Turnover: 2.1 billion EUR (2022)

Country: Italy

  • Amplifon is Italy's world leader in hearing aid distribution, and since 2013 has been ahead of the Audika network in the French market,
  • It now has over 630 points of sale in France and a market share of over 15%. It employs over 16,000 people
  • In Audika hearing centers, audioprosthetists and pediatric audioprosthetists offer a wide range of hearing solutions, including BTEs, ITEs, mini BTEs and 100% invisible extended wear hearing aids. We also sell communication accessories (amplified telephones, TV headphones, etc.).
  • Historically, it was one of the first companies to enter the field of presbycusis correction, and today the group is the world leader in hearing aids.

Financial Data

DUNS: 318083110


Address: 9 BD ROMAIN ROLLAND , 75014 PARIS 14

Number of employees: 0 salarié (2024)

Capital: 173 550 898 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 252 402 739 260 818 431 185 462 368 193 026 021 181 059 097 155 910 947 127 594 087 118 701 690
Gross margin (€) 212 349 418 223 631 576 156 985 333 161 379 828 152 998 989 123 415 559 102 714 075 93 858 778
EBITDA (€) 36 984 050 49 481 456 29 585 000 21 823 902 24 060 417 18 226 803 17 140 180 16 550 660
Operating profit (€) 36 235 077 46 975 189 26 139 254 17 873 692 21 525 116 13 792 583 13 901 714 13 720 946
Net profit (€) 24 823 947 29 225 044 15 311 462 11 574 861 16 367 849 8 534 228 8 055 491 7 884 385
Turnover growth rate (%) -3,2 40,6 -3,9 6,6 16,1 22,2 7,5 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 14,7 19 16 11,3 13,3 11,7 13,4 13,9
Operating margin rate (%) 14,4 18 14,1 9,3 11,9 8,8 10,9 11,6
Working Capital (turnover days) 53 -41,2 125,6 71,1 -66,7 -18,8 -23,6 -25
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) -17,8 -33 -57,3 -34,9 -50,6 -2,2 -19,9 -4,2
Net margin (%) 9,8 11,2 8,3 6 9 5,5 6,3 6,6
Added value / Turnover (%) 50,8 52,7 54,5 52,4 53,5 52 51,8 52,2
Wages and social charges (€) 87 182 844 83 514 528 67 378 250 74 641 219 68 099 764 59 138 928 46 339 741 42 816 557
Salaries / Turnover (%) 34,5 32 36,3 38,7 37,6 37,9 36,3 36,1

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président Amaury, Patrick, Nicolas Dutreil 52

Studies mentioning this company

The hearing aid market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Sonova Groupe
  • Prodition (Groupe Demant)
  • Starkey
  • WS Audiology (Widex Sivantos)
  • GN Hearing
  • Unitron (Sonova Groupe)
  • Audika (Groupe Demant)
  • Amplifon
  • Alain Afflelou Accousticien
  • Audition Mutualiste
  • Krys Group
  • Demant groupe
The hearing aid market - Portugal

Other companies mentioned:

  • Minisom
  • GAES
  • Acústica Médica (Demant group)
  • Audição Activa
  • Amplifon
  • WS Audiology (Widex Sivantos)
The Hearing Aid Market - United States

Other companies mentioned:

  • Oticon
  • WS Audiology (Widex Sivantos)
  • ReSound (GN Hearing)
  • Signia
  • Starkey
  • Amplifon
  • Beltone (GN hearing)
  • GN Hearing
  • Demant groupe