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Summary and extracts
1 Synthèse du marché
1.1 Introduction
Household care products are items designed to clean, maintain, and improve home spaces.
This market encompasses a wide range of items, including general cleaning agents, specific cleaners for surfaces (such as floors, glass, sanitary ware), laundry products (detergents, fabric softeners, bleaches), fabric and material care and treatment products (such as stain removers, leather softeners), home appliance care products, room scenters, cleaning accessories, and more.
The origins of personal and object cleaning date back to the dawn of time, when water was considered the only means of ensuring primitive hygiene. The oldest evidence for the existence of soap dates back to 2800 B.C., found in excavations in ancient Babylon. The Egyptians used a combination of animal fat or vegetable oils and a salt called "Trona" to make soap. The Gauls, Teutons and Romans also had soap production. In the Middle Ages, hygienic conditions deteriorated, contributing to the spread of disease. It was not until the 17th century that cleanliness and the bathing habit made a comeback in Europe, and the soap trade became profitable. Until the late 19th century, soap was the only detergent with surfactant properties, but in the 20th century, synthetic detergents were introduced because of the two world wars. In 1946, the first laundry product totally "built" with synthetic surfactants and hardness sequestrants was introduced in the United States. This paved the way for the development of new products that were effective, easy to use, and safe for consumers and the environment.[Soapsuds]
The size of the global market for household cleaning products will grow from the$247.9 billion in 2022to335.1 billion dollars in 2029, with aCAGRof4,4%during the forecast period.
This study will focus on the economic and structural characteristics of the market for household use products; for more detailed information on the industrial cleaning sector, please refer to the other specific studies available in the Businesscoot catalog.
1.2 The global market
The size of the global market for household cleaning products will grow from $***.* billion in **** to $***.* billion in ****, with a CAGR of *.* percent during the forecast period. The growth of this market has been strongly influenced by the spread of the Covid-** pandemic, which brought with it increased hygiene precautions and awareness with respect to the relevance of sanitizing environments to prevent the spread of viruses. Due to the unexpected increase in demand for household cleaning products, there has been a shortage in supply, and many manufacturers have expanded their production facilities to meet consumer demand.
Global household cleaning products market World, ****-****, US$ billion Fortune Business Insight
Globally, the home cleaning market is strongly influenced by four trends:
sustainability: this is an essential aspect in the cleaning industry. This includes reducing plastic compound waste, increasing product reuse, and emphasizing product durability. new technologies: robotic technology in cleaning is bringing significant benefits to facilities, improving cleaning quality and availability, efficiency, and decision making. shortage of professional cleaning staff: shortages of these players are a significant trend in ****. As such, companies could implement technologies such as robots and automation to assist with cleaning tasks, thereby reducing the need for human labor and ...
1.3 The local market
To find out the size of the local market, household spending on Household Cleaning and Maintenance Products is analyzed; the total is multiplied by the number of households in Italy.
The data indicate that there are **.* million households in Italy. [***]
Average monthly household expenditure on household cleaning and maintenance products Italy, ****-****, in current &euro Istat
In **** the average monthly household expenditure on household care products is €**.*.
Number of households **.* million households Total average monthly household expenditure **,* € Market value ***.***.*** €
Significant market growth
In August ****, the growth trend of the "home care" segment was presented, and there were significant changes.
Disinfectants (***).[***]
Significant market growth Italy, %, **** Assocasa
Below is the value of sales for the last five years in Manufacture of soaps and detergents, cleaning and polishing products in which most products used in home care are included. From **** to **** (***) there is a growth of *.* percent.
Value of sales in the last five years - Manufacture of soaps and detergents, cleaning and polishing products Italy, ****-****, in billion € Istat
1.4 Analysis of Imports and Exports
In Italy, exports of home care products register a considerable value, indicative of a significant presence in the global market. However, it is interesting to dwell on the value of the coverage rate, which represents the relationship between exports and imports, where it shows an increase of**.* percent in recent years. This indicator suggests an increasingly strong position in the international market for these products. The steady growth in the coverage rate is attributable to product quality and growing demand in foreign markets. These positive figures offer very promising industry prospects, indicating opportunities for expansion and consolidation in the global market.
Imports, exports and coverage rate: home care market Italy, ****-****, US$ million UNComtrade
When it comes to exports, Switzerland is among the top recipients of home care-related products exported from Italy. In ****, Switzerland, Germany and France, accounted for **.*% of total exports(***).
