Summary of our market study
The dance market is part of the French health and fitness sector, estimated at around 500 million euros.
Dance is the eighth favorite sport of the French, with 17% of the population taking part. The number of people practicing dance has doubled to almost 11 million. Some 3.25 million people are regular dancers, and 2 million are enrolled in dance classes.
During the pandemic, the market shifted to online and distance dance lessons.
The French Dance Federation (FFD) has over 85,000 members.
Country dancing has enjoyed remarkable success, with some 4 million practitioners. Fitness and dance studios generally offer salsa and zumba classes.
TV shows like "Dancing with the Stars" and video games like "Just Dance" have influenced young people, fuelling dance culture in France.
Players in the French dance instruction market
- Le Ballet de l'Opéra national de Paris: A beacon of classical dance, the Paris Opera Ballet is a prestigious institution not only in France, but worldwide.
- Conservatoire national supérieur de danse de Paris
- Marseille National Ballet
- Center de danse Chorea, CCL Bihorel, The SCC School
- Basic-fit and The Fitness Apartment: These modern fitness clubs have integrated dance into their programs
- ZumbaFrance
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of the study
Dance is considered a sport, an art and a hobby. It can be practised professionally or as an amateur, which of course greatly varies the training and lesson times involved. In France, there are currently around 11,000 professional dancers and 97,000 licensed dancers. In reality, there are many more dancers in France, since amateur dance lessons can be given à la carte, without prior license or registration.
Different types of dance exist in France and are grouped into different segments:
- Artistic dance (hiphop, contemporary dance, jazz dance, modern dance, classical dance)
- Sport dance (Latin dances, 10 dances, etc.)
- Rock dance (acrobatic rock, boogie woogie, lindy hop, etc.)
- Country dance (couple and line)
- Leisure and social dances (Argentine tango, salsa, world dances)
- Pole dancing
In this study, we will focus on dance schools, divided into two categories:
- professional schools
- amateur schools
The dance school market is highly fragmented, and there are many different structures for teaching dance, which we will describe in greater detail later in this study.
Dance is generally taught in dance schools, but also by private tutors in institutions such as the Maisons de la Jeunesse et de la Culture in France, gyms or private coaches.
Dance has enjoyed growing success over the last ten years, with the number of members doubling between 2008 and 2022 . However, the Covid-19 crisis has had a major impact on the industry, with most dance halls having to close for most of 2020, which may have led to a boom in online and outdoor dance classes. However, the impact of Covid was largely offset by the impressive increase in the number of dance licenses in 2022 (+39%), which continued to rise in 2023.
1.2 The French market for dance lessons
The difficulty of the market is that there's a wide range of dance classes on offer in France, and taking dance classes doesn't mean taking dance classes.
in France, for example, there are around :
around **,*** professional dancers in France(***) between *.* million and *.** million regular or occasional dancers in ****(***) Nearly ***** French Dance Federation licenses in ****(***); estimated at **,*** for **** according to the French Dance Federation
number of licenses in FDD France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****
After a steady increase in the number of licenses affiliated to the FFD (***), the number of licenses fell sharply between **** and ****, then rose again in **** to reach a total of **,*** dance licensees in France.
This drop in approved sports licenses in **** is not specific to the French dance federation, but concerns all sports. Indeed, INJEP has recorded a **% drop in sports licenses for all sports combined (***) is specific to dance.
number of sports licenses issued by accredited organizations France, ****-****, in millions Source: ****
A survey carried out in **** by Odoxa suggests that this decline in sports registration could be linked to the health crisis. Indeed, in ****, **% of respondents intend to play more outdoor sports, **% wish to limit the practice of team sports and **% plan to play more sports ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Dance practice in France
In December ****, the INJEP (***) published its annual sports barometer, providing valuable information on French sporting habits. In ****, **% of French people aged ** and over said they practiced a sport on a regular basis, and **% on an occasional basis. These figures have remained relatively stable over the years.
