Summary of our market study

The French market for hydroalcoholic gel is estimated at 200 million euros

The global market for hydroalcoholic gels, estimated at $112.1 billion in 2020, is expected to reach $171 billion by 2025, driven by behavioral changes in favor of hand hygiene due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The French market has also seen significant growth. To adapt to this unprecedented demand, production accelerated.

Manufacturers adapted to the crisis by expanding their production lines, and regulatory changes were implemented, including the specification of authorized hydroalcoholic gel compositions and price controls to prevent inflation during the peak of the pandemic.

Market trends for hydroalcoholic gels in France

The annual market value reflects a steady rise, reaching just over 200 million euros

During the health crisis, daily consumption rose from 1 tonne per day before the crisis to around 12 tonnes per day at the height of the pandemic.

Manufacturers stepped up production to meet the unprecedented demand.

To cope with this situation, companies outside the traditional pharmaceutical sector began producing hydroalcoholic gels under special authorization. These include cosmetics companies, biocide producers and even companies not normally involved in this type of manufacturing.

Players in the hydroalcoholic gels market

  • Laboratoires Gilbert is a remarkable entity in the pharmaceutical sector. Laboratoires Gilbert helped meet the high demand for sanitizing products during the health crisis.

  • Juva Santé is another influential player, best known for its wide range of over-the-counter medicines and health products.

  • Anios has a strong presence in the infection control sector, offering a variety of disinfection and hygiene solutions.

  • Orapi stands out for its expertise in professional hygiene solutions.

  • MP Hygiène specializes in biocidal products and offers a range of antimicrobial solutions. .

  • Chemist WeylChem stands out for its contribution to the hydroalcoholic gels market. .

  • Cosmetics companies such as Groupe Berdoues, Lorcos, Clarins and La Roche-Posay, traditionally known for their beauty and skincare products, have entered the hydroalcoholic gels market by adapting their production lines. .

  • COOPER is another major player to have made a substantial contribution to the sector.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Hydroalcoholic gels are disinfectant products that help prevent infection by attacking or deactivating microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria.

Hydroalcoholic gels contain three main components:alcohol, which is the active ingredient acting on microorganisms, a softener (to preserve skin hydration) and a gelling agent, which gives a less liquid texture for ease of application. It may also contain a fragrance, as the smell of alcohol is not very pleasant. [ Afise]

The global market for hydroalcoholic gels was estimated at $112.1 billion in 2020, and is forecast to grow at a CAGR (combined annual growth rate) of 7.29% between 2021 and 2025. The market's historic growth is explained by the improvement in people's hygiene and the legitimacy of hydroalcoholic products as an effective disinfection solution. In 2020, the market experienced exponential growth, which should benefit the sector in the long term.

The French market for hydroalcoholic gels is also growing, with a 60% increase in sales between 2012 and 2018. This growth is being driven in particular by the increasing hygiene of populations and the development of healthcare infrastructures and consumption, which is one of the sector's main outlets. The market has seen two peaks on different scales: one relatively moderate during the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) epidemic, and the other during the Covid-19 epidemic. The latter led to a 10-fold increase in consumption of hydroalcoholic products.

1.2 The global market

The global market for hydroalcoholic gels was estimated at $***.* billion in ****, and is forecast to grow at a CAGR (***) of *.**% between **** and ****. Global market sales are thus expected to reach $***.** billion in ****.

Global market size for hydroalcoholic gels World, ****-*****, US$ billion Source: ****

This growth will be mainly due to the effect of the Covid-** epidemic, which has led to a general shift in behavior in favor of handwashing, particularly by hydroalcoholic friction.

Past and future growth in the sector is also being driven by improvements in hygiene, particularly in developing countries, and by the increased legitimacy of hydro-alcoholic gels, whose efficacy had been called into question. The development of healthcare systems in developing countries, and growing public awareness of the importance of hand hygiene, are also factors in the market's favour.

Major players in the sector include COOPER, Idim Pharma, Puressentiel, Vesismin Health, Huckert's International and the Shiseido Group.

1.3 The French market

sales generated by the French market for hydroalcoholic gels can be estimated using the following code:

******** - Disinfectants and similar products, in forms or packings for retail sale or in the form of preparations or articles (***)

Sales are then calculated using the following formula: value of exports + value of production sold - value of imports.