Distribution of exports among the top * consumer countries Italy, ****, % UNComtrade The main destinations of theimportitaly, on the other hand, are Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Spain. Distribution of imports among the top * supplier countries Italy, ****, % UNComtrade
1.5 Impact of COVID-19
The home care sector marked *.*% in the pre-Covid period. As a result of the spread of the virus and the consequent increase in attentiveness on the part of Italians, an increase in value terms of **.*% was recorded for products related to home care. The detergent compartments represent a clear snapshot of the behaviors assumed during the emergency, with growth for several product types:
disinfectants: +***% bleaches: +**.*% (***) textile auxiliaries: +**.*% other detergents: +**%
Market value growth by product type Italy, ****, % I Love Parquet
E-commerce in the home care sector is growing at a fast pace even toward the end of the lockdown. *** thousand new households were reached by e-grocery with the lockdown and an additional **% tried to buy online but could not. E-commerce growths in triple digits for many home care products as well: from laundry detergents to surface cleaners.
Wellness and sustainability remain two important drivers of this growth: the detergent industry has been looking, with much more attention, not only at meeting household needs for hygiene and cleanliness in the home, but also at sustainability to combat waste and promote convenience, ease of use, and overall wellness.
Market influenced by fear: germophobia
The pandemic has led to a significant behavioral shift among ...
1.6 Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict
The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February **** led to an across-the-board increase in the consumer price index; the latter is a useful indicator to know the change in prices from the reference level (***) assigned a value of ***. In the specific case of the consumption of household care products, it is possible to show a growth of **.* points between January **** and October ****. This goes to attest to an increase of *.* percent for this type of products.
Consumer price index - household care products Italy, ****-****, base **** = *** - monthly data Istat
The increase in consumer prices is a reflection of the increase in producer prices. Between January **** and October ****, the producer price index soaps and detergents, cleaning and polishing products increased by **.* points. So we can see how producer prices have risen by **.* percent. The highest peak increase in production costs is in January ****.
Producer price index - Manufacture of soaps and detergents, cleaning and polishing products Italy, ****-****, base **** = *** - monthly data Istat
2 Analyse de la demande
2.1 Demand characteristics
Demand for household cleaning and maintenance products tends to be very high in Italy; specifically, below is the monthly household expenditure (***) for the mentioned products. We note a growth of **.*% during the period under analysis, attesting to the presence of a strong market that is central to national economic growth.
Average monthly household expenditure on household cleaning and maintenance products Italy, ****-****, in current &euro Istat
2.2 Consumer characteristics
The demand for household care-related products is strongly influenced by the number of households in Italy. Specifically, the more households there are, the larger the expenditure is in the context being analyzed. As of January *, ****, **,***,*** people reside in Italy, ** percent are men, **.* percent are women , and*.* percent are people with foreign citizenship. In terms of composition, there is a predominance of one-member households(***).
Distribution of number of components of Italian households Italy, ****, % Istat
In Italy, the care of the family and household chores continues to weigh predominantly on the shoulders of women. According to the latest **** Istat report, Italian women aged **-** spend an average of * hours and * minutes per day on unpaid household chores, compared to * hours and ** minutes for men. This disparity affects every aspect of women's lives: social relationships, personal fulfillment, economic independence and power relations in the couple and household. According to the latest data available from the Istat report, **.* percent of male respondents believe that it is better for the family ifmen devote themselves exclusively or predominantly to economic needs and women to household care. **.*% believe that they are not as capable of doing household chores as a woman. **.*% believe that it is not fair to ...
2.3 Geographical distribution of demand
To visualize the geographic distribution of demand, a map was created with the average monthly expenditure of Italian households on household cleaning and maintenance products and items.
The distribution of demand across the territory is extremely varied. The Mezzogiorno has the highest average monthly expenditure, with nearly ** euros spent by households. It is followed by the Center, with just under ** euros spent on average. Going up, spending is lower in the North, registering at €**.**. The North spends **.* percent less than the South.
