered and building your own pool

Substitutes and new competitors

Industry suppliers offer all kinds of products in addition to classic outdoor pools: above-ground pools, saunas, spas, pool heaters, accessories, cleaning robots, etc.

Above-ground pools, which account for ** percent of all private pools, from entry-level to more sophisticated products, are a real drag on the growth of pool operators' business. For one thing, they are sold at a much lower price than higher-value in-ground pools, so they do not have a significant impact on the income of pool operators. In addition, they do not require a special installation phase carried out by a pool specialist and can be sold in non-specialized distribution channels [***]

Maintenance contract bidding trend

Faced with the complexity of pool maintenance and the assiduity it requires, pool market players are increasingly offering multi-year maintenance contracts that make it an additional and recurring source of income.

Increasing trend in pool staging

Pool staging refers to all categories of pool renovation: identical replacement of worn parts and equipment, equipment improvement, aesthetic renovation, and total pool refurbishment. This segment has increased significantly in Italy in recent years due to the wear and tear of many pools in the country.

New products: connected equipment

We are seeing a ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Globally Harmonized Customs System

The Harmonized System is an international nomenclature for the classification of goods. It allows participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis for customs purposes. At the international level, the Harmonized System (***) for the classification of goods is a six-digit [***] code system.

The HS contains about *,*** item/product descriptions that appear as titles and subtitles, divided into ** chapters, grouped into ** sections. The six figures can be divided into three parts. The first two digits (***).

The Harmonized System was introduced in **** and has been adopted by most countries in the world. It has undergone several changes in product classification. These changes are called revisions and came into effect in ****, ****, ****, **** and ****. Detailed changes in each HS nomenclature are available on the links below.

To compile foreign trade statistics for this study, we selected the following field: "**.** equipment for gymnastics, athletics, other sports (***) or outdoor games not already mentioned in another field, swimming pools and paddling pools."

5.2 National regulations

Standards of private swimming pools in Italy

Between the end of **** and the beginning of ****, work was completed on the revision of the technical standards related to the private swimming pool sector, which were already present in the European extra-legislative landscape; in detail, the standards that were revised and published, making them enter into force on October **, **** (***) are as follows:

*. UNI EN *****-*:**** - Domestic swimming pools - General requirements including safety and test methods. The standard specifies general safety and quality requirements and test methods for domestic swimming pools. These requirements and test methods are applicable to in-ground, above-ground or in-ground swimming pool structures, including their installation and means of access. *. UNI EN *****-*:**** - Domestic swimming pools - Specific requirements including safety and test methods for in-ground swimming pools. The standard defines specific safety and quality requirements and test methods for partially or totally in-ground domestic swimming pools in addition to the general requirements defined in EN *****-* and should be read in conjunction with it. *. UNI EN *****-*:**** - Domestic swimming pools - Part *: Specific requirements including safety and quality requirements and test methods for above-ground swimming pools. This standard defines specific safety and quality requirements and ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Piscine Castiglione
  • Vannini Acqua & Pool
  • Ecoimpiantisti Piscine
  • Intex
  • Alce
  • Piscine Solaris
  • Gramaglia Piscine

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