Turnover: 19.8 million EUR (2022)

Country: France

A family-run store since 1902, five generations of master-waxmakers have succeeded one another in running this business.

There are classic, ephemeral and original collections. The company also concentrates on other products such as perfume diffusers and room sprays. The price range is fairly wide and affordable, from €10 to around €100.

Financial Data

DUNS: 778126045



Number of employees: Entre 50 et 99 salariés (2020)

Capital: 1 312 800 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2016 2015
Turnover 15 463 596 10 304 139 3 974 513 10 986 881 11 025 206 19 207 464
Gross margin (€) 11 457 223 7 645 127 2 948 472 7 946 623 8 235 626 12 655 610
EBITDA (€) 1 399 445 667 717 244 031 721 211 25 073 -67 803
Operating profit (€) 631 178 -54 581 -83 649 279 898 -486 867 -1 087 404
Net profit (€) 1 127 528 305 077 1 027 011 747 701 13 037 -342 080
Turnover growth rate (%) 50,1 159,3 -65,6 - -42,6 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 9 6,5 6,1 6,6 0,2 -0,4
Operating margin rate (%) 4,1 -0,5 -2,1 2,5 -4,4 -5,7
Working Capital (turnover days) 36,1 49,4 220,8 16,6 -14,8 -0,7
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 56,3 69,5 284,9 124,4 119,8 80
Net margin (%) 7,3 3 25,8 6,8 0,1 -1,8
Added value / Turnover (%) 35,8 40,2 37,4 36,3 32,2 30,4
Wages and social charges (€) 3 728 911 3 224 347 1 130 264 3 040 146 3 224 343 5 505 730
Salaries / Turnover (%) 24,1 31,3 28,4 27,7 29,2 28,7

Studies mentioning this company

The candle market - France

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