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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Market overview and definition
A magazine is a periodical publication format representing one of the traditional segments of the printed press. It generally focuses on a specific theme and has a precise editorial line. It is sold at various points of sale (newsstands, tobacconists, newsagents, supermarkets, etc.) or can be mailed directly to subscribers.
For several years now, the magazine market has been in sharp decline. Paper has been challenged by digital technology and its new uses, particularly among the younger generation: online press, social networks, video, etc. Worldwide, the sector is forecasting an average annual decline in revenues of 2.4% over the period 2020-2024. In France, the number of copies circulated fell by 4% in 2024.
Despite the French people's attachment to the printed press, which is regularly cited as one of the media most trusted by the public, the entire industry has been weakened: publishers, printers and press distributors have been going through troubled times for several years. In particular, press advertising revenues have fallen by 19% between 2018 and 2023, while a third of newspaper printers have disappeared in the last decade.
The magazine market is in transition, and must reinvent itself if it is to survive in the digital age. While paper is not dead, with new titles launched every year in a variety of sectors and for a variety of audiences, publishers are focusing their efforts on digital. Websites and applications, online kiosks, videos on social networks, podcasts: there are many avenues to explore in order to deploy magazines on the net, continue to deliver information to readers on new media, and develop synergies between paper and digital.
Declining sales are also prompting magazine publishers to broaden their activities in order to diversify their sources of revenue. More and more of them are investing in the audiovisual and events sectors, which can complement their core business.
1.2 Global market
The global magazine market has been in decline for several years. According to IBISWorld, the sector has seen an average annual decline in revenues of *.*% over the period ****-****, from $*** billion to $*** billion. This decline is set to continue in the coming years.
evolution of magazine publishing market size World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****
This decline can be explained by the ever-increasing competition from digital media (***), which is impacting traditional magazines, whose transition to digital is proving too slow. Readers are opting for new means of information and entertainment, while brands and advertisers are investing more in digital, at the expense of paper.
Forced to adapt, the magazine market is also turning to these new channels, although this has not completely halted its decline. Thus, while revenues from digital should exceed those from paper in the next few years, this is not likely to be enough to return to growth. [***]
1.3 French market
Press and magazine circulation figures
Press circulation in France has been declining for several years. Between **** and ****, the number of copies distributed (***).
french press circulation trends France, ****-****, in billions of copies Source: ****
The magazine press logically follows the same downward curve. In ****, *** million copies of magazines were distributed in France, down *% on ****.
This total makes the magazine press the second largest press family in terms of copies circulated, just behind the regional daily press.
Distribution of press families by circulation volume France, ****, in Source: ****
Online visits to magazine websites and applications represented *.* billion visits in ****, or ** million visits per day, down *.*% on ****.
Sales for magazine and periodical publishers
An analysis of sales by magazine and periodical publishers (***) also reveals the decline of the magazine press. Over the past ten years, cumulative revenues for companies operating in this sector have fallen below *, then * billion euros, stabilizing at around *.* billion euros since ****.
sales trends for magazine and periodical publishers France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****
Press advertising revenues
Finally, the decline in press advertising revenues, from *.** to *.** billion euros between **** and ****, a drop of **%, confirms the delicate situation facing the sector.
Advertisers are now favoring digital over paper, and even other ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Press and magazines: information channels that matter to the French
Reading the press is an important activity for many French people. In ****, it was the sixth most popular leisure activity, ahead of sports, video viewing, cinema, social networking and video games.
**% of French people also said they were attached to press brands, compared with an average of just **% for other media. [***]
Activities most practiced by the French in their free time France, ****, in Source: ****
Reading the press is associated with a positive moment, which enables people to form their own opinions on various subjects, as well as to enrich themselves personally and discover new things.
Reasons and benefits associated with reading the press France, ****, in % Source: ****
The press also remains a major source of information for keeping abreast of current events. In this context, the weekly magazine press is consulted by **% of French people, placing it at the lower end of the ranking, behind other traditional media and social networks.
Media most frequently used to follow the news France, ****, in % Source: ****
On the other hand, the magazine press rises again when it comes to trust in the various media : it comes fifth, with **% of respondents trusting it, ahead of TV and radio news and current affairs programs, and social networks.
Proportion ...
2.2 Household spending on newspapers and magazines erodes
Despite the French people's attachment to the press and their confidence in this channel, their spending in this segment is shrinking. In ****, the press accounted for **% of households' cultural budgets. This proportion will fall to **% by ****, and **% by ****. At the same time, spending on equipment, equipment-related goods and services, and telecommunications has soared.
