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Summary and extracts
1 Market Overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Cured meats are food products made from the processing and curing of meats primarily from pork, but also from other animals, such as cattle, sheep or game. Cold cuts can be raw, cooked, cured or smoked, and include a wide range of products with different flavors, textures and preparation methods.
The global processed meat market has reached a value of more than $352.35 billion in 2023. The industry is expected to grow further with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 4.9 percent over the forecast period 2024-2032, reaching a value of over $541, 94 billion by 2032. This represents an increase of 53.8% over the 10-year period. Increasing population and urbanization drives demand for convenience and ready-to-eat foods. In addition, growing awareness of the importance of protein in the diet and the expansion of online sales are further fueling this growth.
In recent years, the value of the Italian cured meats market has seen an overall increase of 7.8 percent.
Positive news also for the value of production sold, which marks a 17 percent increase, with a remarkable post-pandemic recovery.
As for the market, comparing the data of the number of active companies with those of the number of active companies shows that the growth in the number of employees was more significant than the increase in companies. This means that existing companies increased their workforce to meet growing demand or improve production. In addition, a more pronounced increase in the number of employees than in the number of firms indicates a trend toward growth in average firm size.
1.2 World market
The global processed meat market reached a value of over $***.** billion in ****. The industry is expected to grow further with a compound annual growth rate (***) of about *.* percent over the ****-**** forecast period, reaching a value of over $***, ** billion by ****. This represents an increase of **.*% over the **-year period.
Global Cured Meats Market Value World, ****-****, in US$ billion ExpertMarketResearch
In ****, per capita meat consumption varies significantly among different regions of the world. North America leads with **.* kg, followed by Oceania with ** kg and Europe with **.* kg. Asia and Latin America record ** kg and ** kg per person, respectively. Africa has the lowest consumption, with only ** kg per capita. These figures reflect differences in eating habits, availability and accessibility of meat among regions. Per capita meat consumption by region World, ****, in kg OECD
In ****, world pork production is dominated by China, with **,*** thousand metric tons accounting for the most significant share. The European Union follows with **,*** thousand metric tons, while the United States produces **,*** thousand metric tons. Brazil, with *,*** thousand metric tons, and Russia, with *,*** thousand metric tons, show similar, though lower productions than the global leaders. Vietnam contributes *,*** thousand tons, while Canada produces *,*** thousand tons. Other countries combined total **,*** thousand ...
1.3 Italian market
From **** to ****, the turnover value of companies with Ateco code **.** (***) increased from **.** billion euros to **.** billion euros, registering an overall increase of *.* percent. After steady growth between **** and ****, the market declined slightly in ****. A further increase was observed in ****, reaching **.** billion euros, followed by a slight contraction in ****. Despite fluctuations, the market shows a general upward trend over the period.
Italian Cold Cured Meats Market Value Italy, ****-****, in billion € Istat, Company Register
The value production sold for cured meats in Italy between **** and **** showed an overall growing trend. Starting from €*.** billion in ****, the value reached a high of €**.* billion in ****, marking a ** percent increase. Despite a decline in ****, when the value dropped to *.** billion euros, the recovery was rapid, with a significant increase of **.* percent from **** to ****. Production in value sold for cured meats Italy, ****-****, in billion € Istat
1.4 Imports and exports
According to the first data released by ISTAT, shipments of Italian cured meats rose to ***,*** tons (***).
This is an excellent result, especially considering the many tensions on the international scene and the sector-specific difficulties related to the high cost of raw materials.
In ****, Italian exports in terms of quantity to the main countries are led by France with **.* thousand tons, followed by Germany with **.* thousand tons. The United States and the United Kingdom record similar volumes, **.* and **.* thousand tons, respectively. Belgium receives **.* thousand tons, while Austria and Spain import *.** and *.** thousand tons. Croatia has a volume of *.** thousand tons, and other countries combined total **.** thousand tons. These figures highlight the strong demand from neighboring European countries, with France and Germany as the main destinations.
