Summary of our market study

The ready-mix concrete market in France is estimated at over €4 billion.

Ready-mix concrete is essential for civil engineering, infrastructure and residential and non-residential construction.

The inherent nature of concrete requires producers to be located within a 30-kilometer radius of construction sites to maintain the viability of the product, which has a shelf life after manufacture of around two hours. This has led to a market in which a small number of companies account for a significant share of sales, with around 300 subsidiary companies accounting for 95% of the sector's sales.

The sector is dependent on construction, which is a highly cyclical market.

The sector is highly competitive, with approximately 2,000 units managed by over 220 independent production companies. A significant proportion of these units belong to major French and international groups such as Vicat, Unibéton, Cemex, Lafarge Holcim and Heildelberg.

The industry is adapting to environmental pressures by innovating with materials such as green cement, clay cement and recycled household waste aggregates, and is striving to reduce its footprint.

Overall, the French RMC market appears to be at a challenging but potentially transformative juncture, fuelled by stable housing demand, the advent of low interest rates and advances in construction.

Ready-mix concrete market players

  • Cemex: As a building materials multinational of Mexican origin
  • Lafarge Holcim: one of the world leaders in the sector
  • Unibéton is part of the HeidelbergCement group, a global player.
  • BHR
  • Vicat family-owned company
  • BHR Betonsociété familiale
  • Chryso, chemical company specialized in concrete admixtures
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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The ready-mixed concrete (RMC) market in France covers all economic activity relating to the production and sale of this product. It is a derivative of concrete, made from sand, gravel, cement, water and additives.ready-mix concrete is prepared in plants and then transported to construction sites, where it must be used within 2 hours of manufacture. For this reason, it is generally produced in plants located less than 20 km from the worksite to which it is delivered.

Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world, thanks to its durability, efficiency and creative possibilities. Concrete is used in the construction of engineering structures, infrastructure and, more generally, in the building of housing and non-residential premises (hospitals, etc.).

The use of BPE has increased since 2015 in France, enabling the sector to enjoy moderate growth since then. Numerous measures had been taken by the authorities to support the construction sector, such as the Pinel scheme.

In 2022 in France, the SNBPE (Syndicat national du béton prêt à l'emploi) claims that there are 1,850 production units in metropolitan France, operated by 225 independent companies. A third of these plants are operated by national groups, including Cemex, Colas, Eqiom, LafargeHolcim, Point.P, Unibéton and Vicat.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Breakdown of floor area by sector
  • Main ready-mix concrete producing countries
  • Trend in the value of ready-mix concrete production
  • Trend in the value of ready-mix concrete production
  • Cumulative production of ready-mix concrete

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Latest news

Eqiom's cement plant in Pas de Calais to ramp up production and reduce carbon emissions - 27/02/2024
  • Site opened in 1884. 135 employees at the northern site.
  • Production of 800,000 tonnes of cement per year.
  • Subsidiary of CRH manufacturer Eqiom - a company with 76,000 employees.
  • Eqiom operates 175 sites with a total of 1,500 employees.
Maison Bleue taken over by its managers - 15/02/2024
  • Maison Bleue specializes in the prefabrication of concrete elements for industrial buildings.
  • It has been taken over by the company's management.
  • A consortium of 60 employees took a stake in the capital. Arkéa Capital (Crédit Mutuel Arkéa) and Océan Participations are part of the new round of financing.
  • Maison Bleue operates throughout France, with 104 employees and 11,000 m2 of covered workshops.
  • It generates sales close to 30 million euros.
Vicat Produits Industriels modernizes its Eure-et-Loir plant at a cost of 8 million euros - 12/10/2023
  • Production line expanded from 150,000 to 300,000 tonnes of mortar and adhesive capacity at Vicat Produits Industriels (VPI).
  • Sales of Vicat, the group specializing in building materials, in 2022: 3.642 billion euros.
  • Total number of Vicat employees in 2022: 9900.
Modernization of West Paris ports - 06/10/2023
  • Cemex supplies building materials and has 260 sites in France, including 11 ports in the Paris region.
  • The project to modernize the industrial site at the Port de Point du Jour in Paris required an investment of 12.5 million euros and fourteen months' work.
  • The site handles 350,000 tonnes of materials every year, equivalent to 10,000 trucks.
  • The site is supported by a fleet of 100 barges that transport materials by river to Normandy.
  • Every year, the Paris reach loads 2 million tonnes of goods, avoiding the passage of almost 100,000 trucks.
making cement from raw clay | Vicat and Materrup make cement from clay. - 28/08/2023
  • Vicat, the cement group, and start-up Materrup plan to build a raw clay cement plant with a capacity of 60,000 tonnes per year by 2024.
  • The plant will be built by the Borda Occitanie joint venture, equally owned by Vicat and Materrup.
  • The plant will eventually create 10 jobs and require an investment of nearly €7 million.
  • Materrup, founded in 2018, opened its first plant in March 2022 with a capacity of 60,000 tonnes per year and employs 18 people.
  • Materrup plans to build ten cement plants in France and a further ten in Europe.
CO2 capture by Vicat in 2027 - 27/06/2023
  • Montalieu-Vercieu cement plant belonging to the Vicat group, established in 1922.
  • Current production capacity of 1.2 million tonnes of cement per year, with a maximum capacity of 2 million tonnes.
  • Objective to capture 1 million tonnes of CO2 per year, given that the plant currently emits around 800,000 tonnes of CO2.
  • Second-generation Oxyfuel technology studied in collaboration with two German cement manufacturers (Heidelberg Materials and Schwenk) and an Italian group (Buzzi Unicem) via the CI4C joint venture.
  • Since September 2020, Vicat has been testing a device developed in partnership with Carbon8 Systems, in which the family-owned group has become a minority shareholder, to transform kiln dust into lightweight aggregates.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Unibéton (Heidelberg group)
Chavigny Groupe
Béton Direct
BHR Beton
Rector Lesage
Alkern Groupe
Vicat Groupe
Socli (Heidelberg group)
EQIOM Bétons (CRH Group)
Béton Solutions Mobiles (BSM)
Maison Bleue Beton

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