Turnover: 41.767 million EUR (2022)
Country: France
- wattdesign specializes in computer room design and management tools
- Its tool chain extends to the cooling of electronic equipment, with new-generation thermal simulation software.
- These tools enable us not only to understand the cooling of today's infrastructures and electronic equipment, but also to create tomorrow's systems with the emergence of the Edge and the Internet of connected objects (IoT).wattdesign, data center specialist
- A pioneer in the introduction of the Digital Twin from electronic equipment to the data center,
- Wattdesign offers powerful software solutions to meet the challenges faced by designers and operators.
- Its software is based on 3D models integrating digital simulation of thermal (CFD) and electrical phenomena.
Studies mentioning this company

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- Celeste Telecom
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- Schwartz Group (Lidll Kaufland, Schwartz Digit)
- Snowflake Computing
- NTT Nippon Telecom
- Evernex
- Green4Cloud
- Colt Technology Services France
- Telehouse France