Year-round sports participation rate France, ****, in Source: ****
While at the end of the pandemic, the proportion of women taking part in sport increased and almost caught up with the proportion of men, by **** this trend had reversed once again. Breakdown of sports enthusiasts between men and women France, ****-****, in % Source : INJEP Health and relaxation are the primary motivations for practising sport. The sports most practiced by the French are running (***), including dance. However, the most attractive activities are swimming, walking, aquagym, dance, horse-riding, fitness, soccer and tennis. [***] First and second reasons for practising sport Household spending on sport France, ****-****, in billions of current euros Source: INSEE, Fédération des industries nautiques, Institut français de la mode, cabinet NPD; calculations INJEP-MEDES In ****, against the backdrop of the COVID crisis, household spending on sports goods and services falls by **.*% (***) to **.* billion euros. In ****, French spending on sport is set to rise again, reaching ...
2.2 Profile of French Dance Federation members: number, age and gender
While the number of licenses issued by the FFD (***) was rising steadily before ****, with *% growth between **** and ****, it has been severely impacted by the health crisis. As a result, the number of licenses issued by the FFD fell by almost **% between **** and ****, and has still not returned to its pre-crisis level. In ****, there were **,*** dance licensees in France. For the moment, we only have exact data for the ****-**** season, so the figures for that year will be analyzed.cise that for the ****-**** season, the FFD estimates the number of dance licenses issued at **,***, a sign that the popularity of dance is not about to slow down.
growth in the number of FFD licenses France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****
This is a significantly gendered sport, with **% of licensees being women in **** . This phenomenon is spread over time and is not specific to ****.
Distribution of FFD licenses by gender France, ****, in Source: ****
In ****, the under-**s will account for almost half of all licensees, with **.**%. There will then be a drop in the number of **-** year-olds, which will gradually increase until the age of **.
Distribution of FFD licenses by age group France, ****, in % by age group Source: ****
According to INJEP ...
2.3 Where do you find the most licensees in France?
The map below shows the distribution of dance licenses granted in mainland France in ****: overall, dance is more popular in the southern half of the country.
Source: ****
However, this distribution must also take into account the population of these regions (***), which gives an average rate of licenses per *,*** inhabitants. The table below ranks the regions according to the average number of licenses per *,*** inhabitants.
2.4 Why dance?
An example of the reasons for taking up dance:[***]
The practice of dance is less passed down from generation to generation, which explains the boom in dance clubs in France in the age of the virtual, dances that create physical proximity - such as Argentine tango or couple dances, for example - are also very popular. Cultural reasons: Dances are often a way of asserting one's origins and culture: this is why Breton, Alsatian, etc. dances are so popular. Social role: dance clubs are also seen as a way of meeting new people or strengthening social ties. Anti-stress role: dance techniques - based on breathing, contraction and relaxation of the body - are appreciated by people in search of relaxation and disconnection. Dance therapy: dance improves concentration, coordination and memory (***) and boosts self-esteem. Feel better about your body: as a sport, dance helps you build muscles and improve your figure, for example
Overall, in ****, dancers prefer to take group classes, as the graph below highlights.
Dancers' preference for group classes France, ****, in Source: ****
The graph below reveals that the main motivation for practicing a physical activity or sport is to maintain one's health, with **% of respondents citing this reason. Nearly **% of ...
2.5 Focus on demand trends
*/ Country dancing has enjoyed great success in France in recent years: no fewer than * million people have already practiced or are practicing this dance in clubs or associations in **** - particularly among the working classes. In fact, the number of dancers is *.* times higher in the working classes than in the more affluent. These dances are particularly popular at festivals - especially in summer - in small and medium-sized towns. [***]. Country dancing encompasses a variety of dances: Clogging, Square Dance, Line Dance and Partner Dance.
*/ The success of dance-fitness [***]
According to UNION Sport & Cycle (***), dance is considered a fitness activity on a par with bodybuilding and combat sports.
**% of the **.* million people who practice fitness do dance, or * million people in ****.
These dance gyms often offer (***), but rather focus on dance as a means of keeping fit.
Zumba, which combines aerobic elements with dance movements, is a popular choice. The keys to this success are twofold: Zumba is technically affordable for everyone, and the classes offered are standardized and universal.
