Summary of our market study

The French organic food market is estimated at between 12.5 and 13 billion euros, and is stagnating or declining after a decade of considerable growth.

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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the organic food market

Organic refers to a set of agricultural and food practices based on principles of sustainability, respect for the environment and animal welfare. Organic products are grown without the use of chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or artificial additives. Organic farming focuses on preserving biodiversity, healthy soils and ecosystems, and production methods that promote a natural balance .

Organic food products fall into three main categories:

  • Fresh produce: fruit and vegetables, dairy products and eggs, meats, seafood, delicatessen, frozen foods and fresh bakery products.
  • Beverages: alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
  • Groceries: sweet and savoury.

Worldwide, the market is booming. Between 2023 and 2024, sales rose by 11.6%. What's more, annual growth of 11% is forecast from 2024 to 2034, reflecting the growing demand for organic products worldwide. Asia accounts for 60% of global organic production.

At national level, the organic food market has seen contrasting trends in recent years, with notable fluctuations in performance. Indeed, sales in the sector reached an impressive peak in 2020, posting significant growth of 12.6%. However, this positive momentum did not last, asthe market stagnated in 2022 and 2023.

On the production side, it is interesting to note that the total number of certified operators engaged in organic activity shows a general upward trend. Reflecting producers' growing commitment to sustainable farming practices, this number has gradually evolved, finally reaching 87,439 producers in 2023. This increase testifies to a willingness to adopt environmentally-friendly production methods.

In terms of distribution channels, it is worth noting that supermarkets saw a steady decline in sales between 2021 and 2023. This trend contrasts sharply with that of other distribution channels, which are seeing sustained sales growth, indicating a shift in consumer preferences.

Between 2021 and 2023, the organic share of household consumption also fell slightly, by 0.8 points. This is all the more remarkable given that 85% of French people say that the organic share of their purchases has remained stable or even increased. This perception underlines the growing interest in organic products, even if the figures show a slight decline.

Consumers justify their attraction for organic products by their desire to look after their health, a reason given by 57% of French people, while 37% appreciate the superior taste of organic products. On the other hand, among non-consumers, 75% express reluctance towards organic products, pointing out that their price is considered too high. What's more, 41% of these individuals don't really see the point, highlighting potential obstacles to wider organic consumption.

Lastly, in the foodservice sector, organic food is experiencing a positive trend, with a 9% increase in sales in the contract catering sector, and an even more marked 12% increase in commercial catering. These figures suggest that integrating organic products into the menus of these establishments could play a key role in popularizing organic food and raising consumer awareness of the benefits of these dietary choices.


1.2 World Market

The organic food market has grown steadily in recent years. In ****, global sales amounted to $***.** billion, rising to $***.** billion in ****, an increase of **.*%. Sales are forecast to reach $***.** billion in ****, representing significant growth of ***.*% over the period **** to ****. The compound annual growth rate for this period is estimated at around **%, reflecting sustained demand for organic products worldwide.

Organic food market sales trend France, **** - ****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

Between **** and ****, organic farmland increased significantly worldwide, although growth rates varied from continent to continent. In Africa, organic land increased from *.* million hectares in **** to *.* Mha in ****, a nine-fold increase. In Asia, the area will reach *.* Mha in ****, compared with *.* Mha in ****, with a notable acceleration between **** and ****. In Europe, growth was impressive, rising from *.* Mha to **.* Mha, an increase of over ***%. In Latin America, growth was more moderate, rising from *.* Mha in **** to *.* Mha in ****. In North America, the area of organic land rose from *.* Mha to *.* Mha over the same period. Finally, Oceania recorded the most spectacular increase, rising from *.* Mha in **** to **.* Mha in ****, with particularly marked exponential growth between **** and ****, making it the region with the largest area of organic land in the world.

Evolution of organic farmland, ...

