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Summary and extracts
1 Market Overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. Ophthalmologists are authorized to prescribe drugs to treat eye diseases, implement laser therapy and perform surgery when necessary. They can also participate in academic research on the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. The ophthalmic market can be segmented by product (drugs and devices), disease (including glaucoma, cataract, age-related, and others), and end user (hospitals, medical institutions, research organizations, and healthcare providers).
Data on the value of the global ophthalmology market show continued growth from 2024 to 2030. It increases from $63.89 billion in 2024 to $93.96 billion in 2030. This represents a 47 percent increase over the period, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.64 percent.In recent years, many significant developments have been observed in ophthalmology for cataract, refractive, and glaucoma surgeries. An increase in well-equipped healthcare infrastructure and new drug approvals are contributing strongly to the market. In addition, the increasing prevalence of ocular disorders and growing awareness among the global population are driving market growth.
The European ophthalmology market from 2024 to 2028 shows steady growth. An increase from $10.43 billion in 2024 to $12.97 billion in 2028 is observed, representing a 24 percent increase over the period.this trend reflects an expanding market,with a CAGR of 5.60 percent. The continued increase suggests a growing demand for ophthalmology services and products in Europe, influenced by factors such as an aging population and technological advances in the field.
In recent years, the number of ophthalmologists in Italy has increased dramatically, as far as the product is concerned, the production made and sold of ophthalmic lenses has decreased by 25.6% and 16.4%, respectively .In Italy there are about15 million myopic peopleand the issue is sharply increasing, registering the highest number of cases among the very young, where more than2 out of 10 boys, as early as the age of 15, are affected. The main cause is the many hours spent in front of electronic devices, such as cell phones, PCs or tablets. It is projected that by2050 half of the world's populationcould be affected bymyopia.
1.2 An environment conducive to global market growth
Data on the value of the global ophthalmology market show continued growth from **** to ****. It increases from $**.** billion in **** to $**.** billion in ****. This represents a ** percent increase over the period, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.** percent. In recent years, many significant developments have been observed in ophthalmology for cataract, refractive, and glaucoma surgeries. An increase in well-equipped healthcare infrastructure and new drug approvals are contributing strongly to the market. In addition, the increasing prevalence of ocular disorders and growing awareness among the world population are driving market growth. However, the high cost of ophthalmology treatments due to rising device prices and technological advances could limit market growth. Emerging research and development activities for ophthalmology treatments are supported by huge investments, prospering the market. In addition, continued technological advances and the integration of artificial intelligence for early detection of eye diseases create lucrative market opportunities.
Global ophthalmology market value World, ****-****, in US$ billion Research&Markets
Ophthalmology is the ninth most important therapeutic area in the world with *** products in development, and six of the top eight companies in the ophthalmic field are also on the list of the top ** global pharma companies. Despite this, only * percent of the pipeline ...
1.3 The European market
The European ophthalmology market from **** to **** shows steady growth. An increase from $**.** billion in **** to $**.** billion in **** is observed, representing a **% increase over the period. This trend reflects an expanding market, with a CAGR of *.**%. The continued increase suggests a growing demand for ophthalmic services and products in Europe, influenced by factors such as an aging population and technological advances in the field.
European ophthalmology market value Europe, ****-****, in US$ billion MarketDataForecast
The increasing prevalence of ophthalmic diseases in the elderly is driving the demand for eye interventions in Europe, which in turn is stimulating the growth of the European ophthalmology device market. The increase in eye disorders in all age groups is fueling this growth in the European market. The increase in eye conditions in the elderly due to chronic diseases is accelerating the market value of ophthalmic devices. Chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and other cardiovascular diseases make people highly susceptible to eye diseases. For many people, orbital and ocular pain are common concerns for multiple reasons, such as obstruction by foreign particles, trauma, dust, and smoke. Aggressive eye cosmetics also damage the surface of the eye, causing scratching, redness, burning and itching, leading to ocular pain. ...
