Summary of our market study

The French pleasure boating market exceeds €1.5 billion.

The global market is estimated at $26.7 billion, and is expected to reach $33.8 billion by 2027, with an average annual growth rate of 3.02%. Technological advances, a growing affluent population and economic growth are driving this expansion.

France is the world laeser of the pleasure boat market. Bénéteau dominates with nearly 70% of sales in the sector.

Pleasure boating is becoming more democratic, as evidenced by the increase in the number of driving licenses and the rise of digital rental platforms.

The French nautical services sector is estimated at over 5.09 billion euros by the French Nautical Industries Federation

Trends in the French yachting market

Demand for pleasure boats comes largely from the highest income brackets, retirees and affluent households. A large proportion of owners are men over 35, who tend to inherit family boating practices and activities.

Retirees and leasing companies account for over 30% of new boat purchases.

more than 1,000 pleasure boats are registered each year.

Shipyards employ over 8,000 people

Yacht charter is growing fast, and online charter platforms are proliferating.

All pleasure boats between 2.5 and 24 meters in length must carry a CE mark, which certifies their compliance with European Union safety directives.

Some of the players, manufacturers and charterers of pleasure boats

  • Groupe Beneteau - world leader
  • Multiplast - specializing in composite materials for racing yachts and luxury vessels
  • Click&Boat - online boat rental platform
  • SamBoat - player in the boat rental sector
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction and definition of the pleasure boat market

Boating is becoming increasingly popular, with nearly four million pleasure boaters and almost 11 million water sports enthusiasts.

Boating began to develop in the 19th century, with the deployment of the railroads, which made it easier for the French to reach the coast. Then, in the 20th century, boating intensified thanks to the rise of the motorboat and the democratization of water sports, making these activities accessible to a wider public.

This growth in leisure activities accelerated the development of the pleasure boat market.

Pleasure boats are sailing or motor boats used for leisure purposes, as opposed to boats for professional use or racing boats. Typically, this class of vessel focuses on comfort and safety.

This market can be segmented by the type of product offered: propulsion boat (sail or motor) and by boat size (from small craft under 4 meters to yachts over 20 meters long).

There are an estimatedone million boats registered in France, of which nearly 66% are motorboats.

Thanks to its history, boating culture and extensive network of ports and industries, France is one of the world's and Europe's leading markets. The sector is a stronghold of French industry, as evidenced by the leading position held by the Bénéteau Group, a French group. growth in the pleasure boat market today is driven by the dynamism of its players, as evidenced by the consolidation movement in the sector and the rise of some major French giants.

Innovation is also at the heart of the sector, with new boat models boasting increasingly complex technological capabilities (connectivity, artificial intelligence, navigation data capture and management, etc.).

While the new-boat sales segment seems to be running out of steam, although production is buoyed by exports, the practice of pleasure boating is gradually becoming more democratic. this is supported by the continuing demand for driving licenses, a buoyant rental market and the development of new offers such as digital platform rentals and boat clubs.




1.2 A sluggish global yachting market

After a period of unprecedented growth from the late **s until the crisis of ****, the sluggish global yachting market has been slowly recovering since around ****. It has good growth prospects.Europe and the USA are currently the world's largest yachting markets(***).

The pleasure boat market is expected to grow from $**.* billion in **** to $**.* billion in ****, with an average annual growth rate of *.**%. Technological change, increasing boat size, a growing high-net-worth population, economic growth and booming tourism are some of the main factors driving growth in the pleasure boat market. [***]

Sales growth in the pleasure boat market World, ****-*****, In billions of US$ Source: ****

The graph clearly illustrates the forecast for the market between **** and ****, which predicts growth of **.*% over the period.

Outboard boats are expected to grow due to a number of advantages, such as low maintenance costs, better deck surface, engine accessibility and the variable power of engines that can be installed on boats. Activities such as fishing, cruising and water sports can be carried out using outboard/pontoons. Demand for outboards is highest in markets such as North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere.

The world's leading exporters are France, Italy and the United States. For the same ...

1.3 France, world market leader

Today, France is a world leader in the pleasure boat market , thanks to the expertise of its companies and the number of shipyards in the country.

Indeed, France boasts emblematic brands that excel in the production of sailboats, catamarans and yachts such as Beneteau, Jeanneau and Lagoon.

Since ****, the number ofnew pleasure boat registrations in France has remained fairly stable , with **,*** in **** .

