Summary of our market study

In France, the 3D printing market is estimated at between €600 and €700 million.

Germany leads the way with a market worth almost $1.3 billion, followed by the USA ($1.2 billion) and China ($1.1 billion). France is the world's fourth-largest market

The market is driven by demand in the automotive, aerospace, medical and space sectors

Despite a modest share of unit sales, industrial printers generate the majority of market revenues.

62% of 3D printing users are engineers.

The market is relatively concentrated, with key players such as General Electric and HP, and specialist players such as Stratasys and 3D Systems.

The market structure is a combination of large, diversified groups and specialized pure players.

Products are increasingly affordable, with 3D printers ranging in price from $100 to $1,000.

Market players

  • General Electric develops sophisticated industrial 3D printing solutions.
  • HP Inc. is present with its Multi Jet Fusion technology.
  • Michelin has entered the 3D printing field, partnering with companies like Fives to invest in 3D metal printing technologies. .
  • Prodways: Historic leader in industrial 3D printing, specialist in orthopedic insoles.
  • Stratasys: American player and global industrial giant
  • 3D Systems: A leading American company
  • EOS: Leader in the additive manufacturing sector
  • Poly-Shape specializes in precision 3D printing services
  • Sculpteo offers online 3D printing services.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the 3D printer market

A 3D printer is a machine that allows you to design real objects in 3 dimensions from a file created with 3D design software. The objects created can be models, parts, scale models or prototypes. 3D printers can be industrial or desktop depending on their use.

The production of parts via 3D printers requires:

  • The production of materials for 3D printing (plastics, resins, metal dust),
  • The use of hardwares to be the machines and 3D printers
  • The softwares (creation softwares)
  • And sometimes services and consulting activities in 3D printing

The 3D printing (or additive manufacturing) market includes the following activities

  • of selling 3D printing machines and solutions
  • sale of printed products via specialized machines to customers wishing to create product prototypes
  • printing services

The global market for 3D printers is growing rapidly in terms of the number of printers sold. Companies are investing heavily in the use of 3D printers and the market is largely dominated by the United States.

Industrial printers, while representing a small share of total sales, account for the majority of revenue generated. The rest of the sales are desktop 3D printers. The sector is relatively concentrated and organized around a few printer manufacturers for the industrial and desktop segments.

The French market is ultimately organized around large multi-activity groups and 3D printing specialists.the market is growing rapidly, partly driven by a number of very dynamic SMEs. However, the industry is still struggling to develop, as demand is mainly foreign. This demand is particularly strong in the automotive, aeronautical, space and medical sectors.

The potential of additive manufacturing was fully perceived during the pandemic, especially when it was necessary to accelerate the development and production of certain products. This momentum will surely increase the reliability of additive manufacturing in the years to come, especially through technological advances and improved availability of materials at production scale.

1.2 A recent and booming global market

The global *D printing market is still in its infancy, but it is considered to have the potential to revolutionize global manufacturing and is likely to be particularly disruptive in certain industries such as healthcare and high-tech electronics. It is estimated that there are about ** million *D printed hearing aids in circulation today. In particular, according toHudson Valley *D Printingthe number of *D printers for commercial use increased from *** in **** to **,*** in **** worldwide over the period .

As we can see below, the value of the global *D printing market is growing rapidly.According to Citithe market is worth nearly $** billion globally, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of just under **% between **** and ****, reaching US$** billion by ****.

This is a fairly concentrated market, with the top five industrial *D printer producers accounting for **% of revenue. The top five producers of desktop *D printers account for **% of sales by number of units.The market is also dominated by the United States, with more than **% of printers installed, according to *D Hubs.

The global *D printing market World, **** - *****, Billion USD Source: ****

Finally, * major business segments are emerging in the global *D printing market: *D printing materials , hardwares (***).

*D printing market segments World, ...

1.3 An already important market in France

The French *D printing market is certainly a young but growing market. According to Capitalfrance accounted for *% of the global *D printing market in ****, and for *.*% according to a report by *D hubsthat is, between *** and *** million euros for the *D printing market as a whole. The growth of the French market is driven in particular by the offer. France is experiencing a flowering of SMEs. These contribute to the growth of the sector and whose customers are centered around * main segments: automotive, aeronautics, space and medical. For example, Prodways, one of the leaders in France, mass-produces between *** and **** orthopedic insoles per week in France.

