Summary of our market study

The global tattoo market experienced significant growth from 2020, with a valuation of $1.89 billion in 2022 and a projected annual growth rate of 9.43% leading to a projected market size of $3.55 billion by 2029. The European and Anglo-Saxon regions, which include countries such as Germany, Denmark, Spain and Italy, reported high percentages of tattooed populations, with figures reaching almost half the adult population in some cases. In Germany, more specifically, the size of the tattoo studio market is estimated at around 1.2 billion euros, assuming an average of 8,000 studios with average annual sales of 150,000 euros each.

The tattoo industry has experienced a resurgence in popularity, and it is estimated that 27% of the German population will be tattooed by 2021. Social media has become an essential platform for tattoo artists to differentiate themselves in the face of increasing competition. The sector suffered setbacks due to COVID-19, but showed signs of recovery in 2021 as restrictions eased and tattoo studios regained their clientele.

Tattoo market analysis:

Trends and consumer preferences in Germany In recent years, the German tattoo market has experienced a sharp rise in popularity, and the trend shows no signs of abating. As mentioned in the previous text, estimates for 2021 suggest that around a quarter to a third of the German population will be tattooed. This market is developing rapidly and is part of a global industry estimated to be worth just under $2 billion in 2022, and set to continue growing to over $3.5 billion by the end of the decade. In Germany, tattoo studios are a mix of independent companies and large chains, with an estimated 8,000 studios. These studios vary in size and sales, with average annual sales between $50,000 and $200,000 per studio, contributing to an estimated German market size of around $1.2 billion. Customer demographics show that while tattoos are most prevalent among young adults - particularly those aged 25 to 34 - interest extends to different age groups and professional backgrounds. The growing acceptance of tattoos has led to a diversification of the demographic, as people from different professional fields, levels of education, income groups and social backgrounds get tattoos.

Tattoos are seen primarily as a form of self-expression, with over a quarter of men and women getting tattoos to assert their personality. For 10-20% of people, tattoos are also a permanent reminder of loved ones, or a means of fashion fulfillment. The motives behind tattooing are deeply personal, ranging from self-expression and memory to group identity and aesthetics. The most popular tattoo designs in Germany are letters, tribal motifs and floral ornaments, with the arms and back being the most popular areas for tattoos. Black remains the most popular color, although a significant proportion of the population opts for colorful designs.

Despite the diversity of tattoo preferences, satisfaction levels among tattooed people remain high, with almost three-quarters saying they still like their tattoos. However, a small percentage regret their tattoo and wish to have it removed, underlining the importance of making well-considered decisions before getting a tattoo. The tattoo business environment is characterized by a mix of independent studios and chains, with health and safety regulations in place to maintain high hygiene standards. The sector also benefits from events such as tattoo conventions and fairs, which enable artists to showcase their talent and enthusiasts to explore the latest trends and creations. In conclusion, the tattoo market in Germany is robust and growing.

Main tattoo studios in Germany

The German tattoo scene is as diverse as the designs it inks onto the skin, with a range of studios from independent boutiques to large chains, each with its own flair and artistic expertise. Here's an overview of the main players in the German tattoo market, highlighting their distinct characteristics and the experiences they offer tattoo enthusiasts.

Independent tattoo studios:

Craftsmanship and personalization Often run by individuals or small teams, independent tattoo studios account for a significant share of the market. These studios are hubs of creativity, where experienced artists design personalized tattoos for their customers. They're not just workplaces; they're intimate spaces where artists can engage deeply with their customers, understand their story and translate it into bespoke body art. Here are some remarkable independent studios that are energizing the market with their originality and passion for tattooing:

  • Wildcat Tattoo: This studio, with locations in Essen, Cologne, Hamburg, Gronau and Düsseldorf, offers exemplary customer service and showcases the work of several talented artists, ensuring that customers receive tattoos that truly represent their personality. The 4.3 to 4.9 star rating awarded by Google testifies to the importance attached to quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Color Paradise: With locations in Zwickau, Leipzig and Basel, this chain of studios is renowned for its bright, colorful tattoos and professional environment. Customers are drawn to the studio's welcoming atmosphere and skilled artists who specialize in transforming vibrant visions into tattoo reality.
  • Tattoo Family: Located in Hameln, Minden and Lemgo, Tattoo Family stands out for its sense of community and commitment to providing a comfortable tattooing experience. Catering to a variety of styles, the studio prides itself on creating artwork that has meaning and significance for its customers.
  • Tattoo studio chains: Art accessible on a larger scale Tattoo studio chains bring methodical business operations to tattoo art, while maintaining a network of different locations under a unified brand. This enables them to have many skilled artists catering to a wide variety of styles and preferences. These chains' expansion strategies enable them to extend their reach, making professional tattoo services more accessible to people in different geographical areas. Here's an example.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction

