Turnover: ()

Country: Spain

TravelPerk is a business travel management company based in Barcelona, Spain

Objective: to make business travel booking as easy as possible

The company is backed by renowned investors such as Slack, Trello, Twitter, Farfetch, Deliveroo, TransferWise and Delivery Hero.

More than 5,000 cient companies

Ranked as one of the best travel management SaaS on the market.


TravelPerk:101 million for international expansion. 13/01/2022

  • Fundraising for TravelPerk: 101 million euros
  • TravelPerk valuation: 1.1 billion euros (unicorn status)
  • Previous fundraising in May 2021 (TravelPerk): $160 million
  • HiJiffy fundraising: 3.8 million euros

Studies mentioning this company

The online travel market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Booking.com
  • Airbnb
  • Evaneos
  • Kayak
  • Abritel (Expedia Group)
  • Lastminute.com
  • TravelPerk
  • Opodo (eDreams Odigeo)
  • TripAdvisor
  • HRS
  • Ebookers (Expedia Group)
  • Skyscanner
  • Kiwi
  • Agoda (Booking)
  • Hotwire (Expedia Group)
  • Bubble Globe
  • Logitravel
  • Lookea (TUI Group)
  • Prêt à Partir
  • MonAgence.com
  • Expedia Group
  • eDreams Odigeo
  • GOvoyages (eDreams Odigeo Group)
The tailor-made travel market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Voyageurs du Monde Groupe
  • NG Travel
  • Evaneos
  • Tripactions
  • Chilowé
  • Worldia
  • TravelPerk
  • Comptoir des Voyages
  • Marcovasco
  • Cercle des Vacances
  • La Route des Voyages
  • Navan
  • Les Maisons du Voyage
  • Amplitude Surgical
  • Odysway
  • Grand Angle
  • Promoséjours
  • Terres de charme
  • Akaoka
  • Quartier libre
  • Sensations du Monde
  • Selectour Affaires
  • Tirawa