Turnover: 549 million EUR (2023)
Country: France
Created in 2012 and developed around strong media brands, Reworld Media is today a major group in the French media panorama. In just 7 years, it has become one of the leaders in thematic media, following the acquisition of Mondadori France in July 2019. It is also a group specializing in subscription sales, having acquired the Unify group (AuFeminin.com) from TF1 in 2021.

Magazines: Reworld Media looks to expand internationally 23/03/2023
- The group controls "Marie-France", "Grazia", "Science & Vie" and "Top Santé" and has expanded through acquisitions
- Magazine leader in France with the acquisition of Mondadori in 2019
- Acquisition of Unify (Marmiton, Aufeminin etc.) from TF1 last summer
- - Sales of 500 million euros by 2022
- - 25% of group revenues come from outside France
- - Breakdown of sales: 256 million for B-to-B and 244 million for B-to-C
- - Around 1,200 employees, including 800 journalists
- - Over 20% growth in digital activities
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Reworld Media
- Prisma Media
- CMI France
- Cafeyn Group
- Groupe Figaro
- Bayard Presse
- Uni-Médias
- Groupe Amaury
- Infopro Digital Groupe
- Sebdo Le Point
- Unique Heritage Media
- Sipa Ouest-France
- Groupe Les Echos-Le Parisien
- Riccobono
- Les Messageries lyonnaises de presse
- Groupe Marie Claire
- Keesing France - Megastar
- Bauer Media France
- Le Monde libre
- France Messagerie

Other companies mentioned:
- Smartbox Group
- Wonderbox
- Ideal Gourmet
- Naturabox
- Tick & Box
- Masterbox
- Reworld Media
- Unify Groupe (Au Feminin)
- Gretel (Au féminin)
- Nuoo (Haco)
- Woufbox
- Beautiful Box by Aufeminin

Other companies mentioned:
- HelloFresh
- Blissim
- Dollar Shave Club
- Unify Groupe (Au Feminin)
- Le Petit Ballon
- Seazon - FoodChéri
- Glossybox France (The Hut Box)
- My Little Paris (Au Feminin.com)
- Gourmibox
- DandyBox
- My Captain Box
- Made In France Box
- Rutabago
- Trois Fois Vin
- Genadia
- The Magic Box
- Reworld Media
- Nuoo (Haco)
- Little Cigogne
- QuiToque
- Foodette
- Les Commis
- Cook Angels
- La Boite du Fromager
- La Box Fromage
- Permacool
- My little Box
- Emma et Chloé
- Envouthé
- Touteslesbox.fr
- Beautiful Box by Aufeminin
- La Gourmet box
- La Thé box
- Une Petite Mousse
- La Boit'Apéro
- Pandacraft
- Designer Box
- Gambettes box (Au féminin)
- Gretel (Au féminin)
- Holidog Happybox
- Happy Baby Box
- Biotyfull Box
- Woufbox
- Box Healthy
- Masterbox
- Tick & Box
- Naturabox
- Wonderbox
- Smartbox Group

Other companies mentioned:
- Bayard Presse
- Unique Heritage Media- DHP
- Alsacienne de Publications L'Alsace
- Éditions Dupuis (Media Participations)
- Éditions Faton
- Enrick B. Editions
- Les Presses d’Ile de France
- Gallimard Jeunesse (Madrigall Groupe)
- Flammarion
- Hachette Jeunesse
- Belin Education (Humensis)
- Presstalis
- Les Messageries lyonnaises de presse
- Éditions Jibéna & Cie
- Reworld Media
- Lunii
- Editis
- Editions Albert René (Hachette Groupe)
- Atelier Imaginaire
- Fleurus Presse