Summary of our market study

The global biometrics market is growing strongly at 16.2% per year between 2019 and 2027, and is expected to reach $55.42 billion in 2027.

Asia-Pacific leads the way, with an annual growth rate of 18%. Europe is experiencing slower growth due to concerns about the use of personal data and strict regulations such as GDPR.

The French biometrics market is dominated by national champions such as Idemia, Thales Biomerie, formerly Gemalto and IN Groupe.

Future applications of biometrics in France are likely to see wider adoption in everyday activities, particularly in the banking sector with contactless biometric bank cards.

Fingerprint recognition leads the way, with growth projections of around 115% between 2017 and 2022. Facial recognition is forecasting a similar growth trajectory.

Public services, with the issuance of biometric passports, identity papers, driving licenses and other official documents by IN Groupe, formerly Imprimerie Nationale, are generating strong institutional demand.

Demand for biometrics is particularly strong in the transport sector, especially at airports.

In the financial services and banking sectors, biometric payment methods are set to become widespread. 82% of French consumers are ready to swap their PIN code for a fingerprint authentication system.

76% of French people are concerned about data collection, while 79% are actively interested in new technologies.

Biometrics market players

French companies

  • Idemia is a leader in digital security and identity solutions. Created from the merger of Morpho and Oberthur Technologies
  • Gemalto, now part of the Thales group, is another major player with a considerable global impact.
  • IN Technologies, formerly known as Imprimerie Nationale, is a key player in the implementation of legal and governmental personal identification.

International companies

  • Aware
  • Fujitsu
  • Nuance Communications, speech recognition

French SMEs

  • ID3 Technologies
  • Zalix Biometrie
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market summary

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Biometrics, whose literal meaning means the measurement of the human body, refers to a set of techniques designed to recognize a person's identity based on their physical and biological characteristics (eyes, hand, voice, etc.). Biometrics can either identify a person, i.e. recognize them in the middle of a crowd for example, or authenticate a person, i.e. provide their identity based on one or more of their biological or behavioural characteristics.

The first biometric technology was introduced in 1974, designed by Safran on behalf of the FBI. Since then, biometrics has been booming for several years, in the face of new threats and data and identity theft facilitated by the expansion of new technologies. France is a pioneer in this field on the international scene, with highly innovative and efficient companies.

Nevertheless, through its use of personal data, biometrics also remains a subject of mistrust, which considerably hinders its growth, particularly in countries such as France where individual freedoms have always been a fundamental issue.

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