2.4 New demand trends: the increased focus on ecology
The green home care sector consists of all those products with claims and features on the label such as "biodegradable," "vegetable," "nickel-free," "recycled plastic," "less plastic," "phosphate-free," and "allergen-free." Overall, the *,*** household cleaning products with at least one of the seven "green" claims detected exceeded €*** million in turnover, putting them up by +**.* percent over ****. In green home care, the most important claim in terms of turnover generated in supermarkets and hypermarkets is "recycled plastic," which exceeded *** million euros in **** , putting it on track for significant annual growth(***).[***]
Consumers, who are increasingly aware of the negative effects on health and environmental conditions given by the high use of chemicals, are shifting toward choosing green and natural products, as they are environmentally friendly, gentle on the skin , and environmentally friendly. Consumers are even willing to pay higher prices to buy a quality natural and organic product to safeguard the environment. Thirty percent of consumers are willing to pay premium prices for products that meet sustainability parameters, while **-**% of U.S. consumers prioritize eco-sustainability when making any purchasing decision. Improved consumer living standards due to increased spending capacity and growing awareness toward the consumption of quality products is incentivizing the adoption of eco-friendly ...
3 Structure du marché
3.1 Market structure and dynamics
To find out the size of enterprises active in the sector, two items concerning the production of soaps, detergents, cleaning and polishing products and specialty chemicals (***) are examined. The activity size of the enterprises tends to be very solid, recording no significant declines in inactivity. In the case of Manufacture of soaps and detergents, cleaning and polishing products, a decline of *.* percent from **** to **** is noted. In the case of Manufacture of specialty chemicals for household use and maintenance, the reduction in the number of active enterprises in the years under consideration is *.* percent.
Active enterprises - Manufacture of soaps and detergents, cleaning and polishing products / Manufacture of household and maintenance specialty chemicals Italy, ****-****, units in number Istat
Considering the most common legal form in the sector of Manufacture of soaps and detergents, cleaning and polishing products, it can be seen that **.* percent of active enterprises are registered as Joint Stock Companies (***). This type of legal form is characterized by a division of share capital into shares. Specifically, it is noted that the average value of turnover for the sector is €*.** billion.
Legal form enterprises active in the manufacture of soaps and detergents, cleaning and polishing products Italy, ****, % Istat **.* percent ...
3.2 Value Chain
Essential raw materials in the production of detergents
Surfactants: these are the main ingredients that make up detergents. They help remove dirt from fabrics and surfaces. Surfactants can be anionic (***). Builders: improve the efficiency of surfactants. They bind minerals in hard water to prevent the formation of scale deposits. Enzymes: proteins that help break down specific stains (***). Bleaching agents: chemicals designed to remove or reduce stains and discolorations from fabrics. Common bleaching agents include sodium hypochlorite (***) and peroxides. Polymers: are large molecules formed from smaller units called monomers. These polymers have various activities in detergents, such as: improving product viscosity, acting as anti-shrinkage agents during production, or providing dirt-holding properties. Fragrances and dyes: added to give a pleasant smell and appearance to the product. Specific additives: such as softeners in laundry detergents or anti-corrosion agents in dishwasher detergents. Preservatives: to maintain product stability and durability by preventing the growth of microbes.
3.3 Distribution channels
Distribution channels for household chemicals and detergents involve several intermediaries before reaching the end customer. These products follow a route that includes the manufacturer the wholesaler, the retailer , and finally the consumer. Detergent and household chemical companies sell their products in large quantities to wholesalers, who in turn distribute them to retailers. The following is an overview of business activity over the last five available years (***) and shows a slight decrease of *.* percent.
Firms active in the wholesale trade of soaps, detergents and other cleaning products Italy, ****-****, in thousands Istat
Retailers (***) supply the product directly to consumers. In the last five available years, despite times of declining activity, there has been an increase of *.** percent compared to ****.
Active retail trade enterprises of soaps, detergents, polishing products Italy, ****-****, in thousands Istat
3.4 Main actors
The following are the main players in the manufacture of useful household care products:
Winni's: a leading brand in the eco segment of detergents in Italy, it is also known in the markets of multiple European and non-European countries. The products are used with ingredients of plant origin, without artificial dyes and additives, and are completely biodegradable. They are produced with environmentally friendly packaging. Their range includes detergents for laundry, surface cleaning, dishes and floors. Spuma di Sciampagna: a historic brand established in the early ****s and a reference in the detergent sector in Italy. Acquired in **** by Italsilva, Spuma di Sciampagna presents a wide range of laundry, surface and personal care detergents. The brand is known for its long history of innovation and research and is also appreciated internationally. Chanteclair: a well-known brand offering a wide range of cleaning products, including laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and soaps. Chanteclair revived the use of Marseille soap in the ****s. The products are popular in Italy and gaining popularity in international markets (***). Felce Azzurra: a company owned by the Paglieri group. Its history dates back to **** where it was originally a perfume industry that now produces a wide range of cleaning and personal ...
