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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Candles are lighting objects made of wax and a wick, producing light and a characteristic scent. Candles first had practical uses, bringing light into the home before the advent of electricity. Another common use was religious, as candles were widely used in churches.

After a slow erosion in candle sales over the last few decades, the candle market has been revived by the development of a new range of candles.velopment of a range of decorative and olfactory candles that have attracted a new public, as well as electric and digital candles.

More colorful, more stylish and with a distinctive scent, the candle offering has expanded to include Spanish households and stores. Specialized companies such as Pampa, OCTAEVO or Yui Brooklyn have capitalized on a differentiated offer with shapes (flowers, candles imitating the silhouettes of objects, etc.). In this very trendy market, acquisition channels via social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) are very important. This is all the more true for new brands launching with an online-only offering.

The market did not suffer from the health crisis, as Spaniards continued to buy candles to enhance their interiors, while time spent at home increased drastically.

Exports are particularly buoyant, both to other European countries and to the United States, a fast-growing market for Spanish companies.

1.2. The global candle market

According to a study byZion Market Researchthe worldwide candle market was estimated at $*.* billion in ****. This was expected to grow at a relatively high average rate of *.*% per year until ****. However, the COVID-** crisis largely undermined supply chains, and the candle market was only estimated at $*.* billion in ****, but still presented great growth prospects, with significant demand for these products that could not be met during the health crisis. In ****, the candle market was re-evaluated at *.** billion dollars, and still presents significant growth prospects of around *.**% per year between **** and ****. Source: ****

candle market trends World, ****-****, in billions of USD (***) Source: ****

The most dynamic market over the period is expected to be Asia, where demand will continue to grow in ****. The European market, which is the largest in terms of value and the most mature, should also see growth in ****.

The largest companies in this market are Yankee Candle (***) and The White Company.

Candle consumption European Union, ****-****, in tons Source: ****

In ****, China ranked first among the world's largest candle exporters, with an export value of $***.** million. Poland followed close behind with $***.** million, while the Netherlands came third with $***.** million. The United States came fourth with $***.** million, closely followed byGermany with ...

1.3 The Spanish candle market

Spaniards consume an average of *.**kg of candles per capita per year, equivalent to around ***h of burning. The candle market in Spain was estimated at ***.** million euros in ****. With an estimated CAGR of -*.**%, the candle market is set to decline to ***.** million euros in ****

Development of the national candle market in Spain Spain, ****-****, million euros Source: ****

As will be explained throughout this study, there is no category of statistics in Spain specifically analyzing candles. In order to approximate the market as closely as possible, we decided to compare candle sector sales within the "CNAE ****" statistical category defined by theINE - details of which are available in section *.* of this study. Within this statistical category of "other manufactured products", the candle sub-segment is becoming less and less important.from **.**% of sales in ****, candles will account for just **.**% of sales in ****, despite a **.**% increase in sales for this aggregate between **** and ****.

Market size comparison between candles and CNAE code **** Spain, ****-****, millions of euros Source: ****

1.4 International trade

For our study of Spanish foreign trade, we will use the United Nations classification code HS****. This code corresponds to candles and similar articles.

Between **** and ****, candle exports in millions of euros grew impressively, from **.** million euros in **** to ***.** million euros in ****. This represents a total increase of **.** million euros over the period, an increase of around ***%. This upward trend reflects growing demand for Spanish candles on international markets. At the same time, candle imports into Spain also followed an interesting trajectory. Although fluctuating, they have risen from **.** million euros in **** to ***.** million euros in ****, a total increase of **.** million euros over the period. However,this increase is more moderate than that of exports, with growth of around **.*% between **** and ****. With regard to the trade balance, despite a deficit start in **** with -**.** million euros, a positive trend has gradually emerged over the years. The trade balance rose to ** million euros in ****, indicating a significant improvement of **.** million euros since ****. From **** onwards, Spain will be running trade surpluses.

Candle market trade balance Spain, ****-****, in millions of euros UNComTrade

Spain's candle imports come mainly from various regions of the world, with China leading the way, accounting for the largest share at ...

1.5 The effect of covid-19

Data collected by the European Candle Manufacturers Association (***)

ECMA associates moments of crisis or uncertainty with greater candle consumption: "You could say that people buy more candles when they have reason to worry. This was the case during the **** financial crisis, then during the pandemic and now with the situation in Ukraine", explains Stefan Thomann, the organization's Technical Director. While the expert considers the soothing power of the flame, he acknowledges that its use has evolved in recent times: "In the past, simple candles were generally used as a source of light. Today, they are used for decorative purposes or to create a pleasant scent in the home.