1.3 Marché National

The organic food market in France has seen contrasting trends in recent years. In ****, sales amounted to **.* billion euros, reaching a peak of **.** billion in ****, representing growth of **.*%. However, from **** onwards, a slight decline was observed, with sales of **.** billion euros, followed bya more marked decrease in ****, when sales fell to **.** billion euros, representing a decline of *.*%. By ****, the market appears to have stabilized, with sales virtually unchanged at **.** billion euros.

In comparison, at global level, the organic food market continued to grow between **** and ****, rising from $***.** billion to $***.** billion, an increase of **.*%. This divergence highlights a more favorable dynamic worldwide than in France, where the market has been stagnating since ****.

Organic food market sales trend France, **** - ****, in billions of euros Source: ****

Between ****-**** and ****-****, sales performance in the organic sector varies by distribution channel. Supermarkets stand out with a further decline of *.*%, albeit less marked than in ****. conversely, other channels are back on track. Specialized organic stores posted an increase of *.*%, following a sharp *.*% decline the previous year. Artisanal retailers are up by *.*%, following a *.*% decline in ****. Finally, direct sales rose by *.*%, after a *.*% increase the previous year.

Organic food sales trends, by distribution channel France, **** - ****, as ...

1.4 The EU's place in the French market

France's trade structure is marked by diversified international trade. In terms of imports, **% come from European Union countries, while **% are imported from non-EU countries. As for exports, **% of goods are destined for the EU, and **% for countries outside the Union.

These figures underline the importance of intra-European trade relations for France, while also indicating a significant share of trade with non-European countries.

Origin of imports France, ****, in Source: ****

Export destination France, ****, in Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Typology of demand

In France, in ****, the proportion of organic products in household food purchases remains low and continues to fall. Indeed, this share stood at *.*% in ****, but dropped by *.* points in **** to reach *.*%, one year later. This seems to contrast somewhat with the share of French people declaring that the proportion of organic products in their purchases has increased (***).

Organic share of household food consumption France, ****, in Source: ****

Change in organic share of household consumption France, **** - ****, in Source: ****

Answer to the question: "Would you say that the share of organic products in your food purchases over the last ** months...?"

The share of organic products in French food purchases France, ****, in Source: ****

According to a survey conducted by OpinionWay, a third of French people claim to regularly or systematically consume organic products. Among them, men under ** stand out for their frequency of purchase, reaching **%. In terms of family structure, **% of organic consumers live as a couple with a maximum of two children under **. These consumers are predominantly urban, often living in the Île-de-France region, where they account for **%.

People from higher socio-economic backgrounds and with higher incomes are the most likely to buy organic products. This is partly due to the perceived higher ...

2.2 Organic purchases by the French

By ****, organic food purchases in France will reveal some interesting trends. Groceries remain in the lead with *,*** million euros, representing **.*% of expenditure. Fruit and vegetables follow with *,*** million euros (***), demonstrating theappetite for fresh, healthy produce.

Creamery and eggs are not far behind, with *,*** million euros (***). Alcoholic beverages take **.*%, while meats account for *** million euros.

Fresh bakery and pastry products generate *** million euros, while seafood products and non-alcoholic beverages account for smaller shares. This breakdown highlights the priorities of consumers, who favor healthy choices.

Breakdown of organic food purchases, by product France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

Breakdown of organic food purchases, by product France, ****, in % of total Source: ****

2.3 Reasons for and obstacles to organic consumption

In ****, the French are still divided on organic consumption. Indeed, **% of French people say that the main reason behind their consumption of organic produce is to protect their health, closely followed by the better taste of the products (***) and the fact that they are not contaminated by proximity to polluted areas.

Reasons why the French choose organic produce France, ****, in Source: ****

Barriers to organic consumption for non-consumers France, ****, in Source: ****

French people's main doubts about organic products France, ****, in Source: ****

2.4 France's favorite brands

In ****, French preferences for organic brands reveal some interesting dynamics. Biocoop clearly stands out, with **.*% of respondents expressing a favorable opinion, showing a slight increase of *% compared to ****. This testifies to the strength of the brand. Bio c'Bon, with **.*% favorable opinions and an increase of *%, also shows a good trend, suggesting growing interest in its products. On the other hand, La Vie Claire, although initially popular, saw its rating drop to **.*%, down *%. Similarly, Naturalia, with **.*% satisfied and a *% drop, seems to be suffering from a declining image.

