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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Water treatment involves distributing and enabling the use of water in residential, industrial and tertiary housing, as well as collecting wastewater, treating it before discharge or reuse. This market study covers all stages of water cycle management in Spain.

Globally, the water treatment market is highly resilient and benefits from a number of growth factors. In emerging countries, demographic growth and increasing urbanization have made water treatment essential for public health, with a growing market for water harvesting, treatment and recycling. In developed countries, regulations are becoming stricter in terms of health and environmental standards. The world leader in water treatment is Véolia, a position further enhanced by the absorption of Suez in 2021, but the market remains highly fragmented, with no single player controlling more than 5% of the global market.

In Spain, water management and treatment are handled by 4 types of player:

-municipalities, which manage directly (10%).

-public companies to which management is delegated (34%).

-mixed companies to which management is delegated (22%)

-private companies operating under contract with public authorities (34%).

The water treatment market is growing, driven by contracts that require increasingly sophisticated technical skills and a growing emphasis on water recycling. Water management for agriculture remains essential, as water-intensive crops such as avocados have proliferated in recent years. Water consumption for agricultural purposes remains very high, accounting for over two-thirds of the country's total consumption, far ahead of industrial and urban needs.

1.2 Key figures for the global market

The water treatment market will be worth $*** billion in ****, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.*% over the period ****-****. The size of this market is thus set to almost double in ten years.

Water treatment market value World, ****-****, USD billion Source: ****

Global demand for clean water and environmental concerns make water and wastewater treatment systems more relevant than ever. The factors contributing to market growth are numerous. Among them are :

Rapid population growth and urbanization Increased focus on water quality and public health The growing prevalence of water-borne diseases Increasing industrial demand The scarcity of fresh drinking water worldwide Strict government regulations on wastewater treatment.

1.3 The domestic market

Between **** and ****, the Spanish water market grew significantly by **.*%, from *.*** billion euros to *.*** billion euros. However, this upward trend was followed by a slight decline of *.*% in ****, when the market fell to *.*** billion euros. In ****, a further decline of *.*% was observed, with a market size of *.*** billion euros. The water treatment market grew steadily by *.*% between **** and ****, from *.*** billion euros to *.*** billion euros. This growth continued in **** with an increase of *.*%, reaching *.*** billion euros. Finally, a further increase of *.*% was recorded in ****, taking the market size to *.*** billion euros . Lastly, the wastewater treatment market grew steadily between **** and ****, rising by **.**% over the period.

Market size for water treatment in Spain Spain, ****-****, billions of euros. Source: ****

In ****, **.*% of Spanish water came from surface sources (***). **.*% came from groundwater, and *.*% from other types of water, mainly de-sanitized water.

Origins of water used in Spain Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****

There has been a downward trend in water consumption in Spain over the past decade. Between **** and ****, distributed water will have decreased by *.**% in ** years.

Evolution of total water distributed within the Spanish public network Spain, ****-****, in cubic hectometers. Source: ****

This market also shows that a large proportion of Spanish water is lost. in ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Water consumption in Spain

In ****, **.*% of water use in Spain was for agriculture. Households accounted for only **.**% of total consumption.

Breakdown of total water consumption in Spain Spain, ****, % of total water consumption Source: ****

However, these figures change when the water taken into accountcorresponds to water distributed within the Spanish public network. Within this network, households account for **.**% of water use.

Breakdown of water consumption between households, the economy and public authorities. Spain, ****, % Source: ****

Finally, the table below shows the breakdown of this distributed water consumption in Spain in millions of cubic meters of water in ****.

With regard to variations in water consumption, a general trend emerges.Regions that are more prone to drought, such as Catalonia and Aragon, have generally made greater water savings than less-affected Autonomous Communities such as Navarre. Andalusia, however, is the exception, with an estimated increase in consumption of *.*% between **** and ****

Autonomous Communities where water consumption increased between **** and **** Spain, ****-****, % bi-annual variation Source: ****

Autonomous communities where water consumption decreased between **** and **** Spain, ****-****, % bi-annual variation Source: ****

2.2 Spanish household water consumption

Data provided on Spanish household water consumption by autonomous community (***) reveals several trends. Cantabria stands out with the highest consumption at *** liters per day, followed by Comunidad Valenciana at *** liters per day. On the other hand, the Basque Country records the lowest consumption at just ** liters per day. Overall, northern regions such as Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia tend to have higher consumption figures, perhaps due to climate and consumption habits. By contrast, southern regions such as Andalusia and Extremadura have relatively lower figures. It is also notable that the Balearic Islands have lower-than-average consumption, probably due to the increased awareness of water conservation in island regions.

Among Spanish households, the bathroom is the place where the most water is consumed (***). The kitchen is second, with **% of usage.

Breakdown of water consumption in Spanish households Spain, ****, % of total water consumption Source: ****

In the bathroom, the shower (***) are the main sources of consumption.

Breakdown of main sources of Spanish bathroom water consumption Spain, ****, % of total consumption Source: ****

Finally, here are some examples of water consumption in daily activities: Washing clothes = ** to *** liters Cleaning the house = ** to ** liters Washing dishes by hand = *** liters Cooking = * to * liters on average Showering = ** to ** liters Bathing = *** liters Brushing ...

2.3 Water consumption outside the home

While agriculture accounted for **.*% of water use in Spain in ****, the graphs below show the distribution of water use on Spain's main rivers. With the exception of Cantabria, the Balearic Islands and Catalonia, agriculture is the main source of water use.