New pleasure boat registrations in France France, ****-****, in number of units Source: ****

What's more, following the drop in activity generated by Covid, we're seeing a revival in activity, with nearly **.*% growth in the French pleasure boat building sector in ****.

Pleasure boat building in France France, ****-****, in Source: ****

The value of the pleasure-boat production market falls in **** following the Covid, then rises again from ****.

Recreational boat production market value France, ****-****, In billions of € Source: ****

The chart below shows the breakdown of sales in the pleasure boating sector, with boat building and imports accounting for nearly **%.

Breakdown of yachting sales France, ****, in % of sales Source: ****

1.4 Foreign trade in pleasure boats

Let's analyze foreign trade in pleasure boat production and construction.

To this end, let's analyze the breakdown of builder billings between foreign and French customers.

Breakdown of builder billings between foreign and French customers France, ****, in Source: ****

Foreign trade

The graph below shows the amount of imports and exports of pleasure boats from **** to ****.

The data is taken from UN Comtrade with the following code: "**** - Yachts and other vessels; for pleasure or sports, rowing boats and canoes".

The outdoor market for pleasure boats France, ****-****, In Millions of € Source: ****

Pleasure boats are one of France's export strengths: in fact, the trade balance is positive, with a coverage rate of ***.*%.

The chart below shows the Top * destination countries for pleasure boat exports in ****.

Top * countries for pleasure boat exports France, ****, In Millions of € Source: ****

The majority of French exports are destined for the United States (***). Next come Turkey, Italy and Greece, with exports worth half as much.

The chart below shows the Top * countries of origin for pleasure boat imports in ****.

Top * countries of pleasure boat imports France, ****, In Millions of € Source: ****

Most French imports come from Italy, with ***.* million euros. Poland, the UK, China and Belgium are well ahead of ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand for boating, and therefore demand for pleasure boats

There are almost * million regular boaters and nearly ** million water sports enthusiasts.

Since the Covid, boat rentals and sales have been on the rise, attracting more and more consumers.

There are several ways to enjoy pleasure boating: owning one or renting one.

According to an OpinionWay survey, nearly **% of French people plan to rent a boat in ****.

Percentage of French people planning to go boating, by occasion France, ****, in % Source: ****

given that there are more people with a license than there are boat owners, the boom in boat rental or sharing services is on the rise.

The evolution of boating licenses

evolution of the distribution of boating licenses **** - **** France, ****-****, in number of boating licenses Source: ****

The number of boating licenses issued in France remains stable and rather high, with just under **,**** licenses issued in France in ****.

There are several types of boating license. The most widespread is thecoastal option. This license allows you to sail at sea, along the coast, up to * nautical miles. It is valid for navigation at sea, on lakes and enclosed waters.

The"inland waterways option" license is for navigation on rivers, canals and lakes.

Breakdown by type of license France, ****, in number of licenses Source: ...

2.2 A very diverse demand in terms of comfort and price range

First of all, we can see how oftenthe French go to the sea.

Nearlya third of French people go to the seaside several times a year, and only *% every day.

how often do you go to the seaside? France, ****, in Source: ****

Let's take a closer look at the sociological portrait of people who go to the seaside.

We can see that seafarers are more likely to be under ** than ** and over.

change in age of seafarers France, ****, in % Source: ****

In addition, French people who go to the seaside are more likely to be in the CSP+ category.

change by socio-professional category France, ****, in Source: ****

Let's also look at the distribution of pleasure boat registrations.

In this way, we can analyze the distribution of legal personality, so that nearly two-thirds of registrations are legal entities.

Distribution of pleasure boat registrations by legal status France, ****-****, in Source: ****

What's more, when analyzing the breakdown of registrations, we can see that almost **% of registrations are by retired people and others with no professional activity.

Distribution of registrations by CSP profile France, ****-****, in Source: ****

As for registrations by legal entities, most are leasing companies .

Leasing companies have become an increasingly important part of the ...

2.3 The demand fleet

Let's analyze the pleasure boat fleet according to the type of pleasure boat registered, between motorboats and sailing boats .

Pleasure boat fleet France, ****, in thousands of registered pleasure boats Source: ****

There has been an increase in the distribution of vessel fleets.

evolution of fleet distribution France, ****-****, in number of boats Source: ****

In addition, we can analyze the boat fleet by propulsion type.

Liveaboard sailboats are the most produced boats in France, accounting for nearly **% of total French boat production.

Breakdown of French production by boat type France, ****, in Source: ****

There are also different lengths of boat, and the most common are smaller boats under * meters.

