Summary of our market study

In France, the funeral services market will be worth around €3 billion in 2022.

The global funeral services market was valued at $62.5 billion in 2023, with an expected growth rate of 6.1% per year to reach $113 billion in 2033.

In France, sales of funeral services grew by an average of 4.11% between 2015 and 2022, with the market expected to reach $3 billion in 2022 . The French market, made up mainly of national players with a high degree of local integration, is expected to experience continued growth due to structural demographic changes, including an aging population and an increased preference for cremation over burial.

In 2022, there were around 4,413 funeral service companies in France, and the number of deaths reached around 673,637, partly due to the Covid-19 pandemic and a heat wave. The market is tending to consolidate, with major players such as Funécap and OGF (20% market share by 2022), but is also seeing the entry of mutual insurers such as La Maison des Obsèques. Funeral services are diversifying, with more ecological and digital solutions emerging as key trends.

Demand for funeral services in France against a backdrop of demographic change

The French funeral market is a sector that has continued to grow despite changing demographics, cultural practices and consumer expectations. Between 2009 and 2022, the number of deaths in France rose sharply. This represents a substantial increase of around 25% over the entire period studied.

Insee projections predict even higher annual death rates by 2050, reaching a minimum of around 770,000. This upward trend, due in part to the aging of the population and known as the "papy-boom" effect, creates a constant demand for funeral services.

A significant development in the market is the growing preference for cremation over traditional burial practices. Over a decade, the desire for burial has fallen by 10 points to 37%, while the preference for cremation has jumped by 10 points to 63%. The choice of burial or cremation is often influenced by personal beliefs and environmental considerations.

Demand for eco-certified coffins and biodegradable urns has exploded, with 52% of French people expressing a preference for these options. In line with the ecological movement, innovative practices such as humusation and the use of bicycle hearses symbolize a deeper ecological awareness in the funeral industry. Another trend we're seeing is a push towards personalization and digital integration. Consumers are seeking to ensure that their funerals faithfully reflect their identity and personal ties. For example, customizable caskets and digital obituaries are gaining ground, meeting the needs of a population that has integrated technology into its daily life.

In addition, end-of-life care for pets has become a booming sector, mirroring the human funeral market. With over 50% of French households owning a pet, specialized funeral services for pet owners are on the increase, including undertakers specializing in pet burials.

Despite changing preferences and trends, small local funeral operators retain a competitive edge over larger groups, often offering more affordable options.

Main market players

  • OGF - Pompes Funèbres Générales: OGF, short for "Organisation Générale des Funérailles", is one of the oldest and largest players in the French funeral market.
  • Funécap: A relative newcomer to the market compared to OGF, Funécap has rapidly developed into a significant market force. Thanks to aggressive growth strategies involving mergers and acquisitions, Funécap has steadily increased its market share.
  • La Maison des Obsèques: The entry of mutual insurer La Maison des Obsèques, a spin-off from the mutual insurance sector, represents a new angle of attack on the funeral market.
  • Independent local players: Beyond the national giants, the market is also teeming with local, independent companies serving families in their own communities. These players are known for their personalized touch and in-depth knowledge of local traditions and sentiments. While they may not have the financial clout of the big competitors, they often win the loyalty of their customers thanks to their tailor-made services.


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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The funeral market is the market linked to funerals organized following the death of a person. Formerly handled in France by public players and in particular La Société des Pompes funèbres générales in the XIXᵉ century, the sector has been liberalized since 1993. Numerous companies are now investing in the market.

The funeral market is made up of two main players:

  • Funeral services (organization of the funeral, provision of the coffin or urn (depending on the choice of cremation or burial), transfer of the body and hygienic care of the deceased)

  • Marble services (making headstones and monuments, flowers and cemetery fees)

On a global scale, the funeral sector is experiencing significant growth, and is expected to grow by 6.1% annually between 2023 and 2033.

The French market has seen average growth of 3.6% between 2015 and 2023. This market is made up of a multitude of small and medium-sized private players with highly developed territorial roots. However, the market is tending to concentrate around major national players such as Funécap and OGF, following multiple mergers and acquisitions.

The funeral market is also facing the arrival of new players: mutual insurance companies. Formerly organized through partnerships with the historic players in the funeral industry, their offer is evolving. They want to be able to support their members as closely as possible right up to the end of their lives. La Maison des Obsèques, created by mutual insurers, is one example. In addition, funeral insurance products are on the rise, making it easier to organize a funeral following a death.

The funeral market is closely linked to France's structural demographic changes, which are conducive to its growth. To remain dynamic, market players are renewing and diversifying their offerings: more ecologically responsible solutions (such as eco-certified coffins) and low-cost products are emerging. We should also note the growing importance of online communication by the various networks and players in the funeral industry, who are promoting their services via digital channels.