As a result, the French market for hydroalcoholic gels was estimated at ***.** million euros in ****, down slightly on **** but on the rise for several years. In fact, market sales rose by over **% between **** and ****.

French market size for hydroalcoholic gels France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

This growth has been driven primarily by the growing legitimacy of hydroalcoholic gel as an effective barrier to micro-organisms, growing public awareness of the role of handwashing as a barrier to micro-organisms, and the growing importance of handwashing as an effective barrier to micro-organisms.of handwashing as a barrier to infection, growing health concerns and a general improvement in hygiene.

The market for hydroalcoholic gels is relatively recent, having emerged in the ****s. Although their efficacy was questioned when they first appeared, their legitimacy is growing stronger as research on the subject develops and as epidemicsa (***) epidemic in ...

1.4 International trade

Hydroalcoholic gels are registered under code :

******** - Disinfectants and similar products, in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or in the form of articles (***)

The coverage rate measures a country's independence for a product, and is calculated using the following formula: value of exports / value of imports x ***.

France's coverage rate on the hydroalcoholic gels market was ***.*%, which indicates that France's trade balance on this market is in surplus.

On the other hand, for trade from September **** to August ****, the coverage rate was **.*%, due to the sharp increase in imports to meet the explosion in demand as part of the Covdi-** epidemic.


In ****, imports of hydroalcoholic gels were estimated at **.** million euros, an increase of ***% since ****. Between **** and ****, imports more than doubled due to the global Covi-** pandemic, reaching ***.** million euros between September **** and August ****. Imports of hydroalcoholic gels France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: Eurostat and French Customs French imports of hydroalcoholic gels come mainly from European countries, in particular Germany (***), which together account for more than half of French imports. Countries supplying hydroalcoholic gels France, ****, as % of total Source: French Customs Between September **** and August ****, Germany remained the leading supplier country, accounting for ...

1.5 The Covid-19 effect

An unprecedented situation The results illustrated in the graph below reflect the proportion of searches for a given keyword in a given region and for a specific period, compared to the region with the highest usage rate for that keyword.gion and for a specific period, compared to the region with the highest usage rate for that keyword (***). Thus, a value of ** means that the keyword was used half as often in the region and period concerned, and a value of * means that the data for this keyword is insufficient. This graph highlights the unprecedented effect of the Covid-** epidemic on the hydroalcoholic gel market. In March ****, search interest for the term "hydroalcoholic gel" reached an unprecedented historical peak. By way of comparison, the intensity of Internet searches for hydroalcoholic gels in September ****, at the time of the influenza A (***) pandemic, was * times lower than in March ****, when the Covid-** epidemic began to gather pace.

Search interest for the term "gel hydroalcolique France, ****-****, Google Trends index Source: ****

Rising concern

Week * (***) decided to declare a "public health emergency of international concern".

As a result, week * saw a sharp rise in sales, with volume up **.*% on the previous week, which had already ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Customer markets

Hydroalcoholic gels are consumed by two types of customer: professionals and consumers.

Prior to the Covid-** crisis, the penetration rate among consumers was relatively low. The **** epidemic led to rapid mass adoption of the product and the integration of regular handwashing into their habits. While these habits will be lost in the long term for part of the population, it is likely that many individuals will retain this reflex, suggesting future growth in sales to individuals.

In October ****, **% of those surveyed said they wash their hands more frequently than before. This figure is likely to fall as the health situation improves, but is indicative of a change in French people's hand-washing habits.

Hand-washing frequency France, October ****, in Source: ****

Hydroalcoholic gels are also used by professionals, particularly in the healthcare sector. However, by ****, the use of hydroalcoholic gels will have spread to all businesses, equipping all buildings, especially those open to the public, but also private offices and any other places where people gather.

2.2 The health sector

The indicator for consumption of hydroalcoholic products (***) was set up to analyze the effective implementation of hand hygiene, and measures the quantity of hydroalcoholic products ordered by healthcare establishments. [***]

In fact, each facility must meet a personalized consumption target for hydroalcoholic solutions, set according to a national and PROPIASrentiel national et PROPIAS **** requière que les établissements de santé consomment une quantité de produits hydro-alcooliques égale à moins ** % de leur objectif personnalisé. Indicator ICSHA.* is therefore a percentage of this personalized target, and provides information on the consumption of facilities in relation to their needs. Class A corresponds to those who have exceeded this **% target, class B to those who have reached **%, and class B to those who have not and are therefore consuming less than they should.