Quantity value of exports to major countries Italy, ****, in thousand tons ASSICA
distribution of exports: Main destination countries of cured meat exports Italy, ****, in % ASSICA
In ****, according to ISTAT, Italian imports of cured meat products rose to **,*** tons from **,*** tons in **** (***).
Arrivals of cured meats in our country again involved almost exclusively EU goods (***).
In ****, Italy imported **.* thousand tons of goods from Germany, followed by Spain with *.* thousand tons and Austria with *.* thousand tons. Imports ...
1.5 Inflation suffered by the sector
Inflation had a major impact on the cured meat sector in Italy in ****. With the general increase in prices, production costs have risen, affecting various aspects of cured meat production and consumption. On the one hand, producers have faced rising costs for raw materials, energy and transportation. This situation led to a reduction in promotional activities as companies tried to offset high costs while maintaining acceptable profit margins. As a result, imposed-weight products saw a decrease in volumes, while variable-weight products performed better, managing to maintain a positive sign in sales. Consumers, on the other hand, have responded to rising prices by seeking cheaper alternatives. This change in consumption patterns has favored the growth of less expensive products such as cooked ham and mortadella, while premium products such as prosciutto crudo and bresaola have declined in sales. The search for convenience has pushed many consumers toward variable-weight products, which often offer better value for money. Exports have also been affected by inflation. Although in some cases the quantities exported decreased, the value of exports increased. This suggests that producers have been able to pass some of the cost increase on to selling prices in foreign markets, thus maintaining a stable revenue ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Overview of demand
Between **** and ****, monthly household spending on deli meats in Italy showed a significant change. Initially amounting to **.** euros in ****, it peaked at **.** euros in ****, signaling an increase of **.* percent. Subsequently, a decrease was observed to **.** euros in ****, representing a decrease of **.*% compared to **** and *.*% compared to ****.
Household monthly expenditure item on cured meats Italy, ****-****, in current &euro Istat
In ****, the value of cured meat production in Italy was dominated by prosciutto crudo, with **** million, followed by prosciutto cotto with ****. Salami reached **** million euros, while mortadella totaled *** million euros. Bresaola generated *** million euros, speck *** and coppa ***. Bacon recorded *** million euros and frankfurters ***. Other products contributed *** million euros.
Production value of various cured meats Italy, ****, in millions of € ASSICA
Italian cured meat production saw cooked ham leading the way with ***.* thousand tons, followed by raw ham with ***.* thousand tons. Mortadella reached ***.* thousand tons, while salami totaled ***.* thousand tons. Frankfurters recorded **.* thousand tons, with bacon at **.* and coppa at **.*. Speck and bresaola produced **.* and **.* thousand tons, respectively. Finally, other cured meat products amounted to **.* thousand tons. These figures indicate significant diversification in production, with hams predominating over other cured meats.
Production in quantity of various cured meats Italy, ****, in thousand tons ASSICA
Source: ...
2.2 Demand drivers
The market for cured meats is influenced by several drivers that determine demand. Here is a description of the main factors influencing the demand for cured meats:
Cultural Traditions and Food Habits: In Italy, cured meats are an integral part of culinary tradition and are present in many regional recipes. This strong cultural tradition drives consistent demand, with consumers preferring to include cured meats in their daily meals. Quality and Craftsmanship: The perceived high quality and craftsmanship of Italian cured meat products play a crucial role. Products such as prosciutto di Parma or salame di Felino are highly valued for their superior quality, prompting consumers to choose these products despite higher prices. Convenience and Practicality: Cold cuts are often chosen for their convenience. They are easy to store and can be used in a variety of dishes, from sandwiches to appetizers. The availability of pre-sliced packages in supermarkets further increases convenience for consumers. Health and Wellness Trend: Although cured meats are not always associated with healthy eating, demand for healthier versions, such as low-fat or preservative-free cured meats, is increasing. Manufacturers are responding to this demand by offering lighter and more natural options. Product Innovation: Innovation in the charcuterie industry, such ...
