Turnover: ()
Country: France
- Sellor brings together 7 ports in Brittany around Lorient
- The Lorient harbor is at the heart of the "Sailing Valley", which from Brest to Vannes concentrates 75% of France's nautical expertise

Lorient: the region in a hurry to commit to the creation of a port company 24/06/2024
- Investment plan to reinforce quays and rebuild auctions no. 1 and no. 2: between 40 and 50 million euros
- - Current annual investment in the port of Lorient Keroman: 4 to 5 million euros
- - Jobs generated by the port: "more than 3,000 jobs".

Lorient gives its marinas a facelift 04/08/2023
- Lorient has 9 marinas on its coastline.
- The harbors are managed by Sellor.
- The ports offer 3,200 berths.
- The facilities welcome 20,000 overnight calls per year.
- Lorient La Base is home to 110 ocean-racing boats, and work is underway to accommodate 9 additional Class 40 boats.

The Port of Lorient gets involved in ship dismantling 03/05/2023
- Nearly a hundred trawlers: number of trawlers taken out of the water since the Brexit.
- 4 to 5 vessels to be demolished: number of vessels that the Guyot environnement group plans to demolish in Lorient by next summer.
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Port de la Rochelle
- Port de Concarneau
- Loire Atlantique Pêche et Plaisance
- Compagnie des ports du Morbihan
- Brest’aim
- Cercle nautique et touristique du Lacydon
- Port Adhoc
- Marinov
- CCI Var
- Alizée Soft
- Solutions Plaisance
- InSilio
- Association des Usagers des Ports de Pornic
- Boat Club de France
- Port de Lorient - Sellor
- Izysea
- Port Camargue
- Sodeports
- Port Cergy
- Société Publique Exploitations Ports de la Manche