In detail, spending on magazines and periodicals has fallen from *.* billion in the ****s to *.* billion in ****. In ten years, this represents a **% reduction, compared with -**% for newspapers and -*% for books.
Household spending on magazines and periodicals France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****
2.3 Paper still enjoys a good image...
The paper press is highly regarded by the French, who consistently rank it in the top * media when certain qualities are mentioned: first for legitimacy in a given field and the fact that it is an authoritative source of information, second for recognized expertise, quality content and good reputation, third for professional ethics, etc.
Proportion of consumers who believe that the printed press... France, ****, in % Source: ****
The significant share of copy sales also testifies to this attachment to paper. In ****, **% of copies sold were still in paper format, split between subscriptions and single copy sales.
In the national daily press, paper now accounts for just **% of sales.
Breakdown of magazine sales in France by version and channel France, ****, in Source: ****
Paper magazines are read mainly at home, by **% of consumers, but also at work (***).
Reading time exceeds ** minutes for **% of readers, and no more than ** minutes for **%. [***]
While a peak can be observed in the evening, this activity takes place throughout the day, proof of the integration of reading the printed press into the daily lives of its followers.
Times spent reading the printed press France, ****, in Source: ****
2.4 ... but digital technology is rapidly gaining ground
**% of French people read newspapers and magazines online in ****, ** points more than in ****. [***]
Digital technology is thus playing an increasingly important role in press consumption. In ****, **% of readers used their cell phones exclusively to read the press, compared with **% who confined themselves to paper.
Overall, digital now accounts for more than two-thirds of press brand readership. [***]
Distribution of press readers by medium France, ****, in % [ACPM Source: ****
This trend is not confined to news websites, but also applies to magazine copies. In ****, **.*% of copies distributed were in digital format. Four years later, this proportion had doubled to **%.
Share of digital copies in magazine circulation France, ****-****, in Source: ****
2.5 Television, society and the women's press: the podium of the most common magazine categories
The table below shows the top ** magazines with the highest circulation in France, and how their circulation volume will change between **** and ****.
TV programs and TV-related magazines are the best-selling in France, with nine titles in the top **, the first of which, Diverto, sold over * million copies.
The top ** also illustrates the difficulties facing the magazine press, with circulation down for all titles except Merci pour l'Info.
The top *** shows the great diversity of the French magazine press, with many thematic categories owning at least one title. Behind television, social, women's, cooking and home/garden titles are the most widespread.
Thematic categories of the *** most widely distributed magazines in France France, **** Source: ****
3 Market structure
3.1 Sector value chain
There are several types of player in the magazine market at every stage:
publishing is managed by press publishers, whether they work on physical or digital titles, and multimedia groups, for whom magazines are one activity among others. They are responsible for the editorial creation of magazines and their content, layout, promotion, subscription management, etc. ; printing is entrusted to printers, generally specialized in newspapers and magazines; distribution relies firstly on approved press distribution companies, in charge of managing the grouped distribution of magazines in France, and then - apart from subscriptions - on the various outlets where titles are sold: newsstands (***), tobacconists, press houses, supermarkets, etc.
3.2 Edition
Number of companies and employees in the sector
As mentioned in section *.* on the French market, magazine and periodical publishers (***) are going through a complicated period. The decline in their revenues in recent years has led to a drop in the number of companies active in this sector, from *,*** in **** to *,*** in ****.
number of companies operating under NAF code **.**z (***) France, ****-**** Source: ****
The number of salaried employees follows the same downward trend: despite a slight upturn in ****, they declined by *% between **** and ****.
number of employees in companies operating under NAF code **.**z (***) France, ****-**** Source: ****
Ranking of leading publishers
The ranking below lists the main French magazine publishers. The players listed are those whose core business is magazine publishing; several major groups that publish magazines, but for which this is only a secondary activity (***).
The ranking is dominated by Infopro Digital, which focuses on the trade press. Next in line are several groups owning well-known consumer press titles.
Source: ****
A strategic sector due to its influence, the magazine press is of interest to many major groups, who are buying up or launching publishers to gain a presence in the sector:
Vincent Bolloré's Vivendi bought Prisma Media in ****; CMI, owned ...
3.3 Printing
Sales in the newspaper printing sector, referenced by Insee as NAF **.**z, have been declining for several years. It is logically affected by the sector's overall decline and the rise of digital printing. Between **** and ****, its revenues fell by **%.
