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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Beer is considered the world's best-selling alcoholic beverage.

It is mainly produced from barley malt, sometimes supplemented by other cereals. It can be consumed in bottles, cans or kegs. There are several types of beer: lager, white beer, red beer and brown beer. This difference in color results from the choice of malt and the temperature at which it is boiled.

Belgium's brewing sector is particularly diverse, ranging from large industrial brewers to artisanal micro-breweries. Some of the country's oldest breweries date back centuries, while new ones continue to spring up. There are some 430 breweries throughout the country, all of which help to renew the range of products on offer and bring certain innovations to beer.

Beer is an important part of Belgian culture. It's a hallmark of national know-how, which is reflected in the product's extensive exports. Today, we can count between 60 and 110 hop producers, which proves that this sector is extremely rich and varied.

Belgian beers are distinguished by their variety of styles, each with its own distinctive taste:

Among the most famous are the following categories:

  • Abbey beers
  • Lambic beers
  • Gueuzes
  • White beers: brewed with wheat and pale malts;
  • Blonde beers: brewed with pale barley malts;
  • Rousse or amberbeers: brewed with more roasted barley malts;
  • Brown beers: brewed with highly roasted brown malts.

The Belgian beer market, however, faces a number of challenges, including increased regulatory pressure in the area of public health, as well as changing consumer habits, with a growing preference for alcohol-free products.
However, Belgian breweries can count on several levers for growth, particularly the premiumization of the market, the craze for craft beers and the rise of brewery wine tourism, which attracts thousands of visitors to the country's breweries every year.

In addition, the low-trend segment is growing in popularity with the development of alcohol-free beers. Growth is stabilizing at around 10% a year, and these beers are becoming more and more popular as a substitute for beer and alcoholic beverages.

Finally, the sector remains highly attractive, with a stable industrial structure.

The global beer market is dominated by a number of major international players(AbinBev, Heineken, CR Snow). The rest of the market is made up of alarge number of independent local players. The Belgian market is no exception to this trend. Local players are dynamic, and Belgians remain attached to local, artisanal production.

Finally, beer in Belgium remains a key segment of the global alcoholic beverage market , oscillating between know-how and new trends.

1.2 The global market

World beer production

In ****, world beer production was *.** billion hectolitres, compared with *.* billion hectolitres in ****.

world beer production since **** World, ****-****, billion hectolitres Source: ****

Below, we evaluate the world's largest beer producers. Germany and Spain are the biggest producers.

Largest beer producers World, ****, in hL Source: ****

Below, we can see the number of breweries present in each European country.

Below, we can also see which countries are the world's biggest beer consumers. Belgium is only **th in the ranking in ****.

Beer consumption in **** World, ****, in ****hL Source: ****

On the other hand, below we can observe the different market shares of the major beer groups. AB InBev dominates with almost **% of the market, followed by Heineken with **%.

Market share distribution of the biggest beer groups World, ?, in Source: ****

What's more, ** companies capture over **% of the global market. It's a highly concentrated market, with the leaders jockeying for position in the tightly-knit circle of beer producers. For example, the Heineken group will account for over **.*% of the global beer market by ****.

1.3 The Belgian beer market

The beer market in Belgium is very dynamic.

Beer manufacturing sales in Belgium (***) Belgium, ****-****, in ? Source: ****

What's more, as we saw in the previous section, Belgian brands are among the best in the world, as demonstrated by Ab In Dev.

Below is a breakdown of the proportion between consumption and export ofbeer in Belgium. It can be seen that almost **% of the beer created in Belgium is reserved for own consumption by Belgians.

Breakdown of beer consumption/export ratio in Belgium Belgium, ****, in Source: ****

1.4 Foreign trade

The Belgian beer trade balance is shown below.

evolution of the Belgian beer trade balance Belgium, ****-****, in millions of euros and in % FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

Belgium's trade balance is highly profitable, with a coverage rate of ****% in ****. This coverage rate is tending to increase, mainly thanks to a drop in imports.

evolution of Belgian beer trade balance (***) Belgium, ****-****, in millions of euros and in % FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

This is reflected in both intra-EU and extra-EU trade.

evolution of Belgian beer trade balance (***) Belgium, ****-****, in millions of euros and as a % FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

Below is an analysis of Belgium's main export trading partners.

Belgium's export trading partners for beer production Belgium, ****, in millions of euros FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

And below, Belgium's main import trading partners , such as the Netherlands and France.

Belgium's import trading partners for beer production Belgium, ****, in millions of euros FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

As can be seen, most of Belgium's beer exports go to the EU. However, China, the United States and Russia are also important trading partners. France is by far the biggest importer of Belgian beer (***).