4 Analyse de l'offre
4.1 Type of Offering
Household cleaning products are essential for degreasing, dusting, disinfecting and sanitizing all surfaces in the home (***). To carry out household chores, it is essenial to choose functional products.
Detergents for the kitchen
The kitchen is a delicate environment, prone to being a place where dirt, crumbs, limescale, food residue and bacteria are imagined. Products used for kitchen care are:
dishwashing detergent dishwasher gel or tablets salt for the dishwasher shine for the dishwasher surface cleaner limescale remover
Detergents for the bathroom
The bathroom needs to be thoroughly and frequently cleaned and sanitized; proper cleaning of this room requires:
bleach alcohol detergent surface sanitizer limescale remover for faucets toilet sanitizing tablets toilet bowl descaler
Detergents for the bedroom or study
To clean the room you will need:
alcohol multi-surface anti-dust spray limescale remover (***)
Detergents for laundry
As for laundry, to be done regularly, you will need:
laundry detergent fabric softener bleach (***) specific detergent for wool marseille soap (***)
Floor cleaners
Floor products are essential for home care and vary depending on the surface being treated:
carpet cleaner parquet detergent tile detergent specific products for washing carpets (***)
Cleaning materials
A variety of materials are needed to clean the cause rooms, to be replaced periodically ...
4.2 Prices
The supply is so vast that prices change depending on the type of product chosen. Specific examples are given below.
Detergents for the kitchen
Bathroom Cleaners
Detergents for the bedroom or study
Laundry Detergents
4.3 New technologies for home care
New home care technologies have led to significant advances in technological products, particularly in the field of detergents and cleaners. Here are some of the most interesting innovations:
Detergent Capsules and Pods (***)
Single-dose capsules (***) are particularly convenient products, consisting of an already pre-dosed amount of detergent but a slightly higher cost. The product works perfectly for medium-sized loads of laundry to be washed, ensuring perfect cleanliness and considerable savings in terms of the amount of detergent used; in the case of particularly dirty or abundant laundry, however, it is necessary to insert two capsules into the washing machine, with a consequent increase in the cost of cleaning clothes. Added to this is the inability to use it for hand washing of individual items or the treatment or pre-treatment of specific spots.[***]
Enzyme Technology (***)
Detergents that use enzymes to break down stains and dirt at the molecular level are becoming increasingly popular. These enzymes are particularly effective in removing organic stains such as blood, sweat, and oils. To achieve the desired results, it is necessary to add the detergent to the washer tub with the machine at full load, but it can also be used in hand washing. The molecules that make ...
5 Règlementation
5.1 Rules and regulations
In Italy, detergent regulations are regulated at both European and national levels:
Community Regulations
In Europe, the production of household products, including detergents, is regulated by several laws that ensure chemical safety and sustainability:
Regulation (***) No. ***/**** - and its amendments: rules are established for the production and sale of detergents in the European Union. It includes requirements for labeling, ingredient information, environmental impact and biodegradability of detergents. Its subsequent amendments have updated and integrated various aspects to maintain high standards of safety and environmental protection. REACH: is one of the EU's main regulations concerning the production and use of chemicals. This legislation requires companies to assess and communicate the risks associated with the chemicals they produce and market in the EU. It includes: registration of chemicals, assessment and association of risks to human health and the environment, authorization of chemicals of particular concern, and restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances. CLP Regulation: regulation concerning the classification, labeling and packaging of chemicals. Establishes how chemicals and chemical mixtures should be classified according to their health and environmental hazards and how this information should be manifested in labels and safety data sheets. EU Eco-Design Standards: regulations focused on improving the energy ...
6 Positionnement des acteurs
6.1 Segmentation
- Chanteclair (Real Chimica)
- Felce Azzurra (Paglieri)
- Winni's (Madel)
- Spuma di Sciampagna (Italsilva)
- Soft (Biochimica)
- Nuncas
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