Summary of our market study

The global market for edible insects, estimated at $1.4 million, is growing by 20% a year. This growth is facilitated by increasing recognition of the nutritional benefits of insects and their potential contribution to food security.

Around 2 billion people worldwide are entomophagists, mainly in regions such as Asia-Pacific, South America and Africa.

Social acceptance and regulatory challenges, particularly in Europe where legislation is complex and varies from country to country, are major obstacles to market expansion.

Innovations in primary processing and the B2B segment, such as Ÿnsect and Innovafeed in the animal feed sector, are driving market growth.

Reluctance and gradual acceptance of edible insects on the French market

The market for edible insects, a practice known as entomophagy, while promising in nutritional terms and environmentally sustainable, faces considerable challenges in terms of social acceptance in France.

In France, the concept of eating insects is still widely rejected. Some 70% to 40% of the French population is very reluctant.

Among the small proportion of French citizens who have already eaten insects, the majority see it as an experiment rather than a transformation of their diet. between 90% and 77% of French people have never tried eating insects. Only 5% are willing to consider eating insects.

Nevertheless, the market for edible insects is growing, particularly when insects are incorporated into flavored snacks and pastries, or used as hidden ingredients.

The market for edible insects and insect-based products in France is mainly focused on animal feed.

The French market remains marginal, at just a few million euros, and is hampered by both cultural attitudes and regulatory barriers that have made the commercial sale of edible insects officially illegal.

Edible insect market players

  • Micronutris Founded in 2011 by Cédric Auriol, Micronutris has positioned itself as an innovator and pioneer in the French edible insect market. The company is present at all stages of the supply chain, from breeding to distribution, including primary and secondary insect processing.
  • Nutri'Earth Specializing in mealworm flour, Nutri'Earth is aimed at companies that prepare recipes with the end consumer in mind, especially senior citizens.
  • Ynsect has made a name for itself in the global industry of insects for animal feed rather than human consumption. With plants throughout Europe and plans for expansion in the United States, Ynsect is paving the way for a sustainable protein revolution in animal feed.
  • Innovafeed produces large volumes of insect meal for livestock. Its state-of-the-art facility in Nesle is ready to increase production.
  • Jimini's is a prime example of a market processor that has successfully exploited the processing and retail segment. The company offers a range of products from natural and flavored insects to more appetizing products such as energy bars and pasta.
  • Inoveat: A unique company in the foodservice sector, Inoveat sources ingredients from companies such as Micronutris to create innovative dishes.
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Edible insects refer to the all insects intended for human consumption . This human consumption of insects is called the entomophagy

While edible insects are therefore by definition related to human food, this study also addresses, to a lesser extent, the market for insects for animal feed to highlight the distinctions between the two sectors

There are 4 main steps in the edible insect and insect product chain livestock, primary processing (production of ingredients), secondary processing (production of food products) and distribution . Market participants operate at one or more of these stages

However, the two main barriers to market development are, on the one hand, the social acceptance insects as food and, on the other hand, regulatory barriers, the marketing of edible insects being officially illegal in France .

As the market is in its infancy and regulatory barriers are still present, there are few players in the French sector. At the French level, the market is still marginal, but changes in legislation should mark the acceleration of its development. In addition, insect processing appears to be a solution allowing the gradual acceptance of insects as food. The most developed company is Micronutris The company was founded in 2011 and has distinguished itself as a pioneer in this market. In addition, France stands out in the general insect breeding sector, notably with Ÿinsect and InovaFeed, whose products are intended for animal nutrition

The world marketplace of edible insects was estimated at 500 million in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 19.7% between 2019 and 2025 . The FAO has identified 1,900 species of edible insects in the world and insects would be part of the traditional meals of at least 2 billion people s, mainly in Asia Pacific, South America and Africa


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