2.3 Geographical distribution of demand
In ****, the geographical distribution of spending on deli meats in Italy shows significant differences between regions. Households in the Northeast and Northwest spent the most, with an average of **.** euros. In the Center, spending is slightly lower, standing at **.** euros. In the South and the Islands, spending drops further to **.** euros. These data indicate higher spending on cold cuts in northern regions than in central and southern regions.
2.4 Trends in demand for cured meats
Trends in online searches for cured meats in Italy between **** and **** show significant seasonal variations. Starting with an index of ** in June ****, searches increase to a significant peak of ** in December ****, coinciding with the Christmas holidays. After a decline in January ****, searches remain relatively stable with a new peak of ** in July ****. Another notable high is recorded in December **** with an index of **, followed by a slight decline in subsequent months, with an index of **.** in June ****. This trend shows a strong correlation between online interest in cured meats and holidays, with noticeable peaks at holiday periods.
The numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the graph in relation to the region and period indicated. A value of *** indicates the highest frequency of search for the term, ** indicates half of the searches. A score of *, on the other hand, indicates that not enough data were found for the term.
Trend of online searches for cured meats Italy, ****-****, index Google Trends, Businesscoot elaboration
The geographic distribution of online searches for cured meats in Italy shows considerable variability among regions. Emilia-Romagna leads with an index of ***, followed by Basilicata with ** and Umbria with **. Other regions with high values include ...
2.5 New trends in demand
In recent years, the cured meat market has seen several significant trends emerge, influenced by various economic, social and environmental factors.
Growth in foreign demand: Exports of Italian cured meats have increased significantly, with +**.* percent in volume and +**.* percent in value in **** over the previous year. This increase was particularly strong for cured raw hams, salami, and bresaola (***). Inflation and rising production costs: Rising raw material and energy costs have had a significant impact on cured meat production. This has led to an increase in the value of production, despite a slight decrease in the volumes produced (***). Consumer Preferences: Italian consumers show an increasing focus on products related to wellness and health. This has led to an increase in demand for leaner, lower-calorie cured meats such as bresaola and cured raw hams, while other cured meats such as pancetta and coppa have seen a decline in consumption(***). Impact of sustainability: Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important factor. Consumers are more likely to buy products with environmentally friendly packaging and prefer cured meats from transparent and sustainable supply chains. This has prompted many companies to invest in more sustainable practices and improve the traceability of their products(***). Innovation and new products: Companies ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Italian market structure
From **** to ****, the number of enterprises active in the production of meat products in Italy increased from **** to ****, registering a growth of *.* percent. After a slight decline in ****, the sector saw a steady increase, peaking at **** enterprises in **** and slightly decreasing in **** and ****, before peaking in ****. This trend suggests a resilience and recovery of the sector despite intermediate fluctuations.
Number of enterprises active in the production of meat products (***) [***] Italy, ****-****, in number Istat
Most enterprises active in the production of meat products in Italy were limited liability companies, accounting for **.** percent of the total. Sole proprietors, freelancers and the self-employed made up **.** percent, while general and limited partnerships accounted for **.** percent and *.** percent, respectively. Joint stock companies and limited partnerships formed *.** percent of enterprises, cooperatives *.** percent, and other legal forms only *.** percent. This shows a predominance of LLCs, followed by a significant presence of sole proprietorships. Legal form of enterprises active in the production of meat products (***) Italy, ****, in % Istat
From **** to ****, the number of people employed in the production of meat products in Italy increased from **,*** to **,***, marking a growth of *.* percent. The trend shows a positive progression, with a steady increase until ****, when the number of employees reached ...
3.2 Value Chain
The value chain for cured meats begins with the raising of pigs, which is the basis of production. Next, pigs are transferred to slaughter plants, where the initial processing of meat takes place. This meat is then used for the production of cured meats, a crucial stage where value is added through various processing and curing processes.
It is then divided into two main branches for distribution: wholesale and retail. Wholesale mainly targets customers such as bars, restaurants and stores, providing large quantities of product for catering and retail. On the other hand, specialty stores and business-to-business (***) retailers offer cold cuts directly to private customers, providing direct access to end consumers.