Finally, practices are evolving, and cremation is increasingly being chosen over traditional burial. As a result, the number of cremations carried out each year is increasing, as is the number of crematoria created.

In the case of cremation, the deceased can choose the destination of the post-cremation ashes, including:

  • In the countryside ;
  • In a cemetery;
  • On private property.

1.2 Global market

In ****, the global funeral market will be worth $**.* billion, and is expected to grow at an average annual rate of *.*% over the next ten years, reaching $*** billion in ****.

Forecast growth in funeral sales World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

The funeral market varies widely around the world, as funeral expenses differ according to religious practices and customs. Cremation is always less expensive than burial. In the Hindu religion, for example, cremation is the norm, whereas in the Muslim religion it is forbidden, and burial takes place only in a white sheet.

1.3 The French funeral market

In France in ****, funeral sales will total just over * billion euros, up *.*% on ****. The funeral market in France is essentially made up of national players, with relatively strong local roots. **% of undertakers are independent, as are **% of funeral services (***).

Sales index trends France, ****-****, index base *** **** Source: ****

Over the period prior to Covid, we can see a steady increase in sales in the funeral services market in France, with a CAGR (***) of *.**% between **** and ****, and a higher rise of *.*% between **** and ****. Over the total period, from **** to ****, the CAGR is *.*%.

Trend in funeral services sales growth rate France, ****-****, in Source: ****

In addition, the average annual number of deaths in France is almost ***,*** between **** and ****. In ****, the number of deaths will be ***,*** according to INSEE, compared with ***,*** deaths in ****, a higher figure than in ****. (***)

The funeral sector is highly fragmented and offers solid growth prospects: the combination of these two factors makes the sector attractive to financial investors who, like Charterhouse, have not hesitated to invest since. The aim is to participate in the consolidation of a sector that is resilient to the economic climate and offers a wealth of opportunities. Although the market is rather competitive, given the large number ...

1.4 The impact of COVID-19 on the funeral market

The number of deaths in France in **** was directly affected by the COVID-** pandemic. Indeed, this virus led to a **% rise in the number of deaths in March-April **** compared with the same period in ****.

However, the deaths during this period should not be confused with the disease itself. In fact, as INSEE points out, March and April brought together a pandemic and the implementation of living conditions that were very different from everyday French life: confinement led to a reduction in the transmission of the usual viral diseases, a drop in pollution and less exposure to accidents (***). These data are difficult to evaluate, making it impossible to fully estimate the effect of the coronavirus on mortality rates.[***]

Deaths in France from January * to April ** France, ****-****, in units Source: ****

Furthermore, the departments with the highest rate of increase in the number of deaths correspond to the main outbreaks of COVID in France: the Paris region and the Grand Est.

At regional level, Île-de-France recorded the highest increase in the number of deaths between March * and April **, ****, compared with the same period in **** (***).

2 Demand analysis

2.1 A structural demographic trend that favors market development

Number of deaths France, ****-****, in units Source: ****

This statistic shows the number of deaths in France from **** to ****. The lowest level of deaths in France was reached in ****, when around ***,*** deaths were recorded. In contrast, the highest number of deaths is observed in ****, with around ***,*** deaths, according to Insee. This higher figure in **** than in **** is due to the continuation of the Covid** epidemic and the heatwave in the summer of ****.

The number of deaths in **** will be ***,***, down *.*% on ****. This represents an increase of **.*% over the total period studied. In ****, INSEE forecasts a minimum of ***,*** deaths. This can be partly explained by the constant increase in the French population.

Cyclicality of deaths in France Metropolitan France, ****-**** Source: ****

We can observe an increase in deaths during winter.

INSEE data shows that men always die more than women, except after the age of **, which can be explained by the fact that there are far more women than men in this age bracket. The French mortality peak is between the ages of ** and **, with ***,*** female deaths and **,*** male deaths.

Number of deaths by sex and age category France, ****, in units Source: ****

Beyond the cyclical factors that can influence the mortality rate ...

2.2 A change in French expectations


People who prefer to be buried are more likely to be men (***). also, the older the respondents, the less they want to be buried, but prefer to be cremated: **% of **-** year-olds want to be buried, while only **% of those aged ** and over do.[***].

French people explain their preference for burial for **% of them by the fact that it is important for their loved ones to be able to come and pay their respects on a grave in which there is a body, and for **% of women (***) [***]

In the case of burial, the funeral operator must offer a coffin that complies with regulations on thickness and shape.

Caskets are divided into categories according to their shape: for example, there are "Parisian", "Lyonnais" and "tomb" caskets. The choice of coffin wood is also possible. You can choose from fir, oak or mahogany.

By law, the coffin must have :

a watertight bowl ; handles ; a plaque engraved with the deceased's first and last names, year of birth and year of death.

