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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Fast food first appeared in the United States in the first half of the 20th century, and the country remains the world's leading fast food market to this day. Fast food is characterized by rapid preparation, standardized menus and reduced table service. Fast food restaurants can focus on a particular style of food: American fast food, Italian-Mexican, Asian, etc.

Worldwide, the fast-food market has seen very rapid growth in sales. Industry giants such as McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut have impressive geographic coverage. After years of very rapid growth, Asia Pacific has become the world's second largest market, and long-term growth prospects remain high despite weaknesses due to China's zero-covid policy.

In Spain, the leading fast-food brands are McDonalds, Burger King, Pans & Company, Rodilla, KFC and Subway. The market is relatively fragmented, with a large number of franchises, but also independent restaurants that manage to hold their own. The health crisis affected the Spanish fast-food market, particularly in the spring of 2020, when closures dealt a severe blow to business. The switch to online sales came more naturally to fast food outlets than to traditional restaurants, which had not necessarily developed the necessary tools. This changeover helped to maintain some business, but the catch-up seen when restaurants reopened was not enough to compensate for the overall loss of business. In 2021, the Spanish fast-food market has not returned to its previous level of activity. However, the market has evolved, with more digital ordering, the emergence of "dark kitchen" restaurants and new fast food chains renewing a competitive market.

1.2 The global market

The global fast-food market has shown continued growth between **** and ****. In ****, the market was valued at $***.** billion, and is expected to reach $****.** billion by ****, with a CAGR of *.**% between **** and ****. This indicates a sustained expansion of the sector, with sales forecasts rising steadily each year. In ****, the market is expected to reach $***.** billion, and to continue growing steadily to reach $***.** billion in ****, $***.** billion in ****, and so on, until it exceeds $*,*** billion by ****. This dynamic is a sign of persistent demand for fast-food services worldwide, fuelled by factors such as growing urbanization, active lifestyles and the demand for food convenience.

Evolution of the global foodservice market World, ****-****, $ Billions Source: ****

The table below shows the ** countries with the highest fast-food consumption in ****:

Rank Country * United States of America * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland * France * Sweden * Austria * Mexico * South Korea * Greece * China ** Norway Source: ****

Finally, the following table shows the ** largest fast-food chains in the world:

Source: ****

1.3 The European market

Between **** and ****, the European fast-food market is set for sustained growth. In ****, its value is estimated at $***.* billion, and forecasts indicate a steady increase to reach $*** billion in ****. This represents an average annual growth rate (***) of *.*% between **** and ****, underlining the continued expansion of the sector. Each year, the market grows from $***.** billion in ****, to $***.** billion in ****, and over $*** billion in ****. This growth is driven by changing consumer habits and the adoption of new business and technological models in the sector.

Forecast development of the European fast-food market Europe, ****-****, $ billion Source: ****

In ****, Europeans' fast-food consumption habits showed notable differences in terms of frequency. *% of Europeans said they often ate fast food, while **% ate it regularly. The majority, **%, said they ate it sometimes, reflecting occasional consumption. A further **% said they ate it rarely, and *% said they never ate it at all.

How often do Europeans eat fast food? Europe, ****, % Source: ****

In ****, Europeans had a variety of reasons for eating fast food, dominated by taste and convenience preferences. The main reason was taste, mentioned by **% of consumers, followed by eating on the go for **%. **% said they chose fast food to look after themselves, and **% because of a craving for fast food. Practical factors, ...

1.4 The domestic market

Between **** and ****, the national fast-food market in Spain experienced significant growth. In ****, sales were *.*** billion euros, rising to *.*** billion euros in ****, an increase of **% on the previous year. In ****, the market continued to grow, reaching *.*** billion euros, an increase of **.*% on ****. This progression shows the sustained development of the fast-food sector in Spain.