The French *D printing market France, **** - *****, in €M Source: ****

As we can see above, the French market is growing continuously over the period from **** to ****. Indeed, over the period, the market has grown from a total value of €*** million to €***.* million. Thus, the market has grown at an average annual rate of *.*% throughout the period. by comparison, the German market experienced an AAGR of nearly *.*% over the period, compared to *.*% in the Spanish market.

1.4 COVID-19 crisis highlights the value of 3D printing

The COVID-** crisis demonstrated the industrial and medical interest of *D printing. Indeed, swabs, protective masks, visors, elbow grips, breathing valves, and many other objects were *D printed during the health crisis.

The example of Hewlett-Packard is interesting: the company has printed *.* million parts since the beginning of the crisis around the world[***]. On March **, ****, the University Hospital Center (***) of Caen alerted on a lack of protective equipment in the resuscitation blocks. Paris Saclay Hardware Accelerator responded to this call within ** hours and designed, produced and distributed partially *D printed full face protection visors on a voluntary basis. HP also responded to the call and connected the hospitals with its partners equipped with *D printers, such as Decathlon. In all, **,*** visors were delivered to healthcare workers.

Stratasys Europe Middle East & Africa also became the supplier of the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (***). "By leveraging *D printing technology at this scale, AP-HP has created its own in-house supply chain, placing production directly where it placing production directly where it is needed and ensuring that essential equipment is quickly available to medical staff[***].

2 Analysis of the demand

2.1 Global spending on 3D printers is increasing dramatically

Global spending on *D printing has grown significantly, driven by the increasing integration of *D printers into various industrial processes. The *D printing market has several outlets: industry, high-tech, consumer goods, etc. As shown below, industry is the main market and accounts for nearly **% of the demand for *D printing. Services account for **% of the demand, followed by the high-tech sector, which accounts for **% of the demand.

Key market opportunities for *D printing World, ****, in Source: ****

*D printing technology, combined with the democratization of IoT and the development of smart devices, are enabling cost reduction and value chain optimization. According to the report published by IDC, the combined developments of *D printing techniques will push nearly **% of manufacturing industries to almost fully automate their production lines to optimize yields. In addition, rapid advances in the medical and bioprinting sectors will be important drivers of this market's growth. Indeed, the same report states that **% of healthcare spending worldwide by **** will be on *D printing materials.

2.2 The 3D printer, an increasingly popular product.

According to a **** market report by market leader Sculpteothe penetration rate of *D printers is constantly evolving. In fact, as we can see from the graph below, this penetration rate has increased from *% in **** to nearly **% in ****. Beyond the growing popularity of *D printers, the continuous growth of the penetration rate is also explained by the decreasing costs and increasing competitiveness of *D printers.

*D printer penetration rate trends Worldwide, ****-****, in % Source: ****

Furthermore, according to the same report, the purchase of a *D printer appears in the top * priorities of companies in **** behind the desire toaccelerate product development, offer custom products, increase production flexibility and reduce capital expenditure.

Which area related to *D printing is your company's priority? France, ****, in percent Source: ****

2.3 The integration of 3D printing in industrial processes

The integration of *D printing in industrial processes is a real growth lever. Indeed, it appears that as a technology, industrial *D printing is one of the key vectors towards the digital factory of the future. It changes the rules of the game for many market players. While the use of innovative new technologies, such as industrial *D printing, helps companies on this path, they often trigger a wave of change throughout the organization.

In addition to technology, people - or rather the ability of managers and engineers to lead the transformation - are a key factor in a company's success, because if the dewhile the decision to adopt additive manufacturing offers an unprecedented level of freedom, it also requires a fundamental rethinking of the design and production stages. The study conducted by Sculpteo on the profile of *D printing users, summarized in the following graph, shows that the overwhelming majority of users - **% of them - are engineers wishing to use this product in industrial processes.