Breakdown of registered fleet by boat length France, ****, in number of boats Source: ****

Finally, the two regions with the highest number of registered boats are Brittany and Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur.

Number of registered boats by region France, ****, in numbers Source: ****

3 Market structure

3.1 A value chain comprising a large number of players in the secondary and tertiary sectors

The pleasure boat market in France includes :

manufacturers of sailboats, motorboats and equipment distributors of boating equipment, boats and accessories

The manufacturing process

The manufacturing process requires significant investment in raw materials, but also in human resources, as design is one of the most important stages. Different paradigms clash over hull and deck molding techniques. [***]

The purchase of a pleasure boat is accompanied by various expenses, including payment for a berth in a harbor and boat maintenance. According to thePlaisance écologiquemotorboats in particular require very regular maintenance to avoid any potential problems. According to theAprilmarineto sail a pleasure boat up to ** meters in length, you need to have a list of mandatory equipment on board. This list of mandatory equipment is imposed to ensure the safety of passengers on board in the event of a problem.

Distribution of pleasure boats

Below is a diagram of the distribution of pleasure boats.

Source: ****

Distributors are now trying to diversify their activities in order to capture new demand. This diversification of activitiesboth upstream and downstream of the value chain. This trend may lead distributors to offer new products such as pre-owned boats or specific equipment to accompany the purchase of a boat. Distributors are ...

3.2 French industrial players consolidating their position as world leaders in construction

Let's take a look at establishments in the pleasure boat building sector.

The graph below shows that the population of establishments in the pleasure boat building sector will remain fairly stable between **** and ****.

Population of establishments in the pleasure boat building sector France, ****-****, in number of establishments Source: ****

At the same time, the number of salaried employees in the boatbuilding sector will rise from *,*** in **** to almost *,*** in **** .

Number of employees in the boatbuilding sector France, ****-****, in number of employees Source: ****

Let's take a closer look at the breakdown of builders by company size and number of employees. Most companies are between * and * employees, between **.*%.

Breakdown of manufacturers by number of employees France, ****, in Source: ****

Pleasure boat building: a highly concentrated market

France holds a strong position in the global pleasure boat building market, with a leading position in sailboat production and several leading groups, including the Bénéteau Group.

This activity generates nearly €*.* billion (***), over **% of which is exported, and represents almost *,*** jobs. In ****, the Bénéteau group alone accounted for nearly **% of the sector's sales, with €*,*** million.

This shows that the Beneteau Group is the real leader in the boatbuilding market, well ahead of the ...

3.3 Nautical services

The primary function of a marina is to provide a shelter for parking pleasure boats, as well as various technical services. Residents may be year-round or temporary.

For yachting professionals, marinas have a commercial function: sales, repairs, maintenance, services, etc.

The main services available in a marina include :

a harbor master's office, which manages the harbor, welcomes vessels and distributes navigational information (***) availability of drinking water and electricity sanitary facilities

More often than not, you'll also find :

fuel pumps a launching dock for smaller boats a lifting crane for larger boats

In a survey carried out in ****, Merr.gouv provides information on the equipment rate of sea and river ports. The larger the port, the better equipped it is.

Equipment rate of sea and river marinas France, ****, in Source: ****

Below is a summary diagram of the different services offered in marinas.

Source: ****

Routine maintenance operations are carried out periodically on pleasure boats to ensure they run smoothly.

Below are the services invoiced for maintenance and repair of pleasure boats.

Recreational boat maintenance and repair services invoiced France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

Some of a boat's systems, such as the engine, transmission and hull, may be damaged by wear and ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 A highly segmented offer and prices to match the ranges demanded by customers

Categories of pleasure boats

Source: ****

Let's take a closer look at each type of boat:

Catamarans: Sailboats with two hulls and one to three sails. Dinghies: Sailboats fitted with a centerboard (***). Keelboats: Sailboats fitted with a ballasted, immovable keel. Sailing yachts: propelled by the wind, but fitted with engines as an auxiliary means of propulsion. Motor yachts: diesel, hybrid or electric engines. Combination yachts: equipped with both motors and sails. Inflatable boats: folding, inflatable boats. Outboards: small rigid-hulled or inflatable boats fitted with propulsion but with the engine block not submerged. Leisure boats: canoes, kayaks, oars, canoes....

