Summary of our market study

The French condom market is estimated at around €150 million.

The global condom market is valued at $11 billion. The Chinese market is worth $5 billion.

The French condom market is mature and dominated by three players.

Condoms are sold mainly in pharmacies and super/hypermarkets. 6% of annual sales come from condoms distributed by the government.

The female condom remains unpopular, due to its cost and complexity.

Condoms are consolidating their position as a barrier against sexually transmitted infections and HIV.

Male condoms, made from latex derived from rubber tree sap or synthetic polyurethane, dominate the market.

French consumers spend between 0.38 and 2.43 euros per condom, with an average price of around 1.41 euros.

Over 80% of French people have already used condoms.

Industry players

  • Reckitt Benckiser (Durex)
  • Juva Santé (Manix and Intimy)
  • Laboratoires Sugant France (Skyn)
  • Le Roi de La Capote: is a specialized distributor.
  • Leclerc, Auchan, Carrefour: These retail giants represent the accessibility of condoms as a consumer health product.

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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market definition

The condom is a mechanical contraceptive as well as a means of protection against sexually transmitted infections and HIV . It is available in male and female condoms. It is made either in latex which is the sap of the hevea tree, or in polyurethane obtained from petroleum derivatives.

Because of the development and increasing complexity of the condom supply, the sector may also resemble a sub-segment of the market for the well-being and sexual pleasure as well as vibrating rings, sex toys or lubricants.

The global condom market is in full growth and should remain so for years to come. Increased accessibility as well as less stigma around the product will contribute to increased usage. However, growth vary greatly depending on regions and the maturity of markets. For instance, the Chinese market has stronger growth potential compared to Europe and America.

In France, the condoms market is mature and highly concentrated since it is organized around three major players. As urbanisation increases, together with the fact that numerous communication campaigns raise awareness of the importance of "protecting" oneself during sexual intercourse, the condom market will remain stable going forward.

To ensure this stability and trigger growth, the product offering continues to be dynamic as players look to shift the status of condoms from a contraceptive to a experience enhancer. For example, there are ribbed, micro beaded condoms, with heating effects, or giving the sensation of not being worn. A more responsible and sustainable offer is also emerging, developed from non-polluting, biodegradable or fair trade products.

Finally, condom sales in France occur mainly in pharmacies, and in super-and hypermarkets. The use of the female condoms is rarer, as women prefer to use the pill or intrauterine devices for contraception. 


1.2 A growing global market with varied dynamics

The male condom in the world The global condom market is experiencing strong growth, driven in particular by growing demand from Asian countries.

Global condom market size World, ****-****, in US$ billion Source: ****

The graph above shows the value of the global condom market from **** to ****; in this period, a CAGR rate of some *.*% is expected. 

However, this dynamism varies across regions, where developing nations are leading demand growth. For instance, in markets where the usage is still relatively low (***) which is more difficult to overcome. However, by placing emphasis on the mitigating effect the product can have on STIs, its' usage will increase. 

Indeed, the Chinese market is expected to experience a CAGR of **% per year between **** and ****. This will result in a market size of $* billion, up from $*.* billion in ****. [***] Moreover, Chinese consumers are increasingly turning to foreign brands (***), since Chinese brands have been at the center of scandals in the past. 

In more mature markets such as Europe and North America, growth aspects include more aggressive and efficient advertisement through for example social media, and a continued innovation in product supply. This is necessary as there are many alternatives to condoms, and often times the association with the ...

1.3 A significant French market

To estimate the domestic market size we use the average price per condom multiplied by the amount of condoms sold in France. 

The average price (***). 

The average price can also be computed: [ (***)

The number of condoms sold in France in **** (***) were ***,***,***. [***]

To obtain a market size (***) we use the following formula: 


c (***)=*.******,***,***=**,***,***

c (***)=*.******,***,***=***,***,***. 


In ****, the market size was inbetween the €**-*** million range, and on average we can assume a market size of €*** million.

This figure can be compared to the global market size which we in the previous section valued at $* billion in ****; in other words, France made up around *.*%-*.*% (***) of the global market in ****. 