The national fast-food market Spain, ****-****, billions of euros Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Typology of demand

Between **** and ****, the number of Spaniards who consumed fast food fluctuated. In ****, the percentage was **.*%, then fell slightly in **** to **.*% (***) Evolution of the number of Spaniards who have eaten fast food Spain, ****-****, in % Source: Marco general medios **** Current price analysis (***)Current prices for average per capita spending on fast food and takeaways in Spain showed an overall upward trend between **** and ****. In ****, spending rose by *.*% on the previous year, reaching €**.**. This rise continued in ****, with a significant jump of **.*% to €**.**, which could be due to a gradual return to normal after the COVID-** pandemic. In ****, prices continued to rise, reaching €***.**, up **.*% on ****, probably reflecting general inflation and rising product costs. However, in ****, a slight decrease of *.*% was observed, suggesting a stabilization after consecutive increases. Analysis of constant prices (***)Analysis of constant prices, adjusted for inflation and expressed in **** euros, reveals a different dynamic. In ****, spending rose by *.*% to €**.**, reflecting some inflationary pressure. In contrast, **** marked a significant drop of **.*%, with spending falling to €**.**, probably due to the pandemic and the general decline in consumption. Constant prices rebounded in **** with an increase of **.*%, reaching €**.**, indicating a post-pandemic recovery. However, the increase was less marked in ****, with a rise of *.*%, and expenditure ...

2.2 Consumer study

In ****, regular consumption of fast food in Spain varies considerably by generation. Generation Z is the biggest consumer, with **% regularly eating fast food. By contrast, among Baby Boomers, only *% claim to regularly consume this type of food. This illustrates a marked tendency among younger generations to favor fast food, while older generations are less inclined to make it a habit.

Regular consumption of fast food by generation Spain, ****, % (***) Source: ****

Spain's * favorite fast-food chains Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****

The map below shows Spain's favorite Fast Food chains by geography:

2.3 Food consumption outside the home

In ****, **% of Spaniards said they ate outside the home, while **% preferred to eat at home. This trend reflects an increasingly outward-looking food consumption behavior, with a strong preference for meals eaten in restaurants, fast-food outlets or other catering establishments, while a significant proportion of the population continues to favor meals at home.

Share of Spaniards who eat outside the home Spain, ****, % (***) Source: ****

In ****, the main reasons Spaniards ate away from home were varied. Celebrations or parties were the main reason, with **.*% of respondents indicating that they ate out for these special occasions. This was followed bybeing hungry without planning, cited by **.*% of Spaniards. Eating out for pleasure accounted for **.*% of reasons, while *.*% of people ate out for business meals. Other reasons included not wanting to cook at home (***). These data showed that eating out was often linked to social events, practical choices or moments of leisure.

Main reasons for eating out Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****

by May ****, **% of Spaniards had declared that they had eaten out once during that month.

Spaniards eating out at least once a week Spain, May ****, % Source: ****

In ****, food consumption habits in Spain showed a wide range of behaviors. **% of Spaniards cooked at home almost every day, ...

2.4 Public health issues

On July *, ****, the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón, presented a report on the impact of food advertising on children and adolescents in Spain, produced by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs in collaboration with the Gasol Foundation. According to the report, **% of children exposed to fast-food advertising consume this type of food more than twice a week. The report examines the influence of unhealthy food and drink advertising on young people's consumption habits, taking into account eating habits, screen use and families' socio-economic level.

The report highlights that regular exposure to unhealthy product advertising leads to more frequent consumption of sugary drinks, industrial pastries, salty snacks, sweets and energy drinks. For example, among children not exposed to fast-food advertising, **.*% consume it more than twice a week, while **.*% of those exposed to such advertising consume the same amount, an increase of **.**%. Similarly, exposure to advertising for salty snacks and energy drinks leads to higher consumption among young people. This report highlights the direct impact of advertising on the food choices of the younger generation.

The situation described has important consequences for both the catering industry and the health of the Spanish population. On the one hand, the rise of fast food ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

The fast food value chain comprises several stages and processes that contribute to the creation of value, from the sourcing of ingredients to the customer experience in the restaurant. Each step is essential to delivering quality products while maximizing efficiency and profitability. Here's a detailed analysis of the fast food value chain:

*. Sourcing and raw materials management

Suppliers and purchasing: Fast food chains depend on specialized suppliers for basic ingredients: meats, vegetables, breads, sauces, condiments and other food products. Fast food chains often collaborate with local or international suppliers to guarantee product freshness and availability. Inventory management: Retailers need to manage an efficient supply system to minimize losses, especially of perishable products. This process involves demand forecasting and real-time supply management. Centralized purchasing: Some large chains, such as McDonald's or Burger King, have centralized purchasing to standardize products and maintain quality while reducing costs.

*. Food production and preparation

Quality standards: Fast food chains apply strict food safety and quality control standards to ensure that every product is prepared according to established protocols. This includes temperature management, meat cooking, and the handling of fresh produce. Recipe standardization: One of the hallmarks of fast food is product standardization. Recipes are often ...