1.4 The Italian market
The ophthalmic market in Italy recorded a turnover of *** million euros in ****, *** million of which were in the retail channel (***) in the hospital channel, an overall market growth of *.* percent over ****.[***]
There are *,*** active ophthalmic specialist physicians in Italy, an increase of about ** percent from **** where **** were active [***].
The following graph shows the production value that the eyewear sector holds:
Italian Eyewear Production Value Italy, ****-****, in billion € the production value of Italian eyewear showed a substantial growth trend between **** and ****, increasing from €*.** billion to €*.** billion. This represents a ** percent increase over the period. The most significant decrease occurred between **** and ****, with a **.** percent reduction, influenced by the economic impacts of the COVID-** pandemic.
Distribution of Turnover in the Italian Eyewear Market by Product Type: Distribution of turnover in the eyewear market, by product type Italy, ****, in % ANFAO The pie chart shows a predominance of eyeglass lenses, accounting for **.** percent of total sales. Frames occupy the second place with **.**%, followed by sunglasses, which account for **.**%, and finally, contact lenses and contact lens care products make up **.**% of the market.
1.5 Imports and Exports
Foreign trade is characterized by a preponderance ofexportsover imports: Imports, exports and coverage rate: optics market Italy, ****-****, in US$ billion UNComtrade Between **** and ****, Italy showed significant growth in exports of optical products, rising from US$*,***.* million to US$*,***.* million, an increase of ** percent. Imports, while growing, increased at a slower pace, rising from $***.* million to $***.* million, an increase of ** percent. The coverage ratio has fluctuated between *.* and *.*, showing that exports have always far exceeded imports. This trend indicates Italy's strong competitiveness in the optical market, with export growth helping to maintain a positive trade balance in the sector. Global Distribution in Italian Eyewear Imports in ****: Main Countries of Origin of Eyewear Imports Italy, ****, % Uncomtrade In ****, China was the main country of origin for Italian eyewear imports, accounting for ** percent of the total. The United States and Japan follow with **% and **%, respectively. France contributes **%, while Germany, the Netherlands, Thailand, Brazil, Spain and the United Kingdom have lower percentages, ranging from *% to *%. The other countries together make up * percent of imports. This scenario highlights Italy's strong dependence on China for eyewear supplies, while imports from other countries, while significant, are much more fragmented. Global Profile of Italian Eyewear Exports: Main destination countries ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Overview of demand
There are about ** million nearsighted people in Italy, and the problem is rapidly increasing, registering the highest number of cases among the very young, where more than * out of ** children, already at the age of **, are affected. The main cause can be found in the many hours spent in front of electronic devices, such as cell phones, PCs or tablets. According to WHO, there are *** million visually disabled people in the world, of whom *** million are visually impaired and ** million are blind. It is projected that by **** half of the world's population could be affected by myopia; data show a prevalence to myopia especially among children, registering as early as * years of age a rate of **%. The figure increases to **% at age ** and reaches **% in adulthood.[***]
A useful element to keep in mind is the degree to which people are sensitive to eye health and safeguarding it through regular eye examinations. The data, as seen in the chart below, are reassuring; nearly ** percent of respondents check themselves regularly, *.* percent several times a year. Analyzing the data according to the gender of the respondents, there is no particular difference between the two sexes, highlighting how attention to eye care is a collectively ...
2.2 Visual health
In its latest report, the World Health Organization (***) worldwide. The main diseases responsible are:
Degenerative eye diseases, mostly related to aging, are those that currently have an impressive prevalence and incidence and are now the leading causes of blindness and low vision especially in high-income countries. The main ones are:
*. Cataracts: Always the leading cause of blindness, it predominantly affects the elderly. Today, thanks to current surgical techniques, full and final resolution of the problem is possible. The surgery has reached such a level of effectiveness and safety that today it is the most performed in the world; in high-income countries more than *,*** per million people are done annually. In Italy about ***,*** cataracts are treated annually. The problem remains in all its severity in the poorest countries.