Impact of containment on google searches for the subject "candle" Spain, February ****-May ****, in google trends index Source: ****

The google trends index for searches on the subject "candle" jumped after a week of confinement. Indeed, being confined, Spaniards are more appreciative of the space in which they spend most of their time, wanting to make it a place of well-being, which reinforces decorating trends. On the other hand, at a time of global uncertainty and tension, the importance of taking care of oneself is growing.

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overview of the request

TheEuropean Candle Association has carried out a survey of consumer trends in candle buying.

Buying habits

The results show that over half the people who buy household goods have also bought a candle, and if they haven't, it's because someone else in the family has already done so. In terms of gender, it's women who prefer this product, precisely **%. The reasons for buying candles are manifold: aesthetics, room fragrance, atmosphere and as a good solution for a gift.

Candle use

Half the people in the market use candles at least once a week. Significantly more women than men do so (***) are the most frequently used candle types. The majority of those questioned say they use candles to create a pleasant atmosphere at home, for celebrations and birthdays.

Consumer use of candles Europe, ****, in % of respondents Source: ****


Birthday candles (***) account for a significant proportion of candle demand, as they are commonly used when celebrating birthdays with a cake.


Some candles stand out for their quality, appearance and durability. The candle's aesthetic appeal is universally appreciated, making it a simple and ideal gift, suitable for all kinds of occasions. This segment includes scented candles and candles with jewels. Overall, **% of candle ...

2.2 Demand factors

Scented candles

As part of the development of aromatherapy, which consists of combining different aromas of essential oils to help generate a state of calm and harmony in our body and mind (***), scented candles are becoming increasingly popular with consumers.

In addition to their primary function, scented candles offer an important added value: their aroma. As they burn, they begin to diffuse the aromas of the essential oils used, creating an atmosphere of peace, tranquility and well-being for those in the space.

Scented candle categories :

Scented tealights are the most familiar candles to everyone. They are small candles generally made in aluminum containers, and their main use is to be placed in gasoline burners to release the fragrance. This means they are generally olfactory neutral, although they can contain fragrances when used as decorative lamps. packaged scented candles. These candles generally have the strongest fragrance. usually made with low-melting waxes, in hermetically sealed tins or glass containers with lids, so that when opened, they release all the concentrated aroma. decorative scented candles have a dual function: in addition to scenting, they decorate the room. In this case, they're usually made in a variety of eye-catching shapes: the human body, movie characters, ...

2.3 Demand issues

Growing demand for handmade, local and natural candles

Candela Rosa specializes in the manufacture of this type of handcrafted object. Renowned for their innovative design and functionality, the candles from this small artisanal company have unique handmade finishes and are made exclusively with soy wax to guarantee a high-quality end product, ideal for decorating or creating the ambience of any room. In fact, in their candle collection, they differentiate between scented and decorative candles.

Unlike traditional kerosene candles, studies have shown that soy wax is much more durable. This is mainly due to its vegetable origin, which has a low melting point that enables it to melt much more easily, without needing to burn, and its combustion is much slower and longer-lasting.

What's more, these candles are generally made with wood or organic cotton wicks, which slow down combustion. As a result, this option has been shown to generate less waste, as the candles are entirely consumed by a clean combustion process, which produces **% less soot than traditional candles. In addition, traditional candles tend to stain surfaces, furniture and walls, which is not the case with the soy wax option.

They also have a wide variety of natural scents, including lavender, ...

2.4 Seasonal demand

Christmasmarks a definite peak in candle sales. Indeed, candles remain an ideal gift and therefore a perfect purchasing solution for these dates, before Christmas, in November and December, but also in April and May for Mother's Day. This is borne out by the google trends index in Spain for searches related to the "candles" theme.

There's a marked increase over several weeks at the beginning of November, corresponding to the buying periods for the festive season. Demand drops off at the end of the festivities and remains stable over the following months.

Candles are also linked to festivities by their ritual function and their connection with sacred moments, in churches and religious celebration processions.

Evolution of interest in the subject "candle" on Google Spain, August ****-July ****, google trends index Source: ****

an equally fruitful period for Belgian brand Baobab Collection in ElPais, whose "high season" is November and December. Or for Trudon, for whom Christmas is "a key period".

