Turnover: 551 million EUR (2023)

Country: France

TechnicAtome stands out for its expertise in the development, construction, commissioning and maintenance of compact nuclear reactors. The company, which employs 2,000 people, operates mainly in the fields of naval propulsion, research and power generation.

With over half a century of experience, TechnicAtome is recognized for its expertise in nuclear engineering, including reactors, fuel and related infrastructures. It is dedicated to providing its customers with reliable solutions and products that meet the highest standards of safety and operational performance.


Marie Perrot is hiring like crazy for TechnicAtome 31/07/2023

  • TechnicAtome's HR Director, Marie Perrot, plans to recruit 200 engineers and technicians, mainly for the Aix-en-Provence and Cadarache sites.
  • TechnicAtome is a nuclear engineering company with over 2,000 employees
  • The company generated sales of €497.5 million in 2022.
  • 80% of these sales come from the defense sector (naval propulsion) and 20% from the civil sector (future Nuward modular reactors).

TechnicAtome benefits from the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine program 30/10/2022

  • Created in 2017 from a division of Areva
  • Specialist in nuclear propulsion
  • Designer of the reactor for the second nuclear attack submarine in the Barracuda program
  • Launch of preliminary design studies for the K22 boiler room on the future French aircraft carrier
  • Also present in the civil sector: the experimental Jules Horowitz reactor and the French Nuward small modular reactor, ten times less powerful than an EPR
  • Order backlog of three years' sales, or 1.5 billion euros
  • Commercial visibility beyond 2030
  • 600 people hired in the last four years
  • Workforce of almost 1,950 people

Financial Data

DUNS: 722045879



Number of employees: Entre 1 000 et 1 999 salariés (2020)

Capital: 22 139 600 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 452 291 000 399 983 000 419 525 000 397 800 000 371 848 000 332 919 000 308 884 000
Gross margin (€) 327 133 000 332 816 000 295 656 265 713 323 381 000 235 614 000 -
EBITDA (€) 85 647 000 66 632 000 63 154 52 351 -34 377 000 27 792 000 -
Operating profit (€) 72 755 000 23 060 000 50 757 40 078 -34 377 000 16 882 000 -
Net profit (€) 65 440 000 56 690 000 50 591 000 41 214 000 43 775 000 48 160 000 76 909 000
Turnover growth rate (%) 13,1 -4,7 5,5 7 11,7 7,8 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 18,9 16,7 15,1 13,2 -9,2 8,3 -
Operating margin rate (%) 16,1 5,8 12,1 10,1 -9,2 5,1 -
Working Capital (turnover days) -395,6 -368,9 -258,4 -322,1 -309,8 -311,4 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) -320,6 -279,9 -184,5 -250,5 -244,3 -265 -
Net margin (%) 14,5 14,2 12,1 10,4 11,8 14,5 -
Added value / Turnover (%) 56 56,8 51,3 51,4 54,1 54,5 -
Wages and social charges (€) 165 878 000 161 372 000 156 620 148 014 142 910 000 133 786 000 -
Salaries / Turnover (%) 36,7 40,3 37,3 37,2 38,4 40,2 -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil d'administration Loïc Michel François ROCARD 52
Directeur général Loïc Michel François ROCARD 52
Administrateur Cécile Mireille Marcelle PREVIEU 48
Administrateur Loïc Michel François ROCARD 52
Administrateur Bernard Xavier SALHA 63
Administrateur Thierry ROUFFET 57
Administrateur Catherine Simone Odette CHARLES 59
Administrateur représentant les salariés Thierry DOUGNAC 63
Administrateur représentant les salariés Philippe Michel Roger DUBOIS 60
Commissaire aux comptes suppléant Hervé HELIAS 60
Administrateur représentant l'Etat Pierre Jean Marie JEANNIN 38
Administrateur représentant les salariés Yann Jean Marcel NOUGUIER 45
Administrateur représentant les salariés Déborah Monique Geneviève GHIBAUDO 43

Studies mentioning this company

The nuclear decommissioning market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Orano
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Bouygues Construction
  • Eiffage Groupe
  • Engie Groupe
  • ONET Groupe
  • CEA
  • TechnicAtome groupe
  • Vinci Groupe
  • EDF
  • NUVIA (Vinci Groupe)
  • Derichebourg Environnement
  • IRSN
  • Framatome