Moreover, the information penetration rate in France is high; in ****, **% of respondents in a survey knew what a condom was. *% had never heard of it, and **% had heard of it but wasn't exactly sure of what it was.

Worth to note is that the most known product was the contraceptive pill where **% of respondents claimed they knew of the product. 

1.4 International Trade

For this section we use UN Comtrade to obtain the trade balances for France with the world for the category ****** - "Rubber; vulcanised (***), sheath contraceptives". 

Trade balance for contraceptives France, ****-****, in USD million and % Source: ****

The graph above depicts France's trade (***) for condoms. We can see a clear discrepancy in the amount of imports versus exports, which implies that France rely on foreign players to obtain their condoms. 

Indeed, in **** France imported $**.** million worth of condoms, and exported $*.** million. This resulted in a coverage ratio of **.**% which was a slight decrease compared to **** which implies that exports became relatively larger than imports measured through dollar value. 

Top export destinations for contraceptives France, ****, in % Source: ****

France is not dependant on any specific country with regards to its' exports. This is proven by the chart above which shows the distribution of exports per country. 

We find that the Ivory Coast is the leading export destinations for condoms sent from France. However, the nation accounted for a mere *.**% of the export value. Indeed, exports are highly diversified proven by the fact that Rest of the world accounts for almost **%. 

  Top import origins for contraceptives France, ****, in % Source: ****

Finally, the chart above illustrates ...

1.5 L'impact du Covid-19

La pandémie du coronavirus a eu un impact considérable sur la consommation de préservatifs, comme en témoigne le PDG de Karex, plus grand fabricant de préservatifs au monde : pendant les années **** et ****, l'utilisaiton de préservatifs a chuté de **% au niveau mondial (***). Une des principales raisons citées est l'arrêt ou la forte diminution de la distribution de préservatifs par les gouvernements pendant la pandémie. En France et dans les autres pays développés, où la population dépend moins de la distribution publique de préservatifs, les achats de préservatifs ont chuté pour une raison bien plus simple : la succession de confinements et de couvre-feux à complètement bousculé les habitudes sexuelles des Français. Selon une étude réalisée par l'IFOP, les Français, qu'ils soient en couple ou célibataires, ont généralement eu beacoup moins de rapports sexuels pendant les confinements qu'avant.  

Fréquence des rapports sexuels avant et pendant le confinement France, ****, % Source: ****

Si on se concentre uniquement sur les personnes en couple vivant sous le même toit, l'evolution est très similaire : la proportion de personnes n'ayant eu aucun rapport sexuel double ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 Profile Analysis: The French Consumer

In this section we illustrate consumer behaviour with regards to the usage of condoms in France. 

Have you used a condom in the last ** months with your sexual partner(***)? France, ****, in % Source: ****

In a survey from **** it was revealed that more than half (***). Another **% answered that they did so regularily, and *% said they did it rarely. In other words, **% of respondents claimed to have used condoms in some sort of context, which is a high penetration rate.

Distribution of the reasons for systematically not using a condom among young people aged ** to ** years France, ****, in % Source: ****

A survey from **** revealed that the main reason not to use a condom is because the person in question has a partner, and thus is less concerned about STIs, risks of pregnancy, trust, etc. 

Indeed, having a partner is by far the most common reason not to use a condom; in second place with only **% of respondents identifying with this reply we find that the usage of the pill makes individuals less susceptible to condom usage. 

We can conclude that condoms should be marketed to a smaller extent to couples, and rather towards single consumers. 

Usage of contraceptives used by women France, ****, in % Source: ****

The ...

2.2 Consumption focused around Paris

Number of condoms sold in France, per region France, ****, in % Source: ****

The graph above depicts the number of condoms sold in **** in France; we can see that Île-de-France dominates this (***), whilst Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes accounted for close to ** million sold. 

These figures are strongly related (***) to population. In other words, the higher the population the higher the demand for condoms. Moreover, larger cities with more urbanisation often correlates to more sex partners, which increases the inclination for protection. 

Finally, student dense cities, and cities with a large fraction of youths, also account for a significant chunk of sales.  

