Summary of our market study
The French herbal medicine market is valued at €780 million.
The global herbal medicine market is close to $200 billion.
Europe is the leading market for herbal medicines.
The phytotherapy market includes phytotherapy, aromatherapy and gemmotherapy.
In France, the aromatherapy market is estimated at €248 million, gemmotherapy at €3.4 million and medicinal plants at €224 million 1.
The French market is largely driven by pharmacies and parapharmacies, which account for 74% of sales of phytotherapy products,
Phytotherapy: an evolving market fuelled by natural health trends
In a country where nearly two out of five people consider themselves ill-informed about natural treatments, and where one in three doubts their efficacy, the industry has managed to thrive, demonstrating the growing popularity of alternative medicine.
Phytotherapy, the practice of medicine using plants and plant extracts, has found itself at the forefront of this movement, responding to a public seeking less toxic, more organic health solutions.
The phytotherapy market in France is estimated at around 780 million euros, with growth of around 10% over the past five years. The forecast annual growth rate is around 5%.
A significant percentage of healthcare professionals believe in the benefits of phytotherapy and recommend it to patients.
The COVID-19 pandemic has only reinforced consumers' search for chemical-free plant treatments to boost immunity.
Market players include multinationals as well as numerous smaller players
- Arkopharma is a specialist in dietary supplements
- Nutergia is renowned for its expertise in dietary supplements. Their formulations are centered on the concept of nutritional therapy, aimed at providing supplements that support the body's biochemical balance.
- EE Pharma is another major competitor, part of the Havea Group
- Les 3 Chênes focuses on natural solutions
- Perrigo is a healthcare group that extends its reach beyond phytotherapy.
- Urgo stands out in the healthcare sector for its specialized products
- Pierre Fabre integrates phytotherapy into a broader pharmaceutical context
- Sanofi, already a giant in the pharmaceutical industry, has also entered the field of phytotherapy,
- Bayer, another pharmaceutical heavyweight, has expressed interest in the phytotherapy market
- Merck recognizes the complementary role of phytotherapy in general health and well-being.
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of study
Phytotherapy is medicine based on the use of plants or plant extracts and their natural properties, and comprises[FranceAgriMer] :
- phytotherapy proper (infusions, decoctions, tinctures, medicinal plant extracts) ;
- aromatherapy (essential oils) ;
- gemmotherapy (extracts of buds, young shoots or other parts of medicinal plants).
Phytotherapy uses exclusively plant-based products obtained by extraction, generally diluted in alcohol or another solvent. Phytotherapy products may be available in various forms:
- Whole or divided plants;
- Various galenic forms (syrups, drops, tablets, capsules, sachets, ampoules).
Most phytotherapy products are marketed as dietary supplements or medicines . This study therefore focuses on medicinal plants, on which the entire industry is based, and on the various formats of phytotherapy products (mainly dietary supplements). This study excludes details on essential oils (aromatherapy), for which a dedicated study is available in our catalog.
Phytotherapy offers a number of major advantages: it is undoubtedly less toxic than drugs, and plant-based treatments accounted for less than 1% of reports of adverse reactions in 2015, all types of treatment combined.
As a result, the French herbal medicine market "proper" is booming: estimated at 778.4 million euros in 2022, it has grown by 10% since 2017, and should continue to grow at a CAGR of 5% until 2025[OpenHealth]. The aromatherapy and gemmotherapy markets are estimated at 248 million euros in 2022 and 3.4 million euros in 2021 respectively[FranceAgriMer].
Similarly, theglobal herbal medicine market is estimated at$160.2 billion in 2022 , and should continue to grow at aCAGR of 10.9% over the period 2023-2030, reaching $367.9 billion in 2030. europe largely dominates this market, with a high R&D budget particularly dedicated to it. [Market Research Future]
Indeed, in a global context of a return to natural, wellness, organic and healthier practices, phytotherapy is experiencing a certain craze. What's more, this growth has been driven by the advent of the Covid-19 epidemic, as people seek chemical-free plants to boost their immunity .
The challenge now is to better inform the public about natural treatments and their effectiveness, of which herbal medicine is one. Indeed, according to a study conducted by Ipsos in 2019, 38% of French people consider themselves ill-informed, and 32% doubt their effectiveness.
1.2 The French herbal medicine market is growing strongly
As we have already seen, the phytotherapy market comprises: phytotherapy proper (***),aromatherapy and gemmotherapy . The sales figures for these different segments are detailed below.