This structure highlights a well-organized flow from production to distribution, ensuring that cured meats reach both mass consumer markets through wholesale and end consumers through specialty stores, optimizing distribution and meeting diverse market needs.
*. Pig farming
This is the initial stage, where pigs are raised. Meat quality is highly dependent on the rearing conditions, including feed and animal welfare.
*. Slaughterhouse activities
Once pigs reach the appropriate age and size, they are transferred to slaughterhouses. This is where slaughter and initial meat processing takes place, which includes butchering, deboning, ...
3.3 Main manufacturing companies
The main players in the production of cured meats are:
Salumifici Granterre: This is a major Italian company established on January *, ****, by the merger of two historical agribusinesses, Parmareggio and Grandi Salumifici Italiani. The company's headquarters are located in Modena. The choice of the name Granterre reflects a rich heritage of quality, tradition, innovation and strong ties to local territories and communities. It produces and markets high-quality cured meats and aged cheeses, with a focus on products with protected designation of origin (***) status. Key products include Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Prosciutto di Parma, and Prosciutto San Daniele. The company's well-known brands include Parmareggio, Casa Modena, Senfter, Agriform, Alcisa and Teneroni. Its history is rooted in the Italian territory, with a tradition dating back to the first half of the last century.
Fratelli Beretta: An Italian company founded in **** in Barzanò, specializing in the production of high-quality cured meats. Over the centuries, the company has grown considerably, becoming an important player in the Italian and international agribusiness sector. It is renowned for producing cured meats with protected designation of origin (***).
Giuseppe Citterio: Created in **** by Giuseppe Citterio in Rho, near Milan. Its origin dates back to ****, when Giuseppe, after a period of ...
3.4 Main distributors
As for the wholesale of delicatessen products, the main distributors are:
All.Coop Societa' Cooperativa Agricola: Founded in ****, it is an agricultural cooperative based in Mosciano Sant'Angelo, Teramo. It operates two distribution centers in Carinaro and Gricignano D'Aversa, covering a total area of **,*** square meters, and is distinguished by its selection of fresh and very fresh products.
Di Palo Group: This is an important Campania-based company in the food distribution sector, with roots dating back to ****. Founded by Biagio Di Palo, the company began with wholesale meat trading and then expanded significantly over time. In recent years, under the leadership of his son Giuseppe Di Palo, the group has expanded its operations to include the Cardito Cash&Carry and become a master franchisee of Auchan, with more than ** stores under the MyAuchan and Simply(***).
Bp Crudi d'Italia: Part of the Suincom Group, it was created in **** by the merger of two historic Modena companies active in the processing and sale of raw hams. The company further expanded its corporate structure with the acquisition of Crudi d'Italia in ****. Thanks to the process and product synergies achieved, it is now an excellence in the Italian industrial landscape for the production of raw ham ...
4 Supply analysis
4.1 Cold cuts offered
There are many different kinds of cured meats that are produced in Italy, some are produced throughout the country, others in specific areas.
Source: ****
To protect the typicality of certain food products, the European Union has enacted precise legislation, establishing two levels of recognition: PDO and PGI, through which it intends to protect product names and their typicality from imitation and abuse, support different productions and help consumers in their choice of food products by providing information and guarantees regarding their characteristics.