The graph below confirms this by showing the average weight of sexual well-being goods in the basket of French people; a number above *** means that these goods are over-represented in the basket of the departments' inhabitants compared to the national average. Paris, Rhône and Haute-Garonne are the departments that consume the most condoms compared to the national average. [***] Source Le Populaire  

2.3 Environmental trends affecting the industry

In line with the general societal trend towards more responsible consumptions, vegan, gluten-free and ecological condoms have appeared on the market. [***]

The brands marketing these products focus their communication on the fact that polyurethane condoms are made from petroleum derivatives, that casein, a protein of animal origin that makes latex softer, is often added to latex condoms, and that, in general, condoms represent tons of non-biodegradable products. As this is neither environmentally friendly nor animal-friendly, distributors promise condoms made of latex from rubber trees from fair trade plantations, such as the brand FAIR squared. Currently, they sell at €*.** for a pack with ** units.

For example, the brand Green Condom gluten-free, casein-free and paraben-free, priced at €**,** for ** units.

Finally, the Glyde brand replaces casein with a coal extract and its condoms have been certified since **** by the Vegan Society.

3 Market structure

3.1 Production centred in Asia

Gloabally, the most common male condom brands include Durex, Manix, Intimy, Protex, Nepenthes, My.Size specialize. For females, notable brands include Ormelle and Mifarma.

As noted in the introduction, the male condom is made either from latex from the sap of the hevea tree, or in polyurethane obtained from petroleum derivatives. The female condom, on the other hand, is composed of nitrile, derived from ammonium salts of organic acids, and sometimes it is made from polyurethane. [***]

Latex (***). [***]

Outside Asia, the leading producer is Côte d'Ivoire with *.*% of world production.

The largest condom producer in the world is Malaysian Karex, which in **** produced * billion condoms (***). [***]

According to a study by ADEME conducted in ****, based on **** data, polyurethane is also mostly made in Asia with **% of world production. Europe comes second with **%, followed by the United States with **% of world production. However, these figures are to be analysed with care as they date from ****. Back then, ADEME predicted that Asian production should experience the strongest growth, to exceed **% today.

To boil it down, Asia possess fundamentals in terms of raw materials which give them an edge in the production of condoms. The French production of condoms remains neglible as we saw in ...

3.2 Distribution is mainly in supermarkets and hypermarkets

Condoms can be found in * types of places namely:

All pharmacies in France; Large and medium Surfaces (***); Vending machines, often found in public toilets; E-commerce (***); Distributed free of charge at the family planning, HIV centres and other associations such as in universities.

Distribution of condom sales between GMS (***) and pharmacies France, ****-****, in € million Source: ****

In France between **** and **** GMS accounted for the largest chunk of sales of condoms (***) followed by other points of sale. 

3.3 A highly concentrated market

The sexual well-being market, strongly linked to the condom market, is dominated by three players, and only slightly more brands. Reckitt-Benckiser with its' famous Durex brand controls nearly **% of sales of products in the segment, far ahead of Lifestyles and Juva Santé. [***]

Indeed, barriers to entry are high as players such Reckitt-Benckiser spend vast amount of money on marketing and R&D to stay ahead of competition. 

Market share in the condom market France, ****, in % Source: ****

The Herfindahl-Hirshmann Index (***), and finally for values above **** the market is highly concentrated. Measuring the concentration of the French condom market using this index gives an HHI above ****, indicating a highly concentrated market.

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Product overview

Product overview

Below follows an overview of what categories of products Durex are selling, which is representative of what products are on the market as of today:

Ribbed and dotted condoms (***) ex: Durex Intense Ribbed & Dotted Large & XL Condoms (***); ex: Durex Comfort XL Thin & Ultra Thin Condoms (***) ex: Durex Thin Feel, Durex Invinsible Extra Safe Condoms (***) ex: Durex Extra Safe Latex Free Condoms (***) ex: Durex Real Feel, Durex Latex Free

Condoms can incur product differentiation primarily through its' materials, but also through different shapes and forms. Male condoms are either latex or polyurethane. The female condom is made of either polyurethane as well or nitrile.

Increasingly, condoms are sold to enhance the sexual experience, which often involves a thinner model or more lubrificant as we can see above. Differentiation is also made on different condom sizes. 