In addition, according to the Plaisance écologiquethere are * main categories of pleasure craft, into which they are classified as soon as they are designed. Division ***, entitled"Pleasure craft of hull length less than ** meters, for personal use and training", has been reworked many times, and the current segmentation of pleasure craft is as follows:

Source: ****

The public service website defines three types of pleasure craft, according to length and engine power. The categories are as follows:

Length < *m and power < ** HP Length > *m and power > ** CV Length > *m and no engine

On the used boat sales site Bateau**.coma segmentation is made according to ...

4.2 The popularity of rentals

Let's analyze the pricing of different boats by type, according to Band of Boats .

Below, we detail the prices of RIB boats, which can vary considerably from one brand to another. The average price of a used RIB is €**,***.

Sailboat ranges also vary in price.

The catamaran is one of the most versatile boats on the market. Prices, like other boats, can vary from simple to double.

4.3 Key players forced to innovate to keep pace with changing uses and demand

Boat rental

There are three main types of boat rental in France:

Bareboat rental: rental companies offer single-boat rentals for periods ranging from one day to several weeks... Skippered or crewed charters: for inexperienced yachtsmen, some charter companies offer boat charters with professional crews... Long-term rental: offered by rental companies associated with banking institutions...

The development of digital platforms that put people in touch with each other has considerably transformed the habits of boaters and enabled them to broaden their practices. [***]

As a result, new types of use have developed:

Co-navigation or shared navigation: shared navigation enables private individuals to share an outing at sea with the owner of a boat Boat rental between private owners: boat rental between private owners enables non-owner yachtsmen to rent a boat, by the day or for a longer period, from an owner yachtsman. If the owner authorizes it, it is sometimes possible to benefit from the services of a professional skipper on board. Dockside yacht charters: dockside yacht charters give private individuals access to floating accommodation for a few nights. Depending on the offer, it is possible to rent an entire unit or just one cabin. Shared boats: this involves sharing the use of ...

5 Regulations

5.1 National regulations

All the regulatory provisions applicable to pleasure boats in France are described in the French Transport Code, notably in Part *, Book * (***). In addition, the French Ministry of the Ecological and Solidarity Transition summarizes on its website all the regulations applicable to the construction and use of pleasure craft in France, from which most of the information below is taken.

Building and marketing pleasure boats

To be marketed and circulated in the European Union, a pleasure boat must bear the "CE" mark, attesting to its compliance with the safety requirements defined by decree. This applies to all pleasure craft between *.* and ** meters in length, whether intended for leisure or sporting purposes, at sea or on inland waters. Vessels must carry identification documents at all times, such as the EU declaration of conformity and the owner's manual, which provides all the information required for normal use of the boat.

In addition, the boat must display the builder's plate (***) permanently affixed to the hull.

5.2 Boating license regulations

A boating license is required to drive a pleasure boat on the sea or inland waters (***).

On rivers and canals, the operation of sailing boats powered by an engine in excess of *.* kilowatts is subject to possession of a license valid for inland waters and corresponding to the length of the boat. It is forbidden to drive a motorized pleasure boat without the required license, in the context of accompanied driving.

If you borrow a boat, you must have all the necessary navigation documents and a letter from the owner attesting to the loan of the vessel. If you are renting the boat, in addition to the relevant sailing documents, you must have the signed rental contract.

Sailing boats do not require a license.

Skipper's certificates

The decree dated December **, ****, which came into force in ****, makes professional use of the sea more flexible, to take account of collaborative rental platforms and rentals of smaller craft. The decree now offers boat owners adapted patents, which are faster and less costly than the Captain ***:

The Brevet d'Aptitude à la Conduite des Petits Navires (***): The person has a command role on vessels of less than ** meters with a maximum of ** passengers, up to * miles from ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Grand Large Yachting
  • Multiplast
  • Click & Boat
  • BoatSetter
  • Quo Vadis Plaisance
  • Beneteau (Groupe)
  • Chantiers Jeanneau (Groupe Beneteau)
  • Bénéteau Rent (Groupe Beneteau)
  • Fountaine Pajot
  • Sillinger
  • Catana
  • Wauquiez
  • Wichard Groupe
  • Marsaudon Composites
  • Wiziboat
  • Yacht Concept - L'Arsenal
  • Navigare Yachting
  • Dufour Yachts (Fountaine Pajot)
  • Bavaria Yacht
  • Naviwatt
  • Temo
  • Plastimo
  • Accastillage Diffusion
  • Uship
  • NV equipement
  • Hunyvers
  • Alubat Shipyard
  • Nicols Yacht
  • T Top Nautisme
  • Privilège Marine
  • CDK Technologies
  • Hey Captain (Digital Nautic)
  • Nauticoncept

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