Tattoos are permanent artistic drawings or patterns that are pricked onto a person's skin using special tools, such as needles or tattoo machines. During this procedure, color pigments are introduced into the middle layer of the skin, called the dermis, to create a permanent image. Tattoos can be created in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and styles and often serve as an expression of personality, creativity, membership in certain groups, or the meaning of certain symbols.

Two types of tattoos can be distinguished :

  • Temporary tattoos: these are tattoos in which the inks used fall into the category of cosmetic products. This type of tattoo is not permanent and may fade or wash off over time.

  • Permanent tattoos: These are done by professional tattoo artists and require special inks that are subject to certain regulation. They are permanent and remain visible for a long time.

The market for tattoos is booming worldwide. It is expected to continue growing at an annual rate of 9.43% through 2029. The main demanders are European and Anglo-Saxon countries, where the percentage of tattooed population can reach almost half of the total population.[Fortune Business insights]

Tattoos are also gaining popularity in Germany. Between 2010 and 2018, the percentage of people in Germany who have had experience with tattoos increased from 10% to 18%. Estimates for 2021 suggest that around 27% of the German population will be tattooed. The number of tattoo artists has also increased. The market is now highly competitive, and tattoo artists are increasingly relying on creative communication via social media to set themselves apart.[YouGov]

While the tattooing profession in Germany does not require specific training, tattoo artists must be registered with health authorities and complete training in hygiene and cleanliness standards. This training lasts at least 21 hours and extends over three consecutive days.

The tattoo industry was severely impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic. During the lockdowns, tattoo studios were forced to suspend operations. Some studios experienced significant revenue losses. However, with the relaxation of restrictions in 2021, the market recovered and studios were able to win back their customers.

The following market study deals with current trends in the industry as well as the market structure and competitive situation of the market.

1.2 The world market

The tattoo market is growing rapidly. It was estimated at $*.** billion in **** and is expected to grow *.**% annually to reach $*.** billion in ****[***].

Tattoo Market Size

The popularity of tattoos varies widely by country. In Europe and the US, tattoos are very popular. Other parts of the world are far less penetrated. This is especially true in the Middle East, as tattoos are banned in the Islamic religion. According to surveys, **% of German respondents said they had at least one tattoo. In comparison, **% of Danes said they had at least one tattoo, while the figure for Spaniards was **%. However, Italians are the most tattooed with **% of respondents.

Percentage of the population with tattoos Germany, ****, % Source: ****

1.3 The German market

Since there is no official market size for tattoos in Germany, we can propose below an estimate based on several hypotheses to get an approximate idea of the turnover of tattoo studios (***).

According to Apotheken Umschau, around *,*** tattoo stud ios were in operation in ****.[***] According to estimates and industry observations, the average annual turnover of a tattoo studio in Germany can be in the range of **,*** to ***,*** euros.

Assuming that there are *,*** tattoo studios in Germany and each studio has an average annual turnover of ***,*** euros, the estimated market size for tattoo studios in Germany would be around *.* billion euros.

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Customer demographics

Age groups

The majority of the German population has no tattoos on its body and would like it to stay that way. Above all, those aged ** and over are not fans of tattoos: according to a survey conducted by the market and opinion research institute YouGov in ****, around **% of Germans have no tattoos. Among **- to **-year-olds, the figure was around **%. In this age group, around **% have one or more tattoos.

Survey on tattoos by age group Germany, ****, in % Source: ****

Professional backgrounds:

Tattoos are found in various professional fields, with creative professions often showing a higher prevalence of tattoos. This is because individual expression and self-development often play a greater role in these industries. Artists, musicians, designers, actors, and other creative professions are more likely to have tattoos because they want to express their personality, creativity, and individuality through art on their bodies.