In ****, the national average was **%, indicating that there is still considerable room for improvement, since the objective is to exceed **% for all facilities. [***]

More specifically, the graph below reveals which types of facility consume the most hydroalcoholic gels, and which have the greatest potential for growth. Establishments specializing in hemodialysis, CHU-CHR (***) are the least likely to use hydroalcoholic gels, and therefore also the most likely to fuel future growth in the use of hydroalcoholic ...

2.3 The Covid-19 consumption boom

According toAfise, demand for hydroalcoholic gels increased **-fold during the epidemic. This explosion in demand is confirmed by the daily consumption figures shown below. Whereas daily consumption was *.* tonnes per day before the crisis, it increased **-fold to ** tonnes per day.

Daily consumption of hydroalcoholic gels France, ****, in tons per day Source: ****

3 Market structure

3.1 Production of hydroalcoholic gels

TheWorld Health Organization recommends the following formulation to produce a hydroalcoholic gel or solution:

Ethanol **% or Isopropanol **.* *% hydrogen peroxide Glycerol ** Distilled water or cooled boiled water

French production of hydroalcoholic gels totaled ***.** million euros in ****. The value of production has risen sharply since ****, with a rate of change close to **% between **** and ****.

French production value of hydroalcoholic gels France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

Production of hydroalcoholic gels is traditionally carried out by players in the pharmaceutical industry, such as Laboratoires Gilbert, Juva Santé or Anios, or by players producing hygiene products, such as Orapi, a company specializing in the manufacture of, such as Orapi, a company specializing in professional hygiene, and MP Hygiène, players specializing in biocidal products, or from the chemical industry, such as WeylChem.

Main manufacturers of hydroalcoholic gels France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

3.2 Distribution of hydroalcoholic gels

For consumers

The graph below illustrates the weight of the various distribution channels in the hygiene/beauty products sector. While the scope of the study is therefore broader than the hydroalcoholic gel market alone, these data provide an overview of the structure of hydroalcoholic gel distribution.

The main distribution channels for hydroalcoholic gels are supermarkets, pharmacies and parapharmacies.

The share of hypermarkets and supermarkets is probably lower for the distribution of hydroalcoholic gels, due to consumers' desire to buy reliable products. Indeed, as consumers wish to purchase effective hydroalcoholic solutions, particularly as the usefulness of certain products is often questioned, they prefer to buy from pharmacies and parapharmacies.

In addition, the Covid-** epidemic has boosted Internet sales, both as a means of ordering large quantities of products, and as a means of adapting to the travel restrictions imposed by confinement.

Distribution of personal care products by channel France, Q* ****, in Source: ****

For professionals

The distribution of hydroalcoholic gels to professionals follows the traditional pattern of the wholesale trade.

3.3 Adapting to the Covid-19 crisis

With a **-fold increase in demand for hydroalcoholic gels, the supply chain has had to react quickly to meet demand and avoid stock-outs. For example, in the week from March * to *, the out-of-stock rate for disinfectant gels in supermarkets reached **%, according to a Data Solutions study carried out for LSA.

Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Secretary of State to the Minister of the Economy and Finance, said: "Whereas our consumption amounted to **,*** liters per day before the health crisis, ***,*** liters are now produced every day, according to the Ministry of the Economy and Finance."[***]

For example, Gilbert, which bills itself as the number two in hydroalcoholic gels sold in pharmacies in France, sold *.* million hydroalcoholic products in six weeks at the end of February, compared with ***,*** in the twelve months of ****.[***]

The graph below illustrates the rise in the manufacture of soaps, detergents and cleaning products, which includes the manufacture of hydroalcoholic gels. Production rose by almost **% between February and March to meet growing demand. However, this increase is underestimated for the manufacture of hydroalcoholic gels, where the rise in demand was particularly strong.Afise estimates a *.*-fold increase in production for disinfectants of all types, compared with a **-fold increase for hydroalcoholic ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Product typology

