Turnover: 35 million EUR (2022)
Country: France
Marina in the Camargue

Yachting: a new pontoon at Port-Camargue to accommodate more multihulls 02/01/2024
- Length of Espiguette pontoon: 300 meters
- Number of berths in Port-Camargue: 5,000
- Number of businesses in Port-Camargue: 65
- Total sales in Port-Camargue: 35 million euros
- Total number of jobs in Port-Camargue: nearly 400.
Studies mentioning this company

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- Port de Concarneau
- Loire Atlantique Pêche et Plaisance
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- Brest’aim
- Cercle nautique et touristique du Lacydon
- Port Adhoc
- Marinov
- CCI Var
- Alizée Soft
- Solutions Plaisance
- InSilio
- Association des Usagers des Ports de Pornic
- Boat Club de France
- Port de Lorient - Sellor
- Izysea
- Port Camargue
- Sodeports
- Port Cergy
- Société Publique Exploitations Ports de la Manche