On the other hand, however, there are professions where visible tattoos may be subject to restrictions. This mainly concerns more conservative or formal professions such as banking, law or certain government offices. In such occupations, visible tattoos may be less common or may need to be covered to meet job requirements.

Social demographic factors:

Tattoos are found in ...

2.2 reasons for tattoos

According to a survey from ****, **% of men and women in Germany said they got their tattoo as an individual statement. A tattoo serves as an expression of their personality and allows them to express their individuality and uniqueness to the outside world. Choosing a particular motif, placement or unique design reflects their inner values, interests or beliefs. The second most common reason people choose a tattoo is to remember a special person. For about **% of female respondents, the tattoo serves as a permanent reminder of a loved one, be it a family member, partner or close friend. These tattoos symbolize the bond and emotional value they associate with that person. Among male respondents, about **% had this view and chose a tattoo as a reminder of a special person. Another motivation for getting a tattoo is fashion self-realization. About **% of women and **% of men said they chose a tattoo to express their personal style and fashion aesthetic. They see tattoos as an additional accessory that complements their personality and enhances their individual look. Other reasons for getting a tattoo can include belonging to a certain group or subculture, celebrating their own identity, feeling self-empowerment, or simply being fascinated by the art and ...

2.3 Most popular tattoo designs and locations

A survey by Appinio identified the most popular tattoo motifs in Germany. The survey asked participants about their personal tattoo motifs, and the results were varied and interesting. The most frequently mentioned tattoo style was lettering, which was preferred by **% of respondents. Lettering allows people to immortalize important messages, quotes, or even names of loved ones on their skin. The individuality and meaning associated with lettering makes it a popular choice. In second place was the tribal motif, chosen by **% of participants. Tribals have a long history and are often inspired by cultural traditions. They are characterized by complex patterns and lines that often have deep symbolic meaning. Flowers and floral ornaments were cited by **% of respondents as their favorite tattoo motif. Flowers often represent beauty, nature and growth. They can be depicted in a variety of styles and colors, allowing people to express their personality and love of nature. Animal motifs were also popular and were chosen by **% of the survey participants. From majestic lions to loyal dogs to exotic bird species, animals can embody different characteristics and create a strong connection with people. Animal motifs are a popular choice for animal lovers and those who have a special appreciation ...

2.4 Satisfaction with tattoos

A **** survey by market research institute Appinio reveals that the majority of Germans surveyed are still satisfied with their tattoos: around ** percent said they still like their tattoos. This suggests that most people are in tune with their decision to get tattoos and appreciate the artwork on their skin.

Still, there is a small group of people who regret their tattoos. About ** percent of respondents said they regretted their tattoos but still wanted to keep them. The reasons for this ambivalence can be many. Some people no longer like the design or style of their tattoo, find it out of date or have simply changed and no longer identify with the motif.

About one in ten respondents said they would like to have their tattoo removed. The reasons for regretting tattoos can vary. Some people may have acted impulsively and gotten tattoos without sufficient thought. Others may have had negative experiences, such as poor craftsmanship, unprofessional execution, or tattoos that have lost color or shape over time.

Another reason for tattoo regret could be that a person's circumstances or priorities have changed over time. What once had meaning or relevance may fade over time or prove to be insignificant. In such ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Operations and employees

In the market for tattoos in Germany, there are a large number of businesses and employees who specialize in tattooing and piercing. Unfortunately, there are no specific statistical data on the number of tattoo studios and tattoo artists. However, some available information can be used to provide insight into the employment situation in the industry.

According to evaluations of the employment statistics of the Federal Employment Agency, a total of *,*** employees subject to social insurance contributions were registered in the field of tattoos and piercings in ****. It should be noted that this figure only covers employees subject to social insurance contributions and does not reflect the total number of all tattooists and piercers in Germany.

Number of employees subject to social security contributions in the tattoo and piercing sector in Germany Germany, ****-****, total number Source: ****

In June ****, the occupational category "***** Tattooists and piercers - professionally oriented activities" counted around *** employees subject to social insurance contributions and around *** exclusively marginal employees. These values are considered annual values and give an impression of the employment situation in the industry.

Further detailed information on employed persons by occupation based on the Classification of Occupations, **** edition, is provided by the Federal Employment Agency and ...

3.2 Dynamics of the actors

Independent Tattoo Studios

Independent tattoo studios are often family-run businesses or small businesses started by experienced tattoo artists. They usually have a manageable number of tattoo artists, often between two and five, working in their studios. These artists may own the studio or be employed.