The places where fitness (***) is practiced are diverse, as the graph below highlights.
Places where fitness is practiced France, ****, in Source: ****
*/ Dancing online
Nearly a third of French ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Segmentation and player dynamics
According to Francebleu, there were **,*** dance schools in France in ****, including *,*** affiliated to the FFD, i.e. around *% of all schools. In ****, there were *,*** clubs or EPAs affiliated to the FFD. It was very difficult to find information on the number of private dance schools today. There are many different types of dance schools. Depending on the dancer's objectives, they offer varying standards and levels of instruction.
On the one hand, there is academic teaching.
This is a regulated practice, and can only be taught by professionals holding a Diplôme d'État (***).
A distinction is made between
Studies in dance schools/operas and ballets: these are private and public schools offering dance courses that award dance diplomas that may or may not lead to a professional career, but also to the exercise of the profession of dance teacher with exemption from the CESMD diploma. These schools are often partnered with conservatories. Studying at a conservatory : the final cycle of a conservatory leads to a professional career, and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse Parisien, for example, offers top-level theoretical and practical dance training for professionals. Studying dance at university via a Bachelor of Arts degree provides ...
3.2 FFD-affiliated dance clubs
INJEP reports on the number of clubs affiliated to the French Dance Federation: there will be *,*** in **** in France, **% more than in **** .
Number of clubs affiliated to the FFD France, ****, in number of clubs Source: ****
The drop in the number of FFD-affiliated clubs observed in **** stems from a general decline in the number of clubs affiliated to an official federation that same year: we record a drop of *,*** clubs between **** and **** (-*. dance has therefore suffered more from covid than other sports. However, the significant increase in the number of clubs observed in **** shows no particular correlation with the total number of clubs in France. Indeed, between **** and ****, the total number of clubs increased by ***, or *.**%. Dancing is therefore an increasingly popular sport, and one that has regained momentum since the crisis. Other sports showing drastic increases in the number of clubs are the French boxing, strength and rural sports federations, but the FFD remains by far the federation with the greatest growth in the number of clubs.
The map below highlights the regional distribution of clubs in France in ****, with a higher density in the south of the country.
Source: ****
3.3 The emergence of dance fitness and line dancing
The dance - fitness market:
There will be over *,*** fitness clubs in France by **** [***], with Orange Bleue, Keep Cool and Basic-Fit leading the way.
Source: ****
The average price of a gym membership is €** per month, but dance classes may be offered as an optional extra.
The main classes offered are freestyle, Latino, group, Zumba and Bodyjam (***).
ZumbaFrance offers Zumba classes in Paris - highlighting"a complete, easy-to-follow workout that sculpts your body to the sound of top international hits". at €** per class, these are offered after working hours at * locations in Paris.
Online dance:
We focus here on paid online dance classes, excluding the free classes and tutorials found on platforms such as Youtube and Tik Tok.
Dance (***) can also be practiced online.
Classes can be offered by mixed schools, i.e. schools offering both face-to-face and distance learning: NeoDance Academy, for example, offers video classes in groups of ** for €** per person. Odeya, on the other hand, offers a €** per month subscription, including videos and weekly online classes. Basic Fit gym also offers free virtual dance fitness classes for its subscribers.
Home Dance Academy is a completely online dance school that was set up during the pandemic, in September ****. It offers ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Typology of dance centers in France and associated prices
There are different categories of professional dance schools: CNSMDs (***): Paris and Lyon Écoles supérieures de danse sous statut associatif, under State control Other public establishments: Opéra national de Pairs dance school, CND (***) Regional (***), departmental, communal and inter-communal conservatories also provide basic training for future dance professionals. [***] Here are the price ranges of the main professional dance schools: Teaching locations Prices CNSMD ***€ (***) École nationale supérieure de danse de Marseille ****€ - ****€ CNDC Angers ***€ For amateur dance schools, there is a wide variety of establishments,according to Superprof Magazine prices for dance lessons vary widely: Associations or dance clubs generally have a lower level of instruction and are aimed at beginners, so prices are more affordable Courses at dance schools, whether accredited or not, are structured as monthly subscriptions and are more expensive with the addition of registration fees . They are generally private. Conservatory courses are the most expensive, due to the high quality of the teaching and the professionalism of the training Here's a summary of average course prices by dance center : Teaching centers Prices Dance association ***€ per year (***) Dance in a non-accredited school ***€ per year (***) Dance in an accredited school ***€ per year (***) Conservatory dance classes (***) From ***€ to ***€ for the ...