Profile of *D printing users France, ****, as a % Source: ****

*D printing is one of the key emerging technologies in Industry *.*. The use and implementation of additive manufacturing, in combination with other technologies, is ...

2.4 Healthcare, a major growth driver for the 3D printing market

The medical sector is a real growth driver for *D printing. Indeed, the manufacture of implants and nanotechnology is particularly well suited to *D printing. The purpose of an implant is to replace an organ over a long period of time or to replace one or more of its functions. It is therefore, by definition, totally adapted to the patient and his anatomy. Customization is time-consuming and costly when using traditional manufacturing methods. This is where additive manufacturing comes into its own and assists in the design of custom implants.

The global healthcare *D printing market size was valued at $*** million in ****, and is expected to reach $**** million by ****, growing at a CAGR of **.*% between **** and ****. *D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, uses a layer-by-layer addition technique to produce customized physical medical equipment and products from a three-dimensional digital file. *D printing software is used to create a computer-aided design (***) package using a *D scanner, digital camera or *D modeling software. The *D model created using CAD can be modified and adjusted, allowing it to be verified, before the object is printed. In addition, it offers several advantages over traditional reconstructive surgeries by reducing the operative risks associated with complex ...

3 Market structure

3.1 3D printing market players in France

The *D printing market is in full swing. In fact, we can see that several types of players coexist in this market:

Large groups: Large, diversified, multi-activity groups such as General Electric, HP, Michelin or Siemens Pure players: *D printing specialists (***) such as *D Systems, Stratasys and Xerox

The cohabitation of these two types of players is particularly visible when looking at the patents filed. As we can see below, the market is still dominated by large players, with the critical mass to finance advanced R&D programs.

Patents filed in the *D printing sector World, ****, in units Source: ****

In addition, other major players are positioning themselves strongly in the global *D printing market. This is the case, for example, of Google, which in the summer of **** invested nearly $*** million in a new technology called CLIP, which promises to increase printing speed by a factor of **. on a smaller scale, Michelin has invested €* million in a *D metal industry in Auvergne, in partnership with the company Fives, in order to develop a turnkey production unit offer.

Nevertheless, pure players have a comparative advantage due to their technological lead. The world's number * in *D printing is the American company *DSystems, whose founder ...

3.2 Global 3D printer production is concentrated

The Wohlers **** report states that there were a total of **,*** industrial installations of *D printers between ****-****. As we can see from the chart below, **.*% of this production was from the United States, compared to **.*% in China, *.*% in Japan *.*% and *.*% in Germany.

Global *D printer production World, ****, in % Source: ****

Between **** and ****, annual sales of desktop printers grew from just ** units to ***,*** units, according to the **** Wohlers Report. Wohlers estimates that the biggest growth in desktop *D printer sales will be in businesses and educational institutions, not home use.

Thus, corporate investment is driving *D printer production upward. As we can see from the chart below, **% of companies surveyed by Sculpteo in **** say they want to increase their investment in *D printing.

*D Printing Investment Forecast World, ****, in Source: ****

3.3 3D printer shipments worldwide are growing exponentially

According to Gartner, unit shipments of *D printers worldwide increased between **** and ****, and forecasts for *D printer shipments in **** will increase nearly **-fold over **** to *.* million units shipped in ****.

Unit shipments of *D printers between **** and **** World, **** - ****, in millions Source: ****

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 The three dominant technologies in the 3D printing market

*D printing relies on several underlying technologies. NeaAccording to a **** market report by market leader Sculpteo* main technologies are used in the *D printing industry:

Fused deposition modeling(***): this is a type of additive manufacturing technology that allows the construction of three-dimensional objects, prototypes and products through a computer-aided or computer-driven manufacturing process. It is used in *D printing or the design of solid models and prototypes in a layered or additive approach. Selective laser sintering(***): This is a selective laser sintering prototyping technique without the use of liquids that creates *D objects from powders sintered or fused by a high-power laser. Stereolithography" (***).

