Summary of our market study

Since 2020, the global e-bike market has been experiencing a growth, driven by the increasing demand for sustainable transportation options. In 2022, the market generated a significant revenue of $49.7 billion and is anticipated to surge to $80.6 billion by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 10.2%. This growth has been bolstered by government initiatives encouraging the adoption of bicycles, particularly in Europe, where the sale of e-bikes has been rising. The UK's e-bike market, valued at USD 0.24 billion in 2021, is also expected to grow to USD 0.44 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 10.56%.

The pandemic contributed to an increase in demand for e-bikes, causing shortages and price hikes, while also impacting the e-bike supply chain, which is heavily reliant on components sourced from Asia, predominantly China. In terms of distribution channels, physical stores still hold the largest share, although online sales are becoming increasingly significant. National cycling strategies in Europe, aiming to coordinate cycling policies and goals, have also begun to shape the market, recognizing the importance of cycling in sustainable transport ecosystems.

Emerging Trends in the UK E-Bike Market

In the UK, the e-bike market stands as an evolving segment of the transportation and leisure industry. This growth trajectory is bolstered significantly by two distinct groups: newcomers to cycling and existing cyclists switching to electric models. The latte's impact is particularly pronounced. Research indicates that approximately 14% of current cyclists and 5% of all adults in the UK are considering an e-bike purchase within a year, which translates into roughly 2.78 million potential buyers. Despite such prospective interest, the share of e-bikes production remained modest at about 9% of the total bicycle manufacturing output, lagging behind some European counterparts where the proportion hovers around 23%. Comparative analysis with countries like Germany exhibits stark contrasts. In the UK, annual e-bike sales barely reach 165,000 units, a number dwarfed by Germany’s towering 2 million. Notwithstanding, the UK government aspires for a paradigm shift, setting ambitious targets for half of all short commutes to be undertaken via cycling or walking by the end of this decade.

However, this initiative is somewhat undermined by the limited infrastructure support for electric bicycles—evidently in the glaring discrepancy between e-car charging points, numbering over 30,000, and e-bike charging points, which are just a mere 16. The e-bike demand is notably influenced by the demographics and behaviors of UK residents. Only 2% of all trips were made by bicycles, and the predominant usage was among the younger population, with a slight resurgence observed in the 40 to 60 age group—a critical target for the e-bike industry due to their preference for less physically demanding transportation options. In terms of sales, the numbers are on a downturn. A focal point for e-bikes, sales of bicycles priced over 500 pounds have witnessed a decline. Factors impacting the market composition involve geographical variabilities, where England emerges as the sole territory with a substantial level of bicycle usage for transportation. In contrast, other regions maintain a strong preference for cars, and hence, the demand for e-bikes could mirror that of standard bicycles. Concurrent trends shaping the market landscape include the growing quest for exercise alternatives and heightened awareness of mental health benefits offered by cycling.

Key Players Shaping the UK E-Bike Market Landscape

The UK electric bike market, while still burgeoning compared to other European nations, is peppered with a diverse range of players, from small homegrown companies to international powerhouses. Here we explore the pivotal entities that are forging the path and influencing the dynamics of the UK e-bike industry.

UK's Homegrown E-Bike Innovators: Volt Bikes and Emu Electric Bikes :

  • Starting on the domestic front, Volt Bikes Ltd stands out as one of the notable homegrown manufacturers. Though modest in revenue, this company has been making waves in the local market with its specialized designs and customer-focused offerings. Their range of e-bikes is tailored for the UK's unique road conditions and commuter preferences, emphasizing reliability and ease of use.
  • Similarly, Emu Electric Bikes Ltd, another UK-based company, brings to the market a suite of electric bikes that cater to the country's evolving mobility needs. Despite being a smaller operation, Emu has carved out a niche for itself with its distinctive electric bikes that couple aesthetic appeal with functionality.

The Global Titans: BMW, Mahindra & Mahindra, and Yamaha :

  • On the global stage, BMW is a name synonymous with performance and luxury. Known extensively for their feats in automobile engineering, BMW's venture into electric bikes presents an aura of sophistication and cutting-edge technology. Their entry into the e-bike sector infuses it with a pedigree of automotive excellence, offering consumers performance-oriented electric bikes with a stamp of German engineering.
  • Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, with its roots in India, is another multinational behemoth extending its reach into electric mobility. Its strides in the e-bike domain reflect the company's deep-seated commitment to sustainability and innovative transportation solutions. With a broad portfolio that seeks to meet varying consumer needs, Mahindra & Mahindra is a strong contender on the international front. Japanese powerhouse Yamaha brings a storied history in motorbike manufacturing to the e-bike table.
  • Known for their precision engineering and durability, Yamaha's e-bikes are a testament to the brand's reputation for quality. With their entrance into the UK market, Yamaha offers a blend of reliability and performance, appealing to both e-bike enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

An Emerging Electric Vision: Hero Electric :

  • Lastly, Hero Electric exemplifies the growth of more specialized entities within the e-bike market. As a segment of the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India, Hero Electric's focus on affordable and accessible electric.
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Intro

An E-bike is a bicycle equipped with an electric engine, in the UK, you can ride an electric bike if you're 14 or over, as long as it meets certain requirements. These electric bikes are known as "electrically assisted pedal cycles" (EAPCs). EAPCs must have pedals that can be used to propel it, a maximum power of 250 Watts and a top speed of under 15.5 mph. 

