Summary of our market study
The French cryotherapy market is estimated at between €15 and €45 million.
There are around 300 specialized centers. Operators of cryotherapy services are healthcare professionals and independent centers.
Cryotherapy, the therapeutic application of extreme cold, has seen significant growth since its introduction in France in 2015.
The technique is applied in three areas: sports recovery, beauty and well-being, and healthcare.
Initially introduced for top athletes, to speed up recovery times, the practice has now penetrated the general public. In France, the fitness center market has rebounded strongly in 2022 to reach 1.2 billion euros in sales, up from 0.98 billion euros in 2019. Many fitness centers are investing in cryotherapy.
The French market has seen the emergence of cryotherapy in the beauty and wellness segments, with notable public interest in anti-aging and fat-reduction treatments.
In the healthcare field, cryotherapy is finding applications in cancer treatment with cryosurgery, and in pain management.
70% of the public have a positive opinion and spend an average of €173 a year on alternative treatments.
Regulations implemented in 2022 restrict the use of cryotherapy to healthcare professionals, impacting wider application in the beauty and sports sectors.
The global market was valued at $6.96 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7% from 2023 to 2030.
Cryotherapy market players in France
French manufacturers and distributors :
- Aurore Concept: Founded in 2015, French manufacturer of fixed and mobile cryotherapy cabins.
- Cryo Evolution: Founded in April 2016, supplier of high-end cryotherapy cabins.
- Cryo Manufacturing: historic French manufacturer of cryotherapy equipment.
- Cryo Fast: manufacturer of cryotherapy cabins
- France Cryo: cabin distributor and installer
French cryotherapy operators:
- Cryotera: 11 cryotherapy centers across the country.
- Cryojet: both distributor and operator
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Cryotherapy is a cold treatment. This treatment is used for medical, wellness or sports reasons: Elimination of cancer cells, Inflammation, muscle pain, elimination of cellulite, stimulation of endorphin production, skin firming, sports recovery, ... [Futura Science]
A cryotherapy session involves local application of cold or exposure of the body or part of the body in a cold cabin. The most widespread technique is immersion in a cryotherapy cabin, standing up. This is a hermetically sealed chamber at -110°. The cabin can be operated electrically or by nitrogen gas injection.
Currently, healthcare applications represent the largest segment of this market, but in the years to come, its growth should be driven by the sports segment, with a CAGR of 12% over the 2022-2030 period. [Grand View Research]
In France, the market is very recent and has only been developing since 2015.
1.2 Global market
Sales of the global cryotherapy market are estimated at $*.** billion in **** , and are expected to grow at a CAGR of *% over the period ****-****.
Cryotherapy sales projections World, ****-****, in billions of US dollars Source: ****
Cryotherapy can be segmented into three activities: cryosurgery, the direct application of cold with ice packs, and cryotherapy chambers. Cryosurgery will account for half (***) of the global market by ****. [***]
This market is driven by demand in beauty & wellness centers and fitness centers. In healthcare, it is chronic pain-causing diseases such as cancer, and the rise in the elderly population, more prone to pain such as rheumatism, that are driving growth in this market. Sports applications are expected to see the greatest growth in market share, with a CAGR of **% over the period ****-****. [***]
1.3 The domestic market
Cryotherapy is a very recent arrival on the French market. The first cryotherapy chambers were opened in **** at the Centre Européen de Rééducation du sportif in Cap Breton, then at the Institut National du sport, de l'expertise et de la performance. In the space of ten years, the development of this activity has accelerated across the country, particularly since ****, and will result in the opening of some *** centers equipped with cryotherapy equipment by ****.[***]
Since then, the practice has not only been reserved for athletes. The world of beauty and wellness has seized on this activity, leading to a regulatory overhaul in France in ****, to specify which professionals are qualified to practice this activity (***).
A full-body cryotherapy session costs around ** to ** euros. [***]
The turnover of a cryotherapy center is between **,*** and ***,*** euros. [***] So we can make a rough estimate of the sales of this market in France in ****, knowing that there were *** centers in the country.
Lower bound = number of centers x lowest sales = *** * **,*** = ** million euros
Upper bound = number of centers x highest sales = *** * ***,*** = ** million euros
Ainis expects the French cryotherapy market to generate sales of between €** million and €** million in ****.