The most widely used technologies for *D printing World, ****, in Source: ****

4.2 Different prices for 3D printers depending on the range and use

According to Internet price comparisons, the price of a *D printer depends on the range and its use (***). The accessibility of *D printers has been gradually democratized since **** in France with prices that could reach *** *** € for an average of first prices at * *** €.

There are now * main price ranges for *D printers in France:

The first prices, between *** € and **** €, which correspond to *D printers of small volumes Mid-range *D printers are the most common, with prices ranging from €*,*** to €*,*** High-end *D printers offering larger volumes, a wider range of usable materials and superior print quality, which generally cost between €*,*** and €*,***

Many industrial *D printers are worth hundreds of thousands of euros. The price sometimes even reaches €***,***.

As a result, and in view of this rise in the price of industrial *D printers, some leaders such as AddUp have started to set up rental offers.

4.3 Different printing rates depending on the volume of plastic and metal used

According to a study on *D printing conducted by Forbesthere are six main types of materials used in *D printing:

Plastic Metal Resin Stoneware Wax Ceramic

However, as shown in the graph below from Forbes, the top * materials are plastic, metal and resin. The price of *D printing therefore depends on the volume of plastic or metal used in the printing process.

Main raw materials used in *D printing World, ****-****, in % Source: ****

Here is a summary of prices by different volumes of plastic used resulting from exhaustive research by the Businesscoot teams:

4.4 Challenges facing the supply of 3D printers

Additive manufacturing has evolved considerably over the past decade, especially on the issue of available materials. Nevertheless, there are still barriers to the adoption of *D printing in mass production. Lack of industrial-scale materials, product reliability and repeatability, post-processing and cost per part continue to be challenges.

The challenge today is to push the financial break-even point: at what volume is it more interesting to switch to plastic injection versus *D printing? For the last ten years, this point was very low: beyond *** parts, it was no longer profitable to stay with *D printing. The lack of budget is therefore the main obstacle before this technology becomes accessible to smaller companies.

What are the main obstacles to the adoption of *D printing? World, ****, in percent Source: ****

Today, lower production costs have raised the threshold to nearly **,*** parts, suggesting significant growth potential for this market.

In addition, the expansion and diversification of the materials portfolio as a major challenge for additive manufacturing to grow. Indeed, the larger the material portfolio, the more use cases for additive manufacturing will multiply.

The lack of international standards would prevent additive manufacturing from fully penetrating production lines. In addition, it appears complicated to develop standards for ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Indirect regulation supplemented by specific standardization

Due to the recent emergence of additive manufacturing technologies, there is a relative lack of national or international regulation. However, the multiplication of standards allows for a precise framework of *D printing processes.

A regulation resulting from the use of chemical products

In a professional context, the site where a *D printer is installed becomes de facto a specific pollution area. Article R****-* provides that premises with specific pollution are premises in which dangerous or annoying substances are emitted in the form of gases, vapors, solid or liquid aerosols other than those linked to the sole presence of humans, as well as premises that may contain sources of potentially pathogenic micro-organisms. The obligations arising from the definition of these premises concern ventilation and the control of pollutants.

The thermoplastic filaments used in *D printing are all polymers, i.e. molecules characterized by the sequence of one or more types of monomer units. This name implies the respect of the regulation REACH (***).

Standardization to complement regulations

Numerous national and international standards relating to additive manufacturing have emerged. These standards have developed following the evolution of uses and technologies.

In October ****, AFNOR, the French association of standardization, defines by the standard NF ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation of market players

  • Prodways
  • Stratasys
  • 3D Systems
  • EOS
  • SLM Solutions
  • ExOne
  • Voxeljet
  • GE Vernova
  • HP Hewlett Packard
  • AddUp
  • Poly-Shape
  • Sculpteo
  • Poietis
  • ARRK
  • Materialise 3D
  • XtreeE
  • Construction 3D
  • Batiprint3D
  • Athletics 3D
  • Dagoma
  • 3DCeram Sinto
  • EOS GmbH
  • Formlabs
  • Pollen AM
  • Markforged
  • Arburg
  • 3D Advance
  • Desktop Metal
  • Zortrax
  • Microlight3D
  • Weber Beamix (Saint-Gobain groupe)
  • 3Deus Dynamics

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