Turnover: EUR ()
Country: France
Allopetitdejeuner is a company specializing in the delivery of breakfasts and snack breaks in Paris and the Paris region.
The company has opted for a quality positioning, offering brand-name fresh products as well as a "made-to-measure" service on quotation.
According to L'Expresse, 80% of orders are based on the "gift idea" niche, i.e. offering a morning meal to a loved one.
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Kellogg’s
- Bjorg (Ecotone)
- Jordans
- Nestlé Groupe
- Quaker Oats Company (Pepsico Group)
- Chabrior (ITM Intermarché)
- General Mills
- Grillon d'Or
- Joseph Favrichon
- La Vie Claire
- Terres et Cereales (Céréceco)
- Verival
- Dailycer
- Céréco
- Céréaliste
- Cereal House
- Allo Petit Déjeuner - Food & Co