In ****, the phytotherapy market proper in pharmacies and parapharmacies (***) in France was estimated at *** million euros[***]. According to Arkopharma, pharmacies and parapharmacies accounted for **% of total sales of phytotherapy products in France in ****.
Assuming that this percentage remains stable between **** and ****, we can estimate the herbal medicine market at ***.* million euros in ****. The data used for this estimate are as follows:
Market size = *** / *.** = ***.* million euros
The following graph shows the evolution of sales of phytotherapy in pharmacies and parapharmacy outlets, on which we base our estimate of total phytotherapy sales. This sales figure rose by **% from **** to ****, from *** million euros to *** million, and should continue to increase at a CAGR of *% until ****, reaching *** million euros.
Sales of phytotherapy in pharmacies and parapharmacies France, ****-****, in millions of euros SOurce : OpenHealth
Next, sales of the aromatherapy market were estimated at *** million euros in ****, having increased by **% compared to ****, after falling by **% between **** and ****. It should continue to grow at a CAGR of *% until ****, reaching *** million euros .
Size of the aromatherapy market in pharmacies, parapharmacies and organic stores France, ...
1.3 The global herbal medicine market
The global herbal medicine market was estimated at $***.* billion in **** , and is expected to continue growing at a CAGR of **.*% over the period ****-****, reaching $***.* billion in **** .
Global herbal medicine market size World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****
This growth is driven by the advent of the Covid-** epidemic . Indeed, the global market for herbal medicines is experiencing very strong demand for * reasons: their immunity-boosting power and their chemical-free composition.
The continent that dominates and will continue to dominate the herbal medicine market in the years to come isEurope. Indeed, growing R&D for these medicines and increasing market investment in the region are expected to drive market growth over the period ****-****.
The *nd region with the largest market share is North America, as the USA has recently become aware of the benefits of herbal medicines.
Source: ****
1.4 Foreign trade
Here, we look at imports and exports of dried aromatic and medicinal plants, followed by a breakdown of the main buyers and sellers, from and for France, of medicinal plants, aromatics, spices and aromatic seeds. Phytotherapy does not include spices and aromatic seeds, but these figures give us an idea of market movements, with medicinal plants accounting for over **% of imports and exports of the total concerned.
Imports and exports for dried aromatic and medicinal plants, as is France and the World, ****-****, in millions of euros Source : FranceAgriMer Between **** and ****, French imports of dried aromatic and medicinal plants rose significantly, from €*** million to €*** the same time, exportshave also risen, albeit less sharply, from ** million euros in **** to *** million euross in ****.as a result, the trade balance remained negative throughout this period, worsening from -** million euros in **** to -*** million in ****.
French export destinations for medicinal and aromatic plants, spices and seeds France and the World, ****, in % (***) Source : FranceAgriMer In ****, Frenchfrench exportswere split between several destinations.Germany was the main market,with **.*% of exports, followed by Switzerland(***). The rest of the world accounted for **.*% of French exports in this sector.
Origin of French imports of medicinal and aromatic ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 The perception of natural treatments and phytotherapy in France
The above data dates from **** and ****, but illustrates the trust the French have in phytotherapy, which is broadly the same in ****.
In ****, according to a survey conducted by Ipsos, **% of French people said they used natural treatments, of which **% used homeopathy, **% aromatherapy and **% phytotherapy as such. We can thus observe that phytotherapy, although used by almost one French person in *, remains less well-known and widespread than other so-called "alternative" or natural medicines.
Share of French people using natural products France, ****, in % Ipsos
OpinionWay also conducted a survey in May **** among a sample of **** French people, to assess their perception and judgment of health prodiuits, including phytotherapy products. As a result, **% of those questioned said they consider medicinal plants, phytotherapy products in general and essential oils to be good for their health and the health of their loved ones.
"For each of the following products, please indicate whether you consider it good for your health and that of your loved ones" France, May ****, in Source: ****
Barriers to consumption
However, a large proportion of French people have doubts about the efficacy of herbal products. Indeed, this is one of the two main barriers to herbal medicine consumption in France, according to the ...
2.2 Consumer profile
In France, in ****, **% of consumers of natural treatments were women, and this proportion rose to **% when looking specifically at phytotherapy. Also, **% of natural treatment consumers had children. Finally, the consumer base was rather young, with **% aged under **.