France's favorite brands France, February ****, in Source: ****

French preferences for organic store brands vary by age category. Young people aged ** to ** show a clear preference for Bio c'Bon, while consumers aged ** and over prefer Biocoop, which is also the most popular brand with the French overall.

Comparison of the level of appreciation of * organic store brands according to age category France, February ****, in Source: ****

French opinions on the quality of organic brands in **** put Biocoop in first place, with **.*% of respondents considering it a quality brand, followed by La Vie Claire at **.*%. Next, Bio c'Bon, with **.*%, maintains a certain level of confidence, but will need to strengthen its image to remain competitive. On the ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The value chain

The value chain of the organic food market can be broken down into several essential links:

Organic input suppliers (***): These players play a crucial role in supplying certified seeds, natural fertilizers and organic crop protection products. They guarantee the quality of the raw materials needed for environmentally-friendly agriculture.

Producers: Farmers are responsible for growing fruit, vegetables and cereals, as well as raising animals for meat and milk production. They ensure compliance with organic standards, incorporating practices that promote animal welfare and the sustainability of their production methods.

Processors (***): These companies are responsible for transforming agricultural raw materials into finished products. They are committed to strict quality and sustainability standards, ensuring that organic products retain their nutritional properties.

Distributors (***): Distributors are responsible for bringing organic products to market. They play a key role in logistics and marketing, ensuring that products reach consumers in the best possible conditions.

3.2 Organic production

The evolution of the total number of operators certified for organic activity between **** and **** shows a general upward trend, underlining the growing enthusiasm for sustainable agricultural practices and organic products. In ****, there were **,*** certified operators, a figure that gradually increased each year until ****, reaching **,*** operators, an increase of **%.

This growth can be attributed to increased consumer awareness of the benefits of organic products, as well as policies to support organic farming. However, the years **** and **** show a more modest increase, with only *,*** additional operators in ****.

Total number of certified organic operators France, **** - **** Source: ****

nB:a farm can have several workshops and appear in several productions

Number of organic plant producers, by production unit France, **** Source: ****

Number of livestock farmers, by production unit France, **** Source: ****

The evolution of organic production areas in France between **** and **** presents a nuanced picture. In ****, the area dedicated to organic farming stood at *,***,*** hectares. This area increased significantly in the following years, reaching *,***,*** hectares in ****, an increase of **.*% in one year.

In ****, this upward trend continued, with a further increase to *,***,*** hectares, representing growth of *.*%. However, in ****, the area reached *,***,*** hectares, marking a slight stagnation compared to the previous year, with an increase of just *.*%.

In ...

3.3 Organic distribution

In terms of distribution channels, hypermarkets and supermarkets remain major players, testifying to the growing integration of organic products in supermarkets, which attract a broad public keen to consume healthier products. However, the importance of specialized retailing, particularly in networks, underlines consumers' enthusiasm for dedicated outlets that offer a specialized selection and sound advice. Direct sales and artisanal retailers also play a crucial role, strengthening the link between producers and consumers and promoting a more local, authentic approach.

Breakdown of organic food sales by distribution channel France, ****, in Source: ****

In terms of trends,supermarkets, while still dominant, are showing a steady decline in market share, from **.*% in **** to **.*% in ****. In parallel, specialized organic distribution is showing a slight stabilization, with a recent rise, suggesting renewed interest in dedicated chains offering carefully selected products. Artisanal retailers and direct sales, meanwhile, are experiencing significant growth. This trend underlines the growing importance of short distribution channels and direct relationships between producers and consumers, encouraging more local and responsible consumption.