The female condom

The female condom was launched around ****; sellers of the female condom focused their communication on the fact that this condom is not made of latex and that it allows better sensations. [***] However, today the usage of the female condom remains low; in ****, an IFOP survey revealed that only *% of female respondents in France viewed the female condom as an alternative to the ...

4.2 Price analysis

Source: ****

On top of condoms which are distributed and sold, we find condoms free of charge distributed in places such as Family Planning and Study Centres, testing centres and HIV associations. Fuelled by annual government procurement, these centres benefit from government intervention in the sector. Indeed, according to GSMC Mutual *** million male condoms are sold each year in France and nearly * million condoms are distributed free of charge. This represents a non-negligible share of the annual market (***). 

In this respect, the State also influences the prices established on the market through reimbursements. Recently, the government introduced subsidies for EDEN brand condoms, which will become widespread in the future. However, this should not be seen as a contradiction to the underlying trends and the evolution in value of the condom market, since the prices of traditional condoms seem to be falling, while the supply of condoms with high added value is increasing and their price is rising.

4.3 Condoms enhancing the sexual experience

After the success of the Skyn condoms promising a sensation "without condom", condoms have increasingly become ribbed, micro beaded (***) or with heating effects, following the pursuit for sensations and play in the sexual practice.  

Included in this scope of innovative products are condoms that give the feeling of not wearing anything (***), this is the segment which has gained most in popularity in the French condom market.

In particular, Skyn, which is in the segment of thin condoms, grew **.*% in value in ****. Manix (***) grew by **.*%. [***] At the same time, Durex, the leader whose flagship products are classic condoms, lost *.*% in market share and its turnover grew by *.*% only. As a result, Durex are looking to enter this new product segment.

Latex-free condoms also seem to attract consumers, even those who do not have latex allergies (***). This is proven by the fact that only *% of the population has a latex allergy, while sales of these products account for around **% of the value market share. [***] 

Forbes states that unlike public belief, the condom industry is indeed a fast-changing and innovative industry. However, the innovation often seems to come from smaller players (***). This can be explained by several factors, such as the fact that smaller ...

4.4 A more sustainable offer

Following the general movement towards more responsible consumption, vegan, gluten-free or ecological condoms are appearing on the market. The brands marketing these products focus their communication on the fact that polyurethane condoms are made from petroleum derivatives, and that to those made from latex is often added casein, a protein of animal origin that makes the latex softer, and that in general, condoms represent tons of non-biodegradable products. As this is neither environmentally friendly nor animal-friendly, they promise condoms made of rubber latex from fair trade plantations, such as the FAIR squared brand. They are sold for *.** euros for ** condoms. [***]

For example, the Green condom brand sells gluten-free, casein-free and paraben-free condoms, sold at **.** € the **. The brand Glyde replaces casein by a coal extract and its condoms are certified since **** by the Vegan Society.

5 Regulation

5.1 International and national regulations governing the sector

At the international level, condoms, as medical devices, are required to comply with ISO standards. This framework includes standards that relate to the quality of materials, products, processes and services published by the International Organization for Standardization. Below follows a non-exhaustive overview of what this framework encompasses in particular:

The ISO **** standard is provides all the requirements and tests that a latex condom must meet and pass. This standard exists to ensure safety to the users of the condoms having this ISO standard. The ISO **** standard has now been transposed into French and European law and can therefore be found under the quality guarntee label "CE"; The ISO ***** standard provides all the requirements and tests for condoms made of synthetic materials; The ISO *****:**** standard deals with quality conditions for female condoms; The ISO ***** standard is a standard for companies producing medical devices. It is not mandatory but serves as a guarantee of quality for customers purchasing their products.

All these standards are issued by ISO/TC ***, which is the ISO technical committee on "Non-systemic contraceptives and barrier prophylaxis against STIs", dealing with male and female condoms.

Due to the importance of this organization's work from a health perspective, many international organizations ...

6 Positioning of the players

6.1 Companies

  • Intimy Juva santé (Urgo Groupe)
  • Laboratoires Sugant France
  • Le Roi de la Capote
  • Auchan groupe
  • Durex (Reckitt Benkiser)
  • Karex
  • Okamoto
  • Manix
  • MB Lab (My.size)
  • Laboratoire Polidis

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