The few ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Belgians and beer

Belgium is world-renowned for its exceptional brewing tradition, making beer a central part of its cultural heritage. With over *,*** different types of beer to choose from, Belgians consider beer to be an art form, and each region has its own unique character. Such is the importance of beer in Belgium that it has been included in UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage list.

A recent study by iVOX shows that for more than * out of * Belgians (***) believe that Belgian beer culture helps put their country on the international map.

This cultural heritage is driving a boom in spirit tourism in Belgium. This type of tourism is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. In Belgium, it takes the form of guided tours, beer-making courses, etc.

In ****, beer was the second most consumed alcoholic beverage in Belgium, just behind grape wine. As the graph below shows, **% of Belgians believe they have drunk beer in the last three months.

Most consumed alcoholic beverages in Belgium Belgium, ****, in

Belgium is also a country of diversity.

For example, beer preferences among Belgians vary according to geographic region. For example, Dutch-speakers prefer pilsner beers, while French-speakers prefer blond or fruitier beers, according to La Libre.

2.2 Beer consumption in Belgium

Belgium is one of the countries in the world with the highest alcohol consumption per capita. However, thanks to numerous campaigns to raise awareness of the dangers of alcohol and a growing focus on public health, beer consumption has fallen drastically since the ****s.

Between **** and **** , beer consumption fell by almost **% . Between **** and ****, per capita beer consumption fell by almost **%.

Beer consumption by Belgians ****-**** Belgium, ****-****, in L/year/person Source: ****

Let's now look at thenumber of beers Belgians drink per week. Nearly **% of Walloon Belgians, or * in * Belgians, drink more than ** beers a week, which is still a very high volume, as the graph below shows.

Beer consumption volume per Belgian Belgium, ****, in Source: ****

Let's now take a look at Belgians' beer-drinking habits.

When it comes to the times when beer is consumed in Belgium, it's fairly evenly split between weekends and weekdays. according to the graph below, **% of the population drinks beer during the week.

Beer consumption times in Belgium Belgium, ****,

The graph below also shows that beer is consumed more privately, mainly at home or with friends and family, demonstrating the extent to which beer is part of Belgian habits.

Beer consumption locations in Belgium Belgium, ****, in Source: ...

2.3. Overconsumption of alcohol in Belgium

Worldwide, the problem of alcohol dependence is a major issue for the WHO, which launched its Global Alcohol Action Plan ****-**** in ****.

Belgium has excessive alcohol consumption, with average annual consumption exceeding European levels. Alcohol is the *ᵉ cause of death in the country and inevitably leads to a reduced quality of life among people aged ** and over. In Belgium, in ****, alcohol-related deaths corresponded to almost *.*% of all deaths.

Concerning episodes of excessive alcohol consumption, **% of Belgians admitted to having exaggerated at least once a month on alcohol.

By ****, **% of the Belgian population was drinking to excess, i.e. more than ** units of alcohol per week.

Men and young people aged ** to ** are the most affected by this risky consumption, as we can see from the graph below with dangerous consumption trends.

Excessive drinking by Belgians aged ** to ** Belgium, ****, in Source: ****

To counter this problem, an inter-federal action plan has been launched to combat harmful alcohol consumption. It includes reducing the availability of alcohol, tightening controls on advertising to protect minors, introducing certain bans on the sale of alcohol and limiting the purchase of alcohol by minors aged ** and over.

Awareness campaigns are a way of getting messages across to the population, ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

Beer-making involves producing an alcoholic beverage by fermenting a cereal wort whose complex sugars have been made fermentable. The basic concept is simple: yeast transforms the sugars into alcohol, and the level of this alcohol eventually kills the yeast once a certain concentration has been reached.

Below, you can see the detailed value chain involved in making beer.


3.2 Beer distribution structure in Belgium

Beer distribution in Belgium is organized on several levels. It is divided into two distinct categories:

retail CHR (***) or HoReCa

A significant proportion of production is exported, thanks to their international reputation, but also to supermarkets.

The graph below shows that beer sales in Belgium's supermarkets are declining .

Beer sales in Belgian supermarkets Belgium, ?, in Source: ****

Some beersare also sold in HoReCa , as shown in the graph below.

trend in beer sales in HoReCa (***) Belgium, ****-****, in hL Source: ****

fruity beers

consumed as HoReCa


in retail outlets.