3.2 Market structure

By ****, there will be around *,*** fast-food restaurants in Spain.

Growth in the number of fast-food restaurants in Spain Spain, **XX-****, thousands of restaurants Source: ****

The market was also highly concentrated, with the top * fast-food chainsaccounting for **% of market share and **.*% of sector sales.

Market concentration Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****

The table below shows the top * fast-food chains in Spain:

Rank Company * Burguer King * Mac Donlad's * KFC * Taco Bell * Rodilla

Source: ****

3.3 Distribution

Fast food distribution in Spain is organized around two main channels: delivery and physical stores. Delivery, facilitated by platforms such as Glovo, Uber Eats and Just Eat, is growing rapidly due to increasing demand for fast food delivered to the home. At the same time, physical stores remain a mainstay of distribution, offering consumers the option of eating in or taking away. This duality enables fast food chains to extend their reach, responding to consumers' diverse preferences for convenience and accessibility.

In ****, **.**% of fast food sales were for delivery , compared with **.**% for in-store sales.

Breakdown of sales by channel Spain, ****, % of sales Source: ****

3.4 The food-delivery market

The development of food-delivery is a major growth driver for the fast-food market in Spain. By facilitating access to fast food at home, this model broadens the customer base beyond those consumers who visit establishments directly.

In ****, among the food delivery platforms preferred by Spaniards, Burger King came out on top with **%, followed by Telepizza with **%. Glovo was in third place with **%, while Domino's held **% of consumer preferences. Other popular platforms included Just Eat (***).

Spaniards' preferred platforms for food delivery Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****

In ****, the favorite food ordered by Spaniards were pizzas, hamburgers and finally kebabs.

Spaniards' * favorite dishes when ordering food on platforms Spain, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

Between **** and ****, sales in Spain's food-delivery sector grew steadily. In ****, it was *.** billion euros, and increased each year to reach *.** billion euros in **** and **** (***). This trend demonstrates the continued expansion of the food-delivery market in Spain, underpinned by changing consumer behavior and growing demand for meal delivery.

Growth in food-delivery sales Spain, ****-****, billions of euros Source: ****

3.5 The franchise system

Between **** and ****, the number of fast-food franchises in Spain grew steadily. In ****, it stood at **, then increased slightly each year, reaching ** in ****. This upward trend accelerated from ****, with a notable increase to ** in **** and ** in ****. In ****, the number of franchises continued to rise, reaching **, and in **** it passed the ** mark. from ****, growth accelerated further, reaching ** franchises that year and ** in ****. By ****, this number had risen again to **, and by **** it had reached **, marking steady growth over the past ** years. No data are available for **** and ****, due to the absence of specific reports for these years.

Number of franchises in Spain Spain, ****-****, number of franchises Source: ****

Between **** and ****, sales in the hotel/fast-food franchise sector in Spain grew overall, albeit with some notable fluctuations. In ****, sales amounted to *.** billion euros, rising slightly in **** to *.** billion euros (***), signalling sustained growth and strong resilience after the crisis years.

Sales trends for the hotel/fast-food franchise sector in Spain Spain, ****-****, billions of euros Source:Informe franquicias España **** By ****, **.**% of total sales in Spain's fast-food sector were generated by franchised restaurants. Of this share, **.**% of sales were attributed exclusively to franchised restaurants, while **.**% of sales came from franchises' own restaurants. This shows that ...

3.6 Geographical distribution of the main fast-food chains

The map below highlights the different MacDonald's restaurants in Spain in ****. They are concentrated in the country's major cities and tourist regions, such as Madrid and Andalusia.

Mac Donald's :

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

The typology of the fast food offer can be classified in different ways according to various criteria such as the type of product offered, the business model, the type of service or even the socio-demographic category of consumers. Here's a detailed typology:

*. By product type

Hamburgers and sandwiches: This type of fast food includes the most popular chains, such as McDonald's, Burger King, or Five Guys, which specialize mainly in burgers, fries and drinks. These chains also offer variations such as chicken, fish or vegetarian menus. Pizzas: Chains such as Domino's, Pizza Hut and Little Caesars specialize in takeaway and home delivery pizzas. They generally offer standard pizzas, but also customized versions with different types of toppings. Tex-Mex cuisine: Chains like Taco Bell or Chipotle offer products inspired by Tex-Mex cuisine: tacos, burritos, quesadillas and nachos. These chains are known for their generous portions and menus featuring grilled meats, beans and spicy sauces. Fried chicken and fast meat dishes: Chains like KFC (***) and Popeyes specialize in fried chicken. They offer menus based mainly on fried chicken pieces, but also sides such as fries, corn or salads. Salads and balanced dishes: Some chains stand out for their healthier offerings, with products ...