Italian PDO-labeled cured meats:
Capocollo di Calabria Coppa Piacentina Crudo di Cuneo Culatello di Zibello Lard d'Arnad (***) Pancetta of Calabria Pancetta PiacentinaProsciutto di Carpegna Modena Ham Prosciutto di Parma San Daniele Ham Prosciutto Toscano Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo Salami from Varzi Salami Brianza Salami Piacentino Italian Salami alla Cacciatora Soppressata of Calabria Sopressa Vicentina Sausage of Calabria Jambon de Bosses (***)
Italian PGI-labeled cured meats:
Bresaola della Valtellina Ciauscolo Coppa di Parma Cotechino Modena Finocchiona Lardo di Colonnata Lucanica of Picerno Mortadella Bologna Mortadella from Prato Pitina Porchetta of Ariccia Amatriciano Ham Norcia ham Sauris Ham Salama da Sugo Cremona Salami Mortara Goose Salami Sant'Angelo Salami Felino Salami Piedmontese Salami South Tyrolean Speck Zampone Modena
4.2 Market prices
The consumer price index shows an upward trend from **** to ****. In ****, the index was just above the base at ***.*. In ****, the index rose to ***.*, registering an increase of *.* percent. This growth continued in subsequent years with a steady increase, reaching ***.* in **** and ***.* in ****. In ****, the index saw a more significant increase, reaching ***.*; in ****, the index rose to ***.*, marking a more moderate increase. **** saw a significant increase in the index, reaching ***.*, an increase of *.* percent over the previous year. This upward trend was further accentuated in ****, when the index reached ***.*, marking a *.* percent increase over ****.
Price index for cured meats [***] for consumption by the whole community (***) - annual averages Italy, ****-****, index Istat
These prices are indicative and may vary depending on product quality, producer, and point of sale.
Source: ****
4.3 Machinery
In order to engage in the business of making cured meats, the cost of some meat processing machinery must also be taken into account in order to process the meat into cured meats. Machinery prices vary widely as they are customized.
In addition, there are companies, such as Inox Meccanica, that produce entire lines for processing cured meats such as Linea Crudo Rapido and Linea Prosciutto Cotto, which are automatic salting systems with osmotic extraction, bagging, and ending with an automatic basting machine.
4.4 New supply trends
The charcuterie market is evolving with several emerging trends for ****. Here are the main ones:
Reduced Salt and Fat Content Products: With growing awareness of the health problems associated with excessive salt and fat consumption, many manufacturers are developing cured meats with reduced content of these components. These products are often promoted as being healthier while still maintaining traditional flavor. Nitrite- and Nitrate-Free Cured Meats: There is a growing trend toward producing cured meats without the use of artificial nitrites and nitrates, additives often used to preserve color and prevent bacterial growth. Producers are seeking alternative methods, such as the use of natural ingredients, to ensure product safety. Artisan and High Quality Products: Consumers are showing increased interest in artisan and high quality products, often associated with traditional production techniques and local ingredients. This market segment is growing, fueled by demand for authentic gastronomic experiences. Innovation in Flavors and Ingredients: There is ongoing experimentation with new flavors and ingredients. For example, cured meats flavored with exotic spices, herbs, or infused with alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer. These products seek to attract consumers who seek novelty and variety. Veganand Vegetarian Cured Meats: The growing demand for vegan and vegetarian alternatives ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulations
the decree requiring producers to indicate the origin of the raw material for cured meats on the label came into force on January **, ****. The decree stipulates that the labels of processed pork foods must indicate the "country of birth, country of rearing and country of slaughter of the animals." Where the meat comes from pigs born, raised and slaughtered in a single country, the indication "Origin: followed by the name of the country" may be used. If the country in question is Italy, the indication "***% Italian" may be used. On the other hand, if the meat comes from pigs born, raised and slaughtered in one or more European or non-European states, the terms "Origin: EU," "Origin: non-EU," or "Origin: EU and non-EU" may be used.
The Salumi Decree of ****, updated in ****, defines the products that are considered salumi, the ingredients with which they must be made and the ingredients that are not allowed in processing. It also defines the characteristics that the product must have, processing, organoleptic properties, presentation and sale of the various products. The properties that DOC, high quality and PGI products must have are also defined.
Example, Prosciutto Cotto:
*. The name "cooked ham" is ...
6 Positioning of actors
6.1 Market segmentation
- BP Crudi d'Italia
- Rovagnati
- Giuseppe Citterio S.p.A.
- Salumificio Fratelli Beretta
- Salumifici Granterre
- Italia Alimentari
- Rigamonti
- Villani Salumi
- Fiorucci
- Gruppo Di Palo
- San Dan Prosciutti
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