Turnover: 16 million EUR (2020)
Country: France
- The Zephyr Group is France's leading human services group, committed to helping people live independently, live better and age better at home
- 5 brands: Senior Compagnie, Adomis, Libelia, Synergie Med, Free Dom
- More than 4,000 employees
- Around 220 locations
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Jemepropose
- Leboncoin (Adevinta Group)
- O2
- Shiva (Acadomia)
- Tout à dom
- Oxilia
- Personia
- Axeo services (Franchise)
- Azaé (Franchise)
- ADHAP Services
- Zephyr Groupe
- Amaelles
- Family Sphère
- Altivie Orkyn (Air Liquide groupe)
- Fedosad
- Domani
- Aladom
- Ulysse transport
- Maison & Services
- Kinougarde

Other companies mentioned:
- AD Seniors
- ADHAP Services
- Senior Compagnie (Groupe Zephyr)
- Aquarelle Service
- Age d’Or Services
- Petit-Fils (Korian Groupe)
- Solutia Groupe
- Oui Care
- Domidom
- Adomis (Zephyr groupe)
- Adenior
- DomusVi
- Orkyn (Air liquide)
- Homeperf
- Korian Clariane
- Bestens umsorgt (KORIAN Group)
- Zephyr Groupe
- Elivie (Groupe Santé Cie)
- Asten Santé (La Poste)
- La Poste
- Air Liquide Santé
- Dinno Santé

Other companies mentioned:
- Sage
- Intuit
- Sopra Steria
- Divalto
- Pennylane
- Axonaut
- Flowie
- Alticap
- Indy
- Sellsy
- Freebe
- Keobiz
- Mapap
- Regate
- Freshbooks
- Tiime
- Fulll
- My unisoft
- ACD Groupe
- Agiris
- Quickbooks (Intuit France)
- Teogest
- Exact
- RevisAudit Premium
- Inqom (Visma Group)
- Limpeed
- Bleez
- Memsoft
- Zephyr Groupe
- Adomis (Zephyr groupe)
- Cogilog
- Cogilog
- Ma Compta.fr
- Wavesoft