*. Age-related macular degeneration (***): As the definition itself says, it is also a disease of advanced age. It appears in the **-** age group with rates of *-*%, gradually increasing to rates over **% over the age of eighty. There are mainly two forms of it:
Dry or atrophic: At present it is almost incurable and leads-though slowly-to severe central vision deficits. Moist or neovascular: It can be treated with intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF ...
2.3 Developmental age survey
The study entitled "Developmental Age Prevention Questionnaire Report: ophthalmology" was published by the Trebisacce Comprehensive Institute. This report presents the results of a questionnaire administered to assess the prevention of visual disorders in developmental age. It provides statistical data and analysis regarding the prevalence of eye problems among children, highlighting the importance of preventive interventions and early diagnosis.
of those who took part in the questionnaire, **.* percent (***) were male, **.* percent female; the pupils involved were between the ages of * and **.
Gender of survey participants Italy, ****, in % ICTB
The majority of parents wear glasses, with **.* percent answering "Yes" versus **.* percent answering "No." This figure suggests a significant prevalence of eyeglass use among the adult population, indicating that nearly two-thirds of parents require visual corrections. Do your parents wear glasses? Italy, ****, in % ICTB
Among parents who wear glasses, **.* percent are myopic, *.* percent hyperopic, and **.* percent astigmatic. These data indicate that nearsightedness is the most common visual problem, followed by astigmatism, while farsightedness is less common among parents in need of visual correction. If yes, they are: Italy, ****, in % ICTB
Of the *** responses pupils had, *** had dealt with an eye examination, while the remaining *** had never had one. Have you had an eye examination ...
2.4 Trends in ophthalmic demand
From July **** to July ****, online searches in Italy related to myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism showed distinct trends. Myopia peaked in interest in February **** (***) and followed an up-and-down trend, dropping to **.* in July ****, representing a *.*% decrease from July ****. In summary, online searches for nearsightedness and astigmatism were more frequent than those for farsightedness, with a general decrease in interest toward the end of the period considered. The numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the graph in relation to the region and period indicated. A value of *** indicates the highest frequency of search for the term; ** indicates half as many searches. A score of *, on the other hand, indicates that not enough data were found for the term.
Trend of online searches for myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism Italy, ****-****, index Google Trends, Businesscoot elaboration
The geographic distribution of online searches for myopia in Italy shows significant variation among regions. Basilicata records the highest value with ***, followed by Sardinia (***) show the lowest values. This distribution indicates a greater concern or need for myopia information in southern regions than in northern regions.
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2.5 New trends in demand
New trends in ophthalmic demand are evolving rapidly, influenced by a combination of demographic, technological, and social factors, reflecting an increasing focus on eye health and the adoption of new technologies and treatments to improve the quality of vision and life.
Increasing Myopia: The incidence of myopia is increasing globally, in part due to increased time spent in front of digital screens and reduced time spent outdoors. This has led to an increased demand for corrective eyeglasses, contact lenses, and treatments for myopia control, such as orthokeratology lenses. Growing Popularity of Refractive Surgery: Advanced technologies, such as LASIK, PRK and SMILE, are becoming increasingly affordable and safe, prompting many people to opt for surgical solutions to correct visual defects. This trend is particularly strong among young adults and middle-aged people. Advanced Diagnostic Technologies: The use of advanced diagnostic tools, such as OCT (***) and non-contact intraocular pressure devices, is improving early diagnosis and management of eye diseases. This has led to an increased demand for preventive and routine eye examinations. Innovative Treatments for Ocular Diseases: New treatments have been developed for diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (***) are becoming increasingly common. Eye Wellness and Digital Vision Products: With the increased use of ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Italian market structure
Data on the geographical distribution of eye doctors in Italy show significant variation among regions. Lombardy has the highest number with *,*** physicians, followed by Lazio with *** and Campania with ***. In contrast, Valle d'Aosta has the lowest number with only ** ophthalmologists. Among the northern regions, Piedmont and Veneto show a considerable presence of ophthalmologists, with *** and *** physicians, respectively. Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany follow with *** and *** ophthalmologists. Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino-Alto Adige have relatively lower numbers, with *** and *** respectively. In the Central regions, Umbria and Marche have lower numbers of ophthalmologists than Tuscany and Lazio. In Southern Italy, in addition to the aforementioned Campania, Puglia and Sicily have a significant presence of ophthalmologists, with *** and *** respectively, while Basilicata and Molise have the lowest numbers, with ** and ** ophthalmologists. Calabria and Sardinia show a moderate presence, with *** and *** respectively.