The Catalan Cerabella confirms this widespread consumption, while pointing out that sales have recently become less concentrated. Indeed, there are sales peaks, especially linked to the most auspicious gift-giving periods, but the seasonality of candles has been reduced in recent years, in line ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

In Spain, as in Europe, the market structure is summarized in this section and includes the following players:

historical players: traditional factories. new players: innovative start-ups focusing primarily on online retailing and distribution, targeting millennials and GenerationZ. major fashion companies, which in recent years have developed a new high-end sector of the market home furnishings and home care companies

In terms of the value chain, the graph below shows an example of how the market works.

3.2 Market structure

Europe is a major center of candle production. While production was relatively stagnant until **** at around *.* billion euros in value terms, it has risen to around *.** billion euros in ****, to meet growing demand since covid-**, as already mentioned earlier in this study.

Candle production Europe, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

While there are no specific data on the candle sector in Spain, a study of the economic activities recorded by the INE under code **** provides an approximation of the Spanish candle market. Indeed, the candle industry is included in this statistical code along with a wide range of other products. The list of products categorized under code **** (***) is detailed in section *.* of this study. As a reminder, candles account for **% of the sales of economic activities recorded under this statistical code.

The number of companies in CNAE code **** rose by *.**% between **** and ****, from *,*** to *,***. This was followed by a slight decrease of *.**% in ****, to **** companies. A significant upturn occurred in ****, however, with an increase of *.**% on the previous year, bringing the number of companies to ****.

Number of companies in CNAE code **** Spain, ****-****, number of companies Source: ****

The number of employees rose by **.**% between **** and ****, from **** to ****. This was followed ...

3.3 Distribution

We can distinguish several distribution channels for candles, each of which distributes more or less high-end candles.

Mass retail (***): a segment positioned at the lower end of the market; Home decoration department stores: low to mid-range; Cosmetics or diversified stores: medium to high-end.

While mass-market retailers mainly distribute low-end candles such as low-priced tea-lights, cosmetics stores(***) distribute much more high-end candles.

In between, home decoration stores such as Zara Home or Ikea sell candles at lower to mid-range prices.

More and more online distribution channels are being developed, enabling purchases to be made from brands not distributed in Spain. Numerous sites such as Velartisan and La boutique de las Velas have established themselves in this distribution channel. The candles on offer are generally mid- to high-end, in order to stand out from the classic mass-market channels.

Source: ****

An analysis of the websites of various candle brands reveals that jar candles and cylindrical candles (***) are the most frequently sold candles in stores, well ahead of birthday candles and tea lights.

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

Candle composition:

All candles are made from the same raw materials, in different proportions (***).

Wax and kerosene give the candle its hardness. These materials can be used pure or in combination. Today , kerosene is by far the most widely used candle-making material.

In recent years, kerosene gel has made its appearance alongside waxes and kerosene. This translucent material has the advantage of burning more slowly than wax and kerosene.

The oil phase is made up of vegetable oils and/or butters, which make candles less solid and easier to melt when heated.

Pigments and dyes are used to color the candle, using plant powders and vegetable oils.

Finally, perfumes and scented solutions (***) give the candle a pleasant scent as it melts. These must have a flash point above ** degrees.


The different types of candles :

On the candle market, a distinction can be made between two types of product:

Antique (***); Scented candles, which are more recent, and within which we need to distinguish between mood candles and massage candles (***).

These categories can now be broken down further, as the range of candles on the market has expanded in recent years.

Molded candles (***) ; Tealights (***); Mood candles (***).

Source: ****

4.2 Highly variable prices

There are no statistical data on candle prices in Spain. However, it is possible to record the prices charged by distributors and major candle brands.

The table below shows the unit prices observed on the brands' websites:

Source: ****

As a result, there are price differences between segments. It therefore appears that the criteria of fragrance, craftsmanship and cosmetics can add value to candles.

4.3 Focus on handmade candles

Handmade candles:

Artisanal candles in Spain are attracting growing interest for their quality and uniqueness. Made with care and passion, these candles are much more than just decorative objects. They represent a centuries-old art that combines tradition and innovation, and draws its inspiration from Spain's cultural and natural riches. The appeal of handmade candles lies first and foremost in their exceptional quality. Made from natural soy wax and carefully selected fragrances, these candles offer an incomparable sensory experience. Their slow, steady burn releases subtle fragrances that fill the room with a warm, relaxing ambience. Finally, another attraction of these candles lies in their commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment. Made from renewable soy wax and natural fragrances, these candles are an eco-friendly alternative to conventional candles.