However, this typical profile of natural treatment consumers has gradually become more masculine, and now extends to an increasingly large proportion of the population: **% of French people want to use natural treatments in the future. [***]
Reasons for use
The main reason for using natural treatments is that they offer a healthier alternative to conventional medicines (***). The main product claims driving the purchase of herbal products are as follows:
Source: ****
2.3 The role of healthcare professionals
Present throughout the health pathway, and therefore in this case the purchasing pathway, healthcare professionals have a key role to play in the expansion of phytotherapy in France.
In ****, **% of healthcare professionals (***). Doctors were slightly less likely to believe in the virtues of alternative medicine, but **% were positive about the use of phytotherapy.
"For each of the following medicines, do you believe in its health benefits?" France, January ****, in % Source: ****
**% of healthcare professionals recommend alternative medicines
Recommendations of alternative and complementary medicine by healthcare professionals France, ****, in Odoxa
Natural health products are often purchased on the recommendation of a healthcare professional(***), play an important role in the purchasing process.
Purchase drivers for natural health products and dietary supplements France, May ****, in Source: ****
3 Market structure
3.1 Medicinal plant production in France
In the data compiled by France Agrimer, medicinal plants are included in a category of plants known as PPAM (***).
In ****, France will have **,*** hectares under PPAM cultivation, an increase of *% on ****, and **% on ****. The majority of this area will be occupied by perfume plants(***). France will have **,*** ha of medicinal plant cultivation in ****, down by *% on ****. [***]
Surface area dedicated to PPAM cultivation France, ****-****, in hectares France Agrimer
Distribution of PPAM surface area by type France, ****, in % France Agrimer France Agrimer
Medicinal plant (***) cultivation
In France, the total area under medicinal plant cultivation initially declined between **** and ****, to the benefit of import growth (***), before increasing again between **** and ****. As a result, the PM cultivation area rose from **,*** ha in **** to **,*** ha in ****.
PM cultivation area France, ****-****, in hectares France Agrimer
(** t
lemon balm
(***,*** euros
Main PM marketed - volume France, ****, in tons France Agrimer
Main MP marketed - value France, ****, in thousands of euros France Agrimer
3.2 Distributing phytotherapy products
In France, the distribution of phytotherapy products is largely dominated by pharmacies and parapharmacies, which account for almost **% of market share, according to data supplied by Arkopharma (***). Supermarkets and hypermarkets account for *.*% of the market, online sales *.*% and organic and health food stores *.*%.
Distribution of phytotherapy products by channel France, ****, in Arkopharma via Sénat
3.3 Arkopharma, market leader in phytotherapy, and acquisition by Dermapharm
Most of the major manufacturers of natural health products are present in pharmacies, but access remains difficult for many smaller players, not listed here, due to limited space in pharmacies. Laboratories such as Arkopharma, Sanofi, Bayer, Urgo, Mayoly Spindler and Biocodex, which are present in pharmacies, have crucial relationships with pharmacies to access this restricted pharmaceutical distribution channel.
Arkopharma, in particular, was the European leader in the phytotherapy market until the end of ****, offering some twenty ranges of food supplements, medicines and medical devices for health, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, beauty and well-being. The company was present in over ** countries worldwide, including * subsidiaries abroad. In ****, the company reported sales of *** million euros, down *. *% on ****.despite a strong expansion strategy, France was a key country for the company, accounting for **% of its sales. [***]
Arkopharma Group sales France, ****-****, in million euros Source: ****
Dermapharm acquires Arkopharma from Montagu
Dermapharm, the German pharmaceutical company, has acquired Arkopharma in **** for around €*** million, far surpassing Montagu's initial valuation of less than €*** million in ****. This transaction, based on a multiple of ** times **** Ebitda, aims to propel Dermapharm into the herbal medicine business in Europe, broadening its scope of activity beyond conventional medicines, vaccines and OTC products. Prior to this ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Typology of phytotherapy products
Food supplements account for a large proportion of phytotherapy products sold in France. They can be marketed in a variety of galenic forms. The following data dates from ****, but gives a general idea of how herbal medicines are marketed.
In pharmacies, the vast majority (***).
Main formats of phytotherapy products (***) in pharmacies France, ****, in France Agrimer
Main formats of phytotherapy products (***) in parapharmacy France, ****, in % France Agrimer France Agrimer
In both pharmacies and parapharmacies, gemmotherapy sales are on the rise, reaching *.** million euros and ***,*** euros respectively in ****, for a total volume of *,*** liters. The main products sold are blackcurrant, fig, linden and hawthorn.[***]
Sales in pharmacies are around * times higher than in drugstores. The solutions are mainly aloe vera (***)
Although the volume of capsules sold in pharmacies is down (***), averaging €***/kg. In parapharmacy, both volume and value are on the rise: over * tonnes for over €* million in ****, with a ****-**** trend of +*.*% in volume and +**.*% in value. The average value of these plant powders in capsules is around €*,***/kg, i.e. €*** more than in pharmacies.
