Turnover: 2.1 billion USD (2022)

Country: United States

  • Starkey is an American company founded in 1967 by William F. Austin.
  • It specializes in the manufacture and distribution of hearing solutions.
  • Starkey includes the All American Hearing, Audibel, Microtech, Nuear and Starkey brands.
  • The company is present in over 100 countries and has a network of 5,000 hearing care professionals.

Financial Data

DUNS: 322884669



Number of employees: Entre 100 et 199 salariés (2021)

Capital: 116 800 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 55 674 647 35 072 047 35 870 651 - 32 605 120 28 372 028 27 892 047
Gross margin (€) 30 699 110 23 006 883 22 449 165 - 20 369 353 18 477 733 16 946 895
EBITDA (€) 9 269 432 6 043 449 4 957 291 - 3 259 606 3 033 332 2 174 506
Operating profit (€) 7 859 743 5 468 695 4 989 919 - 2 659 729 2 647 338 1 437 380
Net profit (€) 4 784 786 3 381 885 2 929 718 1 928 120 1 781 013 1 377 731 816 100
Turnover growth rate (%) 58,7 -2,2 - - 14,9 1,7 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 16,6 17,2 13,8 - 10 10,7 7,8
Operating margin rate (%) 14,1 15,6 13,9 - 8,2 9,3 5,2
Working Capital (turnover days) 50 44,6 65,2 - 58,1 59 49,5
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 59,4 79 72,6 - 72 124,3 124,1
Net margin (%) 8,6 9,6 8,2 - 5,5 4,9 2,9
Added value / Turnover (%) 38 46,2 42 - 40,6 42,8 39,9
Wages and social charges (€) 11 062 219 9 396 972 9 270 430 - 9 226 221 8 417 413 8 360 737
Salaries / Turnover (%) 19,9 26,8 25,8 - 28,3 29,7 30

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Gérant Fabrice, Roger Vigneron 52
Commissaire aux comptes suppléant Philippe Baschet 56

Studies mentioning this company

The hearing aid market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Sonova Groupe
  • Prodition (Groupe Demant)
  • Starkey
  • WS Audiology (Widex Sivantos)
  • GN Hearing
  • Unitron (Sonova Groupe)
  • Audika (Groupe Demant)
  • Amplifon
  • Alain Afflelou Accousticien
  • Audition Mutualiste
  • Krys Group
  • Demant groupe
The Hearing Aid Market - United States

Other companies mentioned:

  • Oticon
  • WS Audiology (Widex Sivantos)
  • ReSound (GN Hearing)
  • Signia
  • Starkey
  • Amplifon
  • Beltone (GN hearing)
  • GN Hearing
  • Demant groupe