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Cryotherapy in the field of sports
Cryotherapy is used in sports to promote physical recovery and shorten the need for breaks between sessions, particularly for top-level athletes. Kylian Mbappé, for example, posted a photo of himself in the middle of a session on Instagram in ****, which has over * million "Like" mentions. Other athletes such as Teddy Rinner and Neymar also practice cryotherapy.
Cryotherapy can be used :
Local application: using a cryogenic spray or ice pack to treat oedema, lesions or inflammation. Immersion in a cold-water bath : to promote muscle recovery by stimulating blood circulation for the whole body or part of it (***). The ideal water temperature is * degrees Celsius. Whole-body immersion in a cabin: The body stands upright in an isothermal cabin and is immersed, with the exception of the face, in cryogenic gas. The temperature here drops below *** degrees Celsius, and the process lasts just * minutes.
Sport is becoming increasingly popular in France. By ****, one French person in five will be an athlete. The number of gym members rose by **% between **** and ****, reaching over * million members in *,*** gyms. [***] The graph below shows the evolution in the size of the French fitness center market, reflecting the French population's growing appetite for sport:
Size of the fitness center ...
2.2 Cryotherapy in beauty & wellness
While cryotherapy has a long history in medicine and sport, the technique is now becoming widely known for its applications in the beauty and wellness segment. It is essentially used in cabins and with the aim of firming the skin and thus reducing signs of aging, but also to burn fat and thus reduce cellulite.
A survey conducted by Harris Interactive in **** shows that **% of French people dread their bodies aging, and over **% dread aesthetic changes (***) [***]
A Google Trends analysis carried out on French queries associated with the term "cryotherapy" over the last five years shows that the top three associated queries feature the following terms:
"Cryotherapy hair care" "Cryotherapy straightening "Cryotherapy straightener"
These are all beauty-related searches. The emergence of cryotherapy-based hair care goes hand in hand with a beauty market that is increasingly equipped with innovative technological tools: LED mask, Microdermabrasion, JetPeel, ...
The French beauty care market is assessed using NAF Code **.**B and includes the following activities:
Beauty advice and facial and skin care: make-up, anti-wrinkle treatments, aesthetic facial massages, etc. Aesthetic manicure and foot care Hair removal
Companies registered under this NAF code will see almost continuous growth in sales over the ****-**** period, reaching *.** billion ...
2.3 Cryotherapy in healthcare
In the medical field, cryotherapy can be used to destroy cancer cells. In this case, needles are inserted into the tumor. These inject liquid nitrogen (***) and kill the cells. This is known as cryosurgery. [***]
Cancer is the leading cause of death in France, accounting for almost a third of all deaths. [***]
The number of cancer cases detected each year in France is on the rise, mainly due to the aging of the population.
As a resultthe proportion of the population aged over ** has risen from **.*% in **** to **% in ****and should reach **.*% in ****. What's more, thehe proportion of the population aged ** and over rose from *% in **** to *% in ****, and is set to double by ****.
Share of population aged over ** and over ** France, ****-*****, in % Source: ****
2.4 The French and alternative therapies
In addition to cancer treatment, cryotherapy can also be used to treat everyday ailments such as stress, fatigue, anxiety, headaches and joint pain. In this case, the method used is mainly immersion in a cryogenic cabin, and the treatment is not reimbursed by social security. Nevertheless, the French are becoming increasingly fond of alternative therapies. In ****, **% of them believe that alternative medicine is more effective than conventional medicine in treating everyday ailments. [***]
In April ****, Odoxa conducted a survey of *,*** adults representative of the French population, asking them about their relationship with alternative therapies, which, unlike conventional medical care, are not reimbursed by social security. The results show that **% of the population has a positive opinion of alternative therapies. In the case of ecological sympathizers, the proportion of people with a positive opinion even climbs to **%, higher than for conventional medicine, where **% have a positive opinion.
Perception of conventional medicine and alternative therapies France, ****, in % of positive responses Source: ****
In terms of gender differences, women are the most enthusiastic about alternative therapies, with **% having a positive image, compared to **% of men, a difference of ** percentage points. If we now turn to the difference in appetite for these practices according to age, it's ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Market value chain
Here is a simplified value chain for the cryotherapy market:
The manufacturers and suppliers design and build the most modern cryotherapy systems available on the market, and supply all the components and accessories needed to operate them.
The installers and technicians transport and install the cryotherapy equipment originally planned by manufacturers and suppliers, and are also responsible for maintenance and repairs to maintain the equipment's efficiency.