The structure of independent tattoo studios allows for closer collaboration between the artists and their clients. The studios are often set up in comfortable and creative spaces that create a pleasant atmosphere. Clients can personally interact with the artists to discuss their tattoo ideas and develop custom designs.

Sales of independent tattoo studios can vary widely and depend on several factors, such as the location of the studio, the notoriety of the artists, customer demand, and the prices for the services provided. Smaller studios often have loyal repeat customers who give them regular business and referrals.

Although independent tattoo studios typically do not have the same financial success as large studio chains, they offer a more personalized experience and the opportunity to build close relationships with their clients. The tattoo artists at independent studios often have a passion for their art and strive to create unique and high-quality tattoos.

Tattoo Studio Chains

Tattoo studio chains are ...

3.3 Tattoo fairs and events

Certain events contribute to the promotion of the tattoo industry. One of the most famous events in Germany was the Tattoo Convention Berlin. This annual event attracted thousands of visitors and provided a platform for tattoo artists from around the world to showcase their work. However, the Tattoo Convention Berlin has been canceled or curtailed in recent years due to the COVID-** pandemic. The last edition in **** featured around *** exhibitors and attracted around *,*** visitors. The exhibition space covered an impressive *,*** square meters in one exhibition hall[***]

Another popular event is the Ink & Ride Tattoo Expo. This trade show is held at various locations in Germany and features a variety of activities such as tattoo competitions, live tattoo demos and entertainment. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet different tattoo styles and artists and learn about the latest trends and techniques in the tattoo world.[***]

Another event is the Tattoo Expo Frankfurt. This event attracts tattoo enthusiasts, artists and professionals from all over Germany. It provides a platform for sharing knowledge, showcasing talent and interacting with the tattoo community.

In addition to physical events, the virtual world is also gaining importance. Through the creation of virtual tattoo fairs and online platforms, people ...

3.4 criteria for choosing a tattoo studio

When choosing a tattoo studio in Germany, there are a number of criteria that can be considered. These factors can help find the right studio that suits individual preferences and needs. Here are some of the important criteria: Experience of tattoo artists: the experience of tattoo artists is a crucial factor. It is important to look for studios that employ experienced and qualified tattoo artists. Experience shows in the quality of work and in dealing with different tattoo styles. Work Samples: Viewing work samples is a good way to gauge a studio's style and quality of work. Many studios have portfolios of photos of their past work, which may be available online or in physical form. It's worth checking these work samples to make sure the desired tattoo style and execution is what you want. Hygieneand certification: hygiene is of vital importance when it comes to tattoos. A reputable studio will place great emphasis on hygiene standards and follow the appropriate guidelines and regulations. It is advisable to look for studios that have certification for their hygiene standards to ensure that the health and safety of the clients is guaranteed. Customer reviews: Online reviews can be helpful in gaining insight into ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Types tattoos

Tattoos in Germany are extremely diverse and meet different criteria.

Type of tattooPermanent or temporary: The majority of the tattoo market consists of permanent tattoos. In recent years, however, the trend towards temporary tattoos has become very widespread. For example, a leader in this field is TATYOUS, which offers a wide range of tattoos that disappear after a few days.[***]

Tattooed body parts: In ****, **% of people with a tattoo were tattooed on their arm. Legs, back and abdomen are also popular areas. Discreet areas such as ankles, behind the ears and hips also enjoy popularity. Tattoo artists are increasingly faced with eccentric requests, such as for tattoos inside the lips, on the eyelids, on the skull or below the sole of the foot.[***]

Size of tattoo: tattoos can be small and discreet or large in size. sleeve tattoos are especially popular among the male community. Many people also appreciate large-scale tattoos on the back, as it offers enough space.

Color choice: Most tattoos are stung in black or gray ink. However, more and more people are opting for colored tattoos. Red, green and yellow are commonly used colors in this regard, but colored inks are more prone to fading compared to ...

4.2 Prices

The average prices for tattoos in Germany vary depending on various factors. Some of the main factors that can affect the price of a tattoo are:

Size of the tattoo:

Small tattoos, such as a single word or a small symbol, can usually cost between ** euros and *** euros. Medium tattoos that cover a larger area, such as the upper arm or shoulder blade, can range from *** euros to *** euros. Large tattoos that cover the entire back or leg can cost several hundred euros to over **** euros, depending on the complexity of the design and the sessions required.

