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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The marketskiwear market, once a niche sector reserved for winter sports enthusiasts, has undergone a remarkable transformation over the decades. With the evolution of technology and consumer trends, this market has largely evolved, becoming a thriving sector at the crossroads of technical performance and fashion.

Today, skiwear is no longer simply functional; it is also a symbol of style, innovation and environmental awareness, responding to the needs of modern consumers. Indeed, advances in technical textiles have pushed back the limits of equipment performance, with materials that are lighter, more insulating, breathable and water-resistant. These innovations not only meet the expectations of amateur and professional skiers, but also the demands of consumers who are increasingly concerned about the sustainability and environmental impact of their purchases.

Worldwide, the skiwear market is growing steadily, and is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 4.63% until 2031. The global skiwear rental market is also following the same trend, with a forecast CAGR of 9.7% to 2032. This sustained growth is explained by increased demand for more economical and flexible solutions for occasional skiers.

At national level, the market is also following a positive trend, with a 5% increase in sales between 2018 and 2023. What's more, in terms of ski area attendance, France occupies an important position, coming in second behind the United States.

However, the market is not without its challenges. Climate change, for example, is disrupting saisons and the demand for skiwear, forcing brands to rethink their offerings and innovate in order to survive. Indeed, several French brands have opted for diversification to counter the impact of a potential decline in skiwear sales.

Market supply also depends on the type of skier and their clothing needs. These can be divided into three categories:

  • Occasional skiers
  • Regular skiers
  • Prestige skiers

1.2 Global market

In ****, the global skiwear market is estimated at $*.** billion. This sector is growing steadily, and is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of *.**% over the next few years. Market size is forecast to reach $*.** billion by ****.

Skiwear market size World, **** - ****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

In ****, the global skiwear rental market was valued at $*.* billion. This market is expanding rapidly, with a forecast compound annual growth rate of *.*% over the coming period. By ****, its size is expected to reach $*.* billion. This sustained growth is due to increased demand for more economical, flexible solutions for occasional skiers.

Skiwear rental market World, **** - ****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

In terms of revenue distribution in the skiwear market,men represent a majority share with **.*% of sales, while women contribute **.*%. This difference in market share can be explained by several factors, such ashigher male participation in mountain sports.

Market share in terms of revenue, by gender World, ****, in Source: ****

1.3 Domestic market

Between **** and ****, sales of other clothing and accessories, including skiwear, rose from *** million euros to *,*** million euros. This represents an increase of **.*% over the period. This increase reflects continued growth in the sector, potentially linked to increased demand for technical and specialized garments that enable people to practice sport with ease.

Sales trends in the manufacture of other clothing and accessories France, **** - ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

In the absence of a direct source providing sales figures for the French skiwear market, we have used data from the Union Sport & Cycle (***) to make an estimate. USC shares with us on its website the number of pairs of skis sold in ****/****, i.e. ***,***. We also have the figures for ****/****: ***,*** pairs of skis and ***,*** pairs of boots sold. This enables us to calculate the breakdown between these two categories: **% for skis and **% for boots.

Thanks to this breakdown, we can estimate the number of pairs of boots sold in ****/**** at ***,***. USC has also provided us with sales figures for sports equipment (***) / Volume ****/****.

This gives sales of ***,***,***.** euros, i.e. *% growth.

Assuming that the skiwear and accessories market has evolved at the same pace, we estimate sales for ****/**** at ***,***,*** euros, starting from a ...

1.4 Balance of trade

France's trade balance for knitted or crocheted ski suits (***) is in deficit. Indeed, in ****, exports amounted to *,*** million euros, while imports reached *,*** million euros. This represents a trade deficit of ***,*** euros in this sector.

Trade balance in ski suits, knitted or crocheted France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

For non-knitted or crocheted ski suits (***), France's trade balance shows a surplus. In ****, exports in this segment reached **,*** million euros, against **,*** million euros in imports, generating a surplus of *,*** million euros. This trade surplus indicates that France is a competitive player in the production and export of ski suits.

Trade balance in ski suits, not knitted or crocheted France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

France's trade balance for sports footwear, including ski, snowboard and cross-country boots, shows a deficit (***). In ****, exports of these products amounted to ***,*** euros, while imports totaled ***,*** euros. This imbalance resulted in a deficit of ***,*** euros.

Trade balance product code ****** France, ****, in euros Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Typology of demand

Despite the popularity of the mountains, only *% of French people spend their winter vacations there. These French people have a special profile. In fact, winter sports enthusiasts tend to be well-to-do and well educated: in ****, **% of executives and higher intellectual professions took a winter vacation, compared to *% of inactive people, and **% of high-income earners versus *% of low-income households. This category also more frequently includes residents of the Paris region, men, families of four, and young people. This profile has not changed since ****.

"Do you go on vacation to the mountains in winter? France, January ****, in Source: ****

Rate of holidaymakers spending at least four consecutive nights in the mountains in winter **** - **** Source: ****

Among French skiers, a significant majority (***).