Distribution of Spanish river water by use (***) Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****

Distribution of Spanish river water by use (***) Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****

2.4 Drought and water consumption in Spain

Drought in Spain:

Water distribution in Spain is a major challenge due to the geographical distribution of its resources. Arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid regions cover more than two-thirds of the country, leading to potential water shortage and distribution problems. The main water-consuming activities are irrigation, human consumption and industry, the latter accounting for three quarters of total consumption. Desertification threatens **% of Spanish land, with forecasts indicating that Spain could become one of the driest countries in the world by ****. The driest areas, notably in the south-east of the peninsula and on the Canary Islands, have an annual rainfall of less than *** mm. Drought has intensified in the south of the country this year, with regions such as Andalusia experiencing very low levels of precipitation. In depopulated areas, water distribution is becoming increasingly difficult, putting further pressure on underground resources. The desertification of Spanish soil is influenced by factors such as the semi-arid climate, deforestation, loss of vegetation cover and increasing urbanization along the coast.

The data provided on the quantity of drinking and non-drinking water show some interesting trends. Between **** and ****, the quantity of drinking water remains relatively stable, with minor fluctuations, while the quantity of non-potable water shows an ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

3.2 Market structure

To study the water distribution and sanitation market, we 'll look at CNAE code ****. ThisINE code covers all water management activities (***) prior to its use by Spaniards.

Between **** and ****, there is a slight drop in the number of companies linked to water management in Spain, from **** to ****, a decrease of *.**%. In contrast, significant growth is observed between **** and ****, when the number of companies increases to ****, a rise of **.*%. This upward trend continues until ****, peaking in **** at **** companies, before declining slightly in **** to **** companies. These data suggest a fluctuating dynamic in Spain's water management sector, with variations from year to year, but a general trend towards growth over the period studied. Between **** and ****, the total number of companies increased by *.**%

Number of companies in the water sector (***) Spain, ****-****, number Source: ****

Data on the number of water-related companies by autonomous community (***) highlight several interesting trends. Andalusia stands out with the highest number of companies at ***, followed by the Valencian Community at ***. These two regions are followed by the Canaries with *** companies. By contrast, regions such as Cantabria, Ceuta and Melilla have a considerably lower number of companies, with *, * and * respectively. Overall, the most populous regions and those with more developed economic activities ...

3.3 The magnitudes of the water treatment market

In order to study the structure of the water treatment market in particular, we'll be looking at CNAE code ****. This code covers all water treatment activities once the water has been used.

As far as the number of companies is concerned, there has been a certain stability in recent years. While the number of companies was *** in ****, it has fallen by just * to reach *** in ****.

Trend in the number of companies in CNAE code **** Spain, ****-****, number Source: ****

In terms of the number of employees, however, there is a slight upward trend. The figure has been rising steadily, before declining between **** and ****. Over the entire study period, the number of employees rose from *,*** to *,*** in ****

Trend in the number of employees in CNAE code **** Spain, ****-****, thousands of employees Source: ****

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

Various types of process are used to treat water. These processes can be grouped into four categories: physical processes, chemical processes, physico-chemical processes and biological processes.

Physical processes :

Screening: water is passed through mesh screens to remove any detritus that may be present Simple settling: heavy particles settle naturally to the bottom of the tank Filtration: the water circulates through various filters (***) that retain different types of particles Flotation: pressurized air is blown through the tank to lift particles Purification by solar radiation: the water is exposed to light to destroy pathogens.

Chemical treatments are also necessary to act on heavy metals and other substances and germs present in the water:

Lime can be used to modify the pH of the water Chlorine oxidation eliminates ammonia and iron, and prevents the growth of algae Ozone oxidation eliminates iron, manganese and micropollutants Chlorination and ozonation are used to disinfect water at the end of the process

Physico-chemical processes: during decantation, this type of process accelerates the settling of particles at the bottom of the tank. There are two main methods:

Coagulation, by adding iron or aluminum salts to the water Flocculation: the water is slowly stirred to form larger and larger clusters ...

4.2 The price of water

The table opposite shows the different prices per cubic metre of water in Spain. It can be seen that the price of water is higher in the regions with the most drought.

Source: ****

In terms of the breakdown of water prices, sanitation accounts for around **% of the price.

Breakdown of average unit cost of water in Spain Spain, ****, €/m* Source: ****

4.3 Prices for different types of water treatment systems :

Different techniques are used to clean water. The table below shows the average prices of the different techniques used, thanks to information that can be found on the Generador de Precios price generator.

5 Regulations

5.1 Legislation

Law **/****, of August *, on water (***), establishes the general legal framework for water resource management in Spain. This law aims to guarantee efficient and sustainable use of water, as well as its protection, conservation and quality. It establishes the rights and duties of users and competent authorities with regard to water resource management, including the planning, operation, distribution and monitoring of water. The law also regulates aspects relating to the use of water for irrigation, drinking water supply, industry and other purposes, as well as the hydraulic infrastructure required to manage and exploit water resources. It also establishes coordination mechanisms between the various public administrations involved in water management, in order to promote an integrated and coordinated approach to water resource management throughout Spain.

Finally, the Ministry of Ecological Transition presents the other various water-related legislation:

Public hydraulic domain :

Regulation of Dominio Público Hidráulico (***), approved by Real Decreto ***/**, de ** de abril, modified by several subsequent decrees.

Planning :

Law on the Plan Hidrológico Nacional and decrees relating to water planning.

Quality objectives :

Standards for drinking water production, bathing water quality, protection of aquatic life, etc.

Discharges :

Regulation of urban wastewater discharges, wastewater reuse, emissions of hazardous substances, etc.

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Canal De Isabel Ii Sa M P.
  • Fcc Aqualia Sa.
  • Aigues De Barcelona, Empresa Metropolitana De Gestio Del Cicle Integral De L'aigua Sa
  • Sociedad General De Aguas De Barcelona Sau
  • Aquambiente Servicios Para El Sector Del Agua Sau

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