In summary, the distribution of ophthalmologists is very uneven, with a clear prevalence in the most populous and economically developed regions.
Data on the number of ophthalmologists per ***,*** population show considerable variation among Italian regions. Liguria registers the highest ratio with ** ophthalmologists per ***,*** inhabitants, followed by Molise with ** and Latium and Sardinia both with **. Regions such as Tuscany, Abruzzo and Calabria have a ratio of ** ophthalmologists per ...
3.2 Distribution channels
Of the retail products, **.* percent were sold in pharmacies-a positive performance of * percent over the previous year-while *.* percent were dispensed in parapharmacies and *.* percent by large-scale retail trade (***).
In the retail market, artificial tears sold the most with ***.* million euros in sales, followed by eye supplements at **.* million. While, among ethical products, it is glaucoma drugs that have the highest sales with ***.* million.
Retail sales of ophthalmic products Italy, ****, in millions of euros Il Sole **ore
The vast majority of ophthalmic products are prescribed by specialists (***), while general practitioners prescribe *.* percent and pediatricians *.* percent.
Focusing on prescription eyeglasses, for the children's segment (***).
The distribution channels in ophthalmology are:
3.3 The main players in the market
The main ophthalmic clinics are as follows:
Vista Vision Group: It is a leader in private ophthalmology in Italy, with a network of clinics specializing in laser refractive surgery and ocular microsurgery. Founded in **** in Milan, the company has expanded its presence to several cities including Brescia, Verona, Bologna, Pisa, Bari and Messina. Each year, they perform more than **,*** laser treatments and *,*** surgeries, offering solutions for visual problems such as nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness and presbyopia. Their strength lies in continuous technological innovation, with investments in state-of-the-art equipment such as Excimer and Femtosecond lasers, and a highly trained staff. Recently, they have expanded their network with new offices in Genoa and Rome, further strengthening their national presence(***).
Blue Eye: Eye clinic with locations in Milan and Vimercate, specializing in advanced diagnosis and treatment for visual health. It offers solutions for vision defects such as astigmatism, myopia and presbyopia, as well as eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma and dry eye. It uses modern technologies for refractive surgery, vitreoretinal surgery and outpatient laser treatments.
Bavaria Clinic: It is a leading European ophthalmological institute in the correction of vision defects, with more than ** years of experience. Founded with the goal of improving the quality ...
4 Supply analysis
4.1 The Work of Ophthalmologists
The role of ophthalmologists can be divided into * categories:
Prevention and screening Surgery Diagnosis and treatment
In the area of prevention and screening, ophthalmologists are responsible for preventing various disorders or diseases from which patients may suffer (***) after diagnosing and treating vision defects, glaucoma, etc. Generally, ophthalmologic examinations begin with a visual acuity check and identification of defects, leading to the use of corrective lenses. Then the ophthalmologist continues the examination via an analysis of the ocular media and then a fundus examination with an ophthalmoscope.[***].