In terms of ski level, ESF classifications show that *ʳᵉ and *ᵉ star are the most frequently achieved levels (***). Only a few, or *% of skiers, have achieved the gold star, and *% have reached the professional level.

As for learning, a notable proportion of French skiers (***) learned to ski independently, without taking lessons. A further **% have taken lessons without ever achieving a level.

"When did you start skiing? France, ****, in Source: ****

Analysis of the nationality breakdown of resort guests in France for the year ...

2.2 General demand trends

Between the ****-**** and ****-**** seasons, the number of skier-days sold remained relatively stable, hovering around ** million. However, the ****-**** season sees a significant drop, falling to **.* million, probably due to factors such as unfavorable weather conditions, restrictions linked to the COVID-** pandemic or other elements that impacted ski resort attendance.

The following season (***) saw a return to stability, with an increase to **.* million skier-days sold, reflecting the industry's resilience in the face of the pandemic challenges. However, the ****-**** season shows a slight decline to ** million, possibly indicating a gradual adaptation to the new realities of the global context.

Trend in the number of skier-days sold France, ****-****, in millions Source: ****

Analysis of the breakdown of ski-related expenditure in France for **** reveals that ski clothing accounts for a relatively modest *% share. This suggests that, although the importance of clothing is recognized, skiers may opt more for rental than purchase. On the other hand, accommodation remains the main expense, underlining the importance of the mountain experience. Other categories of expenditure, such as restaurants and transfers, occupy even smaller shares of skiers' total budgets.

Breakdown of ski-related expenditure France, ****, in Source: ****

2.3 Growing demand for the second-hand market

In ****, the second-hand market will be driven by a significant change in purchasing behavior. Indeed, **% of French people say they have already bought second-hand items, a figure that reflects a marked craze for this practice. The economic factor is at the heart of this trend, with **% of buyers motivated primarily by the more affordable price of second-hand mountain equipment. added to this is a growing ecological awareness, with **% of consumers favoring second-hand equipment to reduce their environmental footprint. Finally, exchanges with other winter sports enthusiasts also play a role, accounting for **% of purchasing motivations.

Poll: Have you ever bought second-hand (***)? France, ****, in Source: ****

Poll: What motivates you to buy second-hand? France, ****, in Source: ****

2.4 The cyclical nature of consumer demand

The graph below shows the proportion of searches for the given keyword in a given geographical area and for a specific period, compared with the time when the rate of use of this word was highest (***). Thus, a significantly lower value means that the keyword was less commonly used in France, and a zero value means that there was insufficient data for this word.

The search for the term "skiwear" on Google Trends peaks during the winter period, between November and February each year. This is because this period corresponds to the ski season, when weather conditions favor winter sports. Consumers then turn to the purchase of suitable equipment to prepare their mountain vacations and enjoy snow activities.

Analysis of this data suggests seasonal variations in interest in skiwear, with peaks in the winter months and troughs in the summer. Significant increases may also be influenced by specific events, such as seasonal promotions and winter school vacations.

Evolution of interest in the search "Ski clothing France, **** - **** Source: ****

2.5 Favourite Brands in France

France's favorite sportswear brands are fairly evenly distributed. The North Face tops the list with **.*%, followed by Quicksilver and Salomon. Miller, meanwhile, is the least popular with **.*%.These results show a preference for major foreign brands specializing in outdoor and board sports.

French people's favorite sportswear brands (***) France, February ****, in Source: ****

French people's favorite sportswear brands by gender show a difference in choice between women and men. Indeed, women largely prefer The North Face brand, with **.*% of them saying they like it, while **.*% of men favor Quiksilver.

French people's favorite sportswear brands (***), by gender France, February ****, in Source: ****

In terms of favorite brands by age group, young people and adults under fifty all have a notable preference for The North Face brand, especially ** - ** year-olds with **.*% of them declaring they like the brand. On the other hand, French people over ** all tend towards the Quicksilver brand, probably for its durability.

French people's favorite sportswear brands (***), by age group France, February ****, in % Source: ****

3 Market structure

3.1 The value chain

Sourcing raw materials: ski clothing requires specific materials, such as technical fabrics (***), waterproof membranes and thermal insulation. Raw materials can include synthetic, natural or recycled fibers. Garment design : the design phase aims to combine aesthetics, functionality and performance. Designers take into account fit, fashion and the specific needs of skiers (***). Garment manufacturing : in this stage, raw materials are transformed into technical fabrics adapted to extreme conditions. This includes waterproofing, thermal insulation and breathability. Sales: skiwear is distributed via a variety of channels, including specialist retailers, major sports stores and e-commerce platforms. Rental: in some cases, and due to the high price of ski clothing, occasional skiers may resort to renting clothing instead of buying.

3.2 Skiwear production

In terms of salaried employees, the sector counted *,*** in ****. from **** onwards, a decline can be observed. From **** onwards, the sector showed marked growth, with *,*** employees (***), signalling a clear upturn in activity. This momentum continued into ****. Finally, in ****, the sector reached **** employees, an increase of *.**% on the previous year.