Evolution of organic food sales by channel France, **** - ****, in Source: ****

3.4 Institutional market players

3.5 Ranking of major organic distributors

Source: ****

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

The organic food market is divided into three main categories, each with different types of products:

4.2 Organic supermarket prices

A survey by UFC-Que Choisir, based on visits to *,*** stores in autumn ****, reveals significant disparities between chains. Researchers analyzed the lowest prices observed, both in-store and online, for ** categories of organic products. The study revealed costs ranging from €** at Lidl to €*** at Monoprix. This price difference is even greater than that observed between these two chains for non-labelled products

The basket consists of the following items:

Fresh fruit and vegetables : zucchinis, button mushrooms, white grapes, kiwis, pears. Other products : cottage cheese, milk, rusks, apple juice, chopped steak, spaghetti, strawberry jam, grated Emmental cheese, bacon, palm cookies, mozzarella, puff pastry, sliced bread, smoked salmon, milk chocolate.

Average price of organic basket by chain France, ****, in euros Source: ****

This study also highlights the fact that price differences between the two production methods are not uniform among retailers: the extra cost of organic food reaches **% at Lidl, while it climbs to a record **% at Monoprix. For the majority of French people, this extra cost seems abnormal.

Price gap between organic and conventional by chain France, ****, in Source: ****

Do you think it's normal for an organic product to cost more than a non-organic one? France, ****, in % Source: ****

4.3 Organic foodservice

By ****, the wholesale value (***) of organic products in French out-of-home catering will have reached significant levels, with *** million euros for collective catering and *** million euros for commercial catering. This highlights the growing importance of organic products in the sector, reflecting a general trend towards more sustainable and healthy eating.

The trend in figures is particularly interesting. Mass catering, with an increase of **% in **** followed by *% in ****, is showing robust momentum. This indicates a strong interest on the part of public establishments and companies in integrating organic products.

For its part, commercial catering, with an increase of **% in **** and **% in ****, also highlights a growing adoption of organic products, although the rate of growth is slightly lower than that of mass catering.

Value at wholesale HT of organic products in out-of-home catering France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

Out-of-home catering sales growth France, **** -**** and **** - ****, % of total sales Source: ****

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Regulation (***) ****/*** of the European Parliament and of the Council

This regulation imposes stringent requirements on the production, labeling and marketing of organic products within the European Union. The main elements are as follows:

Certification: All products must be certified by an accredited body, guaranteeing that production processes comply with established standards. Agricultural practices: Producers must adopt sustainable farming techniques, excluding the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Encouraging crop rotation and biodiversity is also central to these practices. Animal feed: Animals must be fed exclusively organic feed, without recourse to GMOs or antibiotics, and must have access to outdoor space. Traceability: A rigorous traceability system is in place to enable each organic product to be traced from its source to the end consumer. labeling: Certified organic products must display a specific logo and clearly indicate their organic status on the label, in order to inform consumers in a transparent manner. Regular inspections: Frequent inspections are carried out to ensure compliance with the standards, with sanctions provided for in the event of infringement.


Commission implementing regulation (***) ****/****

The aim of this regulation is to ensure the quality and safety of organic products, while supporting the preservation of the environment. The main ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Positioning the players

  • Biocoop
  • Naturalia
  • Danone Groupe France
  • Bjorg (Ecotone)
  • Jardin Bio (Léa Nature)
  • Lea Nature Groupe
  • Biomonde
  • Céréco
  • Olga Groupe (Triballat Noyal)
  • Nutribio (Sodiaal)
  • Pain Bio de Grosheny
  • Patibio
  • La Scop du Fournil Bio de Luc
  • Ekibio - Ma Vie Sans Gluten
  • Soreda Diet - BioRévola
  • Scitec Nutrition (BiotechUSA Group)
  • Ekibio Priméal
  • Bioburger
  • Biofournil
  • Biolait
  • Bio c' Bon
  • Ekibio (Groupe Lea Biodiversité)
  • La Vie Foods
  • La Vie Claire

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