However, since the end of the Covid-** crisis, sales have tended to recover somewhat. Some publishers are choosing to repatriate part of their production printing to France, for reasons of CSR policy and better control of deadlines, or because their foreign printers are also experiencing difficulties. This is the case for Prisma Média, which has been printing several of its titles in France since ****. [***]
Despite this slight upturn, the market remains far from its past performance.
newspaper printing sales (***) France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Faced with sluggish activity, the number of printing plants has shrunk from ** in **** to ** in ****. In ten years, the sector has lost almost a third of its players.
number of companies operating under NAF code **.**z (***) France, ****-**** Source: ****
Over the same period, the number of employees fell by **% to around *,***, compared with almost *,*** previously.
change in workforce for companies operating under NAF code **.**z (***) France, ****-**** Source: ****
Withthe exception of the Centre-Val de Loire ...
3.4 Distribution
Authorized press distribution
In France, the national magazine press, like the national daily press (***), is subject to grouped distribution. This type of distribution is carried out by two approved companies:
France Messagerie, which replaced Presstalis following its compulsory liquidation in ****. It handles distribution for the PQN and around **% of the magazine market; Messageries lyonnaises de presse (***), which handles the remaining **% of the magazine press. [***]
Market share of authorized distribution companies in the national magazine market France, **** Source: ****
The difficulties experienced by Presstalis, before it became France Messagerie in ****, prompted many publishers, including some major names in the market such as Prisma Media and CMI France, to turn to Messageries lyonnaises de presse. As a result, the gap between the two players has widened in recent years, despite the substantial subsidies France Messagerie receives. [***]
Press outlets and online newsstands
Sales for companies registered under NAF code **.**z (***) have been rising for several years. Its fall in ****, due to the Covid-** crisis, was only temporary, and growth returned in ****. In **** and ****, sales passed the €* billion mark.
sales trends in the retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialized stores (***) France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****
The dynamism of press outlets therefore seems ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Products
The range of magazines on offer in France is extremely varied, with titles for all audiences and on all themes. It is possible to identify broad categories:
tV magazines, whose primary purpose is to relay the week's or month's TV programs. Many of these magazines, however, have expanded to include other television and cultural content. Among the best-known: Diverto, Télé * Jours, Télé Z, TV Magazine, Télé Star, Télérama... society magazines, which offer content on current affairs and various societal themes, particularly politics and economics. Among the best-known: L'Express, Le Point, Marianne, L'Obs, Courrier International, Challenges... women's magazines, aimed primarily at women, with themes likely to be of particular interest to them. Among the best-known: Version Femina, Madame Figaro, Femme Actuelle, Marie Claire, Maxi, Biba... youth magazines, aimed at children and teenagers, with content tailored to their needs. Among the best-known: Pomme d'Api, J'aime Lire, Astrapi, Okapi, Je Bouquine... magazines targeting another specific category of the population, such as seniors or families, with content supposedly of interest to them. Among the best-known: Notre Temps, Pleine Vie for seniors, Famille et Éducation - Magazine de l'APEL, Parents for families... people magazines, which relay information on the lives of ...
4.2 Prices
Magazine and periodical prices have risen steadily over the past decade. Between **** and ****, the Insee consumer price index climbed ** points.
Since ****, the explosion in the price of paper has largely accounted for this increase. The cost of a ton of paper more than doubled between the beginning of **** and the end of ****, rising from ***-*** to ***-**** euros. The Covid-** crisis and the war in Ukraine, which have disrupted inventories and the supply chain, and led to higher energy costs, appear to be the main reasons for this price rise.
But rising prices are also justified by the sector's difficulties: as they sell fewer copies and collect less advertising revenue, publishers have to increase their final sales rates to stay in balance. [***]
evolution of the consumer price index for magazines and periodicals France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****
This rise in the price of paper favors digital publications, which have no printing or distribution costs and are therefore less affected by the price surge. For readers, a digital subscription, which gives access to all or part of the content present in the paper edition as well as certain other advantages (***), is therefore beneficial from a pricing point of view.
Digital kiosks also ...
4.3 Discontinued publications, but also new launches
Many magazines disappear...
The steady decline in sales is putting some titles in difficulty. Some are forced to cease trading for lack of sufficient resources, while others disappear because their publishers decide they are no longer profitable or strategic enough. All types of magazines are affected, both consumer and trade.
Here are a few examples of titles that have disappeared since ****, without this list being exhaustive.
