Turnover: million EUR ()

Country: Austria

Dr. Schär is an international family business based in South Tyrol, which has evolved from a pioneer in the niche market to a specialist in nutritional solutions. Thanks to its research and development center in Trieste, Dr. Schär is able to innovate and offer top-quality products. With over 100 years' experience, the company develops products to meet specific nutritional needs.

The company employs 1,600 people and is present in 11 countries through its 18 production sites. It is the market leader in gluten-free nutrition and is gaining ground in the market for nutrition to treat kidney disease, as well as producing dietary supplements.

The brand generates sales of over €20 million in France

Financial Data

DUNS: 797390770



Number of employees: Entre 20 et 49 salariés (2021)

Capital: 50 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 21 062 426 19 841 378 20 898 758 2 638 446 2 417 164
Gross margin (€) 10 528 251 9 457 990 9 676 001 904 392 849 088
EBITDA (€) -368 791 1 660 387 2 426 200 -323 649 536 074
Operating profit (€) -332 135 1 605 517 2 419 018 -339 680 534 861
Net profit (€) -431 875 961 545 1 596 072 -227 595 356 946
Turnover growth rate (%) 6,2 -5,1 692,1 9,2 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -1,8 8,4 11,6 -12,3 22,2
Operating margin rate (%) -1,6 8,1 11,6 -12,9 22,1
Working Capital (turnover days) 2,5 9,8 -5,1 16,3 -7,6
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 4,8 5 7,5 -6,8 2,1
Net margin (%) -2,1 4,8 7,6 -8,6 14,8
Added value / Turnover (%) 6 15 16,8 7,1 23,8
Wages and social charges (€) 1 563 920 1 259 023 1 009 332 503 459 35 595
Salaries / Turnover (%) 7,4 6,3 4,8 19,1 1,5

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président Werner Strobl 57
Commissaire aux comptes suppléant Raoul Poinsignon 64

Studies mentioning this company

The gluten-free food market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Nutrition & Santé Groupe
  • ABCD Nutrition
  • Dr Schär
  • La Vie Claire
  • Biscuiterie de Provence
  • Ekibio (Groupe Lea Biodiversité)
  • Bio c' Bon
  • Allergoora
  • Nature & Cie
  • Barilla
  • Aglina Paradeigma
  • Soreda Diet - BioRévola
  • Céliane
  • Genius Gluten Free
  • Jardin Bio (Léa Nature)
  • Le Pain des Fleurs
  • Ekibio - Ma Vie Sans Gluten
  • Max de Génie
  • No Gluten Pro - Allergonline
  • Noglu
  • Valpiform - Nutrition et Santé groupe
  • Paradeigma
The gluten-free food market - Portugal

Other companies mentioned:

  • Dr Schär
  • Pingo Doce
  • Continente
  • Alpro (Promavel)
  • Nutriben (Alter Pharmacia)