Hydroalcoholic solutions can be distinguished by several criteria, the main ones being :

the type of alcohol used: ethanol, isopropanol added elements: glitter, coloring, fragrance texture: solution, liquid, gel, foam format: **-ml, ***-ml, ***-ml pocket bottles, ***-ml bottles, ***-ml bottles for wall-mounted dispensers, *-liter bottles or pouches for wall-mounted dispensers


To produce a hydroalcoholic solution, the WHO recommends production based on ethanol or isopropanol, glycerol and hydrogen peroxide in minimum quantities. However, there are other products that focus more on appearance, sometimes to the detriment of efficacy. Other elements are sometimes added, such as glitter, colorants or fragrances.

4.2 Prices for hydroalcoholic gels

Prices for hydroalcoholic gels are highly dependent on two factors: the price of the raw materials used, notably ethanol, and changes in demand.

Prices for hydroalcoholic gels are relatively stable, but rose sharply during the Covid-** epidemic due to the explosion in demand. As an example, the graph below illustrates the prices of ** ml and *** ml bottles between November **, **** and March *, **** in * chains (Auchan, Carrefour, Casino, Chronodrive, Cora, E. Leclerc, Intermarché and Système U.

Between November **, **** and March *, ****, hydroalcoholic gels saw a sharp rise in prices: by **% for ** ml bottles and **% for *** ml bottles. For this reason, the French government has introduced price controls from March * to limit the continuing rise in prices. (***)

Price trends for hydroalcoholic gels during the Covdi-** epidemic France, ****-****, in euros Source : Que choisir Furthermore, in normal times, ethanol prices do not seem to be on a marked upward or downward trend, but are volatile enough to influence the price of hydroalcoholic gels.

Ethanol prices France, ****-****, in US dollars Source: ****

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Players in the hydroalcoholic gels market are constrained by EU Regulation No. ***/**** on biocidal products, aimed at harmonizing the marketing and use of these products in Europe. The main aim of this regulation is to guarantee the protection of humans, animals and the environment by limiting marketing to only those biocidal products that are effective and do not present unacceptable risks.

To achieve this, the regulations set out a series of measures, including

the approval of biocidal active substances (***) biocidal products (***) labeling advertising of biocidal products

5.2 Covid-19 regulations

Authorized products

To ensure the effectiveness of the products manufactured, the French government has specified the authorized compositions for hydroalcoholic products.


Authorization for manufacture by other establishments

To meet the significant needs of professionals and the general public, decrees issued by the Minister of Solidarity and Health and the Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition have authorizedthe preparation of hydroalcoholic solutions or gels by the following until September *, ****:

dispensing pharmacies, pharmacies for internal use and pharmacy faculties(***), in accordance with the decree of of March **, ****, applicable until July **, and which will be supplemented by a new order in force until September *; industrial plants comprising, in accordance with the order of March **, ****, as amended ; pharmaceutical establishments manufacturing medicines for human use ; establishments manufacturing cosmetic products; o establishments manufacturing biocidal products that have already declared a product falling within one of product types *, *, *, * or *; all facilities classified for environmental protection. The appendices to the orders specify the compositions of the four hydroalcoholic solutions or gels currently authorized under the derogation.

Although manufactured under a derogation by companies that do not normally produce these hydroalcoholic products, these formulas have virucidal activity, provided they comply with the minimum alcohol content recommended by the health ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

This segmentation lists the main market players, i.e. pharmaceutical laboratories and manufacturers of biocidal and hygiene products. The Covid-** epidemic has, however, extended production to other types of player.

  • Seqens
  • Urgo Groupe
  • MP Hygiène
  • Orapi groupe
  • Baccide (Coopération Pharmaceutique Française COOPER)
  • Sanytol (AC Marca)
  • Puressentiel France
  • Saraya
  • Codexial Dermatologie
  • Novartis
  • Laboratoires Gilbert (GILBERT Groupe)
  • Diepharmex Laboratoires
  • Laboratoires Lehning
  • Laboratoires Chemineau (Anjac)
  • Gifrer Laboratoires
  • Mercurochrome (Urgo Groupe)
  • Rivadis Laboratoires
  • Herbesan (Super diet Laboratiore)

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