Level of detail and complexity of the design:

The more detailed and complex the design, the more time and accuracy it requires to implement. This can increase the price. An example would be a realistic portrait that requires a lot of fine work and shading. Such a tattoo can cost between *** euros and **** euros, depending on the size and level of detail.

Experience and notoriety of the tattoo artist:

Tattoo artists with a long experience and a good reputation can charge higher prices. A reputable tattoo artist who is known for his expertise in a particular field may charge an hourly rate of *** euros ...

4.3 Trend - Social Media

The importance of social media for the tattoo market in Germany has increased sharply in recent years. In particular, the role of influencers on platforms such as Instagram has proven to be extremely relevant.

By using social media, tattoo artists and studios have the opportunity to make their work accessible to a wide audience and increase their visibility. Platforms like Instagram provide the perfect stage to share high-quality photos and videos of their tattoos and reach potential clients nationwide. The visual nature of Instagram is particularly well suited to showcase the uniqueness and quality of tattoos.

In addition, social media serves as a significant source of inspiration for people interested in getting a new tattoo. By browsing hashtags, following tattoo influencers, and exploring profiles of tattoo artists, potential customers can discover new ideas and trends. They can explore different styles, designs and techniques to develop their own preferences. Social media encourages creativity and allows customers to share their individual desires and ideas with tattoo artists.

Influencer marketing plays another important role. Influencers in Germany who are tattooed themselves have a significant impact on the tattoo market due to their presence on Instagram. By sharing their own tattoos, giving tips and recommendations, ...

4.4 Ink quality

The quality of inks

According to UFC Que Choisir, **% of tattoo inks contain hazardous or toxic substances. Out of ** inks studied by UFC, ** did not meet the standards[***]. The following table lists the various inks that were found to be harmful:

One of the banned substances is paraphenylenediamine (***), which is used here to enhance the black coloration when applied to the skin.

Also, many salons use vegan or eco-friendly inks.

4.5 Tattoo removal

In recent years, there has been a definite trend towards tattoo removal, as more and more people are choosing to have their tattoos removed. There are different types of tattoo removal, and prices can vary depending on the method and individual factors.

One of the most common methods of tattoo removal is laser treatment. This involves the use of a special laser that emits high-energy pulses of light and breaks down the ink color located in the skin. The body's immune system then breaks down the crushed ink particles. The number of sessions required depends on several factors, including the size and color of the tattoo, the type of ink used, and the individual's skin condition. Prices for laser treatment usually start at around *** euros per session and can range up to several thousand euros, depending on the size of the tattoo and the number of sessions.[***]

Another method is surgical removal, in which the tattoo is surgically removed. This is usually used for smaller tattoos. The surgeon cuts the tattoo out of the skin and then sutures the wound. Prices for surgical tattoo removal can range from *** to **** euros, depending on the size of the tattoo and the complexity of ...

5 Guidelines

5.1 Healthy regulations

Regulations for minors

In Germany, the tattooing of minors is regulated by law. According to §*** para. * of the German Civil Code (***), tattooing of persons under the age of ** is generally not permitted, unless there is consent from the parents or legal guardian. This regulation serves to protect children and adolescents from possible risks and wrong decisions.[***]

Hygiene regulations

The protection against infectious diseases and the guarantee of hygienic conditions are of crucial importance. In Germany, tattoo studios are subject to specific hygiene regulations, which are laid down in the Medical Hygiene Ordinance. This ordinance contains precise requirements for the sterility of instruments, the handling of disposable needles, the disinfection of work surfaces and the use of personal protective equipment such as gloves and protective gowns. Regular inspections by the health department ensure compliance with these regulations."[***]

Health training for tattoo artists

To ensure that tattoo artists have adequate knowledge of hygiene and infection prevention, they are required to complete appropriate training and continuing education. These trainings are usually offered by recognized institutions such as the health department or other specialized institutions. They cover topics such as hygienic work practices, handling needles and tattoo supplies, sterilization techniques, and first aid and infection ...

6 Positioning of the players

6.1 players

  • Wildcat Deuschland
  • Kwadron
  • Eternal Ink
  • Bishop Rotary
  • Hildbrandt Tattoo Supply
  • TattooMed

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