The plant most consumed in capsule form in pharmacies is harpagophytum (***). In parapharmacy, borage and evening primrose capsules dominate the market, accounting for almost ...
4.2 Overview of market prices
The prices below are taken from an Arkopharma document detailing the selling prices of their products in pharmacies. They are therefore statements rather than averages. The focus here is on Arkogélules and Arkofluides, the two herbal products mainly presented in this document.
For Arkogélule products, the standard format is ** capsules; For Arkofluides products, the standard format is a box of ** x ** mL ampoules.
Arkogélules range - ** capsule format
Source: ****
Arkogélules range - format *** capsules
Source: ****
Arkofluides range
Source: ****
4.3 Organic products on the rise
For phytotherapy products, organic sales remain relatively low in pharmacies, but are significantly higher in parapharmacy outlets, and especially in organic stores.
Over the last decade, the number of farms and areas devoted to organic PPAM has grown remarkably, with respective increases of +***% and +***% between **** and ****. In ****, the surface area devoted to organic PPAM will reach **,*** ha, of which *,*** ha will be certified organic and *,*** ha in conversion, representing almost **% of the sector's national surface area. In terms of farms, around **% of PPAM producers, or *,***, are involved in organic farming, testifying to the continued dynamism of this sector, with growth of +**.*% in surface area and +**.*% in the number of farms between **** and ****.
Growth in the number of committed farms and certified organic and in-conversion areas France, ****-****, in units and hectares Source: ****
In terms of cultivated area, lavender(***). Organic acreage (***) by plant France, ****, in Source: ****
Lastly, organic acreage is more concentrated in the southern half of France, particularly in the south-eastern quarter.
Indeed, the PAC, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Occitanie regions will account for **%, **% and **% respectively of organic PPAM acreage in ****, with farmed areas of *,*** ha, *,*** ha and *,*** ha.
5 Regulations
5.1 Medicinal plant sales in France
The sale of medicinal plants, and therefore the scope of practice of phytotherapy, is regulated by the Pharmacopoeia, which lists all recognized medicinal plants. Medicinal plants are considered to be substances with a therapeutic action, and as such, their sale is authorized only to pharmacists practicing in dispensaries. Private individuals may not cultivate these plants for the purpose of selling them, nor may they sell them if they possess them. [***]
However, *** of them benefit from a more flexible regime, as they are used for food and cosmetics. For these *** plants, decree no. ****-*** of August **, **** authorizes sale outside pharmacies (***), and specifies in detail which part of the plant may be marketed and consumed. [***]
5.2 Regulatory framework for plant-derived therapeutic products
A herbal medicine is a medicine whose active substance is exclusively one or more herbal substances or herbal preparations, or a combination of several herbal substances or herbal preparations. (***)[***]
Herbal medicinal products can be authorized in three ways:
Marketing authorization on the basis of a complete dossier (***); Marketing authorization on the basis of well-established medical use; Application for registration of traditional herbal medicines[***].
5.3 Regulatory framework for dietary supplements
In ****, European Directive ****/**/EC established a specific regulatory framework for food supplements. This framework provides a strict definition (***) and distinguishes between two groups: nutrients and other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect. It also sets out the procedures for labeling and marketing European supplements in Europe. Decree no. ****-*** transposes the aforementioned European decree.
Other decrees in France govern the production and sale of food supplements:
Thedecree of May *, **** in France relates to the nutrients that may be used in the manufacture of food supplements, which it lists. The decree of June **, ****, lists the plants, other than mushrooms, authorized in food supplements as well as the conditions of their use. The order of September **, ****, establishes the list of substances with nutritional or physiological purposes authorized in food supplements.
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Arkopharma
- Bayer
- Ipsen
- Santé Verte
- Merck KGaA
- Nutreov Physcience
- PiLeJe
- Fenioux Groupe
- NaturHouse
- Puressentiel France
- Pranarôm (Inula Groupe)
- Naturactive (Pierre Fabre)
- Olisma
- Densmore (Havea Groupe)
- Herbalife
- Institut Endobiogénie
- Atlantic Nature
- Olisma
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