In some cases, a magazine on the verge of extinction can be saved by a buyer. This was the case for XXI and *Mois, two societal magazines owned by * Revues and placed in receivership, which were taken over by Indigo Publications at the end of ****. [***]
In ****, I/O Media, also in receivership, saw its various brands separated: Prisma Media acquired lifestyle titles Ideat and The Good Life, while the SOS group and the Le Refuge foundation picked up LGBT+ magazine Têtu . [***]
In the same year, Causette, a feminist magazine in receivership that had already been forced to cease publishing its print version in ****, was by Melody Madar, founder of the media company Les Éclaireuses, although the takeover plan did not specify whether or not the magazine would return to paper format. [***]
... but the ...
4.4 The transition to digital technology, a top priority
Digital is playing an increasingly important role in press consumption. In four years, the digital share of magazine circulation has doubled from **% to **% (***). The number of visits to magazine websites and apps reached *.* billion in ****, more than three-quarters of which were on mobile. For publishers, having an adapted mobile site, or even a dedicated application, is more than ever essential.
Means used by readers to consult online magazines France, ****, in Source: ****
As a result, publishers are mobilizing to maximize and optimize their online presence, both on their own media (***), in order to appeal to an audience that has abandoned paper.
In ****, a number of noteworthy initiatives can be highlighted in this regard (***) :
Capital (***) redesigned its website and launched new video formats on networks; Diverto (***) launched a new site and app, while reinforcing its video production for social networks; Gala (***) inaugurated a new "mobile and video first" site, and a new format called "Vidéo vertical", dedicated to video stories produced for its social media; Geo (***) modernized its website, launched a podcast and a new video offering on social networks; Historia (***) has expanded its online presence by adding content to its website and social networks; L'Express (***). [***] Régions Magazine (***) unveiled a new ...
4.5 Diversifying activities and sources of income, an increasingly popular option
Faced with the decline in sales generated by their traditional business, magazine publishers are diversifying their sources of revenue and expanding their range of services.
The So Press group(***), in addition to publishing magazines - "the group's showcase in terms of visibility", according to founder Franck Annese - is active in audiovisual production and events. "We're not satisfied with just making magazines. As we're lucky enough to be a multi-disciplinary group with production, podcasting and music too, we use every part of the company to create great concepts," explains Franck Annese. [***] By ****, half of So Press' sales, around ** million euros, would depend on activities outside the magazine business.
Breakdown of So Press group sales France, ****, in % of sales Source: ****
Audiovisual appears to be the logical next step to stay in the media business. CMI France, which owns Elle, Télé * jours and Marianne, among others, has taken advantage of the reallocation of DTT frequencies to enter the audiovisual sector.quences to carve out a place for itself on French television, via a new channel called T**, due to go on air in ****. The proposed programs are to include columnists from CMI France's magazines, with the aim of creating "a multi-media group". ...
5 Regulations
5.1 General regulations
Regulation of press distributors
Press distribution is governed by law **-*** of April *, **** (***). This law gives press publishers considerable decision-making power. They alone decide on the creation of sales outlets and determine the quantities delivered, the dates on which unsold copies are recalled and the remuneration of distributors.
Since January *, ****, a new remuneration system, specific to each category of distributor, has been in place. It consists of a base commission (***).
The remuneration supplement is awarded on the basis of four criteria: the importance of daily newspaper sales, the location of the sales outlet, the size of the shelf space and the level of sales. [***]
Regulation of magazine and periodical publishers
The Press Act of July **, **** has defined the legal framework for press activities since the Third Republic. The Law of November ** **** added an article concerning publications for young people to the **** law.
The decree of January **, **** sets out the compulsory information that must appear on printed documents subject to legal deposit.
The **** law prohibits press groups from owning more than **% of the total circulation of regional dailies.
5.2 Neighboring rights on the Internet
In October ****, the European directive on rights related to copyright came into force in France. This directive obliges platforms like Google to negotiate the free use of article excerpts (***) to present them in search results.
After much discussion, an agreement was reached between the French media, via the Alliance de la presse d'information générale (***), and Google in ****. However, Google did not fully respect this agreement, and was fined *** and *** million euros by the French Competition Authority.
At the beginning of ****, a new agreement was signed, which should lead to a "clear, transparent and non-discriminatory sharing model".[***]
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Reworld Media
- Prisma Media
- CMI France
- Cafeyn Group
- Groupe Figaro
- Bayard Presse
- Uni-Médias
- Groupe Amaury
- Infopro Digital Groupe
- Sebdo Le Point
- Unique Heritage Media
- Sipa Ouest-France
- Groupe Les Echos-Le Parisien
- Riccobono
- Les Messageries lyonnaises de presse
- Groupe Marie Claire
- Keesing France - Megastar
- Bauer Media France
- Le Monde libre
- France Messagerie
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