Change in the number of employees in the other clothing and accessories manufacturing sector France, **** - **** Source: ****

Between **** and ****, the number of establishments manufacturing other clothing and accessories, including skiwear, in France has seen notable variations, reflecting developments in the sector.

In ****, there were *** establishments. This figure rose slightly in ****, before falling in **** with a decline of -*.**%. The downward trend continued in ****, when the number of establishments fell by *.**%, its lowest level over this period. However, from **** onwards, there was a slight recovery. This recovery was accentuated in ****, with a sharp increase of *.**%, reaching *** establishments. The year **** marked a period of even more notable growth, with *** establishments (***), the peak for the entire period.

In ****, a slight decline was recorded, with *** establishments, followed by a small recovery in ****, with *** establishments. Despite these fluctuations, the overall trend since **** shows a significant increase in the number of establishments, signalling a certain dynamic recovery in the ...

3.3 Reactions to global warming

Reaction from the Cour des Comptes:

France's ski resorts are facing a growing crisis due to climate change, which has been disrupting their business model since the beginning of the **st century. Climate forecasts indicate a decline in the reliability of snow cover and a lowering of the rain-snow line, making some resorts particularly exposed to the risks associated with climatic variations. By ****, all resorts will be affected to varying degrees, and many are already experiencing financial difficulties due to lack of snow and declining visitor numbers. Current strategies, mainly focused on artificial snow production, are deemed costly and insufficient, while investments to modernize infrastructures are becoming increasingly complex to achieve. The Cour des Comptes has therefore proposed a number of solutions to counter the negative impact of this change.

Development of adaptation plans: Each resort must draw up a specific plan to cope with climate change, with access to public funding conditional on the implementation and observance of these plans. Creation of a federating structure: Bring together all stakeholders, public and private, within a collective organization to ensure broad governance. Promote four-season tourism: Encourage the development of year-round tourism activities to diversify resort revenues. Establish a financial solidarity mechanism: Create ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

A garment with a value of **,*** Schmerber, equivalent to **,*** mm, can withstand the pressure exerted by ** meters of water. It is estimated that a garment becomes completely waterproof at **,*** Schmerber. [***]

Source: ****

Which brand of ski clothing for which skier?

Source: ****

4.2 Price trends

The average price of ski clothing and equipment :

Source: ****

The Producer Price Index (***) for French industry in the other clothing and accessories manufacturing market is rising steadily. The index stood at ***.* in January **** and reached *** two years later. An increase of **.**%.

French industry production price index for the "other clothing and accessories" market France, **** - **** Source: ****

4.3 Innovations in the skiwear market

Advanced technologies in smart skiwear:

Clothing used for skiing now incorporates technological innovations designed to improve both skiers' safety and comfort, while making their experience more personalized.

Biometric sensors: These sensors, integrated into garments such as vests, pants or thermal gloves, track various body indicators in real time, such as heart rate, internal temperature, hydration and blood oxygen levels. The information gathered is transmitted to a mobile app or connected device, offering continuous monitoring to optimize performance and safety. [***] Self-regulating thermal fabrics these fabrics, made from materials capable of adjusting their thermal insulation, adapt to weather conditions and the skier's level of activity. They help maintain optimal body temperature by warming the wearer when the outside temperature drops, while preventing overheating during intense exertion. Some of these fabrics even feature heating systems controlled via an app. Solar recharging technology : Some garments feature flexible solar panels to recharge electronic devices, such as cell phones, during extended outings in the mountains, where access to electricity is limited. [***] Geolocation technology: Some garments integrate GPS systems, like the Recco, to locate skiers. This makes it possible to locate them when needed, particularly in an emergency situation in the mountains. These systems provide essential support for ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

In France, there are no strict regulations concerning ski clothing, but certain recommendations and safety standards apply to guarantee skiers' safety and comfort.

Recommended ski clothing :

Although there is no set set of regulations governing ski clothing, it is advisable to opt for clothing suited to the climatic conditions. The three-layer system is often recommended:

First layer: breathable clothing (***) Second layer: insulating (***) Third layer: waterproof (***)

Waterproofing and breathability:

Clothing must be both waterproof and breathable. Waterproof ratings vary, with a recommended minimum of at least **,*** mm for use on the slopes. Fabrics such as Gore-Tex are often preferred for their performance.

specific equipment for competition:

For competitions, specific rules apply, including requirements for clothing and safety equipment (***).

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Positioning the players

  • Skis Rossignol
  • Fusalp
  • The North Face
  • Canada Goose
  • Spyder
  • Ortovox (Schwan- Stabilo)
  • Go Sport France
  • Patagonia
  • Cimalp
  • Salomon (Amer Sport groupe)
  • Blizzard (Tecnica)
  • Quiksilver Bilabong
  • Helly Hansen
  • Columbia Sports Wear
  • Odlo
  • Oakley
  • Picture Organic Clothing
  • Ekosport
  • Bergfreunde (Decathlon groupe)
  • Snowleader

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