These examinations require the use of several machines:
Rotating consultation station Slit lamp (***) Biometer (***) Automatic refractometer Air tonometer
Ophthalmologists may also use an OCT, which is used to monitor glaucoma and retinal diseases (***).[***]
4.2 Prices
The consumer price index for eyeglasses and corrective contact lenses in Italy showed a steady increase from May **** to May ****. Starting from a value of ***.* in May ****, the index grew to ***.* in May ****, an increase of *.* percent. This positive trend reflects a steady and regular increase in prices over the period. The increase is particularly evident in the last year, where the index rose from ***.* in May **** to ***.* in May ****, marking an increase of *.* percent.
Whole-of-collectivity consumer price index for eyeglasses and corrective contact lenses [***] (***) - monthly data Italy, ****-****, index Istat
The consumer price index for eyeglasses and corrective contact lenses in Italy showed a steady increase from **** to ****. In ****, the index was ***.*, while in **** it reached ***.*, registering an overall increase of *.* percent. Each year saw growth, with the most significant increase between **** and ****, where the index rose from ***.* to ***.*, marking a growth of *.* percent. This trend reflects a continuing trend of rising prices in the sector.
Consumer price index for the entire community of eyeglasses and corrective contact lenses [***] (***) - annual averages Italy, ****-****, index Istat
The consumer price index for specialty medical services, which includes ophthalmic examinations, in Italy showed a steady increase between May **** and May ****. Starting ...
4.3 Supply analysis
Within the field of ophthalmology, the types of offerings available are varied and cover a broad spectrum of services, treatments and technologies, all aimed at improving the visual health and quality of life of patients. These can be divided into several main categories:
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4.4 New supply trends
New trends in offerings in ophthalmology reflect the adoption of advanced technologies, personalized and integrated approaches, and an increasing focus on prevention and management of ocular conditions. They represent a significant evolution, driven by innovation and an increasingly patient-centered approach.
Remote Consultations: The use of telemedicine for ophthalmology consultations is increasing, allowing patients to receive diagnosis and follow-up without having to physically travel to the clinic. This trend is particularly useful in rural areas or for patients with mobility difficulties. Remote Diagnosis and Monitoring: Using wearable devices and mobile apps to monitor eye health and transmit data to physicians for real-time analysis and diagnosis.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:
AI Assisted Diagnosis: Implementing artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze retinal images, OCT and other eye scans to detect diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy early. Personalization of Treatments: Using machine learning to create personalized treatment plans based on patient clinical data, improving the effectiveness of therapies.
Advanced Imaging Technologies:
OCT Angiography: Non-invasive technique to visualize retinal blood vessels without the use of dyes, providing high-resolution images of retinal blood flow. Ultra-Widefield Imaging: Technology to visualize a larger portion of the retina than traditional methods, improving the ability to ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulation
Regulation of the ophthalmology market is a complex topic involving various laws, regulations and industry practices aimed at ensuring quality of care, patient safety and professional integrity. In Italy, the regulatory framework is outlined by a set of national laws, European directives and regional regulations that, combined, set standards for training, clinical practice and management of health care facilities.
A key element is the training and professional licensing of ophthalmologists. The main law governing medical education is Legislative Decree No. *** of August **, ****, which implements EU directives on specialized training for physicians. To practice, physicians must complete a bachelor's degree in medicine and surgery, followed by a specialization in ophthalmology that generally lasts five years. During this period, aspiring ophthalmologists acquire theoretical and practical skills under the supervision of experienced specialists. At the end of their training, they must pass a state examination to become licensed to practice medicine, as stipulated in Ministerial Decree No. *** of October **, ****.
In addition to training, clinical practice is regulated by clinical guidelines and protocols developed by institutions such as the Ministry of Health, professional associations and scientific societies. For example, Ministerial Decree April *, **** provides specific guidelines for health facility management and quality control procedures. These protocols ...
6 Positioning of actors
6.1 Market segmentation
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- Carl Zeiss Group
- Vista Vision Group
- Blue Eye
- Clinica Baviera
- Siena Eye Laser
- Centro Ambrosiano Oftalmico
- Neo Vision
- Safilo Group
- Kering Eyewear
- Essilor Luxottica groupe
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