The e-bike global market generated $49.7 bilion in revenue in 2022 and is expected to reach $80,6 bilion by 2027 growing at a CARG rate of 10.2%. In the UK, the market was valued at USD 0.24 bilion in 2021, and is expected to reach USD 0.44 by 2027. Growth will be driven by new customers coming in the bycicle market as well as existing customers switching from traditional to elettric bikes.

Production is mainly located in China, where the cost of producing an elettic bike, thanks to the much higher avaiability of cheap workforce and prime materials, is lower.

The export is mainly directed towards Irland, the USA, Singapore, the Netherlands and South Korea, while import of finisched bikes and materials in mainly from China, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Netherlands.

The demand in the UK is not as high as in other western countries. In fact, traditional bikes are also not widely used in the country, in 2021, they accounted for only 2% of the trips and 1% of the total distance travelled, but new tecnologies, the search of new ways to exercise, attention to mental health and efficiency benefits have the potential to drive the e-bike market upwards in the near future.


1.2 The international market

The e-bike market generated $**.* bilion in revenue in **** and is expected to reach $**,* bilion by **** growing at a CARG rate of **.*% [***]. This rapid growth is driven by the growing need for sustainable means of transport that are projected to slowly take over the use of cars and other less sustainable vehicles. To promote this, many governaments are taking actions to stimulate the use of bycicles and the elettrification of them, which is crucial to expand the market to a bigger audience and to get the people that are already into biking to use this type of transport for longer, and in more situations.

In Europe, the number of elettric bikes has risen in the past years:

Numero di biciclette elettriche assistite vendute Unione Europea, ****-****, migliaia di unità Fonte: Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry

The production of these goods is mainly located in China, where the cost of producing an elettic bike, thanks to the much higher avaiability of cheap workforce and prime materials mainly linked to the manufactoring of the batteries, is way lower. Most elettric bikes on the market today use lithium iron phosphate batteries, lithium and the other minerals needed for making this tipe of battery are ...

1.3 The market in the UK

The e-bike market was valued at USD *.** bilion in **** in the UK, and is expected to reach USD *.** by ****, with a growing rate of CARG **.** during the forcasted period [***]. 

The growth will be driven by new customers coming in the bycicle market as well as existing customers switching from traditional to elettric bikes, with the latter ones being the more impactful. Research by Mintel highlights that **% pecent cyclist and *% of all adults in the UK say they are "likely" to buy an e-bike for sale in the next ** months, calculated with UK's population, this means around *.** million people.

In ****, production was aroud **.*** units, still small compared to the total production of bikes of * million units, but there were many signs that that number was going to drastically increase in the next ** years. This increase has in fact happened, with the share of ebikes produced being aroud *% of the total, however, the increase was not as big as many other countries in Europe, where the proportion is around **%.

If we take Germany as an example, we can see that the market is pretty similar in size, however, in the UK only ***.*** E-bikes are sold each year, compared with * million in Germany. The ...

1.4 Export-import

The UK is a net importer of bikes, we expect the trend to be the same for elettic bicycles as the producers in the country are small compared to foreign players.

It's estimated that the country imports around *** million US$ worth of bikes and exports only around *** million US$ in ****. 

Export-Import of E-bikes UK, ****-****, millions of US$ UNComtrade

The export is mainly directed towards Irland, the USA, Singapore, the Netherlands and South Korea. Together, they account for over **% of the total.

  Top * destinations for export of bikes UK, ****, millions of US$ UNcomtrade   Imports are mainly from China, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Netherlands. Together they make up **% of the total.   Top * origins of bikes import UK, ****, millions of US$ UNcomtrade  

1.5 The effects of the pandemic

The COVID-** pandemic has had a significant impact on the e-bike market in the UK. As lockdowns and social distancing measures were implemented, there was an increased demand for e-bikes as people sought alternative modes of transportation. This surge in demand led to a shortage of e-bikes and related components, causing prices to increase and delivery times to lengthen. Additionally, many people turned to cycling for exercise and leisure, further boosting sales of e-bikes.

It's reported that since the start of the pandemic, cycling levels have seen a significant increase of around **% [***], howevers sales of new bikes are not keeping pace.