4.2 Prices

In Spain, fast-food prices vary considerably between chains, influencing their accessibility and customer perception. McDonald's remains one of the most affordable chains, despite the recent increase in the price of the Big Mac, with products available from €*.**. Taco Bell, which specializes in Tex-Mex cuisine, offers economical options from €*, while Burger King, with its "King Ahorro" program, offers competitively priced menus. Chains like Subway also attract customers with promotional offers and exclusive coupons. For pizza lovers, Little Caesars remains an economical option, with pizzas starting at €*.**.

On the other hand, some chains are perceived as more expensive. Five Guys, for example, has an average bill of around €**, which is considered high for a fast-food chain. Although KFC has historically offered attractive prices, recent increases, such as the €**"*-piece bucket", have drawn criticism. Other American chains such as Chipotle, Chick-fil-A, and Wendy's are also known for their higher prices.

These price differences reflect a segmentation in the offer, ranging from very affordable options to premium products, allowing consumers to choose according to their budget and preferences.

Source: ****

In ****, the average price of fast food in Spain ranged from €* to €**.

Average price of a fast food menu in Spain Spain, ****, € Source: ****

The tables below ...

4.3 Price trends

Between **** and ****, the price index for fast-food services in Spain, based on a reference of *** in ****, showed a gradual increase. In ****, the index was **.**. In ****, it rose slightly to **.** (***). This reflects a steady upward trend in fast-food prices in Spain over this period.

Evolution of the fast-food services price index Spain, ****-*****, index base ***, **** Source: INE *Only the months from January to October have been taken into account for the year ****.

4.4 Supply trends

The fast food industry in Spain is undergoing a rapid transformation, marked by changing consumer expectations, technological innovations and new business models. based on emerging trends and global best practices, several dynamics are redefining this sector.

Growing demand for healthier, sustainable options:

Consumers are increasingly aware of their health and the environmental impact of their food choices. This trend has led to an increase in menus offering healthy alternatives, such as salads, veggie bowls, vegan burgers and plant-based options. Establishments are also responding to the demand for environmentally-friendly products with biodegradable and compostable packaging. These initiatives diversify the offer and enable chains to attract a wider audience, while responding to environmental issues.

Personalization and increased use of technology:

Personalization has become an essential pillar in meeting the expectations of modern customers. Thanks to interactive kiosks, mobile applications and online platforms, consumers can personalize their orders according to their preferences. These tools not only improve customer satisfaction, but also enable restaurants to collect valuable data on consumer behavior. In addition, the growing use of technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation optimizes order preparation and boosts operational efficiency. Immersive experiences via augmented or virtual reality also enable brands to create unique and ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

In Spain, a number of laws and regulations apply to the fast food industry, particularly with regard to food safety, health regulations, consumer protection and working conditions. Here are the main laws and regulations that may apply to fast food in Spain:

*. Law on food safety and consumer protection (***)

Law **/****, of July *, ****, on food safety and consumer protection, governs food safety and health risk management in all food sectors, including fast food. It establishes strict standards to guarantee food safety throughout the food production and distribution chain. This law is in line withEuropean Union requirements, in particular Regulation (***) No. ***/**** on food safety, which is mandatory in all EU member states.

*. Regulation (***) no. ***/**** on the hygiene of foodstuffs

Regulation (***) no. ***/**** defines the general hygiene requirements for all food processing establishments, including restaurants and fast food chains. It obliges these establishments to follow strict practices in terms of cleaning, storage and handling of food products, in order to prevent health risks and ensure consumer safety.

*. Law */**** of March ** on consumer and user protection

Law */**** on consumer protection stipulates strict requirements regarding the transparency of product information, the display of prices, and the provision of allergen information. Fast food restaurants must ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • McDonald's
  • O'Tacos
  • Áreas SAU
  • Burguer King España SLU
  • Grupo Zena Pizza (Alsea)
  • Sigla SA (grupo vips)

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