Market share by beer type Belgium, ****, in Source: ****

3.3 Beer production in Belgium

Below, we can analyze the evolution of beer production in Belgium between **** and ****. We can see that production levels fell sharply with the Covid crisis, but have picked up again in the last two years.

beer production trends in Belgium Belgium, ****-****, index base *** in **** FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

We can observe that beer production is a dynamic activity since since ****, the number of active breweries has almost doubled, from *** to *** in ****.

Number of active breweries in Belgium Belgium, ****-****, in units Source: ****

Beer production in Belgium is a veritable industry. It employs almost *,*** people in Belgium, and nearly **,*** indirectly.

Below is an analysis of the trend in the number of beer production start-ups, which continues to rise.

trend in the number of new/renewed beer production companies Belgium, ****-****, in units FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

In addition, the number of employees continues to rise, reaching almost *,*** in ****.

employment trends in the beer industry Belgium, ****-****, in units FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

Like the number of employees, the wage bill in Belgium's beer manufacturing sector continues to rise.

evolution of payroll in the Belgian beer industry Belgium, ****-****, in millions of euros FPS Economy, SMEs, ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Types of Belgian beer

Below are the different types of beer and their main characteristics.

Source: ****

Below, we take a look atBelgian beer consumption by type. We can see that Pils and Trappist beers are the most widely consumed by Belgians.

Belgian beer consumption by type Belgium, ? in % of total Source: ****

4.3. Beer supply trends in Belgium

In Belgium, the beer market is undergoing a significant transformation under the influence of several trends.

Firstly, non-alcoholic beer is gaining in popularity: it now accounts for around *% of total consumption, a proportion on the rise with a constantly expanding offer. Several Belgian breweries, from the most artisanal to the most industrial, are including alcohol-free beers in their range to meet the growing demand for less alcoholic products, driven by health and road safety concerns.

Below are just a few examples of alcohol-free beers.


Luxury and specialty beers continue to win over Belgian and international consumers. These beers, often characterized by artisanal production, rare ingredients and traditional know-how, attract a public in search of authenticity and quality. This category includes barrel-aged beers, limited editions and beers with locally-sourced ingredients to showcase Belgian terroir. Some beers are even protected by PDO status, such as Mechelen's amber beer, Gouden Carolus (***).....

Finally, the trend towards local consumption is growing. More and more consumers are turning to beers produced locally, using short supply chains and regional ingredients. This corresponds to a growing ecological awareness, as breweries seek to reduce their carbon footprint by using local hops and malts. This dynamic is in line with ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Excise duty

Excise taxes are indirect taxes levied on certain consumer goods, particularly beverages.

Packaging duty in Belgium : *.** €/hl on individual beverage containers. Possible reduction to €*.**/hl with a "reusable container" certificate Storage with Minimum Stock: Minimum stock required on an annual basis: Beer: **** hl Wine: *** hl Intermediate products: ** hl Spirits: ** hl DETT bond (***) : Bond: ***% of the excise duty due on the consignment. DE bond (***): Holding bond: **% of excise duty due on average monthly stock. Shipment bond: ***% of excise duties for * weeks of normal shipment activity (***). Entrepositaire Agréé (***) authorization: Authorization with an excise number starting with BE*...... EA bond: **% of excise duties due on average monthly stock. Registered Consignee (***) authorization: Authorization with an excise number starting with BE*...... No limit on the number of authorized receipts. Temporary Registered Consignee (***) authorization: Authorization with an excise number starting with BE*...... Valid for one shipment and limited to a certain period.


5.2 Current regulations

In Belgium, according to the Government, the sale of alcohol is subject to legal restrictions designed to protect young people from alcohol abuse. The main rules include :

minimum age: It is forbidden to sell, serve or offer alcohol to young people under the age of sixteen. In addition, the sale of spirituous beverages is prohibited to young people under the age of eighteen. Age control: Horeca operators and store personnel are authorized to ask for proof of age, such as an identity card or other valid document. In case of doubt, the vendor is advised to refuse the sale of alcohol. Vending machines: Alcohol vending machines must be equipped with an ID card reader to verify the age of the potential buyer, and it is forbidden to disconnect this system.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in penalties, monitored by the Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department of the Federal Public Health Service. Administrative fines vary from *** to *,*** euros, depending on the seriousness of the offence. In the event of non-payment, the case may be referred to the public prosecutor's office, and legal proceedings may be initiated.

Alcohol advertising is also regulated by a convention signed by various stakeholders, aimed ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Carrefour Groupe
  • AB InBev
  • Swinkels Family Brewers (Bavaria)
  • SAB Miller (AB Inbev)
  • Carlsberg
  • Anheuser-Busch InBev
  • Carrefour Belgique
  • Duvel Moortgat Group
  • Ahold Delhaize
  • Colruyt

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The beer market | Belgium

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