To be buried in a commune's cemetery, and therefore have a grave there, you must meet one of the following conditions:

to have died in the commune, regardless of place of residence be ...

2.3 The importance of religious ceremonial

In line with the decline of religious services in France, **% of French people want a religious ceremony for their funeral, compared with **% in ****. the percentage of people not wishing a ceremony (***).

What type of ceremony do you prefer for your own funeral? France, **** - ****, in % Source: ****

Religious ceremonies vary by faith. The Fédération Française des Pompes Funèbres outlines the main differences:

The Catholic faith : In principle, Catholic funerals consist of a church service (***) followed by a time of prayer at the cemetery. Although the Catholic faith prefers burial, cremation has been authorized since ****. The costs of the ceremony are generally covered by an offering to the parish, but funeral operators generally know the price charged by the parish.the costs of the ceremony are generally covered by an offering to the parish, but funeral operators are generally aware of the prices charged by the parishes and can include them in the package requested, in order to advance the costs themselves when organizing the funeral.

The Protestant faith : As with the Catholic faith, the funeral consists of a celebration at the temple or crematorium, followed by a time of meditation and prayer at the cemetery. The costs of ...

2.4 Demand trends


Reduce your impact on nature, even after your death.

Planting a remembrance tree is an idea that appeals to two out of three French people (***) as an option. [***]

French people's ecological commitment after death France, ****, in Source: ****

Cardboard coffins currently account for just *% of the market, and are hampered by a poor image of cardboard (***), which are immediately burned or buried.

A new practice, humusation, aims to transform the body into biodegradable compost that can be used for the soil. This practice was authorized in Washington State in **** and is currently being tested in Brussels. The advantages of this technique are that, unlike cremation, it does not generate toxic substances in the atmosphere, nor does it use fossil fuels. [***]

Ecological burial practices don't just concern the burial method or coffin materials. In ****, France will welcome the first bicycle hearse, the corbicyclette, which means lighter coffins using fewer raw materials.


The desire to reflect the personality of the deceased at the time of the funeral can be seen in the choice of coffin, especially with printed cardboard coffins, in the organization of the ceremony (***) and in the commemorative plaques ordered. These coffins are offered by Personifia, for example.


**% ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market organization and dynamics

Here's a simplified value chain for the funeral industry:

It should be noted that the urns containing the ashes of people who have chosen cremation are not necessarily placed in a cemetery, but can be kept with a relative or scattered in nature after prefectoral authorization.

Funeral services data are referenced under NAF code **.**Z.

The number of companies on the French funeral market has been rising steadily since ****. According to INSEE, in ****, there were *,*** companies on the funeral market, up *.**% on **** and *.*% on ****.

In ****, there was an increase of ** companies compared with ****, probably due to the health crisis. This increase in the number of establishments has led to an increase in the number of new hires in the sector(***).

The market is predominantly made up of independents: they account for **% of undertakers and **% of funeral care facilities[***]. This explains why the funeral market remains very local. However, these independents can group together under a generalist banner, enabling them to make economies of scale and benefit from a brand image right from the start. These include Funecap, Funeplus, Le choix funéraire and Funeris.

Number of companies in the funeral market France, ****-****, in units Source: ****

Number of employees in the ...

3.2 Small stores are the most competitive on the market

Small companies more competitive than large groups

Source: ****

The two cheapest estimates for burial and cremation are from local undertakers, not large groups.

Generally speaking, a quote for a burial from a franchise network (***) will cost €***.** more than a quote from a local undertaker. Similarly, to a lesser extent, for a cremation, the local company will remain €**.** cheaper than the franchise.

Prices vary between stores and the Internet

Source: ****

Internet prices are always higher than in-store prices. A burial will cost on average €*** more on the Internet than in a store, while a cremation will cost on average €*** more.

Prices vary by region:

According to the insurance comparator, average funeral prices in **** will also vary by region.

Source: ****

There are two reasons for the difference in maximum and minimum prices between the data from "Le Comparateur d'Assurance (***)":

The average prices observed by Familles rurales are the basic prices, taking into account only compulsory services, whereas the average prices given by Le Comparateur d'Assurance are the prices actually charged. This shows that it is rarely the basic contract that is taken out by relatives at the time of the funeral. Between **** and ****, inflation also affected the funeral sector. [***]

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Products and services

Services marked with an * are those that must be contracted with a funeral service. Other services are optional and cannot be imposed.

4.2 Prices vary by company and service

In a study by Famille Rurales in ****, investigators asked several funeral companies for the "cheapest possible" quote for a cremation or burial. The results showed significant disparities, with the most expensive quote worth up to five times that of the cheapest .

Base rate for a burial in several funeral companies France, ****, in € Source: ****

Average price of a funeral with burial, in ****

Source: ****

Basic rate for a cremation in several funeral companies France, ****, in € Source: ****

Average price of a cremation funeral, in ****

Source: ****

These price differences can be explained by the level and quality of the services offered, but are also sometimes the result of dishonest practices.