It is reported [***] that the boom of e-bike demand that followed the pandemic has produced some inefficiencies in the system. Companies and dealers were pressured to produce and order many elettric bikes, due to high demand and shortage of supplies, but now the hype seems to be over and these companies are left with a lot of unsold products.

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The demand: Travels in the UK

The demand for alternative ways of transport has risen in the past years, however, in the UK, the use of bicycles, both ordinary and electric, did not go up as much as in other western countries. To understand that, let's take a closer look at what are the motivetions and the caracteristics of transports in the UK and at what drives people to use e-bikes in whestern countries.

Travels in the UK:

The UK governament created a survey to find out about the aproach that citezens have towards various means of transport. The results show that the use of bicycles is not very developed. In ****, it accounted for only *% of the trips and *% of the total distance travelled. 

Yearly trips by type of transport UK, ****, (***) Department for Transport

The most common trip purpose in **** was shopping, with **% of journeys being made for this purpose, as shopping can require cargo space to store the items that are bought, this could be one of the reasons why bikes are so unpopular.

  Most common trip purposes UK, ****, (***) Department for Transport   Looking at the age distribution we can clearly see that kids are the main users of bicycles, with the numbers going down as ...

2.2 The demand: who uses e-bikes in the UK?

Evidence on the impact of e-bikes on overall travel behavioris mixed, in general there's not enaugh evidence to say that the purchase of an elettric bike is negatively correlated with the purchase of a car. This tells us that people who are buying them don't use them as alternatives to cars. So then who buys them? A Dutch Mobility Survey found the avarage e-bike user to be older, retired and female with small household sizes and lower levels of education but higher than average household income. However other survey found different results, let's look at all the factors in details [***]:

Age: in general, several studies confirm the expected distinction between more recreational use by older riders and more utilitarian use by younger riders. Older riders claim how e-bikes enable them to continue riding, when physical constraints would otherwise prevent it.  Income: several studies have noted that e-bike ownership and use are  both  positively  associated  with  household  income. Gender: there is a marked difference in the gender distribution of e-bike users between those countries where rates ofcycling are high for both genders, and countries with lower rates of cycling, particularly amongst women. studies of the first group have often found a majority ...

2.3 Geographic distribution of demand

The UK's territory is very etherogeneous, to get an idea of how the demand for e-bikes changes in the different territories, we looked at a survey from **** by We are cicyng UK. We found out that England is the only territory with a considerable usage of bicycles as means of transport.

In the other territories usage is low mainly because the car is still preferred. In these territories demand for E-bikes will probably follow the one for normal bikes, as the purchase of it does not replace the need for a car.

2.4 New trends in demand

The demand for e-bikes was first driven by a search for alternative and sustainable means of transport, however it's now following some new trends in the market:

Search of new ways to exercise: some people may think because the bike is electric and takes less effort to ride that it's not really exercise. A study conducted out of Brigham Young University and published in the Journal of Medical internet Research found that people who ride electric bikes experience nearly as much exercise as those who ride mountain bikes without feeling as if they've had a difficult workout. Attention to mental health: E-bikes make cycling more accessible and people are more likely to do it because it's easier, getting about the same workout with less the effort. For those who may be living an otherwise sedentary life, riding an e-bike gets them moving and in nature. This exercise, change in scenery, and fresh air helps improve mood, reduces stress, provides for a more restful sleep, and increases productivity. Safety and quickness: Most cyclists travel ** to **mph, but an e-bike can average **mph. E-bikes allow you to get to your destination faster than a regular bike. E-bikes are not more dangerous than regular ...

3 Structure of the market

3.1 the structure of the market

The number of companies that produce bicycles in the UK did not change considerably in the last few years, last year, there was a *,*% increase that brought the number back to where it was in ****.

Number of companies for UK SIC****: ****, Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages UK, ****-****, in number Office for National Statistics

Looking at the size of the companies we can see that the vast majority of them are very small, with less than * employees. The number of companies decreases as the dimention goes up, and there are no companies with more than *** employees.

  Number of enterprises for Standard Industrial Classification (***): ****, Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages, by employment size bands UK, ****, in number Office for National Statistics

3.2 The electric bike value chain

The e-bike value chain is composed of: the extraction of raw materials, production of intermediate products, munufacturing of the bikes, distribution and end customer delivery.

To better understand how the components of a bike are usually surced and what are the countries that provide them, let's look at an example. Pedago is a company based in California that produces elettric bicycles, to manufacture an "Element", their most affordable model, varius components are shipped from varius parts of the world. As explained earlier in the report, Asia is the where the majority of components come from, let's look at them in detail [***]:

Battery: China, South Korea LCD display: Nanjing & Suzhou, China Fork and frame: Taicang, China Brakes: Kunshan, China Kickstand: Taicang, China Motor: Suzhou, China Sprocket: Kunshan, China Tyres and rims: Kunshan, China Spokes: Jiande, China

As we can see, China is a supplier for all the components of an ebike, the problem with this supply chain is that, once the bike arrives to the end customer, it has already travelled it has already travelled thousands of miles through a global supply chain snarled by the pandemic.