VELARTISAN is a manufacturer of handcrafted candles in Spain. The company combines aromatherapy and the art of surprise to create handcrafted candles with different shapes and distinctive scents. Using natural soy wax, this producer proposes the creation of original candles in shape and scent. It also tries to adapt its offer by personalizing it to the customer. Custom candles (***) can be ordered on the website.

It's worth noting that the artisanal candle segment ...

4.4 Production costs

Candle production costs are directly influenced by the wax used. While kerosene wax is currently the most widely used material in candle manufacture, other materials such as beeswax or soy wax can also be used, particularly in the production of handmade candles.

The table below shows the prices charged by Narturcera, a Spanish wax manufacturer. Prices vary widely according to the type of wax used.

Source: ****

5 Regulations

5.1 Current regulations

Within the European Union, the sale of scented candles and scented products is subject to strict legislation. Whether you sell handmade candles at flea markets, in a boutique, on your website or even as part of private home sales, you are subject to certain legal obligations.

In addition to safety data sheets, candles must be labeled according to the two current standards defined by NF EN ***** and the CLP regulation. (***)

Labels must include a general warning pictogram (***) and seven pictograms comprising both safety advice and precautions for use:

"Never leave a candle unattended" "Do not allow candles to burn on or near flammable objects" Keep burning candles out of the reach of children and pets Avoid direct inhalation of smoke. Ventilate the room thoroughly after use "Use a suitable heat-resistant holder" for votive candles, which liquefy when burned.

Also according to PerlesandCo, CLP (***) is the name of European regulation ****/**** on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. Its purpose is to inform users of the potential risks and health hazards associated with candle use.

The regulation applies even if you make ***% natural candles and candles scented with essential oils.

Certain information on labels is mandatory:

Product identification, i.e. ...

5.2 Updating existing standards

With CEN approval on September *, ****, the standardsEN ***** "Spark plugs: fire safety specificationsandEN ***** "Spark plugs: product safety labels", in place sincein place since ****, have been updated.

With regard to fire safety, the main updates are as follows:

Introduction of a test method for self-extinguishing spark plugs Authorized smoke time after flame extinction increased from ** to ** seconds Modification of combustion test cycles, in the update the candle mass as a category for choosing the cycle has changed from ** grams to ** grams Addition of APPENDIX A with indications for calculating hourly wax consumption Addition of APPENDIX B with indications for analyzing the surface temperature of candle containers

Product safety labels:

New pictogram provisions have been introduced to make them more comprehensible to consumers, as well as the introduction of additional safety information. Clear division of mandatory or appropriate safety information for different types of candles, based on risk assessment. Introduction of a minimum height for additional symbols. Introduction of an option for candles with limited space for labeling. Removal of the option of providing a leaflet with safety information, with the label to be placed on the sample in the manner specified in the standard.

5.3 CNAE code 3299

This statistical class includes:

Manufacture of protective safety equipment : Manufacture of flame retardant clothing and protective safety clothing Manufacture of suspension belts and other belts for professional use Manufacture of cork life jackets Manufacture of plastic helmets and other plastic personal safety equipment (***) Manufacture of protective clothing for fire extinguishers Manufacture of metal safety helmets and other metal personal safety devices Manufacture of ear and nose plugs (***) Manufacture of gas masks Manufacture of pens and pencils of all kinds, whether mechanical or not Manufacture of pencil leads Manufacture of stamps, numberers, date stamps, articles for manual printing or recording of labels, devices for manual marking of textiles, ink ribbons for typewriters and impregnated stamps Manufacture of globes Manufacture of umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks, portable folding chairs Manufacture of buttons, staples, automatic fasteners, pins, zippers Manufacture of lighters Manufacture of articles for personal use: manufacture of pipes, combs, pins and similar articles, toilet sprays, thermos flasks and similar containers for domestic or personal use, wigs, beards and eyebrow hairpieces, etc. Manufacture of miscellaneous articles: candles, candle-holders and similar articles, artificial fruit and flowers, jokes and promotional articles and gifts, sieves and hand sieves, dressmakers' dummies, coffins, etc. Manufacture of floral arrangements, bouquets, ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Velas Martinez Morales
  • Velas Martinez Morales
  • Cerabella
  • Boutique de las velas
  • Velartisan
  • Velas de la ballena
  • ImTwentyTwo
  • Candela Rosa

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