Regulated estimates, but little conformity

Since the decree of August **, ****, there has been a standard form for estimates, designed to ensure the best possible comparability and transparency. These must show three columns:

The "standard" services, which are the only compulsory ones: a coffin with four handles, excluding interior and exterior accessories, the nameplate and the burial or cremation operation, including the cinerary ashtray. So-called "optional" services, which the company may add as extras: conservation care, transfer to a funeral home, publication of the death in a newspaper or various accessories such as a cushion, a ...

4.3 A complementary product: funeral insurance

A funeral insurance policy covers funeral expenses and guarantees your wishes after your death (***).

Every year, around ***,*** people take out a funeral policy. Their reasons are generally to finance their own funeral, and to avoid being a burden on their families when the time comes. A total of *.* million French people were covered in ****, almost ***,*** contracts more than in ****, and this number is set to rise further, as the market has been growing by * to **% a year for the past ten years. [***]

According to Annie Dillard, marketing and communications director of the Prévoir group, "senior citizens represent **% of the customer base". In addition to this, the market is said to have high growth potential, since "**% of the target population is not yet covered". The average underwriting age varies from insurer to insurer, with Prévoir, for example, standing at **. price comparison companies such as Lassurance.obsèques.front have emerged.

Total number of funeral insurance policies France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****

New funeral insurance contracts each year France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****

Funeral insurers paid out an average of **** euros per funeral insurance contract in ****, and their overall benefits have been rising steadily since ****. In ****, they were worth *** million euros ...

4.4 An associated service: flowers

In ****, **% of French households bought a cemetery plant (***) for an average budget of **.* euros.

Evolution of the proportion of French people who bought a cemetery plant during the year France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

In ****, the volume purchased from supermarkets fell by **% compared with ****. Other plant professionals have also seen their sales volumes decline. In fact, garden centers are down *%, while growers are down **%. Florists and agricultural self-service outlets, on the other hand, saw positive growth of *% and **% respectively.

Breakdown of cemetery flower purchases by volume France, ****, in millions Source: ****

The chrysanthemum market is worth *** million euros and is mainly reserved for funeral-related expenditure. Every year at All Saints' Day, over ** million pots are sold, representing **% of annual spending. Chrysanthemums range in price from * to ** euros, depending on the size and color assortment (***) chosen. Over the October-November period, this market represents *** million euros. [***]

In **** for All Saints' Day, **% of French households bought a plant for the cemetery and funeral.[***]

5 Regulations

5.1 A highly regulated business

Obligations of next-of-kin following a death

In France, the use of an undertaker is compulsory, as they are the only employees authorized to perform the committal (***) and to provide a funeral vehicle. You are free to choose your own company.

The profession is highly regulated

A detailed, free, written estimate is required. Commercial canvassing is prohibited. All hearses and vehicles used to transport the deceased must pass a conformity inspection every three years (***).

Fares are set freely by companies. However, regulations governing the prices of funeral services require precise labeling indicating the total price of the coffin and accessories, as well as the quality of wood and other materials (***).

To run a funeral home or crematorium, you need prefectoral authorization and the ability to obtain a certificate of conformity issued by Cofrac or another recognized accreditation body.

The French Law on the Modernization of the Economy (***). Penalties for exceeding these limits have been stepped up.

Certificates and quality labels

Among the quality labels and certificates frequently used in this sector is ISO ****. According to the regulations, "this standard is based on a number of quality management principles, including a strong customer focus, management motivation and commitment, a process approach and continuous ...

5.2 Demanding professional training

A professional qualification is required to work in funeral services.

A national diploma in thanatopraxy is required for the right to care for the deceased. This diploma is obtained after *** hours of theoretical training and ** months of practical training.

The next step is to obtain authorization from the prefecture to practice the profession. This authorization is valid for * year for companies with less than * years' experience, and for a further * years from the date of issue. Professionals must justify their qualification to practice the activity by means of a diploma obtained after *** hours of theoretical training, ** hours of additional training in business management and ** hours of practical training on the job. In addition, it is not possible to work in a mortician's company without a clean criminal record (***).

since they are considered craftsmen, thanatopractor and marble masons must register with the Chambre de Métiers. For other services, the professional must register with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • OGF
  • Funécap groupe
  • Pompes Funèbres Pascal Leclerc (Funecap)
  • Roc Eclerc
  • Le choix Funéraire
  • Sérenium (OGF)
  • Services Funéraires Ville de Paris
  • Lassurance.obsè
  • Rebillon (Funecap)
  • En sa mémoire
  • La Maison des Obsèques (vyv Groupe)
  • Sorenir
  • Comitam
  • Simplifia
  • Seiven
  • Prestige Granit

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