Turnover: 268 million EUR (2022)
Country: Germany
- One of Europe's leading manufacturers of boilers and air conditioning and heating systems
- Family-owned Viessmann with 13,000 employees in 74 countries
- Develops and produces integrated climate and energy solutions for people and companies
- 22 production subsidiaries in 22 countries
- 68 distribution subsidiaries in 31 countries
56% of sales outside Germany

Viesmann: "We need transatlantic partnerships more than ever" 22/05/2023
- Group's core business (85% of sales) sold to Carrier
- After the merger of the climate solution division with Carrier, the Viessmann Group will still generate sales of around one billion euros and employ almost 4,000 people
- Viessmann becomes Carrier's largest individual shareholder with over 7% of the capital.
- Agreement excludes all redundancies for three years and guarantees the maintenance of the main sites for at least five years.
- Global competitors 200 to 300 times larger than Viessmann.
- Energy-intensive German industry weakened by the energy crisis.
- Competitive disadvantage between electricity prices for industry in France and Germany.

Viessmann sells its heat pump business to its main competitor 28/04/2023
- Viessmann sells 85% of its "climate solutions" division to Carrier Global for 12 billion euros.
- Viessmann generates sales of 4 billion euros.
- The European heat pump market is expected to triple by 2027, from 5 to 15 billion euros.
- The two companies combined will generate total sales of over $17 billion, with around 45,000 employees.
- Carrier takes control of a network of 25,000 installers in 25 countries.
- Berlin aims to install 500,000 heat pumps a year
- 10,500 employees work in the Viessmann Climate Solutions division.

Viessmann acquired by Carrier 25/04/2023
- Heat pumps account for 85% of Viessmann's sales.
- Viessmann's valuation under the Carrier deal would be $13 billion, including debt.
- In 2022, Carrier's sales were $20.4 billion, 60% of which were generated in the United States.
- Viessmann achieved sales of 3.4 billion euros in 2021, 56% of which outside Germany.
- The number of heat pumps (air-to-air) in the United States jumped by 40% between 2019 and 2022, with 4.3 million units delivered.
- The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides a tax credit to US households of up to $2,000, to cover 30% of the acquisition cost of heat pumps until the end of 2032.
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Atlantic Groupe
- BDR Thermea (De Dietrich, Remea, Baxi)
- Daikin (France)
- Vaillant Group (Saunier Duval)
- Systemair
- Comafranc
- Richardson
- Hervé Thermique groupe
- Saint-Gobain Groupe
- Carrier Global
- Giordano Riello Group (Aermec)
- Chappée (BDR Therma)
- Intuis (Muller Groupe)
- Airton
- Beretta clima (Carrier)
- Bosch Thermotechnology
- BSB Europe (Broad group)
- Weishaupt
- Warmpac
- Warmpool
- Viessmann (France)
- Toshiba Climate
- Toshiba Corporation
- Thermocold (Ingersoll Rand)
- Nibe Energy System (Technibel)
- Stiebel Eltron
- Panasonic
- Saunier Duval (Groupe Vaillant)
- Samsung Electronics France
- BAXI Boilers
- Chaffoteaux (Ariston)
- Ariston Thermo
- CIAT (Carrier)
- Riello (Carrier)
- Erset
- Frisquet
- Heliopac
- Johnson Controls
- Kuthe
- LG Electronics France
- Mitsubishi Electric
- MTA Cooling Conditionning
- Nextherm
- Lennox International
- Airwell (Systemair Groupe)
- Alpha Innotec (Nibe Group)
- Bosch
- Systemair Groupe
- Rexel
- Arkteos (Actidis Groupe)
- Aldes Aerolique
- Idex
- Arkeon Energy Systems
- Xterma Energies

Other companies mentioned:
- Ariston Thermo
- BDR Thermea (De Dietrich, Remea, Baxi)
- Daikin (France)
- Systemair
- Lennox International
- Saint-Gobain Quartz
- Rexel
- Comafranc
- Richardson
- Hervé Thermique groupe
- Atlantic Groupe
- Vaillant Group (Saunier Duval)
- Carrier Global
- Airwell (Systemair Groupe)
- Systemair Groupe
- Viessmann (France)
- Airvance
- Mitsubishi Electric France
- Carrier Refrigeration France
- LG Electronics France
- Frisquet
- Idex
- Soler & Palau