4.2 Different types of dance in France
According to the Fédération Française de Danse, there are several different types of dance (***) - virtually all of which are available in dance classes.
Artistic dance: ballet, contemporary and jazz. Since ****, the law on dance teaching has regulated ballet, contemporary and jazz, requiring teachers to hold a state diploma.
Country dances: leisure and convivial dancing, in the style of the popular dances of yesteryear, to a variety of rhythms (***). Since ****, it has also become a highly successful competitive dance. It is often distinguished from choreographed dances, a closely related form in which each dance is set to a particular piece of music. The most widespread are line dances.
Society dances: ballroom, ballroom, retro, ... (***): this is one of the oldest forms of social dance, once passed down from generation to generation, but now more codified and the basis of professional training leading to a diploma.
Latin and standard dances: samba, waltz, cha-cha-cha, etc. Both athletic and artistic, these dances are known the world over.
Historical dances: medieval, baroque, etc., often in the form of re-enactment balls
Pole dance: a gymnastic discipline officially recognized as a sport in Europe, combining dance and acrobatics on and around a vertical bar.\ ...
4.3 The emergence of digital coaches and mobile applications
Recent technological developments have spawned an explosion in fitness and dance gadgets(***), equipped with GPS chips for more precise distance tracking. These digital advances enable customers to monitor their heart rate, blood pressure and number of calories lost.
What's more, dance apps and video games are encouraging young people to take up the sport without necessarily attending online classes. Applications dedicated to dance are multiplying, with objectives ranging from fun (***)
Line dance courses - especially those with confinement - are also booming, as with Danse Tous Styles, Dancefloor or Home Dance Academy.
Celebrities, new types of coaches and the media are exerting increasing pressure on women's sporting behavior. Increasingly, women are looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle, by regularly taking part in sporting activities such as dance. One of the major influences in France, for example, is the TV show "Danse Avec les Stars", where professional dancers such as Fauve Hautot are increasingly followed on social seaux sociaux, or Léa Elui, France's most followed influencer, known for her Tik Tok dances, who also took part in season ** of "Danse Avec les Stars".
5 Regulations
5.1 Schools and teachers are subject to certain rules
Dance teaching establishments must comply with a certain number of rules, as must their teachers, who must meet certain professional qualification requirements. [***]
Rules concerning teachers
A dance teaching establishment may only employ dance teachers with recognized qualifications or experience. To prove this, the teacher may hold various diplomas:
State diploma (***) Recognition of professional qualifications for European Union nationals(***) Exemption from the DE diploma thanks to special recognition of the candidate or his/her experience in dance, or proof that he/she has been teaching dance for more than * years prior to ****
To enroll in training for the state diploma, candidates must first take and pass an EAT (***), which requires at least *** hours of activity over at least * year.
Rules concerning children
Practice is also regulated for children of a certain age:
Children aged * to * may only take part in activities designed to awaken their physical awareness Children aged * to * may only take part in introductory activities in jazz, classical or contemporary dance
Rules governing training centers
When setting up a dance training establishment, the company must comply with the rules governing the creation of a company or association. In addition, it must declare its opening to the prefecture by sending the ...
6 Companies
6.1 Segmentation
- Ballet de l’Opéra National de Paris
- Conservatoire National Supérieur de Danse de Paris
- Ballet National de Marseille
- Centre Choréa Danse
- CCL (Carrefour Culture et Loisirs) Bihorel
- L’école du CCN (Centre Chorégraphique National)
- Ecole de Danse Cannes-Mougins Rosella Hightower
- Atelier Chorégraphique
- Le centre des arts vivants de Paris
- Zumba Fitness France
- Repetto
- L'école du CCN (Centre Chorégraphique National)
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