The operators are responsible for managing cryotherapy systems, educating customers, and promoting and marketing services.
3.2 Manufacturers and suppliers of cryotherapy equipment
As this activity is still new in France, there are few manufacturers of cryotherapy cabins, and therefore no official NAF code to record this activity. We are therefore going to describe the various manufacturers and suppliers of cryotherapy cabins and their specific features that we have been able to find in France:
French manufacturers and distributors of cryotherapy equipment all play up the quality and safety guarantee represented by Made in France manufacturing, by highlighting scientific research, publications, patent registrations and the work of qualified engineers.
The companies are all new to the market and less than ** years old .
3.3 Cryotherapy operators
Cryotherapy operators can be healthcare professionals (***). Equipment can then be installed in doctors' surgeries, sports centers, thalassotherapy centers and dermatology practices. Cryotherapy centers are mainly independent operators who own a single center. Treatwell, for example, lists *** cryotherapy centers in the beauty sector in France. These are beauty centers with a wide range of activities and cryotherapy machines.
We distinguish two groups that present a network of centers in France:
Cryotera, founded in ****, has ** cryotherapy centers in France and, since ****, offers the possibility of franchising. By ****, a dozen new Cryotera centers should be opening in France.
Cryojet is both a distributor and an operator, offering Cryojet franchises. As a distributor, it has equipped around a hundred locations in France, and as an operator, it has * Cryojet centers in France.
3.4 La cryothérapie, un marché qui commence à décoller dans l'Hexagone (indicateur exclusif Indexpresse/Businesscoot))
Sur le marché porteur du bien-être, la cryothérapie s'impose comme un nouveau segment prometteur. L'offre reste encore assez restreinte et atomisée dans les grandes villes françaises, mais le développement de réseaux spécialisés et la prise en charge des prestations par certaines mutuelles apparaissent comme des signes positifs pour l'avenir du milieu.
Une offre encore limitée dans de nombreuses villes
Longtemps réservée aux sportifs de haut niveau dans le cadre de leur récupération, la cryothérapie s'ouvre de plus en plus au grand publicafin de soulager les douleurs articulaires et inflammatoires. Elle s'inscrit également dansl'engouement des consommateurs pour le marché du bien-être,qui progresse de ** % chaque année dans le monde depuis ****. "Le concept de 'mieux-être' émerge, impliquant non seulement un état de relaxation physique, mais aussi une quête de bien-être mental et émotionnel", indiqueLa Tribune.
Dans ce cadre, l'offre de cryothérapie s'étoffe peu à peu en France. L'agglomération parisienne se démarque logiquement avec ** établissements recensés, devant Lyon et ses * salles. Derrière,il y a encore une marge de progression conséquenteavec * établissements ou moins dans de nombreux territoires, notamment ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 B2B offer
Here we list the various French devices that can be sold to operators for the purpose of practicing cryotherapy. The offer is divided into two main categories: cabins for body immersion and devices for local application of cold.
4.2 The B2C offer
The cost of a cryotherapy session varies according to the intended use, which will then have an impact on the choice of machine to be used as well as the time of the session, and the location in France.
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulations
The massive development of cryotherapy for the general public, i.e. in beauty and sports centers, has created debate as to the professional supervision to which this practice should be subject.
Thus, after recording the opening of *** centers using cabins with full or partial body immersion, Proposition de loi number **** was brought to the National Assembly on December **, **** to better supervise this practice.[***]
The law restricting the use of cryotherapy to healthcare professionals only seemed to target the medical uses of this practice, such as pain rethe law restricting the use of cryotherapy to healthcare professionals seemed to target only medical uses, such as pain reduction for certain pathologies or to combat depression, but did not seem to regulate the practice for sports recovery or aesthetic purposes. [***]
However, a case involving a beauty salon that performed a full-body cryotherapy session has once again clarified this point. During the session, the client developed frostbite, resulting in total absence from work for over a month. On May **, ****, the French Supreme Court issued a new decree stating that "Cryotherapy procedures are reserved for doctors and masseur-physiotherapists acting under medical prescription."[***]
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Positioning the players
- Aurore concept
- Cryo Evolution
- Cryo Manufacturing
- Cryo Fast
- France Cryo
- Cryotera
- Cryojet France
- Cryo Santé
- bi'NERGY
- Esprit CRYO
- Cryo Sport Santé
- JM Tonic
- Vista Santé
- Le Secret Studio - Power Plate
- Thalasso Valdys Groupe
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