3.3 Distribution channels

The distribution channels for e-bikes are both phisical and online. The physical channels still dominate the market, with a share in Europe of about **% [***]. 

Physical stores:

Elettric bikes are expensive, this is the reason why the vasto majority of buyers prefer to see the product in a shop before they buy it. The conventional distribution is made primarely of small retail stores spreaded across the country, It's estimated that the UK has around *.*** bike shops. The mosti important one is Halfords plc, with an estimated market share of **%, however, it's worth mentioning that, even for this historic retailer, online sales are becoming more and more important and last year they reached **% of the total revenues of the company.

Online sales as a share of total Halfords group revenue UK, ****-****, (***) Halfords

Online stores:

With online shoppong becoming more and more important it's worth taking a look at the main online shops for e-bikes in the UK, here are the most important ones:

Chain reaction cycles Leisure lakes bikes Tredz Wiggle Cycles UK Halfords

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Typology of the offer

E-bikes can be classified in two ways: by type of throttle control and by use [***]. 

The first distintion in made between:

*) TYPE * E-Bike: Pedal Assist, is an electric bicycle on which you must pedal in order to use the motor. It's just like a conventional bicycle except that there's a motor that senses that you're pedaling and kicks in to aid the pedaling effort. It feels like you have the best tailwind of your life on a permanent basis. This class/type of E-bike may or may not have a throttle. (***)

Secondly, we can categorize e-bikes based on the primary use that they are made for:

*) Comfort / Cruiser: This category is designed for the casual recreational rider that wants comfort and control. Perfect for getting some exercise or running a quick errand to the store. This category comes with two frame styles, the traditional diamond shaped frame and the “Step Through” frame. The “Step Through” frame makes is very easy to get on and off the bike. No need to lift your leg high to get on and off the bike.

*) Hybrid / Commuter: This category is designed to go far and get there fast. Perfect for commuting to ...

4.2 Pricing

Electric bikes are farirly expensive, with prices of a new one that range between £*** and £**.***. The price depends mainly on the type of bike, battery characteristics and weight.

To get a broad view of the prices in ****, let's look at the most popular categories from one of the leading online tores in England, with some examples as well [***]:

4.3 New trends in the offer

The development of e-bikes doesn't focus a lot on the improvement of the engine, that has a power limit that is fixed by law and therefore cannot be improved, but is mainly concerned with improving the battery efficiency and weight. Recent developement in battery compositions and management systems promise huge improvements over the current industry standard, lithium-ion.

Zen Ebikes, in collaboration with Dahn Lab and Tesla, recently debuted findings on a new battery composition that has a better energy density and charge time than lithium-ion, all while approaching a theorical longevity of *** years. The technology should debut on Zen Ebikes next year. [***]

In addition to these new tecnologies, development of lithium-ion batteries has not yet been abbandoned, Panasonic will begin mass-producion of new lithium-ion batteries in ****. These new batteries could increase EV range by up to **% [***]

5 Regulation

5.1 Regulatory framework UK

In the UK, you can ride an electric bike if you're ** or over, as long as it meets certain requirements. These electric bikes are known as "electrically assisted pedal cycles" (***). You do not need a licence to ride one and it does not need to be registred taxed or insured [***]. 

What counts as an EAPC:

The bike must have pedals that can be used to propel it The electric motor must have a maximum power of *** Watts The top speed of the bike should be under **.* mph An EAPC can have more than two wheels

Any other bike that does not meet the EAPC rules is classed as a motorcycle or moped and needs to be registred and taxed. You'll need a driving licence to ride one and you must wear a crash helmet.

Ebikes are the only electric vehicle without a purchase subsidy in the UK.

5.2 National Cycling strategies in Europe

A national cycling strategy is a multi-year plan that establishes a global vision aimed at coordinating policies, objectives and actions for cycling. It sets clear interventions, instruments and precise goals for the development of cycling at the national level. In short, a national cycling strategy ideally consolidates all policies taken at national level in support of cycling, thereby sending a political signal that cycling matters and that it should therefore be supported systematically by public authorities, businesses, academia and civil society organisations.

Here is the state of National cycling strategies in Europe:

6 Positioning of players

6.1 Segmentation

The UK market can be devided between national manufacturer, which are just a few micro companies and big multinational producers.

UK manufacturers:


  • Volt Bikes Ltd
  • Emu Electric Bikes
  • BMW Mottorrad
  • Mahindra & Mahindra
  • Yamaha Motor
  • Hero Electric
  • HubUR

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